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Alex Jones on "The View" (Video Linked)

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posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder
reply to post by Fitzgibbon

Alex's point was that, why is the View focusing on some guy who works in the tv industry and what he does on his personal time rather than the thousands if not millions of injuries and deaths to Iraqi civilians or what is really going on the in the world and how we as a human family can easily repair and help but instead it's LOOK! Its a movie star who is spending money or doing things in his personal private time. SHAME!...

Wanna posit why it is Jones was invited on the show? If not for Sheen's stupidity on his show, Jones wouldn't be on their radar.

He splooged it and I quite sure he won't be invited back not even to talk 9/11 conspiracies

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by niceguybob
The interview is now on the front page of the Drudge Report.

Between the View and Drudge,Alex just went viral. He could not have paid for MORE publicity with a checkbook if he tryed.

drudgereport's demo is pro-Bush/pro-Republican so don't be expecting a sudden in-rush of to-be-converted's from that corner either

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by GrinchNoMore
reply to post by pianopraze

I nominate Good ol Dave, he would be more whacky than anyone with his denials...comeon guys we can do this !!

He can bring his list with him bahhaha.

If a character like Alex Jones is such a lunatic that he actually believes homosexuality is being caused by gov't mind control chemicals, I sincerely doubt that anything I could possibly say would make much difference to the way he perceives the world.

Wait a minute- isn't that French guy who invented that whole, "Cruise missile hit the Pentagon" hoax openly gay? Talk about the, "chicken or the egg" scenario!

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Good ole dave...... Your posts lack substance once again.

Your attacks on people with childish insults on this website has grown old and quite lame.

Now, THIS is how I know you're a genuine conspiracy theorist, rather than someone who's genuinely interested in the events of 9/11. Go back and reread my messages. Nowhere do I call anyone a moron, or that they were dropped on their heads when they were children, or that they kick pregnant dogs, or any of that. I uniformly attack the con artists exactly like Alex Jones who are spreading their dementia onto people who don't realize the guy's a lunatic. Heck, I don't even need to call him a lunatic- I just need to post a clip of his own statements of how the gov't is causing homosexuality with mind control chemicals to illustrate that better than I can.

The problem is that you have such an emotional attachment to these conspiracy theories and the people running these damned fool web sites that you perceive any attack on them as a personal attack upon yourselves. This loyalty on principle you have to this conspiracy ideology is dangerous becuase if someone legitimately comes along to point out that you're mistaken on something, you'll refuse to listen. How on Earth is this remotely, "denying ignorance"?

Alex has made his point. Focus on other important topics. Who really cares about a movie star. Its the people that seem to care more about what some movie star is doing over what is really going on in the world....war, death, lies. Sheen is a perfect candidate to misdirect our attention.

You have it the other way around. The View hosts asked Jones to come on to talk about Charlie Sheen's meltdown becuase that's what they do- wallow in celebrity scandals- and he attempted to hijack it for that damned fool, "Infowars" conspiracy web site of his. Go ahead and pinch yourself, it's true, but the women on the View forgot all about Jones the moment the commercial break was over.

Not everything in the world is part of some secret conspiracy to take over the world, you know.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by 0731JLVR

Alex Jones blind support only comes from the fact that he has been a friend of Sheens for a number of years...kinda like your blind comment...

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:47 AM
What amazes me about this is while Bush was in office, those ladies (except Elizabeth) would jump at the chance to demonize Bush and the administration but now they don't want to talk about it. They don't want to give anybody a chance to speak ill of their savior, BHO. In their narrow little view, the world is perfect now that we have a socialist government in place.

Kudos to Alex for getting his message out. He knows he has to take advantage of every opportunity because you don't get a second chance.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:59 AM
Hi gang,

I have been a memeber of ATS for years now and spend a lot of time here. I love the user generated content and revelations that this site provides. I also listen to the Alex Jones show regularly. I find it odd though that many people on this very website often ridicule Jones as a charlatan or a t-shirt salesman. Its like they are listening to a different show than me. I often wonder how many people here listen to his show and not just wierd little snippets of him on youtube.

Yes he has had a Rothschild on his show...but you realize that it was because Rothschild was doing radio interviews to promote his book and also his world eco concert and Alex is a radio show. Alex's producers set up that interview as anyone else with a radio show would.

Alex has for years put out the best radio show on the planet when it comes to information. How many other radio hosts do a four hour radio show bristling with info DAILY!!!! Plus a Sunday two hour show!

Name me who else does that?

Alex has always had a no screening policy on his show. What does this mean? It means that you can call on his show and wait in the que until it is your turn to talk about whatever you want. How do I know this is true...I have called into the show on three different occasions. The only questions his producers asked me were, "what is your name and where are you from?" Seriously, name just ONE other radio show with Alex's audience size that does this? I can't even get on my local radio opinion show without being asked my views on whatever topic it is they want to talk about.

And as for us following Alex blindly that is where you are wrong again. Alex clearly implores you NOT to believe him but to go and check out the information for yourself.

So I find it funny that many people here are suggesting that Alex doesn't know what he's doing when in fact he has a masters degree in media and how it works. If you really think that Alex will not ever be allowed on another talk show you are a fool...wasn't he on Piers Morgan later that same evening? Wake up! Alex Jones has done more for the truth movement this morning, doing strafing runs in his underwear, before his first cup of coffee than you will do in your life.

If you can't handle his mega intense ninja vatican assassin style than just say so...I'm sure the View will gladly help shape your worldview.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Actually i was wrong, you should actually be a host on that show permanently, you focus on the same wallowing mundane garbage in every story, you seem to appreciate never touching the tough parts of a story but wondering how some guy said something controversial LOL.

Awww Jeez, here we go again !!

Face it you are jealous of Alex Jones, you love all the "crackpot theories" and you are addicted to doublethink.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:05 AM
Regardless if Alex Jones railroaded the interview or not and the fact that some of you just chalk Sheen up as "he's lost it".. He is manic it happens when you stop cold turkey from any vice. Alex defended Charlie as any friend should and took full advantage of the viewership to push his view. The fact that it's an alternative view point is no different than the conservative and liberial slop that is on the air now. I can't remember which media reporting agency that does the ratings but this year he showed up in the ratings which means his show is growing like it or not.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

If you failed to comprehend the message again.

The view and other shows have the opportunity to educate people considering how often people are glaring at the screen but they don't. They focus on celebrities mainly and occasionally touching upon world issues but usually giving it the usual spin without provoking much thought. I like thought provoking topics and there is not much of that around in the mainstream but some people like that mind droning useless superficial 'entertainment. I don't.

Check out WWW.INFOWARS.COM and tell me what on the front page is a "Damned fooled' conspiracy?

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:13 AM
I've got to see this when I get home. Not a big fan of doom and gloom AJ lately, but the dynamic of alex jones vs. the view is just awesome. That's some TV I could watch.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by ericsnow

great video. Alex acted like the peace maker in that role. I think he was about to mention the 20 minutes with the president as the real reason he goes on the radio show but then he stopped. The "moderate" Alex Jones? He certainly did not explode like he did on the View, which I thought was great as well. Maybe if Alex keeps his cool he'll be on more shows and start talking about his investigation in a calm and eloquent manner, so then people will stop calling him a deranged conspiracy theorist. It just goes to show that people are more apt to listen to someone who is calm and eloquent than enraged and angry. I think this is why the media is poking fun at Charlie, they are scarred of his erratic behavior but that's just because they usually deal with people who lull around and don't say anything politically incorrect.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by GrinchNoMore
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Actually i was wrong, you should actually be a host on that show permanently, you focus on the same wallowing mundane garbage in every story, you seem to appreciate never touching the tough parts of a story but wondering how some guy said something controversial LOL.

Awww Jeez, here we go again !!

Face it you are jealous of Alex Jones, you love all the "crackpot theories" and you are addicted to doublethink.

Dude, you seem to have this manic obsession with me. Instead of sitting there going on and on about me, how about actually addressing the material I post to see whether or not it's actually true? If you want to believe I'm a fool, go right ahead as I really don't care, but dismissing everything I say simply because I'm the one saying it...or worse, embracing an outright "the gov't is making people into homosexuals with mind control chemicals" lunatic such as Jones solely because I'm the one denouncing only making YOU look uninformed and ignorant, not me. If I told you that grizzly bears are dangerous would you insist on cuddling up to one like it was a teddy bear simply to spite me? Sheesh, grow up.

...and just what "tough parts of any story" have I ever avoided? That's the hallmark of the conspiracy theorists, not me.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by General.Lee
What amazes me about this is while Bush was in office, those ladies (except Elizabeth) would jump at the chance to demonize Bush

And Elizabeth usually defends Bush, but she didn't even budge when he mentioned 1 million dead Iraqis. It must have flew over her head

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:27 AM
That was funny to watch... Barbara Walters is sooo adorably débonnaire and polite.

I can't totally approve Jones, since he's homophobic and a nationalist, but he did shook of cage of TV viewers on this one. This kind of thing creates interesting disruptions inn the propaganda machine.
edit on 1/3/11 by Echtelion because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

...and just what "tough parts of any story" have I ever avoided? That's the hallmark of the conspiracy theorists, not me.

Israel's involvement before and during the attacks of 911 to name one in 1000's of other examples.

People have stopped considering you an expert in anything here except in derailing and trolling. Not my words.
edit on 1-3-2011 by Shadow Herder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder
If you failed to comprehend the message again.

The view and other shows have the opportunity to educate people considering how often people are glaring at the screen but they don't. They focus on celebrities mainly and occasionally touching upon world issues but usually giving it the usual spin without provoking much thought. I like thought provoking topics and there is not much of that around in the mainstream but some people like that mind droning useless superficial 'entertainment. I don't.

Well, DUH! The View isn't a show for intellectual to discuss the sociopolitical impact of Goethe poetry. It's a show to discuss celebrities and how pretty spring dresses are. Unless Jones is a complete idiot...and you and I both know he isn't...he had to have known the insipid nature of this show's fare. He went there because it was an outlet to peddle his infowars conspiracy site and make a few bucks. Did you know Alex Jones feels so much safer from buying his food from efoodsdirect, and you can too? Wow!

Check out WWW.INFOWARS.COM and tell me what on the front page is a "Damned fooled' conspiracy?

For one thing, this web site's outrageous assertions of, "US military tightening around Libya" making it sound like Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union when I can see it's the whole flipping world denouncing Qadaffi's brutality. Egypt isn't swimming in 140,000 refugees from Libya because they're on vacation and Indian warships aren't off the Libyan coast for the fishing. Infowars seems to have forgotten to mention anything about that whole UN vote condemning Qadaffi, but then their goal is to peddle abject paranoia, not objective facts.

To be fair, this particular abject paranoia was written by Paul Watson, not Alex Jones.

edit on 1-3-2011 by GoodOlDave because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:11 AM
Dont you think AJ would perfectly fit in a conspiracy set to discredit conspiracy theories?

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:21 AM
I can't put my finger on it, but something is happening on this planet that is really special. Alex Jones on "The View"? How did that happen?

I don't agree with everything he says, but Alex managed to mention the take down of WTC building 7, and Bush killing millions of people. It all happened on national TV! The producers of the show knew that Alex would speak his mind.

Are we finally waking up as a species?

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Come on dave, if NATO actually cared about people, they would have been in Zimbabwe a long time ago.

Actually your quote is more related to the london guardian article

"US tightens military grip on Gaddafi"

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