posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 06:12 AM
I've always wondered about the label "Gay Community".
Like if I was driving down the road would I see a sign with really nice landscaping and great outdoor lighting that said "Gay Community"?
You are now entering 'gay community', would it be like a gated community?
Could you buy a home in the 'gay community' if you were straight and be accepted by your neighbors or would they all be looking through the cracks
in their curtains as you pulled up in your car or were outside doing lawn work?
Would the guys in the gay community have to watch what they said about the ladies in the gay community with super extra guarded politically correct
vigilance, and vise versa, would the preferences create an underlying tension, and what about racial issues?
Is the 'gay community' free from racial issues?
I dont know about this 'gay community', it sounds alot like any other community except for what happens in the bedroom.
Maybe on a scale of 1 to 10 addressing the issues that affect all of us and our survival this 'gay community' warrants a 1 or at best a 2, not to
say that it's not important to the individual, but it's sure not species survival increase the quality of life issue on a global level.
I think nature does a pretty good job, when allowed, to keep things balanced, and if you think about it,
it's hetero couples and unions that are creating the homo couples and unions so if we were to really go after the ROOT of this menace we'd have to
kill ourselves entirely, just a complete species erasure.
So I guess this whole issue finds its start and end based on fear.
Fear of what we are or arent as individuals, fear of our thoughts, fear of our weakness, fear of not fitting in,
fear of what we dont understand, fear of losing our position.
If this "gay community' were all gathered up and put on an island and the problem was announced to be 'solved'
it wouldnt be very long until the gay population within the hetero population began to rise again,
without influence, without recruitment.
It would rise due to continued births from the hetero couples and unions,
pretty amazing huh?, just seems like a whole lotta waste of energy hating on something like that.