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Freemasonry and its Involvement In Colonialism, Wars, Genocides and Revolutions.

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posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 11:31 AM
The truth of it comes down to something that Eliphas Levi wrote a century and a half ago. He said that the masses do not really know what is true and what is not true, but they sense what is powerful.

It is fairly easy for Freemasons (and non-Masons for that matter) to laugh off Vinay's ideas as preposterous, which indeed most of them are. However, it's simply an example of what Levi wrote: he doesn't know what's true and what's not true, but senses what is powerful, without a real understanding of power.

Freemasonry possesses the symbolism of the Magi. The fact that most Masons are unaware of this is irrelevant. The symbols themselves possess power, and those who are more sensitive than the average Joe intuitively feel that power.

The problem stems from Levi's pointing out that most who feel this do not know what's real and what's not real. They think that the princes of the profane world are powerful too, and since they intuit the power underlying Freemasonry, they assume it's all the same sort of pwer, and therefore must be related.

The poster calling himself "Lucifer" has also fallen into this trap. They do not understand that the princes of the profane world are in fact paupers, and that the paupers whom the world despises are the elect and sublime Prince Magi. The careers of Jesus, Buddha, Hermes, Krishna, etc., are perfect examples. In the example of Christ, the Pharisees, or profane princes of the world, had seemingly almost absolute power. But the true power lay with the incarnate Logos manifesting as Jesus of Nazareth.

Take heed that no one confuses the Pharisee with the Christos.
edit on 9-3-2011 by Masonic Light because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
The truth of it comes down to something that Eliphas Levi wrote a century and a half ago. He said that the masses do not really know what is true and what is not true, but they sense what is powerful.

It is fairly easy for Freemasons (and non-Masons for that matter) to laugh off Vinay's ideas as preposterous, which indeed most of them are. However, it's simply an example of what Levi wrote: he doesn't know what's true and what's not true, but senses what is powerful, without a real understanding of power.

The "power" of the Freemasons is essentially an "economic power;" if their power lay in their cult hypnosis, rituals, religious sophistry and cult apologetics, I doubt that they would be considered powerful in the modern world, but rather just an antiquated and rather ridiculous cult of pompous, arrogant, paternalistic old men; remove the Capitalist element and they would be relatively powerless. My judgement of Freemasons as being a malevolent force in the world is essentialy based on their behaviour in the world.

In the study of religious cults, one is not merely studying cult rituals and systems of beliefs, but also the actual behaviour of the cultists and their effect upon society. I think that it is perfectly clear that Masons tend to be conservative (to conserve the values of the past) economically and have rigidly Capitalistic values; thus a person can be an imperialist, a usuryist, an Anglo-American state terrorist, narco-terrorist collaborator and still considered to be a "good" Mason.

When a person joins a cult, they often believe that they are "good" based upon their cult membership and can then promote and justify all manner of human evil, believing that they are somewhow the "enlightened elect," on the basis of their cult membership and having purchased fake degrees and pompous titles; thus arrogance and pomposity come to be seen as virtues and all criticisms of their cult are simply dismissed, and that is of course what is happening on this thread and numerous other threads where Masonic cultists are attempting cult apologetics.

Freemasonry possesses the symbolism of the Magi. The fact that most Masons are unaware of this is irrelevant. The symbols themselves possess power, and those who are more sensitive than the average Joe intuitively feel that power.The problem stems from Levi's pointing out that most who feel this do not know what's real and what's not real. They think that the princes of the profane world are powerful too, and since they intuit the power underlying Freemasonry, they assume it's all the same sort of pwer, and therefore must be related.

The Masonic symbols and regalia certainly can be powerful to those who are succeptible to cult hypnosis and indoctrination; as it is with all forms of cultism. Anyone can start their own Masonic Lodge or open a Masonic franchise or esoteric society and use the same or similar forms of sacred geometry; in fact many people have done such a thing.

Sacred Geomety is Sacred Geometry and there is nothing good or evil about a circle, a triangle, square, a pentagram, a hexagram, a heptagram etc., indeed such forms are commonly used in art and architecture. However with regards to Temple architecture and the use of such symbols in religious hypnosis, a Temple and the symbols of a cult are essentially hypnotic instruments which the professional hypnotist uses to place a hypnotic spell upon cultists and to convince them of the "goodness" and sacredness of the cult.

The "power" of sacred geometry in cult religion only affects those who are succeptible to religious hypnosis. The "power" of the Freemasons is really little different to the power of any other Capitalist gang such as the Italian or Russian Mafia; it is their economic power which defines them as powerful, not their silly pantomime rites and hilarious fancy dress costumes.

The poster calling himself "Lucifer" has also fallen into this trap. They do not understand that the princes of the profane world are in fact paupers, and that the paupers whom the world despises are the elect and sublime Prince Magi. The careers of Jesus, Buddha, Hermes, Krishna, etc., are perfect examples. In the example of Christ, the Pharisees, or profane princes of the world, had seemingly almost absolute power. But the true power lay with the incarnate Logos manifesting as Jesus of Nazareth.

Take heed that no one confuses the Pharisee with the Christos

This kind of religious sophistry is based upon a misrepresentation of historical and fictional figures.

The fictional religious fanatic, the Jesus of the Gospels promoted not Christianity but rather a fundamentalist form of Judaism which involved a strict adherence to the primitive, genocidal, bigoted and savage Mosaic laws; he was even more of a fanatic than the Pharisees whom he criticised for not adhering strictly to the Law. Further I suspect that most Freemasons would rather eat glass than follow the anti-propertyist, anti-monetarist teachings of this first century fanatic; they may praise him from time to time; thinking that defending a famous religious celebrity somehow empowers them; thus do they truly define the term "religious hypocrites."

The Jesus of the Gospels was only a "reformer" of Judaism in that he sought to take Judaism back to it's more fanatical and primitive roots; whereas Buddha was clearly quite a different person; he was a person who opposed the Hindu religion and it's ritualism, blood sacrifice and institutional racism; a Freemason praising Buddha is a definition of shameless hypocrisy; particularly in a thread on the involvement of Freemasons in the colonialism of India.

The "appeal to religious celebrities" is a very commonplace form of hypocrisy; thus a colonialist many praise Buddha, and a Capitalist may praise Jesus; it is a rather common and vulgar form of religious pomposity.


edit on 9-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: mis-spelling-itis

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Lucifer777

The "power" of the Freemasons is essentially an "economic power;"

Since most lodges are inadequately funded, and have to result to periodic fundraisers just to meet monthly expenses, I find your concept of an "economic power" strange indeed.

The Masonic symbols and regalia certainly can be powerful to those who are succeptible to cult hypnosis and indoctrination; as it is with all forms of cultism. Anyone can start their own Masonic Lodge or open a Masonic franchise or esoteric society and use the same or similar forms of sacred geometry; in fact many people have done such a thing.

It doesn't really matter who does what. Non-Adepts designed the Great Seal of the United States, and profane corporations use esoteric symbolism all the time, without the least idea of the meaning of such symbolism. They do it because they feel the power underlying such symbolism.

The power resides there because of the Magian egregore that forms their basis.

The "power" of sacred geometry in cult religion only affects those who are succeptible to religious hypnosis.

It affects those who are sensitive to the Astral Light (again, see Levi, Regardie, Crowley, etc.).

edit on 9-3-2011 by Masonic Light because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

Originally posted by Lucifer777

The "power" of the Freemasons is essentially an "economic power;"

Since most lodges are inadequately funded, and have to result to periodic fundraisers just to meet monthly expenses, I find your concept of an "economic power" strange indeed.

I was not referring to the economic power of the Lodges, but to the membership of the Lodges; I was referring to the Freemasons themselves, not to their Temples; in the UK the Freemasons are most certainly the most economically powerful of Capitalism's organised gangs, which seems to be essentially why men join the Masons.

Many of the leading UK financial institutions have their own Masonic Lodges attached to them and it seems to be the case that to gain access to the higher career echelons of the Lloyd's of London group that Masonic membership is virtually compulsory; it is irrelevant to the wealth of Lloyds how much funds are in the coffers of the Lutine Lodge.

The Masonic symbols and regalia certainly can be powerful to those who are succeptible to cult hypnosis and indoctrination; as it is with all forms of cultism. Anyone can start their own Masonic Lodge or open a Masonic franchise or esoteric society and use the same or similar forms of sacred geometry; in fact many people have done such a thing.

It doesn't really matter who does what. Non-Adepts designed the Great Seal of the United States, and profane corporations use esoteric symbolism all the time, without the least idea of the meaning of such symbolism. They do it because they feel the power underlying such symbolism.

The power resides there because of the Magian egregore that forms their basis.

I live in a property which is my "Thelema Abbey" project and which is full of occultic design, temple furnishings and sacred objects. It does of course have an effect on visitors and it has a certain magickal aura. I have no doubt that such forms create a certain magickal atmosphere, but they can also be used by cults for cult hypnotism. The "egrigore ( "an occult concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people ")" of Masonry however is not in my judgement progressive and benevolent; they appear to be an economic gang whose gang members appear to be primarily concerned with the accumulation of Capital. In a society without privatised banking and the financial services sector their "power" would be greatly diminished; not so with other esoteric societies and philosophies whose "power" has little or nothing to do with the accumulation of Capital, and who play no real role in the International Dictatorship of Capitalism.

Growing up around Freemasons, I never got the impression that they were powerful magicians / spiritualists but they were certainly powerful Capitalists, and I suppose that to some magickians the accumulation of Capital is their central concern, but this is not really benevolent magick. The Masonic apologists of the Internet appear to me to be attempting to present themselves as a group of benevolent spiritualists, but that is not the impression which non-Masons generally come to when researching and studying the behaviour and activities of the Freemasons. In fact anti-Masonry appears to be an increasing phenomenon, not a decling phenomenon, and is even catching on in the Islamic world where there are very few Masons.

There is only one correct answer to "If you will bow down and worship me, I will give you all the kingdoms of the world" but there will always be those who will comply and submit.

edit on 9-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: Formatting

edit on 9-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: Formatting

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Lucifer777

You are a morally confused individual.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 10:18 AM

No Masonic foot-soldiers = No Power.

Freemason foot Soldiers, all the way up-to 33 degree is the only power capitalist elites have, freemasonry is their cover and defense, you stop Freemasons, you stop them . This petition describes in an excellent manner, about how you can find out the truth about freemasonry.

You must fight for and demand a public register of Freemasons, Co Masons and The Order Of The Eastern Star (female Masons)This would comprehensively prove if they are a good charitable fraternity or a criminal organisation.

Freemasonry portrays itself that it is all good. It should not have a problem with a public register of their good? members. After all, wouldn't you like to know if your best friend, family, lawyer, policeman, doctor, emergency services, neighbour, military forces, social services, politician, judge, dentist, tradesman, vet, supermarket, council, postman, religious leader, care worker, etc, is a Mason ?

Fact, Freemasonry flourishes on the abuse of your trust. First of all, write to your local lodge (via signed for letter), we guarantee they will ignore you. Then do a Freedom of Information request (via signed for letter). Then take your results to your Politician (ask if he is a Mason). If you get nowhere, you now know for sure that everything we say is true.

Get rid of this Masonic mind-controlled virus and the NWO will fall. No Masonic foot-soldiers = no power.

If you are a member of Freemasonry, there is nothing to stop you reading what you are a part of. You are just a fool and a tool to be used. Do you really think you'll get the call when it all kicks off? If you are not one of their bloodlines, you are just as dispensable as the rest of us. You ARE being used and temporarily rewarded.

Please don't waste valuable time on their silly Masonic signs, numbers and symbols. It's all designed that way to cloud your investigations. Get focused and start working towards a public register first. Incidentally, why have they got charity status when their ninth degree Mason takes his vows to kill for Freemasonry ? Do not listen to anything from a Mason's head, they are prolific liars and very good at reverse psychology. Masons are also possessed and totally brainwashed.

Freemasons are mind controlled liars, being used by capitalist gangs. So, I was on the right track in my investigation.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by vinay86

No Masonic foot-soldiers = No Power.

Freemason foot Soldiers, all the way up-to 33 degree is the only power capitalist elites have, freemasonry is their cover and defense, you stop Freemasons, you stop them . This petition describes in an excellent manner, about how you can find out the truth about freemasonry.

You must fight for and demand a public register of Freemasons, Co Masons and The Order Of The Eastern Star (female Masons)This would comprehensively prove if they are a good charitable fraternity or a criminal organisation.

Freemasonry portrays itself that it is all good. It should not have a problem with a public register of their good? members. After all, wouldn't you like to know if your best friend, family, lawyer, policeman, doctor, emergency services, neighbour, military forces, social services, politician, judge, dentist, tradesman, vet, supermarket, council, postman, religious leader, care worker, etc, is a Mason ?
Oh yes, that has worked so well in the past... Maybe we can make them all wear red triangles sewn to their outer garment. And perhaps tattoo their forearm with a serial number, so we can track them.

Of all the people on this board to think like a Nazi, I wouldn't have expected it to come from you...

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 04:10 PM
I love how misguided anti-Masons are on the power structure of Freemasonry. We are not drones of "elitists" or your version of the NWO.

A registry is nothing short of fascist. What next? Freemasons having to wear a symbol or letter on their clothes to identify them? I mean this is something tyrants do. We do not need to satisfy your paranoia to exist or operate.

What would you put in this letter? "Hey I think you're the cause of all global problems and need to be forced into public registry. Sincerely, Paranoid Schizophrenic" If you ask for a meeting to just ask questions I'm sure they would contact you. Or are you trying to find names of members? For what purposes? Harassment of the members in their lives?

What would your request on the Freedom of Information? A private organization is just that private. The government doesn't have everything about them nor should they.

What is the proof of this Ninth degree vow to kill for Freemasonry? Plus, why do you focus on the Scottish Rite? We're possessed?! By what?

Oh and nice petition. Since August you've received 75 signatures out of the goal of the 2,147,483,647 desired signatures. Almost there.
edit on 13-3-2011 by KSigMason because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by KSigMason

Nazi's wore Swastika, they did not considered themselves as tyrants, they considered themselves as servants of some god. What Freemasons can do is, wear their clown uniforms in public or they can add their fake degrees in front of their names, like doctors and army personnel's do, for example stating your name as 33° KSigMason would be a good Idea.

Freemasonry exists in a public domain, It is producing individuals with certain belief system or ethics, these individuals are living in the same society, in which non-masons are living. So, society has every right to question you. Even about the privacy oaths that you take, you are not a corporation, and you don't have any fierce competitors. Any Kind of secrecy is not allowed, in the case of freemasonry.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by vinay86

The more you reply the more obvious it becomes how hateful and bigoted you truly are. I could not imagine going through life being that hysterical and irrational.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by vinay86

What about privacy? What about "it's none of your damned business what organizations I'm a member of, or what church I attend, or who I vote for???"

I mean, granted, a lot of people put such labels on themselves on their Facebook pages, but you expect us to walk around in public with such descriptors just hanging off of our persons?

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by vinay86

Yeah, they also branded Jews, Gypsies, Freemasons, and anyone who opposed them, and threw them into camps. Maybe you want something like the "Scarlet Letter" for Freemasons?

In parades, on our terms, do we wear our costumes. No free man should ever be compelled to do something against his will because another man has paranoid delusions. I do add my degrees to my name when signing in at Masonic meetings. I also have business cards that have a Masonic logo on it, but never should I be forced to do it. Even if a registry were to come out, I wouldn't do it.

Freemasonry does teach lessons of truth, charity, compassion, equality, temperance, prudence, and being just. The nerve of us. Other organizations produce people of certain belief systems who live among those not a part of that organization. So what? At least in America, I have the freedom to assemble with whomever I choose. Actually society doesn't have the right to question what a private organization does. We take no money from them that is not freely given by the individual.

Your paranoia does not nullify our right to exist or assemble privately. You are an irrational fascist.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 07:02 AM

Freemasonry: A Cult Of Brainwashed Slaves

People who are functioning do not feel great fears and are not susceptible to the mind control of cults. Therefore if the cult is to grow and prosper, it must either find potential members who are at a point in their life where they are dysfunctional; or the cult must go one step farther and put the prospective member into a dysfunctional state of mind. The high mental energy of fear provides the mental energy necessary for the alterations of thought required for effective mind control.

"Beliefs" introduced to the mind under conditions of high emotional stress (fear) will be stored as permanently as phobias (which they resemble) to affect future decision-making and functioning. A big part of mind control is the creation of these phobic "beliefs" (phobic because if not obeyed great fear will result), which are burned into the psyche during the high-energy events of the ritual.

The cult member, now deep in the clutches of non-thinking, is next taught self-programming through ritual. This allows the person some freedom to move about within the larger society as he now does his own mind control and requires less cult control. Religious cults often use the constant reciting and memorizing of dogma to reinforce the group’s belief system. Source.

edit on 15/3/11 by vinay86 because: Content.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 10:38 AM
What a ridiculous video. Just in the first 10 seconds I had to stop the video several times to make sure I heard it right. Love the “theatrics” at 25-seconds.

Our members do not give up or leave their families to Freemasonry. We encourage our members to be great husbands and fathers. In fact, family should always come before the Fraternity. Two of my officers were hardly ever around my year as Master because they wanted to focus more on their family. I held no ill will and kept them in their positions.

The only money required by each member is the annual dues which for my Lodge are only $100, but as I decided to join the Eastern Star there goes $30, $100 for the York Rite, and I think $25 for the York Rite College. So I am required to pay $255 a year. Oh God, how will my bank account survive? My fellow Past Masters of my Lodge sometimes pull our money to assist in paying the dues of Brothers who were laid off during the economic downfall. Any other money given is strictly voluntary. I’d say in the last 6-months I’ve given $1,000 to the KTEF, $300 to the YRSCNA Charitable Fund, and $400 to the ID CHIP. Here’s the thing though, no one told me to, I just wanted to because it all goes to good causes; one of them I founded in Idaho and the other I used to chair.

Give up our bodies? Such absurdity.

We do not ask for our members to give up their lives for Freemasonry. Maybe I’m playing simantics, but I say I’d rather have a dedicated member than a devoted follower as the latter seems almost to infer a mindless drone. Freemasonry does not want mindless drones or “yes” men.

Nowhere do we consider any member, officer, or leader in Freemasonry to be God. We don’t worship anyone other than the God (the divine being) of our faith.

Nowhere has a Mason ever been instructed to go kill people. Such an order would be against my conscience and the law. It would be a criminal act and I would not do it.

Freemasonry is not a cult and not an onion. If anything it’s a tree with various branches. The structure of Freemasonry is rather simple. We don’t hide things from our members. Just because a Scottish Rite Mason doesn’t tell what he swore not to non-Scottish Rite Masons doesn’t mean he’s hiding anything. It means he is keeping to his word. That is honorable and something not seen too much in this world.

We don’t promise to fulfill anyone’s dreams. Nor does Freemasonry believe that we hold the exclusive rights to teaching lessons of morality or to self improvement. Nor do we think we will bestow on someone “special powers” – that’s just stupid. We are just one organization, one path, out there. Some join and don’t think it’s for them, and we are okay with that. We bid them farewell.

When a member comes in and has question we do give them a free meal, but we do not do the “well least you could do in return is…”. If they are interested and return that is their choice and their choice alone. We had a gentleman that wasn’t going to join, but just wanted to come talk to us and question us, and we gave him a free meal every time. There is no “too late” coercion put on a potential member. To join the Freemasons you must join of your own free will and accord. That is indisputable. We encourage them to think it over and for as long as it takes. We even encourage them to bring their families along to dinner if they have questions. I’ve even been asked to go to someone’s house because they had questions and wanted a one-on-one discussion. Sometimes the entire family would join in the discussion.

We don’t separate our new recruits. They in fact are often paired together in my Lodge to help each other. We do not segregate, we believe in integration. We do get to know them, but why wouldn’t we? We want to know what kind of person is joining. We don’t do “personality tests” like the scientologists do. That’s just weird.

Like I’ve said, Freemasonry is not the primary in one’s life. God, family/friends, country, work, and then Freemasonry for me. Freemasons live outside the Lodge, meeting sometimes only once a week or sometimes less than that. We do not control their behavior or habits in anyway. I have changed my habits or behavior one bit since I’ve joined. I still act the same way and still hang out with the friends I always have. Other than when I was Master of the Lodge, if I didn’t want to go to an event, I didn’t go. I wasn’t ostracized. Love wasn’t withheld. There is no rigid schedule. We do plan events to have, but those are often planned out months in advance and often change to meet others needs. None of these events however are mandatory nor affect your standing within Masonry if you miss it.

We do not ask for our members to move into some barracks or living quarters. Everyone has their own residence and never is this private property asked to be taken over by the Masons. We do not do sleep deprivation as some of our members are old and couldn’t do this. Why would we do this anyway? Low protein food in the Masons? HA!!!! Anyone who has ever attended a Masonic event with food knows that we eat well, and if it’s like my area, it’s homemade.

Freemasonry is no religion nor do we believe we can answer the questions of the universe ie the meaning of life. Again, we do not want drones, someone who cannot think for themselves. We want individuals who seek knowledge on their own. We want someone who can contribute to the group. Drones should be despised.
We do not do guilt trips or spread messages of fear. We do not spy, tail, or report on one another like the video suggests. We do not induce mental breakdowns.

Nowhere in Freemasonry do we claim divine authority to one’s salvation. As many of us have said, we are not a religion nor do we make promises of salvation that you must do on your own according to your faith. Nor do we say our methods are proven by science or that we have special abilities or powers. Nor do we say that without us they will die, get sick, or be ruined in life.

The methods in the video of spinning and dancing is just nonsense and Freemasonry doesn’t do “self hypnosis”. Ditto for breathing exercises, chanting, or meditation. Again, we don’t want mindless obedience, drones.

This next part is something I touched on a bit earlier. We don’t want members to separate from their family or friends. We live separate lives outside of Freemasonry and it should never interfere with those lives. I took leave last summer and on one day there was a Masonic BBQ, but I decided to go floating the river with my friends instead. No one held ill will and in fact I was actually recently asked to sit as a Grand Lodge officer for this upcoming GL year. We encourage the family to approve of one’s membership and encourage them to ask questions.

In Masonry there is some conformity, but to the usages, customs, and regulations; mostly to maintain order in meetings. Individuality is encouraged though. We don’t do confessions nor do we say that before you joined the Freemasons your life was terrible.

At 08:35 the video mentioned something that you anti-Masons do. You have tried to demonize us and make us your scapegoat. By your logic and you posting this video, you must belong to a cult. Maybe the anti-Masons are a cult? Freemasonry doesn’t believe in a us versus them mentality. Hell, we even allow Catholics to join if they so choose, but the Catholic church on the other hand will excommunicate their members for doing such a thing.

If someone wants to leave, to demit, they are more than allowed to do so. No tries to stop them. As Master I signed several demit slips. People demit for many different reasons. They are not ostracized or made to feel guilty for it.

By this video, it can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Freemasonry is not a cult.
edit on 15-3-2011 by KSigMason because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 11:26 AM

Masonic Ritual Abuse

A surprising number of ritual abuse survivors have also remembered having been horrendously, methodically ritually abused in Masonic lodges and temples. Many of them were abused by relatives who were and/or are staunch Masons. I have also had such experiences. However, it is crucial to abstain from "black and white" thinking. Many Masons have no inkling that some of their buildings are used for such horrendously illegal and immoral practices.

Mind control is the cornerstone of ritual abuse, the key element in the subjugation and silencing of its victims. Victims of ritual abuse are subjected to a rigorously applied system of mind control designed to rob them of their sense of free will and to impose upon them the will of the cult and its leaders.

The mind control is achieved through an elaborate system of brainwashing, programming, indoctrination, hypnosis, and the use of various mind-altering drugs. The purpose of the mind control is to compel ritual abuse victims to keep the secret of their abuse, to conform to the beliefs and behaviors of the cult, and to become functioning members who serve the cult by carrying out the directives of its leaders without being detected within society at large. Source.

Freemasons are subjected to various graphic rituals, which evokes a feeling of fear in them, and in that state anything can be easily embedded in their mind. Freemasons are taught that they have not witnessed any such rituals by using the same mind control techniques, and are programmed to deny, when confronted to the reality.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by vinay86

A 1996 investigation of more than 12,000 allegations of satanic, ritual and religious abuse resulted in no cases that were considered factual or corroborated.

You need to vet your sources more carefully. "Is against what I'm against" is not a high enough bar among adults.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by KSigMason

Nowhere do we consider any member, officer, or leader in Freemasonry to be God. We don’t worship anyone other than the God (the divine being) of our faith.

God and Freemasonry

By the term "God," I would assume that Freemasons are referring to the Creator of the Universe. Assuming that such a Creator exists, I think it unlikley that She would consider persons to represent Her, just merely on the basis of a belief in Her existence. Irrespective of Her existence or not, the term "God" is always an anthropomorphic projection of the theist's own personal beliefs, morality and prejudices, and one can begin to define a common definition of a Masonic God through the writings and behaviour of the Masons themselves; and this is clearly a Capitalist definition of a Creator; a Creator who love the Capitalists, paternalists (male supremacists), imperialists and the Anglo-American state terrorist, narco-terrorist collaborators in general. It does not automatically follow that just because one "believes" in such a definition of a Creator, that She is actually like that; She may well turn out to be a militant Communist lesbian.

Above: to the left of his cousin HRH Elizabeth Windsor: Field Marshal His Royal Highness Prince Edward George Nicholas Patrick, Duke of Kent, Earl of Saint Andrews, Baron Downpatrick, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) and First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England, Grand Master of the Order of St Michael and St George, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Knight of the Order of St George and St Constantine, Knight Grand Band, the Order of the Star of Africa, Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of Tri Shakti Patta, Grand Cordon, the Order of the Renaissance, Knight of the Order of St Olav (Grand Cross), Royal Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty, Royal Knight of the Garter, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George, Colonel, of the Scots Guards, Colonel-in-Chief, of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, Royal Colonel, of the 1st Battalion, The Rifles, Deputy Colonel-in-Chief, of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, Honorary Air Commodore, RAF Leuchars, Honorary Air Chief Marshal, Royal Air Force Commonwealth, Colonel-in-Chief, of The Lorne Scots (Peel, Dufferin and Halton Regiment) and 'President of The Scout Association.'

By using the Duke of Kent as an example of a "good" Mason, let us consider some of the qualities of this man. He holds the highest rank in the genocidal British Imperialist state terrorist / narco-terrorist armies. He is clearly a monarchist, an evangelical militant Capitalist and an aristocrat. It would thus follow that a Masonic defintion of "goodness" must include genocide, state terrorism, narco-terrorism, Capitalism, Capitalist Imperialism, monarchy, anti-Communism, propertyism, economic elitism, etc.

Further since many Masons themselves are involved in the loan sharking and insurance scam industries, we would have to include such terms also in a definition of "goodness." When we use the term "a good Mason" and "a good God" the definitions of the term "good" in both contexts must be synonymous (the same), for it would be illogical for a Mason to state that "a good God must be a militant lesbian anti-Capitalist" and then to refer to a Capitalist paternalistic Mason as a "good" Mason.

Nowhere has a Mason ever been instructed to go kill people. Such an order would be against my conscience and the law. It would be a criminal act and I would not do it.

What utter nonsense; in the UK there are around 40 Masonic lodges exclusively for members of the armed services and I assure you that they are often instructed to kill people for the expansion of world Capitalist revolution; clearly they now tend not to invade nations whose major export is cabbages, but if it is oil and opium, that is quite another matter. Indeed one could not possibly hold the highest rank in the British army "unless" one is willing to instruct others to kill people, and one could not be in the British army unless one is willing to follow such orders.

edit on 15-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: Formatting

Originally posted by vinay86

Masonic Ritual Abuse

A surprising number of ritual abuse survivors have also remembered having been horrendously, methodically ritually abused in Masonic lodges and temples. Many of them were abused by relatives who were and/or are staunch Masons. I have also had such experiences. However, it is crucial to abstain from "black and white" thinking. Many Masons have no inkling that some of their buildings are used for such horrendously illegal and immoral practices.

Mind control is the cornerstone of ritual abuse, the key element in the subjugation and silencing of its victims. Victims of ritual abuse are subjected to a rigorously applied system of mind control designed to rob them of their sense of free will and to impose upon them the will of the cult and its leaders.

The mind control is achieved through an elaborate system of brainwashing, programming, indoctrination, hypnosis, and the use of various mind-altering drugs. The purpose of the mind control is to compel ritual abuse victims to keep the secret of their abuse, to conform to the beliefs and behaviors of the cult, and to become functioning members who serve the cult by carrying out the directives of its leaders without being detected within society at large. Source.

Freemasons are subjected to various graphic rituals, which evokes a feeling of fear in them, and in that state anything can be easily embedded in their mind. Freemasons are taught that they have not witnessed any such rituals by using the same mind control techniques, and are programmed to deny, when confronted to the reality.

If you are from the Indian culture, probably such initiations and hazing rituals come as quite a surprise, but they are entirely commonplace in every single US college fraternity and sorority, and in the initiations into just about every major organised crime gang.


nb. the above images is satirical.

edit on 15-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: addition to text

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Lucifer777

Nowhere has a Mason ever been instructed by a lodge or Grand Lodge officer acting in that capactiy to go kill people. Such an order would be against my conscience and the law. It would be a criminal act and I would not do it.

I really don't believe you needed that interpolation to understand what he was saying.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by OnTheLevel213
reply to post by Lucifer777

Nowhere has a Mason ever been instructed by a lodge or Grand Lodge officer acting in that capactiy to go kill people. Such an order would be against my conscience and the law. It would be a criminal act and I would not do it.

I really don't believe you needed that interpolation to understand what he was saying.

You do not seem to understand the meaning of the term interpolation ( ), perhaps it is just a big word which you like the sound of; however the above quotation is not an interpolation, nor is it even a quotation,but rather it is a "misquotation;" the orginal quotation was:

Nowhere has a Mason ever been instructed to go kill people. Such an order would be against my conscience and the law. It would be a criminal act and I would not do it.

Masons of course are a cult of pacifists; they don't have oaths which incite ritual murder and they don't allow members of the military into their order, and none of their members have ever been guilty of Anglo-American state terrorist, narco-terrorist collaboration, imperialism, war, genocide etc; they just sit around getting stoned and talking of "world peace."


posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by Lucifer777

Actually, I used the term in its literary sense, which carries the definition "something interpolated, as a passage introduced into a text." Source.

I didn't pretend to quote him. I made an interpolation, one that, as I said before, I don't believe you honestly needed to grasp his intent.

edit on 15-3-2011 by OnTheLevel213 because: bungled the linkage

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