posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:09 AM
To madnessinmysoul and others
Geez ok I got like 3 pages in and felt I had to comment, mainly because I am tired of the rhetoric of "lets compare Gays to animals". First off as
a sister to a homosexual brother, I have to say the biggest threat against homosexuals aren't the religious anti-gays but the supposed supporters of
gay right straights. I speak only for myself and my brother when I say this, as well as the whole freaking "it's natural because animals do it"
crap has got to stop. Animals in the the wild do a lot of sh*t we as humans wouldn't do or choose not to do i.e eat their own crap, their young,
piss of stuff to mark their territory, etc. Though I know we humans are animals (duh) equating homosexuals to animalistics beast just to try to prove
a point in THEIR favor is obnoxious and isn't helping.
Secondly as I and my brother were raised Catholic, not ONCE did we sit before a priest during Mass and have it told to us that homosexuals were evil,
actually homosexuality was never brought up in Church while we were growing up. As a matter of fact besides a few fouled mouths kids on our block
calling everyone "fag" and "queer" we got most of our education of homosexuality from "PROGRESSIVE" T.V, and the way television depicted them
was distorted. Either they were AIDS ridden little boy rapers or fluttering little fairies with awesome fashion sense.
My brother and I have gotten into long conversations about Homosexuality. First he hates that there seems to be a new gender specification, Male,
Female, Gay. As if Gays are a complete humanoid species of their own. Second, I admit I still have my moments wondering if its right, wrong or
"natural", but even my brother tells me that it seems like he always was. So in that sense it is natural to him. As far as him wanting kids, he
knows he can't have them naturally (if he wants kids at all)
Lastly, you cant believe that there is so much hate and bigotry aimed toward your thread, I call bull #. It's an obvious hot button issue, seems to
me you were trying to ignite something considering there are soooo many other threads on the topic of homosexuality that have the same adverse
reaction. What would make yours any different. I assume that you are straight because not my brother nor any of my Gay friends have ever used the
argument or compared themselves to animals because of their lifestyle. When it comes to my opinion of Gay marriage I feel the same about it with
Heterosexual marriage... two consenting in love adults, sounds fine to me, but I also feel the government should have no right to issue a marriage or
"license" a marriage.
So please if you're going to stir the pot, or feel the need to stick up for LGBT community please please please stop using "the wild animals do it
so people can to" argument, it's insulting and degrading and in itself immoral. Doing that makes it easier for others to compare Gays to child
molesters and the like. I know your intentions are in the right place just the terminology is terrible.