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"The beginnings will not be easy; they shall be extremely difficult. All the oligarchies' powers of repression, all their capacity for brutality and demagoguery will be placed at the service of their cause. Our mission, in the first hour, shall be to survive; later, we shall follow the perennial example of the guerilla, carrying out armed propaganda ... the great lesson of the invincibility of the guerrillas taking root in the dispossessed masses; the galvanizing of the national spirit, the preparation for harder tasks, for resisting even more violent repressions. Hatred as an element of the struggle; a relentless hatred of the enemy, impelling us over and beyond the natural limitations that man is heir to and transforming him into an effective, violent, selective and cold killing machine. Our soldiers must be thus; a people without hatred cannot vanquish a brutal enemy. "
Che Guevara
Originally posted by network dude
is it really necessary to keep posting the same stuff? You must have an uncle that sells bandwidth.
Well, since religion is often a militant and anti-Communist phenomenon, often the only real solution is the firing sqaud. I have no objection to peaceful religionists as long as they don't start large organised religious cults.
Originally posted by network dude
Most of us are not in the shrine. Not being in the shrine, I have no idea what they do. I can say that in craft masonry and Scottish Rite, none of the things you say are true. If you want to prove that this stuff happens in the shrine, ask a shriner or join the shrine.
The only thing I can offer is the shriners say that they have lots of fun while they are donating over a million dollars a day to their charities. If they do put strawberries and whipped cream in their pants and that makes them happy then great. Nobody is condemning you for your sexual behavior, so how about you MYOFB on that issue.
Originally posted by Lucifer777
This thread relates to the Shriners and Jesters which are side degrees of American Masonry which around a third of US Masons are members of, and not to British Freemasonry and other regular and irregular Masonic Lodges.
Originally posted by Lucifer777
Originally posted by Lucifer777
This thread relates to the Shriners and Jesters which are side degrees of American Masonry which around a third of US Masons are members of, and not to British Freemasonry and other regular and irregular Masonic Lodges.
My apologies, I am confusing this thread with the "On Masonic Charity. The world's largest non religious charity scam. On the Shriners and Jesters" thread on
Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by Lucifer777
The Biblical deity is the same of the Jewish faith, which you don't seem to consider a religion needing critic.
And not all Masons follow the faith as laid out in the Torah, Bible, or Koran. Some are Buddhists, Hindu, and Deists.
Humanists are just self involved convinced of their own superiority.
Men have used religion as an excuse for their atrocities. Just like you use things as scapegoats.
Glancing over the basless attack on a group of US soldiers that for all you know are good people. So thank you for admitting you are a picker-and-chooser of what you consider tolerance. I'm not surprised that a Commie sympathizer believes in such a way. Fascism often says it supports freedom, but only what they think is freedom.
Actually I don't believe in nationalism, socialism, or communism.
Chaplains are a great asset for soldiers. Not only for a guide of their individual faith, but also as a risk free counselor when one is troubled.
Like I said, as a soldier I wish to see a time of peace.
A quote from the murderer Che doesn't negate the atrocities committed by the Commies, to include Che himself.
Chaplains are a great asset for soldiers. Not only for a guide of their individual faith, but also as a risk free counselor when one is troubled.
Freemasonry is not a cult. Every point you have laid out there defining what a cult is has not held up to Freemasonry. And pictures of Bush doesn't somehow enhance your beliefs while nullifying mine.
Your impression of us being a militant gang is wrong.
So you can't name these prominent Freemasons? You can't even give me a list of those who you think are Masons?
I'm not denying anything yet. I just want you to post more than pictures from a catalog. I want to know where in our ritual does this hazing occur. I want it from the Masonic sources, not ex-Masons who may have their own agenda or those who say they were Masons but never were.
Originally posted by KSigMason
I'm not a Shriner so I don't know, thus the reason I want you to prove it to me.
I'm a member of the York Rite ie Royal Arch, Cryptic, Order of the Temple (Knights Templar), and Order of the Knight of York.
Originally posted by KSigMason
Well, right now, I'm in Italy, so come and try to stone me to death.
So every man of faith is a fanatic? This is illogical.
Again, your little pictures do not negate the atrocities committed by the godless Commies.
I do notice that the little bastards holding the signs have their faces hidden. Are they not proud of their stance? I doubt that they would say this to the face of the soldier or a veteran.
Testimony is not necessarily fact. I will wait while you look up which ritual this hazing occurs in. I'm looking for exact parts of the ritual, what officer takes part in it, and I'm also wanting sources.
Originally posted by Masonic Light
Never heard of any whipped cream or electrified genitals as part of a Shrine initiation. I'm having to call B.S. on that one.
Would-Be Shriner Says He Was Subjected to Painful Initiation Rites
The Associated Press
Domestic News
PM Cycle
November 20, 1991
LEXINGTON, Ky. - Michael G. Vaughan says he went to the Shrine temple to learn the secrets of the universe. What he learned, he says, is that the Shrine's initiation rites involve electric shocks and the humiliation of having one's underwear filled with strawberries and whipped cream.
Now his lawsuit against the fraternity has become cloaked in nearly as much secrecy as the rites themselves.
A judge has ordered all participants in the lawsuit not to divulge details of the case. The case file has been sealed. And only those directly involved with the lawsuit know when and where to meet for the trial Dec. 9.
The lawsuit was filed last year by Vaughan, a 44-year-old brick mason who claims he was knocked unconscious and suffered other injuries during initiation rites in 1989 at the Oleika Shrine Temple in Lexington. He seeks an unspecified amount for medical bills, lost income and punitive damages.
Before Circuit Judge George Barker issued a gag order last summer, Vaughan said in interviews that he wanted to become a Shriner because the group promised spiritual and emotional fulfillment.
The Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine has about 725,000 members in the United States, Canada and Mexico. The group is renowned for its philanthropy: Its charitable foundation runs 19 orthopedic and three burn hospitals where needy children are treated free of charge.
But Shriners also are famous for their love of fun. Temples hold circuses and football games, and Shriners driving miniature cars and boats and wearing Arabian costumes, turbans and fezzes are familiar sights at parades across America.
"I assumed that the Shrine, as the word would imply, was like (God's) highest secret order, where a great secret would be learned once you got it," Vaughan said.
So, in 1989, he and about three dozen other initiates stood before an audience of Shriners and began a series of tests, which included walking on an electrified mat, sitting on an electrified bench and getting a jolt of electricity to their bare buttocks, the lawsuit says.
At one point, the lawsuit says, Vaughan's shorts were taped to his legs and he suspected a nearby sinkful of strawberries, whipped cream and ice cream was to be poured into them.
This last humiliation was not carried out, he says, because a table fell over and took him with it. The lawsuit says Vaughan hit his head on the floor and was knocked unconscious.
Vaughan did not pay his dues and never returned to the temple.
His lawsuit claims that the activities were painful and harmful and that he needed medical treatment because of them. He accuses the supervising Shriners of assault and fraud.
A court-ordered videotape of the temple's initiation devices confirmed much of Vaughan's story, including the existence of the electrified bench and mat.
Lawyers on both sides of the case and officials of the Oleika Shrine Temple refused to comment this week, citing the court order. Vaughan has an unlisted telephone number and could not be reached.
In court documents, the temple denied several of the allegations but acknowledged that shocks "of less than one second" are administered during initiation. The Shriners denied Vaughan was knocked unconscious.
Theodore Corsones, lawyer for the national Shriners' organization, said he could not comment on the case but that his own initiation as a Shriner was spiritually uplifting. He said he toured a Shriners hospital for crippled children.
"As for what went on in Lexington, I haven't the foggiest because I wasn't there," Corsones said.
Rules are issued each year on proper initiation techniques, he said.
Robert E. Manley, whose Cincinnati law firm specializes in fraternity law, said at least 35 states, including Kentucky, have laws that ban hazing. Manley is not involved in Vaughan's lawsuit.
Manely said he wasn't sure if Kentucky's hazing law would apply to the Shrine case. But if the allegations are true, Vaughan could file an assault and battery complaint, he said.
Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by Lucifer777
Can you ever give a straight "yes or no" answer? I'm not asking hard questions. Even you should be able to give a simple yes or no. Is every person of faith a fanatic?
The Psychology of a Slave. Submission to the Archons (authority figures).
A: The Milgram Experiment.
Unfortunately the conclusions of what is probably the most famous (and important) psychological study on human "obedience," the Yale University "Milgram Experiment (See:" provide conclusive evidence that most human beings are willing to torture other human beings, if they are told by an authority figure to do so, and unfortunately the authors of the Bible are also considered the "highest" authority by Biblical fanatics. In the Milgram experiment the subjects were asked to apply electric shocks to actors who would pretend to cry out in pain; although nobody was really harmed, the subjects did not know that the persons whom they were torturing with electric shocks were actors.
Philosophy is a form of intellectual Anarchism (resistance to authority) which teaches us never to suspend critical thinking. Religion is simply a form of hypnosis and indoctrination which produces a servile, submissive slave; it is the perfect means of social control and the consequences can be genocidal.
The testimonials of children raised in the Hitler youth for example indicate that they did not fight for Hitler because they thought that he was evil, but rather because they thought that he was good; similarly with many of the fanatics of religion whose deities would be considered barbaric and criminally insane by most modern philosophers.
There is a very fine line between accepting what is irrational and inhumane in a text by a religious authority, such as, "It is God's Will to kill all devotees of other gods" and "torture this person."
B: The Joshua Experiment. The Dangers of Religious Indoctrination.
This experiment by an Israeli psychologist is explained in Richard Dawkin's "God Delusion;" it is a very similar experiment to the Milgram Experiment, but it deals ony with "religion," and it is less well known than the Milgram Experiment, but the conclusion is essentially the same, though it applies to "religious authority."
A class room of students in Israel were told the story of Joshua's Biblical holocaust of the Canaanite Tribes. It was essentially a "tribalistic" genocide. The students were then asked if they considered this to be morally justifiable. Most of the students agreed that it was morally justifiable.
The same story was then told about a different occasion of tribalistic genocide which did not involve the Bible or the ancient tribal deity of the Israelites. There are many examples of this in history, such as the recent Rwandan genocide of 1994 which was, just like Joshua's genocide a "tribalistic" genocide. When the students were asked if they considered such a genocide to be morally justifiable, the majority of them expressed the view that it was not.
These experiments show the dangers of religious indoctrination, where people who think themselves to be "good, godly, righteous, moral" are willing to torture people or to support tribalistic genocide just because some Archon (authority figure) tells them that it is OK, and an Archon can be some dead religious fanatic from 1000's of years ago whom most modernists would probably consider to be as ridiculous as the "Life of Brian" prophets, were they not blinded by religious indoctrination. The effects of submission to religious authorities and to the authority of the state are very subtle; probably most of those Israeli students would not consider themselves to be religious fanatics, nor would most of the subjects of the Milgram experiment consider themselves to be psychopaths.
So you won't acknowledge the atrocities committed by the socialists or communists? So willing to attack the US, and yet so willing to avoid history.
Your logic is invalid in reference to the procurement of the skull and bones. Neither did you post the laws that support this nor can you say whether that skull and bones is real or just plastic. I mean did you even research how the Freemasons procure such props or are you just making assumptions? I'm guessing its the latter as you actually do no research, but just jump to conclusions.
PATNA, INDIA // Despite a ban on the export of human bones by the Indian government in the mid 1980s, the illegal trade is thriving in many parts of the country as a result of ineffective laws and poverty. Last week, Kamal Sah, 39, was caught carrying 67 human skulls and 10 bones on a bus in Chhapra, in Bihar state, by fellow passengers who had noticed a jagged bone sticking out of a bag beneath his seat. Source.
The History of Hypnosis for Programming
A Masonic magazine for higher Masonic rites where sex magic is performed entitled Freemasonry Universal, Vol. 5, 1929, p. 58 states,
"Certain Forces are sent through the candidate’s body during the ceremony, especially at the moment when he is created, received and constituted an Entered Apprentice Freemason. Certain parts of the Lodge have been heavily charged with magnetic force especially in order that the Candidate may absorb as much as possible of this force. The first object of this curious method of preparation is to expose to this influence those various parts of the body which are especially used in the ceremony.
In ancient Egypt, there was another reason for these preparations, for a weak current of physical electricity was sent through the candidate by means of a rod or sword with which he was touched at certain points. It is partly on this account that at this first initiation the candidate is deprived of all metals since they may very easily interfere with the flow of currents."
Long story short, the Masonic lodges have been using hypnotism and electric shock in their initiation rituals for a long time. The combination of fear and hypnotism combine to help seal the lips of an initiate from telling what in some lodges are secrets of criminal activity. Source.
Originally posted by vinay86
Electric shock for Hypnosis in Freemasonry
The History of Hypnosis for Programming
A Masonic magazine for higher Masonic rites where sex magic is performed entitled Freemasonry Universal, Vol. 5, 1929, p. 58 states,
"Certain Forces are sent through the candidate’s body during the ceremony, especially at the moment when he is created, received and constituted an Entered Apprentice Freemason. Certain parts of the Lodge have been heavily charged with magnetic force especially in order that the Candidate may absorb as much as possible of this force. The first object of this curious method of preparation is to expose to this influence those various parts of the body which are especially used in the ceremony.
In ancient Egypt, there was another reason for these preparations, for a weak current of physical electricity was sent through the candidate by means of a rod or sword with which he was touched at certain points. It is partly on this account that at this first initiation the candidate is deprived of all metals since they may very easily interfere with the flow of currents."
Long story short, the Masonic lodges have been using hypnotism and electric shock in their initiation rituals for a long time. The combination of fear and hypnotism combine to help seal the lips of an initiate from telling what in some lodges are secrets of criminal activity. Source.
In India psychedelics and physical torture, has been used by various religious fundamentalists, to make armies of brainwashed disciples. The various techniques of hypnosis, have existed for decades, and are being used by professional hypnotists to create, functional mind controlled slaves. In case of Freemasons, such techniques are used by the capitalist elites whom ignorant brainwashed Freemasons consider as their invisible Great Architect/ Supreme being, they use hypnotism to make Freemasons do horrific crimes. And then using the same techniques, they erase any memories of such crimes. Freemasons remain in a state of hypnotism, until their hypnotist de-hypnotizes them. And he never does that.
Originally posted by vinay86
Saying that the skull and bones using in freemasonry are made of plastic is absolutely false, your other mason friend Augustus, has already recognized real human skull and bones are used in masonic rituals. This shows how much you lie.
And you have not stated from where freemasonry acquired such bones, If it was from India then govt. of India has already imposed a ban on sale of such human bones in 1980's. But criminal organizations like freemasonry, still acquire human bones illegally from black markets in India, china, africa etc.
PATNA, INDIA // Despite a ban on the export of human bones by the Indian government in the mid 1980s, the illegal trade is thriving in many parts of the country as a result of ineffective laws and poverty. Last week, Kamal Sah, 39, was caught carrying 67 human skulls and 10 bones on a bus in Chhapra, in Bihar state, by fellow passengers who had noticed a jagged bone sticking out of a bag beneath his seat.