Fear - Fear is an emotional response to a perceived threat. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as
pain or the threat of danger.
As I have dissected and analyzed what I call “the human condition” most of my life and I have concluded that the root to essentially all of our
“conflicts” are spawned from FEAR.
Fear is the most primal of emotions it’s the foundation of our survival as the most paranoid avoided death and continued to procreate. Unfortunately
in the “civilized” world this is becoming problematic because the “paranoia” is being applied “universally” throughout the civilization
with Laws.
The civilized structure does not give room for individual approach to “fear” and individual approach to “solutions” to that fear. Instead
general sweeping laws that affect everyone are enacted, while this seems beneficial to the super paranoid it is very problematic to those who are less
afraid. This is where the few ruin it for the many.
There are different “things” that initiate the fear response as well as several different types of fear that spawn different types of problems,
ironically the decisions and solutions we come up with out of fear are very problematic in and of themselves.
Death is probably the most obvious and most powerful initiator of fear. If you fear death you fear anything that can cause death and respond to those
“threats” of death with decisions of how to act, and solutions on how to avoid “Death”. These decisions plague our ability to life “Free”
Perceptions of “threats” to life are not universal. This creates a conflict with a desire for “freedom” that is the common desire of common
Because the fear of death is so strong the solutions to avoid death are also very strong.
The methods typically follow the well known problem, reaction, solution model.
Problem = Death
Reaction = Fear
Solution = contraction of freedoms, restrictions, laws, avoidance, punishment, negative reinforcement which requires the instilling of more
FEAR; fear of consequences into people (from citations to prison) to gain the adherence to this “solution” to the problem.
This creates another set of problem, reaction, solution:
Problem = Restriction of freedoms
Reaction = Fear
Solution = expansion of freedoms, rebellion to previous solution, etc.
These two “conditions” of the human psyche cause a lot of conflict and turmoil to the human race. As we are too afraid to be free. We create a
“pseudo free state” of existence where everything is “conditional” to the adherence to “solutions” to the problem “death”.
Essentially as fear grows freedoms shrink it’s a contraction expansion model. You cannot have a freely afraid society.
The desire for freedom in all its many forms is within us all. We consider the constriction of these freedoms a “necessary sacrifice” to the fears
of what may kill us or cause us harm. However the “constriction of these freedoms” is not universally agreed on as the perceptions of
“threats” aren’t even universally agreed on.
Freedom in its true meaning is a very frightening implication to those who are hell bent on survival. The freedom for one to arm themselves is often a
very frightening thought to many. The restriction of that freedom for one to arm themselves is very frightening to many others.
Ultimately this is a never ending dance of contention/problems.
The only thing that is UNIVERSAL is FEAR. Everyone is afraid of something and that fear is the #1 enemy of freedom. Whether it’s mental, physical,
or spiritual freedom FEAR is what hinders the expansion of freedoms in all areas of our existence.
The world we live in:
FEAR is everywhere, it’s in everything. Fear makes you malleable to those who mold.
A man with fear is no longer a man but a mere puppet for I can direct the course of his life with ease.
The whole concept behind the Legal systems around the world is to instill yet MORE FEAR so you avoid breaking the “LAWS, RULES, and
If you DO NOT OBEY the laws, rules or commandments you receive:
Hell is the FEAR consequence of old religion:
Prison is the FEAR consequence of legal systems:
Bankruptcy/debt is the FEAR consequence of not obeying the rules of “finance”:
Slavery is the FEAR of your FREEDOMS being taken away:
ANARCHY/RIOTING is the FEAR of FREEDOM gone bad or too much freedom:
Police are the FEAR of ANARCHY/Rioting
The government is well aware of the power of fear:
Terrorism isn’t a recent “thing” …it’s been around so long as man has been alive.
Fear feeds itself and grows to overwhelm and overtake the mental, physical, and spiritual aspect of human kind. THIS is the human condition…THIS is
where the suffering comes from…THIS is your enemy…
It’s been said to death but there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
It wasn’t until recently I opened my eyes to the amount of fear perpetuated on these forums, truth or not. It is amazing how fear weaves its way
into even the best intentions and taints the very purpose of the message.
Here is a small list of ATS threads that demonstrate what we all here are guilty of being a victim to:
As I have thought more and more about the human condition and the predicament of Fear Vs. Freedom we find ourselves torn over, I’ve decided I,
personally, am done with it. (or at least I’m going to try very hard)
I’m done with the fear it’s too overwhelming and controlling on one’s life and happiness to warrant as necessary.
The conscious awareness of what FEAR does is empowering, as I have found when people know better they do better. Knowing what fear does to you and
your desires for a free life and enjoying your life to its fullest may just be enough to bring some happiness back into this world.
Maybe it’s something some of you want to consider in light of the world situation. I have found it peaceful acceptance of my own mortality and those
whom I love that this world and this life and all the relationships are not forever. Coming to terms and acceptance of this rids you of a great deal
of the overwhelming control that FEAR has on you.
So before you post your next: “WARNING XXX” thread or “RED ALERT URGENT XXX” thread…think to yourself very carefully, is it worth it? Will
it bring happiness to the rest of my days? Will it change my mortality? Will it change my loved ones mortality?
The world we live in today RUNS on fear.
If you really want to fight TPTB or TERRORISM or whatever...work on ridding yourself and your life of FEAR...
When FEAR is the solution to FEAR…you have no choice but to go mad...