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Originally posted by vinay86
Genocide Perpetrated by the Freemasonry-controlled Puppet Regimes.
Such disturbing realities of war are always very painful and distressing to look at, but their are some human beings who feel no pain or sorrow, but instead they draw immense pleasure from such horrific plight of their fellow human beings. Is their anything human left in them. Should we even call these monsters as human beings, Freemasons is a good title for them.
No other institution in the world is to be held responsible for the systematic genocide of the Mesopotamian Christians over the past 150 years than the puppet governments of France, England and America. Executing the monstrous and vicious orders of their hidden Freemasonic masters, the governments of Paris, London and Washington have carried out in Iraq an unprecedented genocide which serves to them as general probe for the forthcoming persecution of the Christians in Europe and America.
The Aram Nahrin Organization has just published a devastating documentation on the subject, providing with great insight. That’s why I herewith reproduce this insightful which lets every Western Christian understand the extent of the Anti-Christian pogrom that the criminal gangsters of the international Freemasonry are ready to launch against Christianity throughout the corrupt and decayed Western World.Source .
Freemasonry is a gang of capitalist monarchs, who earn their profits through wars, genocides, massacres, plunders and exploitation of people and resources all over the world. Profit, Power and Control over the governments is all what they care about. Many tyrants, despots, dictators, colonists, lords, dukes, viceroys, army generals, chief justices, presidents and prominent politicians were and have remained members of this secret society from a long time. And the horrendous crimes that they have committed upon humanity throughout the history are not hidden.
The original (Nazi) party programme, adopted in 1920 and declared unalterable, promised radically anticapitalist measures.14 War profits were to be confiscated, embezzlers and usurers punished by death. Mortgage interest and speculation in land were to be abolished, trusts to be nationalised and profit-sharing introduced; and, finally, unearned income itself was to disappear and work to be required of all.
Michele sindona was the member of the secretive P2 Lodge of Italian Freemasonry,
In July 1982, new documents were found hidden in the false bottom of a suitcase belonging to Gelli's daughter at Fiumicino airport in Rome. The two documents were entitled "Memorandum sulla situazione italiana" (Memorandum on the Italian situation) "Piano di rinascita democratica" (Plan of Democratic Rebirth) and are seen as the political programme of P2. According to these documents, the main enemies of Italy were the Italian Communist Party (PCI) and the trade unions. These had to be isolated and cooperation with the communists (the second biggest party in Italy and the largest in Western Europe), which was proposed in the historic compromise by Aldo Moro needed to be disrupted.[7]
Gelli's goal was to form a new political and economic elite to lead Italy towards a right-wing, authoritarian form of democracy, with an anti-communist pre-occupation.[12] P2 advocated a programme of extensive corruption: "political parties, newspapers and trade unions can be the objects of possible solicitations which could take the form of economic-financial manoeuvres. The availability of sums not exceeding 30 to 40 billion lire would seem sufficient to allow carefully chosen men, acting in good faith, to conquer key positions necessary for overall control."
The list contains 962 names (including Gelli's). It has been claimed that at least a thousand names may still be secret, as the membership numbers begin with number 1,600, which suggests that the complete list has not yet been found.[7] The list included all of the heads of the secret services, 195 officers of the different armed forces (12 generals of the Carabinieri, 5 of the financial police Guardia di Finanza, 22 of the army, 4 of the air force and 8 admirals), as well as 44 members of parliament, 3 ministers and a secretary of a political party, leading magistrates, a few prefects and heads of police, bankers and businessmen, civil servants, journalists and broadcasters.[7] Also included were a top official of the Banca di Roma, Italy's third largest bank at the time, and a former director-general of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL), the country's largest.[11]
A humongous amount of black money is lying in Swiss as well as other banks around the world.
He is the supreme being / grand architect of Freemasons, who never shows his face to them, no he didn't infiltrated freemasonry, he structured or made freemasonry to hide himself and his gruesome crimes, all the Freemasons up-to 33 degrees are just his slaves/minions/stooges. They are all mindless drones craving for money, power and fake enlightenment and are repeatedly following the same vile guidelines laid by him like robots. He doesn't need to do anything, as Freemasons themselves hypnotize and brainwash each other. He is just sitting and enjoying the show, being acting like a god gives him great pleasure and feeds his monstrous ego. And He is not after money, but he uses it as a weapon to economically enslave humanity. He does not believe in religions, but he uses it as a weapon to divide and rule over humanity.
Supreme Being Of Hitler.
Not long ago there was a historical instance, that of Hitler, who was in contact with a being whom he considered to be the Supreme: this being came and gave him advice, told him all that he had to do. Hitler used to retire into solitude and remain there as long as it was necessary to come into contact with his "guide" and receive from him inspirations which he carried out later very faithfully. This being which Hitler took for the Supreme was quite plainly as Aurane who is called the "Lord of Falsehood" in occultism, but who proclaimed himself the "Lord of the Nations". Source.
This supreme being is not a god, he is a person who appear as a god only in the minds of its victims. He has no supernatural powers, but the well documented power of mind control, hypnotism or Psy-Ops.
Spy-Ops Used on Congressmen
Gen. David Petraeus has ordered an investigation into allegations that U.S. troops specializing in psychological operations were ordered to manipulate members of Congress visiting Afghanistan into supporting the deployment of more troops and more money for the war effort.
“My job in psy-ops is to play with people’s heads, to get the enemy to behave the way we want them to behave,” the officer in charge of the operation, Lt. Colonel Michael Holmes, told Rolling Stone. “I’m prohibited from doing that to our own people. When you ask me to try to use these skills on senators and congressman, you’re crossing a line.”
Rituals and symbolism mixed with indoctrinations, superstitions etc. makes a pleasant environment for successful mind control, it is all about implanting vile belief systems in a person mind without him knowing about it. And the supreme being has to do nothing, as Freemasons follow his guidelines and mind control each other.
Freemasonry is a journey towards what, Freemasons themselves say it is a journey towards spiritual enlightenment
6. Why females are not allowed in freemasonry,
Originally posted by vinay86
That doesn't prove they were not Freemasons
you don't even know who actually started freemasonry, from where it originated.
There were thousands of free masons, throughout the history who committed several crimes against humanity, you can't disprove them.
Clive of India
Brother Robert Clive 1725-1774
Lodge of Rock No. 260 EC, Kolkata.
The history of Lodge of Rock is the history of Freemasonry in South India. The Lodge of Rock is the second oldest Freemasonry Lodge in India and is now one of the few lodges in the country still functioning under the English Constitution (EC).
The first Masonic Lodge in India was started in Kolkata in 1728, and the Lodge of Rock came into being in 1765. Many great men were members like Robert Clive; His Highness Umdat-Ul-Umrah Bahadur, Nawab of Carnatic; and Prince BR Thondiman Sahib. Source.
Clive's lust for power and dominion, Paine explained, had crashed like a storm upon the people of Bengal, whom he represented as a widow and orphan. Wherever Clive and the East India Company had ventured, "murder and rapine" had followed, with "famine and wretchedness" not far behind.
At the heart of this new, more aggressive imperialism were the East India Company and its most visible spokesman, Robert Clive. Son of a provincial lawyer, Clive was a self-made man of the least admirable kind. Haughty, manic-depressive, and very, very ambitious, he got his start as a company clerk, helping to bring the silks and spices of southern Asia to the precocious consumers of the North Atlantic.
In 1761, Robert Clive became Baron Clive—a merely Irish peerage, he complained, but a major honor all the same. Three years later, a company force won the decisive Battle of Buxar, solidifying British control over northern and eastern India. Never one for subtlety, Clive wrote to his nominal superiors about future dominion over the entire subcontinent.
After the beleaguered Mughals handed Clive the diwani, or civil administration and land revenues, of Bengal and the nearby provinces of Bihar and Orissa, the Baron returned to Britain in pomp and splendor. Rumors circulated that he carried egg-sized gems from the east, and in fact he had profited as few imperialists before and many since from a combination of gifts, bribes, and sheer plunder.
Still, Clive could not shake his parvenu insecurities. So he chased more wealth, more power, more honor.
When red-blooded Britons like Clive boasted of their liberties, they did have a point. Compared to the Frenchman or Hessian of the day, the average Englishman was not only safe from arbitrary arrest but also free (and able) to read unflattering things about his government. The sheer amount of circulating ink—newspaper sales reached 12 million in the 1770s.
In May 1773, after much sound and fury, Parliament scolded Clive for his extravagance but also commended his "great and meritorious service to this country." The exposés of plunder and murder came and went, and the imperial consensus held. However tarnished, Clive emerged free, rich, and famous—a hero, more or less.
With "British Sword" in hand, Clive had bullied and bribed the natives, treating them as nothing more than stepping stones to "an unbounded fortune." He had then returned in glory to a fatuous nation, Paine continued. Yet the bloody deeds had reappeared in the newspapers like "specters from the grave," whispering "murder" and demanding justice.
The tying men to the mouths of cannon and 'blowing them away' was never acted by any but an English General, or approved by any but a British Court*—read the proceeding of the Select Committee on India affairs." (The endnote: "*Lord Clive, the chief of Eastern plunderers, received the thanks of Parliament for 'his honorable conduct in the East-Indies.'") Source.
Battle Of Plassey
At Battle of Plassey in 1757 British troops commanded by Robert Clive defeated the Bengal ruler a Mughal viceroy and put in British puppet. Robert Clive said there would be little or no difficulty in obtaining absolute possession of these rich kingdoms.Source.
As Robert Clive watched the ongoing war from the rooftop of the Plassey House, the foundation of a 200 years old British Indian Empire was being laid down. Though not so sure of his victory at the beginning, Clive was emboldened by reinforcement from Madras.
Finally, in Plassey, the British company used 2 Howitzer ‘Rapid Fire’ field guns for the first time that was an invincible weapon for that time in history. The war gave Clive the glory of winning the Indian Empire for the British, latter known as ‘The Jewel in the Crown’. By promoting treason and forgery, the company rule started with an unsavory beginning and something of that bitter taste has clung to it ever since.
Right after Plassey, the looting and exploitation by the company started unabated. As per agreement with Mir Jafar, Clive collected £ 2.5 million for the company and £ 234,000 for himself from the Nawab’s treasury. In addition, Watts collected £ 114,000 for his efforts. The annual rent of £ 30,000 payable to the Nawab for use of the land around Fort William was also transferred to Clive for life. To put this wealth in context, an average British nobleman could live a life of luxury on an annual income of £ 800. Source.
"Robert Clive, hero of Plassey, who came with nothing returned home with a fortune of over £250,000."
The British commander Robert Clive returned to Britain with the huge fortune of £300,000, making him one of the richest self-made men in Europe; after one single battle-Plassey-he transferred to the company treasury no less than £2.5 million that he had seized from the defeated Nawab of Bengal. The conquered province was left devastated by war and high taxation, and stricken by the famine of 1769. [10 million died] Source.
Salt is exuded in perspiration and other body excretions and must be replaced; therefore salt is absolutely necessary for human beings. In 1765 severe taxation of salt in India was initiated by Robert Clive, governor of Bengal, as a private monopoly.
At the beginning it cost a peasant about two months' wages to provide yearly salt for his family; by 1879 it was nearer one month's wages.Source.
Salt Starvation in British India – Consequences of High Salt Taxation in the Bengal Presidency, 1765 to 1878.
Swingeing taxation of salt developed from the establishment of the Exclusive Company by Clive in 1765. This private company, owned by the East India Company’s senior servants, was given a total monopoly on salt. All production by others was declared illegal. This enabled the Exclusive Company to double the wholesale price of salt to Rs 2.47 a maund.
From the above testimonies, it seems clear that salt consumption was severely reduced by the high level of Salt Tax, and at times was perhaps not sufficient to restore even the losses in sweat. This would have led to “a mild breathlessness at first and sense of fatigue” (McCance 1936a, 251), with consequent loss of economic output and resistance to disease. For the very poor, extremely low salt levels would possibly have resulted in “cramps, weakness, lassitude, and severe cardio-respiratory distress on exertion” (267). They would have been particularly at risk from salt-depleting illnesses, such as sweat-inducing fevers, and especially from diarrhoeas. Whatever the minimal salt requirement of the healthy, those with fevers and diarrhoeas would have been adversely affected by any restriction on salt intake needed to replace losses.
A household of four persons, say two adults and two children, reduced to one meal a day, consume 1 ½ seers of rice. In order to enable the father to do his daily work, he would require a second meal of half a seer, making 2 seers a day. If the daily consumption dropped below this, severe suffering would have to be endured. Now, at even the point that I take to be the beginning of the famine, namely, Rs 4 a maund, or 10 seers to the rupee, this lower scale of diet would cost Rs 6 a month. When rates rise to 8 seers for the rupee, or Rs 5 per maund, 2 seers a day would cost Rs 7 – 8 [Rs 7 ½] a month. Yet about a fourth of the families in Bengal do not earn more than Rs 5 a month even in prosperous times.
In such circumstances, there would have been no spare money to buy salt Source.
The study of secret societies is rather complex, simply because they are shrouded in secrecy; and by "secrecy" I am not referring to silly rituals, passwords and handshakes, but their economic and political objectives; objectives which they will always deny.
If you study the history of the Italian P2 Lodge, they did have a Right wing, anti-Communist political and economic objective, but while they were in existence they mostly certainly did not make public pronouncements to that effect; Masonry is a similar memetic virus. It is however without question an economically powerful cult, it is anti-Communist, and totally Neofascist; and by "economically powerful cult," I do not refer to how much is in the Grand Lodge's bank account but to the economic power of the cultists themselves.
P2 Masonic Lodge corruption was revealed when several Italian and French publications disclosed how more than 150 high- level Catholic priests, bishops, and cardinals were practicing members of Freemasonry
Marcinkus was member of Propaganda Due or P2. P2 is a Masonic organization and is a secret sect that had 953 persons from the top echelons of Italy and a state within a state.
Paul Marcinkus was best known for his involvement in the Banco Ambrosiano scandal, a banking crash that cost the Vatican $700 million and untold damage to its prestige and the Indian suffering from its plant Sonia.
Sindona was responsible for Franklin National Bank collapse. He was found guilty in 1980 on 65 counts, misappropriation of $45 million and sentenced to 25 years in USA. Later he was extradited to Italy and jailed for life for bank fraud and murder of Giorgio Ambrosoli. From jail Sindona started blackmailing all his political contacts to get out of jail. Sindona accused the Vatican of planting Sonia Gandhi in India and threatened to spill the details. Sindona was silenced by the former PM Giulio Andreotti who arranged the cyanide poisoning of Shark Sindona on 18-3-1986 in his his prison cell.
In 1986, at a time when when Marcinkus could not set foot in Italy or USA as both Italian police and US justice department were looking for him, Marcinkus was a state guest at 10 Janpath by Sonia. Paul Marcinkus brought the good news that Shark sindona is no more a threat to Sonia Gandhi and that there will be no more
stories of Sonia Gandhi planting in India by Rome. Source.
During their stay in France in 1745, the "Young Pretender" Bonnie Prince Charlie and other Stuarts "had become deeply involved in the dissemination [to spread] of Freemasonry. Indeed they are generally regarded as the source of the particular form of Freemasonry known as 'Scottish Rite'. Source.
Freemason Thomas Barton - whose brother William served as Mayor of Liverpool - was listed as a ‘gentleman’ in the lodge list, yet he also ventured into the slave trade, owning the slave ships Elizabeth and Will. The Will was captained by the infamous eccentric, Hugh Crow, and though the ship is listed in 1799 as being owned by Barton, Crow mentions in his memoirs that it was owned by William Aspinall, the brother of Freemason, John Aspinall. Hugh Crow gives an insight as to how he felt about the slave trade at the time. Witnessing the slaves in the West Indian ports as well dressed and domesticated servants, he commented how lucky they were in comparison to the primitive and dangerous life experienced by the negroes in Africa. Support for the slave trade also came from Freemason James Boswell, who in his Life of Johnson, wrote that the slave trade was ‘God’s will’ and that the merchants and plantation owners would lose their livelihood if abolition was to take place. Another Freemason on the list, William Dennison, was engaged in privateering, having a share in the Enterprise, the ship actively marauding French vessels.
Thomas Barton too had ventured into privateering, owning the Harriet, which took the French brig L’Agreable, the ship and its cargo being sold through the office of local broker and Freemason, William Ewart, another member of the Merchants Lodge. Ewart was an associate of John Gladstone, the father of the future Liberal Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone, who kept slaves on his plantations in the West Indies, and supported the rights of fellow West Indian slave owners during his brief but turbulent political career. One of John Gladstone’s sons, Robertson, became a Freemason in Liverpool in 1833, the year of emancipation, when John was recorded as having around 1000 slaves on his plantations. Source.
Originally posted by vinay86
Right after Plassey, the looting and exploitation by the company started unabated. As per agreement with Mir Jafar, Clive collected £ 2.5 million for the company and £ 234,000 for himself from the Nawab’s treasury. In addition, Watts collected £ 114,000 for his efforts. The annual rent of £ 30,000 payable to the Nawab for use of the land around Fort William was also transferred to Clive for life. To put this wealth in context, an average British nobleman could live a life of luxury on an annual income of £ 800. Source.
"Robert Clive, hero of Plassey, who came with nothing returned home with a fortune of over £250,000."
The British commander Robert Clive returned to Britain with the huge fortune of £300,000, making him one of the richest self-made men in Europe; after one single battle-Plassey-he transferred to the company treasury no less than £2.5 million that he had seized from the defeated Nawab of Bengal. The conquered province was left devastated by war and high taxation, and stricken by the famine of 1769. [10 million died] Source.
10 Million Starved to Death due to Freemason Clive
The Heavy taxes imposed upon people of Bengal, India during famine by Clive, lead to starvation and deaths of millions.
I have shown you how Freemason Robert Clive pillaged India and murdered several innocents, he entered India with nothing and went out of India with huge wealth. Their are thousands of corrupt Freemasons who murdered, robbed and exploited people and took wealth of many other third world countries, and made themselves rich.
My sadness at the privatisation of Iraq
Michael Meacher MP
The Times of London
The US transnational companies are taking over....
Before the US proconsul Paul Bremer left Baghdad, he enacted 100 orders as chief of the occupation authority in Iraq. Perhaps the most infamous was Order 39 which decreed that 200 Iraqi state companies would be privatised, that foreign companies could have complete control of Iraqi banks, factories and mines, and that these companies could transfer all of their profits out of Iraq. The “reconstruction” of the country amounts in effect to wholesale privatisation of the economy and is little short of economic colonisation.
If all 100 orders are taken together, they set the overall legal framework for overriding foreign exploitation of Iraq’s domestic market. They cover almost all facets of the economy, including Iraq’s trading regime, the mandate of the Central Bank, and regulations governing trade union activities. Collectively, they lay down the foundations for the real US objective in Iraq, apart from keeping control of the oil supply, namely the imposition of a neoliberal capitalist economy controlled and run by US transnational corporations.
...... While historically the Iraqi Constitution prohibited private ownership of biological resources, the new US-imposed patent law introduces a system of monopoly rights over seeds. This is virtually a takeover of Iraqi agriculture.
The rights granted to US plant breeding companies under this order include the exclusive right to produce, reproduce, sell, export, import and store the plant varieties covered by intellectual property right for the next 20-25 years. During this extended period nobody can plant or otherwise use plants, trees or vines without compensating the breeder.
In the name of agricultural reconstruction this new law deprives Iraqi farmers of their inherent right, exercised for the past 10,000 years in the fertile Mesopotamian arc, to save and replant seeds. It enables the penetration of Iraqi agriculture by Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer, Dow Chemical and other corporate giants that control the global seed trade. Food sovereignty for the Iraqi people has therefore already been made near-impossible by these new regulations.
This is merely one example of the pervasiveness of the orders left behind by Bremer. But their impact is largely concentrated in the near-monopolisation by US corporations of the economic contracts awarded by the US-dominated Coalition Provisional Authority. Overwhelmingly they have been allocated to big US companies, notably Bechtel and Halliburton, which happens to be Vice-President Dick Cheney’s former company, sometimes on a secret no-bid basis — such as the contract to repair and operate oil wells awarded to the Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root.
The funding of these massive contracts has largely come from the Iraqi oil revenues expropriated for US corporate use. The oil money is held in the US Federal Reserve, and the US Government is determined to keep control of it under an international board.
November 20, 2001
US policy on Taliban influenced by oil - authors
By Julio Godoy
November 20, 2001
... until August, the US government saw the Taliban regime "as a source of stability in Central Asia that would enable the construction of an oil pipeline across Central Asia" from the rich oilfields in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan, through Afghanistan and Pakistan, to the Indian Ocean. Until now, says the book, "the oil and gas reserves of Central Asia have been controlled by Russia. The Bush government wanted to change all that."
But, confronted with Taliban's refusal to accept US conditions, "this rationale of energy security changed into a military one", the authors claim.
"At one moment during the negotiations, the US representatives told the Taliban, 'either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs,'"
....Brisard and Dasquie draw a portrait of the closest aides to Bush, linking them to the oil business. Bush's family has a strong oil background, as do some of his top aides. From Vice President Dick Cheney, through the director of the National Security Council Condoleezza Rice, to the ministers of commerce and energy, Donald Evans and Stanley Abraham, all have for long worked for US oil companies.
Cheney was until the end of last year president of Halliburton, a company that provides services for oil industry; Rice was between 1991 and 2000 manager for Chevron; Evans and Abraham worked for Tom Brown, another oil giant.
The book confirms earlier reports that the US government worked closely with the United Nations during the negotiations with the Taliban. "Several meetings took place this year, under the arbitration of Francesc Vendrell, personal representative of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, to discuss the situation in Afghanistan," ....., the discussions turned around "the formation of a government of national unity. If the Taliban had accepted this coalition, they would have immediately received international economic aid. And the pipelines from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan would have come," he added. ....
Naik also claimed that Tom Simons, the US representative at these meetings, openly threatened the Taliban and Pakistan. "Simons said, 'either the Taliban behave as they ought to, or Pakistan convinces them to do so, or we will use another option'. The words Simons used were 'a military operation."
Murder, rape and pillage.
More on:
Numbers 31:7-18
They attacked Midian just as the LORD had commanded Moses, and they killed all the men. ..... Then the Israelite army captured the Midianite women and children and seized their cattle and flocks and all their wealth as plunder. They burned all the towns and villages where the Midianites had lived. After they had gathered the plunder and captives, both people and animals, they brought them all to Moses and Eleazar the priest,....
Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the people went to meet them outside the camp. But Moses was furious with all the military commanders who had returned from the battle. "Why have you let all the women live?" he demanded. Now kill all the boys and all the women who have slept with a man. Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves.
Originally posted by vinay86
A Most Miserable Trade
Involvement of Freemasons in the Slave Trade.
... Support for the slave trade also came from Freemason James Boswell, who in his Life of Johnson, wrote that the slave trade was ‘God’s will’ rce.[/url]
you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. Leviticus 25:44-46
More on:
We are talking about despotism. The USA PATRIOT Act is as despotic as anything Hitler came up with--
--even using much of the same language."
"The US is really beyond reason now.It is beyond our imagining to know what they are going to do next and what they are prepared to do.There is only one comparison: Nazi Germany."
Harold Pinter
"The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact....They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution..... A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain his ends. The supreme god of a fascist, to which his ends are directed, may be money or power; may be a race or a class; may be a military clique or an economic group; or may be a culture, religion, or a political party."
Henry A. Wallace, 33rd Vice President of the United States
"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power
to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself.
That in its essence is fascism: ownership of the government by an individual,
by a group or any controlling private power."
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
More quotations on American fascism on:
Originally posted by Lucifer777
The only political solution which would transform India is Communism; and despite millions of Communists in India and extreme poverty, the conditions for revolution seem a long way off.
Originally posted by KSigMason
Fascist monsters like you will not ever eradicate Freemasonry. Nor are we economic masters oppressing the people. .
Originally posted by vinay86
But I am doing my part, I have just sent emails to major newspapers, requesting them to do an article on freemasonry. I have began to tell my friends also about it.
Originally posted by OnTheLevel213
And guess what they're going to ask you? I'll bet it will sound something like this:
"Now show me where the Worshipful Master or Most Worshipful Grand Master of India ordered him to do this.
Originally posted by vinay86
I have already said in the OP if their was one Freemason than it would have been justified, but when the whole army of Freemason Governor General Viceroys are their who did all types of misdeeds in India and the world, only to dominate countries and economically exploit them. Then it is called institutional corruption.
Research your own history, you will find freemasonry infiltrated several countries during colonization i.e. forcibly. Freemasonry is corrupt, get it.
Originally posted by vinay86
I have already said in the OP if their was one Freemason than it would have been justified, but when the whole army of Freemason Governor General Viceroys are their who did all types of misdeeds in India and the world, only to dominate countries and economically exploit them. Then it is called institutional corruption.
I'm actually surprised you haven't blamed the British as a whole. It seems to me like your buddy Lucifer777 is more closely related to your oppressors than any Masons currently alive and practicing their craft in the small, individual lodges in rural America.
Originally posted by vinay86
Research your own history, you will find freemasonry infiltrated several countries during colonization i.e. forcibly. Freemasonry is corrupt, get it.
Originally posted by Lucifer777
Originally posted by KSigMason
Fascist monsters like you will not ever eradicate Freemasonry. Nor are we economic masters oppressing the people. .
Contradiction and abuse are poor substitutes for intellligent conversation.
I did not address you. I was speaking to my Indian brother. F*** your God. F*** your Christ.
edit on 4-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: The text was not diabolical enough.
Originally posted by JoshNorton
I'm actually surprised you haven't blamed the British as a whole. It seems to me like your buddy Lucifer777 is more closely related to your oppressors than any Masons currently alive and practicing their craft in the small, individual lodges in rural America.
The Masons have always provided the leaders and the staff of French colonialism. François Xavier-Verschave described the secret control system of its leaders as “the secret criminality in the upper echelons of French politics and economy, where a kind of underground Republic is hidden from view.”
French Freemasons and their African lodge leaders play a key role in the current impasse in the Ivory Coast.
Virtually all the African leaders ranged against Laurent Gbagbo and supporting the elite cadre of French business and political leaders are Freemasons affiliated to the same lodges as the elite French business and political group. It is impossible to understand how Françafrique works without reference to the Masons.
French Masons represent the elite of French business and politics, Most of them were educated together at the same two elite schools and most pursue a career in the French government or French business. These schools are École Nationale d’Administration, the École Polytechnique and École Polytechnique.
Freemason lodges maintain a formidable, covert influence within the French judicial and police structures. All three Freemason lodges in France were caught influence peddling and false invoicing on state contracts. Freemasons in the judiciary hamper any investigations and muzzle the press. Source.
Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by Lucifer777
You have yet to bring anything intelligent to the board and I'm still waiting for you to prove how Freemasonry is similar to Nazis.
Originally posted by vinay86