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When is WHITE history month?

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posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by TKDRL

You are lumping ALL white people in with the RICH white people. That is racist.

I'm not lumping anyone together. My very statements prove I can distinguish the groups from each other.

Well if you go by that logic, then we are all guilty of genocide this generation then aren't we? We don't do crap about our government sending our soldiers to the middle east to kill people. Since we haven't done anything, we are just as guilty. The war may be happenning in the middle east, but the orders are coming from our back yards. The people giving the orders live in our back yards.

First of all, you completely failed to understand my point. I was making the case that poor whites could have essentially out-voted the rich even sooner and freed the slaves...easily. It wasn't a monumental task like getting the FED to withdrawal from another country. Instead the poor whites you keep talking about helped the rich and went to war for them.

Who is this we you are representing again? I do in fact do something about it, I write my representatives all the time telling them of my issues with them. I sign petitions I agree with, and vote. So don't try and reflect your own personal laziness upon anyone else.

I am speaking for a majority of white people, who are not rich, and were not born with a siver spoon in our mouths. Generations of us that worked in mines, as fisherman, as carpenters, as lumberjacks, as farmers, a lot of different professions passed down from father to son. None of them involved slavery. Again, what are people supposed to do? By that logic we should be storming walmarts and construction zones, to free the exploited illegal immigrants, making 50 bucks a day plus lunch off the books(that is NY prices). It is happening right under our noses, and the companies that do this are putting honest companies into bankruptcy.

You have no place to speak for the majority of anyone. You are obviously just reflecting your own person feelings and actions and trying to act like everyone does what you do.

Yeah, none of this really disproves that slavery-era poor White's could have ended slavery easily. Instead, half the country decided to go to war over it. You gonna call half the country rich?

There is no such thing as an illegal immigrant, they are illegal aliens. They don't have rights in America, and should just be shipped back to their country of origin. They are not being exploited, they came here willingly to break the law and take away money from poor US citizens who need it.

(some of these would be the poor people you called "white trash")

I don't shop at Wal-mart, and I don't vote for local politicians who support them.
Again, you are the one who does nothing and then acts like everyone else does nothing as well. Just because it took you this long to figure out wal-mart cause it happened "right under [your] nose", doesn't mean we weren't all aware of them.

You don't think genocide of native amreicans is crap? Well hell yeah I think it was crap! Do you think it was a good thing? And yes I think slavery was crap as well!

No, it's not just some "crap". That is a flippant and mindless label from you, it minimizes the true nature of the event.

How about if someone called the death of a family member, "some crap"?

You think you'd be okay with that, or would you think someone just **** all over your family members memory?

Don't even try and paint me with the racist brush. You are the one making light of the historical and ongoing plight of minorities, and trying to compare a general insult (white trash) to hundreds of years of oppression.

Simply ridiculous.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:21 PM
They ought to make a native-american-history month. Last time I checked native american indians suffered too right up there with Africans if not maybe a bit worst.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:21 PM


posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by Byteman

How do we outvote a law? We cannot, we don't get to vote on laws, only on figure heads. How does the poor people ever make changes? Well, we don't. We can't vote on laws or policy.

And I stand by my calling of slavery and native american genocide as crap. What would you have me call it? I can call it many things, but most would probably fall outside TOC and be deleted. You act as if I was minimizing it. I was not, it was crap, it sucks that it happened, but blaming the son for the sins of their great great grandparents is crap as well. I am sure all of our ancestors have done some crap, that has nothing to do with us. Nothing at all.
edit on Sun, 13 Feb 2011 19:24:47 -0600 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by TKDRL

Yeah and what happens to these rich "white trash" people when they are caught again and again breaking the law? A bit different from how a poor white folk would be treated committing the same crime don't you think?

You are the only claiming that "white trash" is some label that only gets applied to poor whites from rich whites. I proved you wrong, simple as that.

You are confusing paying bonds and bail for some kind of mysterious rich celebrity power. If you really knew about the situation, you would know that most celebrities that do these things. Most don't really do anything that would get them denied bail, especially since they are a celebrity and cannot just escape without notice. Even the hitters usually only hit once, and that again isn't a good reason to deny bail.

You are just ignorant of simple facts relating to how American courts work. Nothing to be ashamed about, you just need to get your knowledge from books and experts instead of Law & Order or the National Enquirer.

I think that maybe you think I am a white guy lol. Well that is true, from late fall to early spring. The rest of the year my native american shows through more, and I become more brown from the sun. I am a mut really, my mothers side is mostly native american, my fathers side is acadian canadian(canadian version of cajun).

You are the one making statements as a white person with your group of "us" and "we" white people. Don't act like I made some kind of assumption that you are White, you SAID so.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:33 PM
I don't know when it is. Maybe it's a month celebrated on WET (White Entertainment Television), oh wait, there is only a channel called BET. Nevermind.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:37 PM
as a black man i agree with you, the name of the game is divide and conquer and so as long as we have BET we will always be divided... they had to murder people like MLK to get blacks to look away from truth, goodness and love for every being... Bob Marley was almost murdered for the same reason... to put it simply, this was a new world order plan to keep us from banding together against them...

That's why they gave us actors and useful idiots like the rappers we have today... they'll tell us they rap about their experience and how it is in the streets when most of em don't write their music, it's written by a new world order lackey at the top of a record companies tower. as long as we value the stupid # like killing each other and pouring bottles of purple drink on bitches we will never come together as one.
edit on 13-2-2011 by dreadblitz because: added mo

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by TKDRL

How do we outvote a law? We cannot, we don't get to vote on laws, only on figure heads. How does the poor people ever make changes? Well, we don't. We can't vote on laws or policy.

You don't understand how the American system of government works if you think citizens cannot vote on laws. They vote on state laws all the time. as for laws at the federal level...that is a matter of voting for the politician who votes the way you want.

Again, you show a profound ignorance in how American is run.

And I stand by my calling of slavery and native american genocide as crap. What would you have me call it? I can call it many things, but most would probably fall outside TOC and be deleted. You act as if I was minimizing it. I was not, it was crap, it sucks that it happened, but blaming the son for the sins of their great great grandparents is crap as well. I am sure all of our ancestors have done some crap, that has nothing to do with us. Nothing at all.

If you want to stand by your flippant disrespectful label of terrible historical events then that's your business. Doesn't change the fact that your statement is both flippant and disrespectful.

The son is still responsible for the fathers sin, if the son is still benefiting from the fathers sin.

Not really talking about everyone's ancestors, this topic is about White history month. If you want to create another topic about what everyone's ancestors did, feel free. I won't be derailed into that in this topic.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by QuantumDisciple

Ever heard of Lifetime? lol can't get any whiter than that.

edit on 13-2-2011 by apodictic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:45 PM
Why in the hell would you be against a month dedicated to prominent black men and women that helped make this country great? Who cares what color they are? I'm white and this has never, ever even crossed my mind as something to be against. As many have harped on in this thread, the entire rest of the year can be dedicated to whichever person or people you'd like to read up on. How does Black History Month even effect you?... are you still in school? And it gives those who aren't educated on the fight and struggle many died for some awareness on that particular subject.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by tom goose
While I may be risking sounding like a bigot, I can't help but notice that events like this are what breed racism. to even acknowledge the separation seems to be racist.

Human history is human history. I don't seem to be alone on this. If you google white history month the question seems to get asked a lot. And I am surprised to hear so many views from that search that thinks that ALL white people have had a comfortable history surrounded by servants and silk. that is BS!!

My age group never did anything to offend other races, we embraced it as far as i can tell. *SNIP* Same goes with sushi, that stuff isn't even a proper meal from what i was taught about food groups, but i supported it. I hate currie, but i will still suffer a plate of butter chicken cause that *SNIP* is good.

Why do i see so many young people from other races act like they need to be different from white people? What do white people DO that is so white? Modernized? that is white? well there were times that wasn't so, so i would say we have just as much to celebrate but are too scared to because it might offend other races


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edit on February 13th 2011 by greeneyedleo because: *snipped profanity*

I am like morgan freeman on 20/20 I don't want a black history month... One little month that is a lotted to studying our culture. We should be researching and focusing on black history year round. As for white history month... erhemm every other month that contains pagan holidays derived from caucasian cultures.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:57 PM
OP, don't waste your time with this. Haters hate. That is what they do, if they did not hate another Race or Culture, they would find something else to hate and often do. Smokers, obese people and on and on and on.

Haters will continue to twist the truth to suit them, throw intellectual lies into the debate or whatever it takes to keep their hatred alive. Mostly it's a sign of very poor self-esteem and they must have a target so they pick one out.

Fortunately it is rare I think. Most of us don't hate any group of people. We are normal, sensible and capable of independent, critical thought. We can't be brainwashed into following along with the haters.

In the end all you can do is ignore the haters and teach your children not to be like that. Leave the haters to the Psychiatrists to figure out why they are so irrational in their hate. We can pity people for their anger and hate, because their lives can't be that good immersed inside of their hate. The outward manifestation is just a sign something is very wrong inside of them.

They don't even allow the absurdity of blaming people living now for things that happened many generations ago to enter into their thoughts. There is nothing rational about hate and you can't debate it with a person who is immersed in their hatreds. Like I said, pity them. While the rest of us for the most part get along just fine with each other and enjoy life, they wallow in self pity and hate. It's a disease like any other disease.

I think in many cases people like this are using it to explain and justify their own failures and flaws. As long as they can blame them on others, they don't have to take responsibility for them. It's always somebodies fault they failed as long as they can continue their belief it is always the fault of somebody else.

This applies to much more than just Race and our leaders use it against us all of the time. Our leaders will never address it as long as they are able to use it to control entire segments of society. Look how effectively our current governments and media use it to control us.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by awake_and_aware

Bravo! Thank you! Thank you!

I taught early childhood to kindergarten children in a Montessori school before I became ill. You cannot describe a child to another child by their skin color. It has to be by the clothes they are wearing or their hat or hair ribbons or something else. If you say their skin is such and such, its like "huh?"

Same with the teachers. Our finest kinder teacher was a very dark African British woman from England. Americans love that their children will have an English accent upon entering elementary school. Not one of her students knew she was black.

Racism is learned. Bigotry is learned. Children are color blind until taught otherwise.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:03 PM
There's never going to be a white history month because white history is portrayed as being evil. All of us. Doesn't matter what we say when it comes to race it will always be seen a racist.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:05 PM
There is only one race.. The Human Race.

We should have HUMAN MONTH were we spend 1000000000000000000000$ of fiat money to buy enough equipment to save the planet.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by SlovenlyGhost
Doesn't matter what we say when it comes to race it will always be seen a racist.

Now THAT I can completely agree with.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Byteman
reply to post by TKDRL

And I stand by my calling of slavery and native american genocide as crap. What would you have me call it? I can call it many things, but most would probably fall outside TOC and be deleted. You act as if I was minimizing it. I was not, it was crap, it sucks that it happened, but blaming the son for the sins of their great great grandparents is crap as well. I am sure all of our ancestors have done some crap, that has nothing to do with us. Nothing at all.

If you want to stand by your flippant disrespectful label of terrible historical events then that's your business. Doesn't change the fact that your statement is both flippant and disrespectful.

Dude he is not being disrespectful of terrible historical events,not everyone uses the English language the same way,i understand exactly what he is saying by calling it crap,My friend committed suicide last year i thought that was crap as well,I was speaking to his father at the funeral and while crying his eye's out he said "this is f#@king bull#",Do you wanna tell me that i was was being flippant and disrespectful to my good friend of 30 years death?do think his grieving father was disrespectful?Maybe time to pull ya head out and realise that not everyone speaks the same as you,

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by tom goose

Dude. When we whites become an official minority then we can have White History month and schools can teach White History courses and so on. Until then though we cannot. I have to add however that if we ever adopt a "hero" and he/she is anything like any of the ultra-loonie neocons then I am officially going to the hospital for race change surgery.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by ohioriver
Black is a race, as is hispanic, asian, white, etc.

Hispanic is not a god damn race! Its a word that was invented by the Nixon administration to group a certain people together.

Tell me this. How can Sammy Sosa who is black and Cameron Diaz who is white be considered "Hispanic"? Its BS.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by tom goose

relax were white everyday is white history day

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