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Ahmadinejad: Obama can't spell his own name: (Calling him out now!)

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posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 11:41 AM
We have seen how the U.S. is controlling so many countries with the mini dictators they have installed around the globe. Why would it be any different in Iran. Why wouldn't Ahmadinejad be reading from cue cards the U.S. is sending him.

Wake the ***k up.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by MindSpin

You are so negative...look around you...things aren't that bad. And no matter how much you want Obama to fail...things are slowly getting better.

You don't have a clue. What are you? A thirteen year old?

I have seen much better times politically and economically.

Where do you get the idea that I want Obama to fail? I wish he would be able to deliver on his promises, but I can see that he really has no intentions of that, just like most of his predecessors.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 11:44 AM


posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by butcherguy
reply to post by MindSpin

Or maybe I just work within the system that is available to me. Maybe I don't cry about things that are not going to be changed. Maybe I don't play the victim card as many do on this site. Just maybe.

Are you kidding me?
That is all you have been doing on this thread, arguing, bitching and moaning.

Really??? I would love an example.

Or are you just about the attempted insluts with no follow through? Do you want to make an assumption about my age again to completely dismiss my points?

It's your choice...but I would love to see an example.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by anon72

Interesting guy this Ahmedinejad!

I like him!

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by MindSpin
reply to post by anon72

So you want ANOTHER war....Iraq and Afganistan weren't enough for you...huh?

Let's send more US soldiers to die in a war they can not win....briliant.

And there is no doubt from even someone reading one of your posts that you hate Obama...but your hate goes to an unhealthy level of obsession.

You have ONE vote...use that vote in Nov. 2012...that is all you have. The rest of this ranting and crying will do nothing besides make you look desperate and frankly a little anti-american.

No, no. Please, someone tell me I didn't just read that last line correctly.

I didn't think anyone questioning POTUS would be referred to as anti-american, to any degree, here on this site.


posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by MindSpin

Originally posted by Whereweheaded
reply to post by anon72

And Sir, don't let your blind love of him keep you from seeing how incompentant of a POTUS he really is.

Amen to that brotha~ Never before in our history have many Americans been ashamed of what we got for a POTUS. Once again, just look at the approval ratings, or the lack there of!

Yes...let's look at those approval ratings.

Obama Approval Ratings

Obama is currently at a +5.3...with 49.4% approving and 44.1% disapproving.

Those are perfect numbers to get re-elected...and it will only get higher with a split this point Obama can't do anything he can't be seen as doing anything 100% wrong.

So what are your issues with the approval ratings??? I don't see them showing anything bad at all....certainly not to the point where "Never before in our history have many Americans been ashamed of what we got for a POTUS.".

But I guess propaganda works on some...and you seem to have bought it.
You might want to look at when those polls had been taken its 2011 now but nice try

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:26 PM
the reality IMHO is that more people are finding out that Obama is not the devil, and it scares most folks. We lash out the hardest at who we fear, and a well-traveled man of color with an education is a scary thing.

One good thing Obama did - there was this nice $116 billion tax break for the mid-class that put about $15 to $30 per paycheck because the IRS quit withholding so much. No one "saw" this, but it was good, right, to have that bit extra in your hand, wasn't it? Link

He did another one, no one heard of it. Eat this, tax freaks, cause it was called Making Work Pay, and it gave $400 per single and $800 per married couple. It costs $600 billion over ten years, but the Republicans aren't pushing this tax cut in favor of their $700 billion to the wealthy, cause it doesn't benefit the corporate vampires who fund them. Ask Rand Paul.

Now, wrap your minds around this one, knuckledraggers! The tax cuts to 97% of Americans can cost $3 trillion over ten years, or you can cut taxes to the 3% wealthy and pay out $3.7 trillion over the same time frame. That's from the Tax Policy Institute Neither of these is funded, though, so in truth its still a hit, but that 7/10 fraction of a trillion is still $700 billion more that Obama's and it benefits less people.

Not one, not two, but three, three glorious things. Cheaper to do Obama's way, and you had more cash in your pocket.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:29 PM
Please don't bring in that NWO conspiracy in here. That's just a cop out. "This one group is controlling everything so it doesn't matter who's the president." Sad. You use the cop out and then complain, or laugh at us confused sheeple. At least we try to change things.

And if we judge Obama based on him keeping his campaign promises, he did okay. He's only one man and most of Congress doesn't want to close Gitmo, so it's staying.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by pcrobotwolf

You might want to look at when those polls had been taken its 2011 now but nice try

There seems to be a basic comprehension issue here on ATS.

Those polls were all taken between Feb. 2 and Feb. 17 of 2011. They are all very recent polls...nothing tricky going on here.

It's really not that difficult of a thing...Obama's approval rating is it or not. Denying it isn't going to make it go away.

I doubt you will reply to me...just like the other person that didn't correctly comprehend these will just disappear instead of coming back to admit you are wrong.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by dillweed
What's so frightening about these two is their lack of experience. Imaneedajob and Barry Soetoro, both in their forties and completely underqualified for their jobs. What would lead me to believe that these two guys have any idea what they're doing. One's a nut job who's biggest accomplishment so far is being mayor, and the other whos college papers, grades and theses' held from public scrutiny. All I hear is brilliant about Barry, but where's his report cards? An earlier poster had it right when he said he's ashamed that we've elected this moron. The single biggest eff-up ever! I can't wait 'til this arrogant commie's term is up.
edit on 18-2-2011 by dillweed because: Spelling

They have more in common than we think!

Both have distant Jewish roots!

Both share Freemasonry in certain forms!

Both share (or appear to share) some religious common ground!

Both are professional "political actors"!

Both are famous for "hoof-in-mouth" disease!

Who knows -- maybe they are related too!

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by MindSpin

Originally posted by Whereweheaded
reply to post by anon72

And Sir, don't let your blind love of him keep you from seeing how incompentant of a POTUS he really is.

Amen to that brotha~ Never before in our history have many Americans been ashamed of what we got for a POTUS. Once again, just look at the approval ratings, or the lack there of!

Yes...let's look at those approval ratings.

Obama Approval Ratings

Obama is currently at a +5.3...with 49.4% approving and 44.1% disapproving.

Those are perfect numbers to get re-elected...and it will only get higher with a split this point Obama can't do anything he can't be seen as doing anything 100% wrong.

So what are your issues with the approval ratings??? I don't see them showing anything bad at all....certainly not to the point where "Never before in our history have many Americans been ashamed of what we got for a POTUS.".

But I guess propaganda works on some...and you seem to have bought it.
I guess your right on the graph i didn't know you could move it over.sorry im wrong
edit on 18-2-2011 by pcrobotwolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:21 PM
mahmoud ahmadinejad = my-mood i'm-a-dinner-jacket

barrack soetoro = iraq sweaty-or-no

slobodan milosevic = slobber-on my-sausages

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:43 PM
Again with the misinformation. Obama, the war monger, is portrayed by the super-right war mongers as being some sort bleeding heart push over.

This despite the fact Obama has continued the war against terrorism, and increased anti-Iranian rhetoric and threatening behaviour ten-fold.

Reading this thread you'd think the Iranians were bullying America, and not the other way round!!


posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by MagoSA
the reality IMHO is that more people are finding out that Obama is not the devil, and it scares most folks. We lash out the hardest at who we fear, and a well-traveled man of color with an education is a scary thing.

One good thing Obama did - there was this nice $116 billion tax break for the mid-class that put about $15 to $30 per paycheck because the IRS quit withholding so much. No one "saw" this, but it was good, right, to have that bit extra in your hand, wasn't it? Link

He did another one, no one heard of it. Eat this, tax freaks, cause it was called Making Work Pay, and it gave $400 per single and $800 per married couple. It costs $600 billion over ten years, but the Republicans aren't pushing this tax cut in favor of their $700 billion to the wealthy, cause it doesn't benefit the corporate vampires who fund them. Ask Rand Paul.

Now, wrap your minds around this one, knuckledraggers! The tax cuts to 97% of Americans can cost $3 trillion over ten years, or you can cut taxes to the 3% wealthy and pay out $3.7 trillion over the same time frame. That's from the Tax Policy Institute Neither of these is funded, though, so in truth its still a hit, but that 7/10 fraction of a trillion is still $700 billion more that Obama's and it benefits less people.

Not one, not two, but three, three glorious things. Cheaper to do Obama's way, and you had more cash in your pocket.

Actually that wasn't a good thing at all. That was a trick. The Sunset Technique.

2nd line

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 05:48 PM
Anyone who even thinks Obama has any real power needs to wake up. He is 100% pure born and bred puppet.

Every action he carries out in front of the puppet media is all pre-made decisions handed down to him.

I find it hilarious that people still think of things in terms of presidents, there is no president of the united states.
edit on 18-2-2011 by Tephra because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by anon72

And we care because ? I don't really care what Ahminajead thinks or doesn't think about anything. Look at him, he thinks his Mahdi will appear from a green well...

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by pshea38
mahmoud ahmadinejad = my-mood i'm-a-dinner-jacket

barrack soetoro = iraq sweaty-or-no

slobodan milosevic = slobber-on my-sausages

[/quote EXACTLY]

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by Whereweheaded

I thought Bush had the lowest approval rating? Wasn't he the POTUS who took us to war? Why do people forget this? No president, dem or repub, can do what they want without battling congress. I now realize that Bush was just a figurehead for us to blame and beat up. We all know what McCain would do, bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 10:30 PM
Its about time we stopped thinking of ourselves as a nationality pitched against one another by a controlled media, and instead realised that our governments, no matter in which country they originate, are out to enslave us. As someone says above, Obama is a plaything for the elite. Unfortnately people hate America when actually they should be focussing their hatred on Americas government! Or the British government! Or the French government...etc!
Forget what language you speak!
Forget what religion you follow!
Forget what political party you follow!
Forget what race, creed or colour you are!
We are all the same, united due to the fact that those elite controlled few in power are abusing us and are about to enslave us all. While we argue and fight against one another they sit back and laugh their arses off. If for just one moment we woke up and realised we are all, to use one of our elitists in the UKs mantras, "All In It Together" we may stop them abusing us and once more begin to live our lives free rather than zombie-esque morons who pay our tax's, fight one another and do the bidding of our slave masters.

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