posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 08:41 PM
AFAIK it is entirely possible to build earthquake resistant buildings in Chch even though it is built on a swamp and a river plain - it just hasn't
been done, or at least the level of resistance built into them was insufficient, because it was thought to not be an earthquake zone.
Some buildings had been strengthened - the old Provincial chambers and the Arts Centre had extensive strengthening done through the 80's IIRC - steel
bars and sropts were visible on hte outside of the stonework, etc. But it was obviously insufficient - presumably they were strengthened to a level
thought adequate at the time.
So it's going to be expensive to rebuild because the requirements are going to be much tougher - when "the big one" hits Wellington it's going to be
much stronger than Chch's - most Kiwi's are at leat vaguely aware that Wellington is built on a fault line, and much of its CBD was raised by a large
earthquake in the 1850's - the Basin Reserve used to be a dock accessed by sailing up what is now Kent and Cambridge terrace! I look out on the fault
line less than a km away!
And true to form humanity has shown its darker side too -
the scams
have started!edit on 22-2-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: crappy spelling