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In less than 90 days, you will be "REQUIRED" by Federal Law to carry a "National ID" card.

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posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 08:59 PM

Now, there is no debate as to whether or not the card will contain a chip that is capable of tracking people, the only debate has been around which tracking technology better suits their needs. Here are a few quotes again from the official government document:
“ DHS also invites comments on how States would or could incorporate a separate WHTI- compliant technology, such as an RFID-enabled vicinity chip technology, in addition to the REAL ID PDF417 barcode requirement.”

“States can leverage the same infrastructure that they will need to purchase for REAL ID to incorporate MRZ, proximity chips, and vicinity chip technology onto a driver’s license.”

“The use of RFID is essential to the WHTI program in order to ensure facilitation at crowded U.S. land and sea crossing points. Similar concerns are not implicated by REAL ID, which is one of the factors that led DHS to select the 2D bar code as the common machine readable technology on driver’s licenses and identification cards. DHS encourages States to explore alternative technologies on their driver’s licenses and identification cards in order to promote security and technology advances as well as e-government initiatives a State may wish to explore.”

I have not read all of the DHS document. I have read pieces up to this point. But more reading may be in order when I can find time to do so.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Klassified

Originally posted by getreadyalready
Won't happen.

Too many states are against the REAL ID act. Many of the newly elected Governors are against it. Many people just do not have IDs, and we cannot require them to carry one. I hope some idiot does ask me for ID sometime when I am not driving.

That's why I bolded may in the OP. I'm with you. I'm not so sure they can make this fly, no matter what kind of wings they put on it.

It will fly when we cant buy anything or go anywhere, then it will be injected into our flesh between the arteries in your wrist. then we are screwed.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by ResearchMan
reply to post by Klassified

I've been hearing about this a lot. I know of the run off's this topic has produced such thing's as getting the GPS and biometric reading from a capsule that get's injected into you with a flu shot. Sounded far fetched to me. This thread proves that is not the case. I'm just happy our imaginations haven't got the best of us. I am all for a National ID card. Not only will it weed out the illegal aliens but it can be used to save lives.

Just thinking these can serve as our credit card's too.

edit on 1-3-2011 by ResearchMan because: Just thinking these can serve as our credit card's too.

The day the majority thinks like you... just know we have all sold our souls to evil... i pity this Earth to allow someone or SomeTHING to control them. shame When we lose our FREE WILL we are truly doomed.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by kimsie

I should have qualified that statement. In its present incarnation, I think it won't fly. However, it doesn't mean they won't find a way around the states and the people sooner or later, and one way or the other.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:23 PM
This will never take effect . 300 million people having an ID is worthless . There is already an Social security number for all people born .

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Klassified
reply to post by kimsie

I should have qualified that statement. In its present incarnation, I think it won't fly. However, it doesn't mean they won't find a way around the states and the people sooner or later, and one way or the other.

this thread should be the most important Top Pick here on ATS. When people become complacant about this issue,
we have a one-way ticket to Hell in a Handbasket. May 2011 is just around the corner and we are doomed.
The new Health Care bill is to enforce the injections in to our wrists.
Pray we can stop this or its the end of humanity as we know it.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by Klassified

I can't wait for the "flaws" to show up. Opps we can't scan your card, you'll have to come with us. Oh you're not a fugitive, our bad, you can go now. Oh oh my favorite, you lost your card? $100 fine for not having your card on you, more money for the government to blow.

LOL, so tell me now how bad Bush was????

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Klassified

Even though no one on Capitol Hill is talking about it, unless it is stopped, the provisions of The Real ID Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-13, 119 Stat 392), through the Department of Homeland Security, will require the federalization of State-issued driver's licenses by May 11, 2011.

This is the type of card the Nazi's and the communists in the Soviet Union made people carry.

The new cards, disguised as a uniform drivers' license, will be biometric. Each card will store up to a gigabyte of personal data about the card holder AND will contain a GPS tracking chip---so that means the government will know where you are at all times.

Looks like the moment we've all been waiting for may be here. The National ID Card! Don't leave home without it! (If you know whats good for you, that is.) You'll need it ready to show your friendly local Gestapo agents anytime, anywhere, anyplace. Comes complete with its very own tracking device, and all of your personal info they can fit into a gigabyte of space. So don't delay, get your new serf card today.

I'm wondering if this can and will be connected later on to the "Internet ID". One size fits all.

In Less Than 90 Days...

ETA: Here is a link with info from the DHS site: Real ID...

edit on 28-2-2011 by Klassified because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-2-2011 by Klassified because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-2-2011 by Klassified because: ETA: Vid

edit on 28-2-2011 by Klassified because: ETA again

Another step towards Martial's coming people....let's be prepared.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:59 PM
Don't worry America, Australia will follow suit like the lap dog that it is. Here in Australia, whilst not having one credible threat against it has one of the strictest customs in the world. When I returned from HK last week, we had to hand over all our drinks etc. Then as we are about to board the plane, we have to do it all over again. Some airports make us even remove the batteries from our notebooks for scanning.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:14 PM
So it's finally coming?

Just put me in chains and hammer a stick up my anus while you're at it.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:22 PM
Copy your passport, drivers license, birth certificate, SS card and scan it. Also copy your fingerprints and a a few orthographic photos of yourself onto it. PGP sign it. Store it on a truecrypt encrypted USB flash drive as safekeeping in case anyone tries to steal your identity.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:02 AM
FEMA has had the STATE POLICE issue us 1st Responders for DHS/FEMA/ER RESPONSE Teams a bar coded I.D. Yeah. LIke we dont know what its for. Dont know about the tracking part...but heard they will do that to us because they want to be able to "locate" us in case of a disaster and we get "trapped" "lost" or hurt...yeah, yeah....we know what its for and how it will be used.

And yes you all can refuse to use it...but then you can be detained and prosecuted for that. Welcome to "the Machine".

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:36 AM
Is there any REQUIREMENT that the ID functions?

I mean, a minute in a Microwave would destroy both the data and the GPS tracking.

>> More signs of fascism; when your government treats the average citizen as a threat. Since the Robber Barons own the news and have congress enact THEIR desires -- a good person becomes a criminal. We won't be hating them for "our freedoms" but for their tyranny.

The BEST way to have a safe and good country, is to provide education and opportunity. Since, the Robber Barons want us to have nothing and fight over the crumbs -- they NEED a National ID because this is the best way to keep us in check. Average citizens are getting fed up -- so average citizens will be "terrorists" because the status quo no longer works for us.

If the wealthy in this country, just got rid of the Bush tax cuts -- we wouldn't be having budget shortfalls and cutting teachers. There is no way to pay off our debts by cutting infrastructure and education -- and THEY know it. We still have people interviewing TeaBaggers as if they represented ANYONE beyond the top 2%, and we still have people saying with a straight face that "there is no money -- we have to cut spending."

>> There is MONEY when we HAVE TO blow up a resource rich country. There is MONEY when Walker NEEDS to give tax "gifts" to keep corporations in his state -- but no money, when he has to take it from Union workers to make up the difference. WE are in Global Competition, when US Bank outsources it's development staff -- but we do not have Global Competition, making the compensation of CEO's and Bankers go down -- when of course, at least 50% at any time are losing to the competition.

Our right to be treated as innocent, is going to go away -- because the crooks in charge, don't want to have to worry about the chickens coming home to roost. Not until they can run things from an offshore bank.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
Copy your passport, drivers license, birth certificate, SS card and scan it. Also copy your fingerprints and a a few orthographic photos of yourself onto it. PGP sign it. Store it on a truecrypt encrypted USB flash drive as safekeeping in case anyone tries to steal your identity.

This is a good recommendation. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by Klassified

In less than 90 days I will have completed P90X. Also I probably won't be carrying a national ID. I don't even carry my drivers license...because it's suspended anyway.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by VitriolAndAngst

You know? Apples and oranges. They say its for this...used for that..bottom line is our FEMA bar-coded State Police cards are issued to identify us as....responders respond. It's all gobbly-gook we know...but what can we do? We certify and train and they got us by the bollocks.

Ive said it before. Im glad Im here for my community in-case-of....but sometimes? I feel used and lied to. But still...Im not sorry I joined and will gladly jump into any disaster or emergency for you long as I can show my CARD!!!

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 12:05 PM
I could think of how an EVIL citizen could ruin this electronic tracking of humans in the USA.

Instead of just ruining their OWN cards in protest, they could ruin every card they pass by of other people -- enough so, that anyone who ruined their card in protest, could claim innocence -- because I AM SURE, THAT YOU WILL NOT OWN YOUR OWN ID -- it will not be your property and will carry a federal penalty for any tampering.

So, a clever anarchist -- WHO WE MUST STOP -- could carry some radio equipment (like a microwave), but designed more like those wireless phone chargers, and zap every ID's electronics that they passed by -- since in a card, these cannot be shielded. So it will work as an ID -- but will not be a tracker.

Of course, this is wrong, because this is ONLY four our benefit. You know, like how our Government protected our jobs from outsourcing, and our economy from the Banksters, and how the FDA stopped toys with lead in them from coming in the country while they moved to regulate supplements (because they care). And how 10,000+ bystanders are shot every year protecting us from drugs like Marijuana. 250,000 die every year from Cigarettes and only 4,000 at MOST died per year from Cocaine in its hey-day, but it's the PRINCIPLE of it all -- not the numbers.

No, of course, we should not be tampering with a National ID, because then the terrorists can get us -- even though the next terrorist will likely be allowed in by the CIA or FBI -- but we cannot investigate those things, for our safety, you understand.

Just my 3 cents.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by mysterioustranger
reply to post by VitriolAndAngst

You know? Apples and oranges. They say its for this...used for that..bottom line is our FEMA bar-coded State Police cards are issued to identify us as....responders respond. It's all gobbly-gook we know...but what can we do? We certify and train and they got us by the bollocks.

Ive said it before. Im glad Im here for my community in-case-of....but sometimes? I feel used and lied to. But still...Im not sorry I joined and will gladly jump into any disaster or emergency for you long as I can show my CARD!!!

Speaking of FEMA, I remember talking to a Firefighter who often volunteered for forest fires, that he was held up in Georgia during that disaster, for about a week. I forgot the agency, but it was concerning training on "Sexual Harassment and the workplace" -- or it might have been "Emergency Preparedness" -- the reason I'm not sure of which, is because it was the most ABSURD excuse I'd ever heard for not having emergency teams in place. It was as if they were STALLING for some reason.

Also, I talked to an acquaintance in Florida, who said they had a bunch of people with air boats, volunteer to help rescue people and move folks in and out of the disaster area, but were DENIED.

While Bush, might have thought having birthday cake and installing a new justice to the supreme court was on top of his "to do list" -- I do remember seeing a video of him haggling with the Governor. A week before the "disaster" it was known that this COULD destroy the levies and the Federal Emergency Evacuation was put in place -- but the former FEMA head, had outsourced the job and the buses weren't ready in time -- this was more profitable, than hiring people you understand. It might have seemed they were merely lazy and incompetent -- but they managed to CLOSE 144 public schools in the following two weeks!

Government In Action!

So, until we actually see more evidence of Government working for the COMMON GOOD -- why do we give up another right to privacy, in exchange for some elusive "trust us, we'll keep you safe" argument? I'm more worried about the CIA and a bank foreclosing on my house, than Al Qaeda -- because really, the CIA or FBI might be engineering the attack and using some poor diluted dupe to be the "mastermind."

I'm sorry, but the days of "trust us" are gone. In terms of PROTECTING ME, the military, and the "Federal Reserve" and oversight have failed. You work for the BAD GUYS. And I'm absolutely sure, that terrorists will still be a problem when we have a National ID with location tracking -- because they won't be HONEST when they commit some act -- they will probably steal an ID from an innocent citizen when they commit the bad deed, and they won't be paying with credit card for the weapons.

I think being homeless, uninsured, or jobless are a bigger threat to my existence than this nebulous concept of "untracked enemy combatants."

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
Copy your passport, drivers license, birth certificate, SS card and scan it. Also copy your fingerprints and a a few orthographic photos of yourself onto it. PGP sign it. Store it on a truecrypt encrypted USB flash drive as safekeeping in case anyone tries to steal your identity.

I've stored MOST of what you recommended on my computer and a backup drive -- but my fingerprints? I think I carry those around.

And the encryption -- is that just for keeping prying eyes out? I'm more likely to forget the password than I am to have it stolen from me. Where your ID gets stolen, is from companies that require you to give them your SS number. Banks, mortgage companies -- oh heck, ANYONE, I once had some company try to REQUIRE my SSN for renting video tapes.

On the "black market" the cost of a SSN is worth about 2 cents. Your credit card number would be about 25 cents. Everything together would be worth a LOT more. So, I memorize my home address and SSN and name, and don't store it with that other data.

Identity theft could be easily solved, by the way, but by creating a problem that can ONLY be solved with a National ID -- it allows them to get more power. Probably some company with good connections will be the sole source of the cards and will store all the data as well -- there is no provision to stop a private company from sharing this data with it's subsidiaries. Therefore; your data will be safely guarded by the biggest crooks possible, who don't need identity theft -- they'll issue you a 40% interest credit card and let YOU bankrupt yourself with your own, secure ID.

>> Identity theft would be a bigger issue for me, if I weren't already getting ripped off by the "known" thieves like Chase bank.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 12:39 PM
This is bunch of bull, they put the burden on the states to do this, and so far most states are not doing it. And what is going to power this supposed GPS, swamp gas, where you put the batteries.
They have been trying to do this for quite sometime, it's still hackable.
They also expect the states to build the data base, this is a lot further off than 90 days, plus look at all the illegal mexican's they have to locate first, just to give them their IDs.
edit on 2-3-2011 by googolplex because: (no reason given)

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