posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:28 AM
My god those hags once again resort to the same lame attempts to derail Jones just as they tried to do Jesse Ventura. Ventura really put them in
their place and made them shut up when he was on. I think AJ knew he had to go at this head strong knowing they would cut him off. He had nothing to
lose. Barbara Walters is in bed with the elite, she is really close with Henry Kissinger. So of course this subject "911" and the Bush regime will hit
a nerve.
The audience applauding Woopies attempt at damage control was creepy. Does the studio screen who will be in the audience? Maybe they are just
mindless drones. I really dont blame AJ's approach after all the MSM has been defaming Sheen for a while and primarily Sheen. Hollywood is full of
alcoholics and drug users so what makes Sheen different? Because he pushes the envelope and asks questions. Im sick of the tabloid gossip. I couldnt
care less about Mel Gibsons personal life or Sheen or Tiger Woods.
That is the whole point of the View, girl talk, bunch of hags gossiping like it's Bingo Night. Notice how Alex tripped a overload in Woopies pebble
brain, as if they never heard of WTC7 after all Jesse Ventura schooled them on it last year yet they come down with a case of amnesia. What a bunch of
puppets, disgusting.
edit on 1-3-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)
edit on 1-3-2011 by Unknown Soldier
because: (no reason given)