posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 02:44 AM
If marriage is for making babies, then I think we can all agree that marriage should be banned for post menopausal women or men who shoot blanks.
Couples who don't want children (like my girlfriend and I) should also not be allowed to get married.
Regarding "if gay sex is natural then so is grown men having sex with children". Yeah, here's the thing...we as a society have evolved to recognize
some natural acts to be against the law. getting so angry that you kill someone is not acceptable...even though it's natural. Children have been
determined to not be able to enter into contracts, or be fully developed mentally or emotionally to make most important we protect
them. Two grown men who love each other and want to get married and have sex??? Well, there's no victim there.
There is really no reason to oppose equal rights outside of religion. Since we aren't a religious nation, and our laws should not be based on a
religious belief system, then using religion as an excuse is absurd.