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Lack of feminine characteristics...

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posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by soficrow

You do realize the various women's rights movement's have never fought for women's rights as human beings ever. They fought for their rights as "women", and fought for the right to control(have power over) their children and husbands.

When you combine the fact that America was/is a social matriarchy(at the average level) and is soon to become an economic matriarchy as well(the sheer size of the gender gap in education is staggering), which will lead to America becoming a political matriarchy= the Elite and women have been stabbing men and boy's in the back these last 30 odd years to reduce us to the status of slaves.

Don't get me wrong women ARE human beings and have inalienable human rights. But I don't think people who benefit from or seek to enslave another deserve much pity or mercy.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

Hey Smith and Wesson is always a good counterbalance to bigger biceps, lol
(Just having some fun, please... no hate mail, lol)

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by korathin

I hope how you feel applies to Men as well because from what I can tell, Women have only had REAL economic power in the U.S.for the last 40 years, and and Women have very little, if any, economic power in most of the rest of the World.
If one wishes not to be enslaved they should not long for the enslavement of others directly or indirectly.
No one is stabbing any Boys or Men in the the back (at least in the U.S.)
You have the right to live your life as you see fit, with or without a Woman waiting on you hand and foot (if you can find one who will do that, lol).
Just sayin'......

edit on 9-3-2011 by PaganArchangel because: additional clarification of a statement

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by korathin

You do realize the various women's rights movement's have never fought for women's rights as human beings ever. They fought for their rights as "women"

That would be because the laws limiting women referred to women as women, and the women's movement was trying to overturn said laws.

For example, back in the Industrial Revolution, laws were written that specified it was illegal for women to work for pay. Those laws forced widows and unmarried women from poor families to become beggars or prostitutes.

Other laws have specified that women were not allowed to learn to read or write. Earlier laws prohibited men of the lower social classes from learning. ...The wheels go round.

edit on 9/3/11 by soficrow because: add clarity

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 02:26 AM
Yes, women in the west today are completely out of control, bad role models, no respect for themselves or for men.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 04:19 AM

Originally posted by PaganArchangel
reply to post by kalamatas

That's cool, but for those of us for which marriage and children seem like drudgery, there is also bliss in singlehood and childlessness, whether one comes from a dysfunctional family or not..just sayin'. I don't live in a country that obligates me to marriage and constant Motherhood, and I am thankful for this.
I was born in the right place

The problem is when a culture that doesn't obligate a woman to marry or have children also makes women who choose to do so appear as non-contributors to society because they don't get a paycheck. The freedom to choose marriage and motherhood is great, but when that "freedom" goes to the extreme of devaluing something as womanly, feminine and important as motherhood, there's something wrong.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by PaganArchangel
reply to post by korathin

I hope how you feel applies to Men as well because from what I can tell, Women have only had REAL economic power in the U.S.for the last 40 years, and and Women have very little, if any, economic power in most of the rest of the World.
If one wishes not to be enslaved they should not long for the enslavement of others directly or indirectly.
No one is stabbing any Boys or Men in the the back (at least in the U.S.)
You have the right to live your life as you see fit, with or without a Woman waiting on you hand and foot (if you can find one who will do that, lol).
Just sayin'......

edit on 9-3-2011 by PaganArchangel because: additional clarification of a statement

Your ignorant of history. If women didn't have economic power or the capability to acquire it, Hershey Chocolate company never would of got off the ground. The founder had to borrow money off of his female relatives and had to agree to their stipulations(wow for being property they sure had a lot of rights and economic power). That is the thing that irritates me, the sheer ignorance people have for history.

The truth is when the Republic was first formed women where viewed as perpetual children(A man's burden exemplified by the story of three guy's who drank with a guy women had a big old orgy and didn't know who the daddy was so the richest of the three agreed to look after her). By the time of the civil war that notion was mostly outdated as women from the North and South wrote many books that where held in high esteem in their respective communities. And after the Civil War their was a massive man shortage + women's number one responsibility as time went by(especially with the advent of canning goods) was preserving food. A task that can easily give someone a good deal amount of power before the era of refrigeration.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by soficrow
reply to post by korathin

You do realize the various women's rights movement's have never fought for women's rights as human beings ever. They fought for their rights as "women"

That would be because the laws limiting women referred to women as women, and the women's movement was trying to overturn said laws.

For example, back in the Industrial Revolution, laws were written that specified it was illegal for women to work for pay. Those laws forced widows and unmarried women from poor families to become beggars or prostitutes.

Other laws have specified that women were not allowed to learn to read or write. Earlier laws prohibited men of the lower social classes from learning. ...The wheels go round.

edit on 9/3/11 by soficrow because: add clarity

And do you know who was responsible for said law's? Middle class women! I really, really wish people would either keep quite about the past or read material from the past instead of relying on biased and one-sided sources, sources one could argue is a borderline or is a hate movement.

Maybe I have been blessed to have been able to read history books and literature from different era's(I once had a history book that described Hitler as a Dictator with a time limit, was printed right before WW2, the way they described him was how pro-Chavez people describe the wanna-be dictator) but their comes to a point where one questions others who are so gullible.

Everyone here who is interested in women's rights movement look up the American women's rights movement "Mothers of the Republic", and how they fought for the "right" to be SAHM's! This whole gender war thing is a total farce. It is nothing more than an inter-generational battle between women who out of politeness blame men instead; with mommy boy white knights enforcing the old matriarchal order and desperate mangina's helping to bring in the new one!

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by irsuccubus

Originally posted by hp1229
reply to post by irsuccubus
You are partially correct. The topic is a broad one and it cannot be narrowed down that easily. The main topic was comparison of women from West and East and their ways of handling life in general.

Just curious. Have you been overseas and stayed for a long period and actually worked with a low income or middle income family in a different country with a different culture other than US?

I have not stayed overseas but women (local and abroad) are my business. I have contacts in japan, korea, the uk and africa. And one needn't leave the US to interact with differing cultures of varying incomes.

Trust me...I have and it makes a world of a difference between being there and speaking to someone over the phone. What you are witnessing around the world is nothing more than the western ideology and the clashes of the cultures.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 08:10 AM
Its funny to read some of the posts. People are still pointing fingers and blaming others. I still do not see a good post discussing why the women in the east are better than women in the west

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by ag893

That's why we are fortunate (in America) to be able to choose our own husbands and wives. What some men consider a turn off is what some other men crave in their mate.

My husband came from a more traditional upbringing. His mother and his sisters did not work. They all stayed at home to raise their children and to keep the homefires burning so to speak.

I was holding down two jobs and had no clue this lifestyle still existed. Both of my parents worked out of necessity, and I had my first job on the day I could legally work.

When we got married and I had my daughter, he preferred that I stayed at home. I did. It was hard at first (feeling like I didn't contribute) but it is something I am very thankful to be able to do.

That being said, my mother was a "doer". With little money I watched more times than I can count, my mother fix the washer with safety pins, skittles, and duct tape. (ok, I jested slightly)
I learned from her very much.

I can work on vehicles, shingle a roof, install windows etc. I learned to be a problem solver on top of being self sufficient. I am thankful for this as well, since I am not promised that my husband will always be here. I raise my daughter the same. Lots of women wind up in extremely abusive situations because they are unsure how they will survive and make their own way in this world without a man.

My husband appreciates these qualities in me. If I was scared to get dirty and called him home from work to kill a bug, he would be highly irritated at my helplessness. We hunt and fish together as well. Both activities are male dominated, but they have brought us much closer.

On March 14 we will celebrate our 14th anniversary. So far, so good. My main point is again, that some men prefer self sufficient partners. Don't lump all females together. I am sorry that you feel that you will not be able to find a "good" wife here in the US. You should look harder before giving up for good. Doing some male activities does not make a female totally useless or ungrateful for the care her husband provides.

Just my 2cents though...

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by PaganArchangel

The worst relationship in the World is two people who NEED each other.

Awesome post - - and oh so true.

I've learned. I tell my grandkids "You have to be ONE before you can be TWO. Go out in the world - do everything - find out who you are - find out what makes you happy. After that - - if you want the family and can afford it - - then and only then.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 09:22 AM

This notion of men being the provider and protector is relatively new, and imposed by the manipulators - designed to define mens' place according to the current needs of "the economy" and corporate industry, keep men serving the corporate agenda (NOT to benefit their families or themselves as individuals) - and diminish everyone in the process, male and female. …Real men and women work together - always have, always will. Which is a big problem for the corporate industrial economy.
reply to post by soficrow

Oh yah, just like in the 1700s when women used washboards to do laundry and the men went off to fight the Revoultionary War, it was all about the corporate world then too?

Kings, CEO's and VP's are well-paid for their "dedication" - they can afford servants, the best chefs and hookers, masseurs and personal trainers. The profits are made on the backs of the workers. Technicians, managers, supervisors and laborers need servants too, but they'll never be paid enough to hire them - even though the corporate industrial economy requires the same time commitment from lower level employees as it does of the executive echelons

Class warfare much? I do agree with you though in the case of Muchelle the queen of food police attacking happy meals while munching on ice cream cones and going abroad with a huge bevy of servants and friends during the biggest recession since before I was alive. But mostly she is just another Marxist practicing class warfare because she wanted all the good stuff. Spread the wealth.

Enter the Provider Myth and the "family man" - a truly ingenious marketing strategy - designed to justify exploitive live-in support services for exploited male employees who aren't paid enough to purchase needed services retail. The way it's structured, the male, his wife, home and family ALL support and serve the corporate industrial economy first, and boost the profit line big time. The guy marries his job; the wife supports his job; the profits go to the corporation and everybody thinks it's "natural." Why? Because that's what they've been told.

Funny, Karl Marx said something similarly nasty about the family unit in the Communist Manifesto "The bourgeois clap-trap about the family and education, about the hallowed co-relation of parents and child, becomes all the more disgusting, the more, by the action of Modern Industry, all the family ties among the proletarians are torn asunder, and their children transformed into simple articles of commerce and instruments of labour."
edit on 9-3-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

On the other hand, if you would like to talk about the military-industrial complex and the Totalitarian One World Govt, please have at it. Start here
edit on 9-3-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by PaganArchangel

wow, and now we can see why western women are no longer desirable to real men.
Oh how bitter and vindictive they have become in the name of empowerment.
The way you talk about men clearly shows the results of the kind of woman you have become.
The men that are attracted to you are the pathilogical types that prey on "independant" women. No wonder you have this opinion.
The westernized woman today has absolutely no clue what drives a man, ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE.
I have made and deleted at least 5 posts to this thread but this post inspired me.
Do not be surprised that your relationships with men will always be fruitless.
Your choices in men are extremely limited to only a specific type of man that does not want a covenant type relationship.
Today the westerniozed woman has become unattractive to real men.
They are selfish and self serving. They nurture nothing but discension and division where love and kindness was natural and efficient. Notice how all the examples used t describe men from these bitter types always describe men as weaker and lesser and evil and brutes and...etc. Sorry, no real men for your future. We won't miss you, promise. Not even after plastic surgery, breast implants, botox, etc...
Nope, on the world stage there is no woman less wanted by men.
There are websites all over the world which advertise to men women from foreign countries who want to marry.
Every country is represented in this type of ads.
Except American women.
There are no websites advertising to foreign men that want to maryy an american woman.
They are pretty but they simply do not age well anymore(an interesting thing with women is that their inner beauty shows in their faces with age. It truly is something beautiful to watch) but man the bitterness and all seems to come out too lately.....eeeeeek!
Nah, american women just are not wanted by men.
I think they need to get a job.
They need to get ready to grab a pick and shovel and get ready to rebuild society as equals.
If we had an emp blst tomorrow and all electronics were fried and we went back to living like the old west needing to chop wood, hunt, till the soil, grow food, mend and make clothes.
Well, todays woman is so pampered and classist I doubt they can survive.
I would take a foreign woman help mate now and in that situation, especially in that situation. This thread is great.
I am a frustrated American male.
The women I have pursued seem to think they are in a league of their own. It's trsange it really is.
It's not that I am left out, hardly.
If I didn't want a mate I would be in heaven.
Free uncommital sex for one.
Dang, as for men this feminist flaw they call a movement has generated more sluts than any man could have ever conjured up on their own and sheesh, we don't even have to pay for dinner sometimes ;-)
I read awhile back that almost to the person the daughters of the feminist movement women leaders are all subjecting themselves to appealing to men as sex toys.
How ironic!
well, if I want an equal to have sex with, you cannot beat the american woman today with the lack of attachments to the act but as for a helpmate and PARTNER in life I am giving up looking at american women for this.
An american woman when she first meets you will want to know what your job is, do you have a house, what kind of car, etc... The foreign women will spend hours even wanting to know who you are as a person.
It is truly exhilerating to have a woman show an interest in who you are as a man.
The bottom line that western women miss is at the very foundation of who we are and the difference between men and women.
A woman needs to be wanted by her man, and a man wants to be needed by his woman. A woman will give it up to hear the words "i love you" and a man will say the words to get the booty.
If a woman does not need us (real men) then we simply do not want them.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by manna2
reply to post by PaganArchangel

An american woman when she first meets you will want to know what your job is, do you have a house, what kind of car, etc...The foreign women will spend hours even wanting to know who you are as a person.
It is truly exhilerating to have a woman show an interest in who you are as a man.
The bottom line that western women miss is at the very foundation of who we are and the difference between men and women.
A woman needs to be wanted by her man, and a man wants to be needed by his woman. A woman will give it up to hear the words "i love you" and a man will say the words to get the booty.
If a woman does not need us (real men) then we simply do not want them.


Nicely put though there are few foreign women who will also aspire and inquire for bank balance and other things if they have been bitten by the Western/American bug.

edit on 9-3-2011 by hp1229 because: edit content

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by hp1229
Its funny to read some of the posts. People are still pointing fingers and blaming others. I still do not see a good post discussing why the women in the east are better than women in the west

I'm late for an important date so will only respond briefly with perhaps more later.

It's refreshing to finally see a simple question among the increasingly common slew of sophomoric opinions from the uneducated, unlearned, untraveled and unwashed Masses found more and more on ATS these days.

Go back to page 14 and read my opinion there. Asian women are the total opposite of those observations about American women. Asia women possess the qualities that have been historically admired in women, but just unsavory stereotypes to the libbers; nevertheless it's femininity quite attractive to men and in very short supply in America these days.

They play to their strengths and power as women and do so because they recognize their place in society and accept it. They are happy to have "enough" while American women always demand more, more and more; and never seem to be happy or satisfied.

I can compare and contrast the two groups for another 3 pages but maybe better for American men to see for themselves. You can get a cheap R/T ticket on Korean Air for $1500+- and with another $1500 to spend a month in Thailand and believe me, you'll think you've died and gone to Heaven, as have hundreds of thousands of men before you. Just ask one.

One of the first lessons you'll learn is about the "sexual economy." Women have it, men want it and think of little else. Women know this one truth and in America use it ferociously to control men. But once sex is readily available, from scores of first rate young thin pretty girls the horror of this game is quickly exposed for the sickness it represents.

Perhaps more later, I'm got a busy day to focus on now. However I must admit that my main complaint with the American women is the destruction these monsters have done to the kids that couldn't protect themselves from it.


edit on 9-3-2011 by Brown Bear because: spelling

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Brown Bear

Originally posted by hp1229

Go back to page 14 and read my opinion there. Asian women are the total opposite of those observations about American women. Asia women possess the qualities that have been historically admired in women, but just unsavory stereotypes to the libbers; nevertheless it's femininity quite attractive to men and in very short supply in America these days.

They play to their strengths and power as women and do so because they recognize their place in society and accept it. They are happy to have "enough" while American women always demand more, more and more; and never seem to be happy or satisfied.

One of the first lessons you'll learn is about the "sexual economy." Women have it, men want it and think of little else. Women know this one truth and in America use it ferociously to control men. But once sex is readily available, from scores of first rate young thin pretty girls the horror of this game is quickly exposed for the sickness it represents.

edit on 9-3-2011 by Brown Bear because: spelling

Good points. Maintaining the Femininity in these days is a challenge though not impossible. Asia is a big continent and consists of several countries. However do you think that was always the case of Thailand being 'Sexual Economy" ? I think it has a lot to do with the westernization/colonization of such countries who were left to thrive by themselves after much of the country was pillaged by mostly UK and France.

Also as you indicated that women accept their position in society, likewise most men know their position in society as well in most of the Asian countries. Surely there are consequences and exceptions due to the monitary system/westernization/globalization and the ideology inherited from the Mass Media.
edit on 9-3-2011 by hp1229 because: add content

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 10:53 AM
christ 20 pages already XD

well done if you've been patient enough to read through everything before this thread shattering post:

"mens intelligence is exterior to their love,

while womesn intelligence is interior to

their love!!!"

Equal and beautiful our codependance

is the source of our power!

its no surprise to me personally that the feminist movement caused a great imbalance in European/western realisations of feminine consciousness, because since the decline of paganism and goddess worship in European culture, masculine consciousness has taken predominance in the development of civilisation and therefore overtime feminine consciousness has somewhat been grossly misrepresented to the "collective mind" in the west, as something NOT powerful or even weak or ignorant and less capable, hence when the "feminists" stood against this oppressive development they themselves had become ignorant of the true power of their feminine consciousness as well. causing them to desire equality in a masculine centred "ego" culture instead of them desiring self-fulfilment of feminine consciousness with actual traditional feminine characteristics. Feminists perceiving feminine characteristics such as compassion and warm heartedness as "weak" are conforming to the same attitudes which resulted in the loss of feminine values in our society. to the extent that the equally powerful masculine consciousness has been made to feel undermined and in a way disrespected for all that it has acheived. the reason we are currently failing is because we have failed to become an equal codependent masculine & feminine culture. Feminists could have truly changed the world if they knew about feminine compassion in its most noble "ego-less" form where the men would have been forgiven and women would have been championed ,, as opposed to the masculine process this conflict underwent > Us vs Them!

Without Unity we are nothing. Without Unity we crumble. Without this union of consciousness society will carry on crumbling as it currently is. feminists wake up, this is a mans world heading for destructive with you all on it struggling to fit into masculine roles and norms! Help humanity balance itself more natural as both masculine and feminine in our political / social attitudes traditions and outlook!
Mother Earth suffers in this chaos we have created. For the sake of humanity may we restore divine femininity resulting in the restoration of divine masculinity. both in both in women and men.

edit on 9-3-2011 by EmeraldGreen because: enlarged txt

edit on 9-3-2011 by EmeraldGreen because: spacingtxtsize

edit on 9-3-2011 by EmeraldGreen because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by EmeraldGreen

I can dig it.

Pretty much what I've been trying to say for many posts now.

The "feminist" movement ... it's really not all too feminine!! LOL

Also appreciate that you're willing to say the word "codependent" as being ideal. How people have been brainwashed into thinking that dependency on one's significant other is some sort of negative is a bit beyond me!

The very essence of community starts with the martial bonding of couples. Since people have been so thoroughly demoralized, they haven't a clue what's best for our species. Yeah, let's go back to when alpha males were sticking it in any which hole they wanted to, regardless of sex or age
Aren't most people against pedophilia these days?!

It takes strength to admit that you can't effectively do everything by yourself. It takes a certain humility and wisdom to be in a truly loving, codependent relationship. I'd not settle for anything less!

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by hp1229

Originally posted by Yeah-Alright

Originally posted by davespanners

edit on 7-3-2011 by davespanners because: spelling

I am assuming you're an international student studying in the West (presumably in US). The only way to get even is to speak the same language. Generally the women from the east do have lot more patience and understanding and are not provoked that easily. They can really take some abuse before they open their 'third eye'. You should toughen up along with your roommate and possibly kick some butt if you have to if the polite and kind words do not achieve your objective. There is a big cultural vacuum in the West and thats why the shallow minds. Its not their fault but just that US is a relatively new country compared to other major countries around the world. US Culture is pretty much whatever the immigrants brought with them along with the constant influx of new immigrants from different parts of the world. Eventually there is a commonality that is acceptable to everyone from different parts of the world who migrated to the US and that is the American Culture (if thats is what your roommate is).

I am in a European country at the moment...
edit on 9-3-2011 by Yeah-Alright because: (no reason given)

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