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8.9 Quake hits off coast of Japan! Live Updates.

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posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

This news conference had already been scheduled before the earthquake and was to address the gas crisis.

I know it seems rediculous at a time like this but I'm sure he wanted to share what he already had prepared.
edit on 3/11/2011 by Whisper67 because: typo

edit on 3/11/2011 by Whisper67 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Bicent76
Just wow, I caught wind of this last night, I was about to goto bed after playing PS3, and turned on CNN, about I dunno 2am est. They were talking about a quake and a minor tsunami, so of course I was watching. I have been feeling strange for weeks now its like having a pressure headache, I had just been having that ah man something is not right feeling. Anyhow then they started showing the FIRST in real life Not Hollywood made Tsunami waves, crashing into Japan, Just insane.. Anyhow I just wanted to put my two cents in, I think this event has allot of tangibles at the moment to bring absolutely no benefit to mankind, sadly the news is now talking about nuclear reactors failing in Japan, as well.

The political climate in the far east right now, is already tense with the Korea peninsula, and now one of the west's biggest allies are brought to their knee's. I just hope nothing stupid happens out there, while we are trying to pick the pieces up over there.

Same EXACT thing here... was playing Call of Duty Black Ops and got tired of it, so I checked CNN.. and OH my god..... was up all night--still up.... So sad. I pray for all the people of Japan. We are with you. You will rebuild. You will be stronger!

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by funkywarlord

Originally posted by GezinhoKiko
reply to post by infinite

just read a update bar on the bbc news channel stating reactor 1 cooling failed!

yeh and then a `corespondent` from scotland? says `its okay theres backup`

HUH.. can they explain for us non technically savvy people what is really going on

Primary cooling is what they normally run, but earthquake damaged that. Backup cooling is the generators and redundant systems, but thos also seem to be failing at this moment. Temporary back up is battery power, but that is less efficient and limited in time. There are other contingency plans, especially in newer plants, as some said earlier "tertiary" or 4 back up systems are common. Last resort is to flood the entire chamber, and even that has its drawbacks.

So, for now there is only "potential" danger, and no realized danger. But, if redundant systems continue to fail, then the danger gets very real very fast. If they decide to flood the system and something goes wrong, or it doesn't happen in time, or it is too hot, then you get massive damage, steam, radiation, etc.

I hope that helps in very broad laymen's language.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:38 AM
Here is the source for the reactors overheating. This is breaking as of half hour ago. Scroll to 17:08 and 17:06 on the live text feed on left hand side of page. LINK BBC

This is the text:

1708: Nuclear physicist Dr Walt Patterson tells the BBC it sounds like there is a "serious problem" at the Fukushima-Daiichi plant. "It's the sort of thing that nuclear engineers have nightmares about," he says. "If it is not resolved in the next few hours it will get serious. If the core is uncovered, then those rods at the top may get hot enough to melt themselves."

1706: The Tokyo Electric Power Company has said the pressure inside the No. 1 reactor at its Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant has been rising, with the risk of a radiation leak, according to the Jiji Press news agency. Tepco planned to take measures to release the pressure, the report added. The reactor's cooling system began to malfunction after the earthquake. People living close to the plant were later evacuated as a precaution.
edit on 11-3-2011 by AmatuerSkyWatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:39 AM
from BBC, posted about 30 minutes ago -

Japan's prime minister has declared a "nuclear emergency" after a number of reactors shut down after a massive earthquake hit the country.

Eleven reactors at four nuclear power stations automatically shut down, but officials said one reactor's cooling system failed to operate correctly.

Under Japanese law, an emergency must be declared if a cooling system fails.

In total, the country has 55 reactors providing about one-third of the nation's electricity.

In a statement, the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum released a statement that said Prime Minister Naoto Kan had declared the emergency "in case prompt action" had to be taken, but added that "no release of radioactive material" had been detected.

It added: "Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (Nisa) of the [Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry] set up an emergency preparedness headquarter... in an effort to collect information on any possible damage to the NPPs (nuclear power plants).

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:39 AM


posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:40 AM
Soo, any updates about the nuclear reactors?

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:40 AM


posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity

If you are told to evacuate, do as you are told.

Does Obama think they are 5 years old? I find that statement to be extremely condescending. What's more, why is he talking about gasoline now instead of the earthquake, and why is the speech about gasoline longer than the earthquake?

The planned "day of rage" was too take place so the states could "double cross the middle east" out of an existing agreement.Having a natural disaster hit Japan throws a wrench into the MWO's plan

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:41 AM
I don´t know if this has been pointed out already, but there was a x/class solar flare on the tenth, and it would take 3 days to reach earth.

I think it´s not the first time a major earthquake happens after heavy solar activity. If there is a causal relation, I don´t know, just sayin.
edit on 11-3-2011 by UrgentInsurgent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:41 AM
Guys take a look at the TEPCO press releases for updates on the nuclear reactors instead of listening to speculation from the major news companies...
Its updated every hour or so...
TEPCO Press Releases

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:41 AM
From what I saw in the morning. They said the nuclear cooling device didn't have any power and they were worried about a leak. But nothing since then.
Also here in the bay, channel 2 was calming the # out of everyone. Telling them NOT to evacuate. And that there would be a small wave at 8:08. Nothing happened and they said ah no big deal it's all cool. The. The police came to tell their reporter to move because a big wave may come lol
But channel 5 is actually giving decent reports saying ocean has dropped 5 1/2 feet and that it's swelling out and back again. We are on the second swell now with boats coming loose and damaging dock and they said it could continue for days and get worse.

Now obango is putting me to sleep talking about how this will affect our oil prices. Wow; seriously there is a tsunami and quake and he's on the tv defending his political campaign about how he doesn't have any long term solutions for oil. I mean WTF? All he did was give condolences about the quake and everything else is about his campaign...

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:41 AM


posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:42 AM


posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

still rambling on about oil, wow Im not gonna comment anymore on that, so does california sit on the same plate as in the area as japan?? will this release or add pressure to the west coast of california?

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:42 AM


posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:43 AM
I realize in a roundabout way Obama speaking does relate but let's keep the focus of the topic back to the Earthquake in Japan, feel free to start an Obama speech thread if you wish, but let's stay focused here:



This thread has become a live update type of resource on the events and aftermath directly related to the massive earthquake off Japan for many people.

Please focus only on news, updates, first-person reports, and related posts within this thread.


While speculation on larger events in which this earthquake may be a part is valid, please do so in one of the many other existing threads on that subject.

Posts unrelated to the events directly attributed to the quake will be removed. Members who attempt to spam this thread with unrelated posts may see their posting privileges temporarily removed.

Thank you for your cooperation.


posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:44 AM


posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by GullibleUnderlord
reply to post by Pharyax

so at worst 100 mile radius ?

Just a wild guess.... Let's just wait and see what happens. I can promise you, they are working their
butts off trying to fix this..


BTW, for any Nuclear Reactor news, lets only link to official, news outlets. We don't need to scare people at this point. Japan has some of the most sophisticated, safe reactors in the world. They have backup systems and fail-safe systems. It's not like 3 mile island. But this event was extreme, so let's remain calm, and keep an eye/ear to the official news releases on this part of the story. If you DO live near there, IMO, I would get away from them.. don't go downwind of them...

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by steve95988

Yes, the entire Pacific Rim effects one another. Subduction in Japan equals spreading on the San Andreas. That is why the BBC coverage and Today show was saying that this could equal an even bigger quake on the San Andreas fault.

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