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What in god's name is happening??

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posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

It is and always has been the Light versus the Dark, Good against Evil. We are the Solders of this War, And it is us who picks our Side we choose to fight for.( That is the Free Will ) Most will choose the Dark Path cause it is an easier path to walk, But the path of Light even thou it is a hard path is worth it. Our world is corrupted will Evil, every where i look i see it. But this is the path I have Chosen, I live my life to Help Others and ask nothing in return, for this is how it should be.

Take My hand and you will see a life without Misery And Agony, I know your struggles and feel your pain.
The rotten and the wicked walk amongst us, Temping our spirits with thought of Greed and Lust.
But the the path we choose is up to us.
It is hard at times to see in the Dark, But just look inside to see The Spark.
Fore it is there to guide you to Him.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

The "Quickening" has been has been picking up speed for the past 20 years. It's been accelerating at an unprecendented pace in the past month. Soon as Egypt goes under, Israel will be the only fish in that pond. Armeggedon is right around the corner.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 01:50 PM
This whole love vs fear idiocy is really getting to me.

As if any whole human being could choose between the two.

This is nonsensical.

Everyone that's sane feels unity and separation, it's just to various degrees of each at different points in our life.

The FEAR, provides TENSION, which gives way to CREATION.

There is a lot of FEAR and TENSION, which will give a way for a newer, more integrated complexity in our way of living.

The chaos is NEEDED, and is being used wisely, so be a part of that which creates the change...

How do you do this?

We already are.... so no worries

Seriously, the puppet masters have this stuff figured out well in advance, so there really is no point thinking things will just implode without the solution already being in hand.

Just keep it chill, folks... you'll live longer and experience more.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

I have no fear. I have only love. Yes, people can chose to take actions that align them with Divine transpersonal love. It will erase fear.

And maybe, I also have a little annoyance for people like you, who call things idiocy. How are words like that going to help? But, I'm working on it.

edit on 30-1-2011 by Student X because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 01:57 PM
end of days?? c'mon, just think how american citizens felt when japan attacked pearl harbor, when america, and most of the rest of the free world was already at war with germany. what is happening now is nowhere close to that. try and relax and use your crictical-thinking skills. fear-mongering and irrationality limits our ability to think and act clearly. my advice?....calm the F down and act like an sane adult.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by CitizenAlpha

You know this kabalistic way has got to stop, what is this light vs dark, and what if light is really playing with fire ? How do you know that the light side is the evil side and that the dark part is just calm water.
The way I see it light is knowlege, strengh, and the other side is full of mercy, so what part is the evil one you tell me ? the blue ? or the red. You do know that the red part is the light, the right side of course.
The way I see it people forgot to be people, the bigest flaw is picking sides.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Student X

You're a liar to yourself and those around you, sir or madam.

I can't help you with that.

It IS idiocy.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
reply to post by Student X

You're a liar to yourself and those around you, sir or madam.

I can't help you with that.

It IS idiocy.

Spoken like a clueless armchair pseudo-skeptic.

"Love is from the infinite, and will remain until eternity.
The seeker of love escapes the chains of birth and death.
Tomorrow, when resurrection comes,
The heart that is not in love will fail the test."

From Thief of Sleep
by Shahram Shiva

edit on 30-1-2011 by Student X because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by darrylss

What, then, should be the greatest of our worries? Enlighten me, please.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:12 PM
I think its the first time in history that people from every corner of the globe have cared about their fellow man regardless of which government is in control of their lives. Its the first time in history that we do not see a country when we see its citizens, and we see their governments as separate from the will of the common man.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:12 PM

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:21 PM
Here it is.

This is light vs dark, what I don't get is why there has to be a VS.
The right side in mirror image is the red side, the light.
It contains severity, strengh and understanding and it is the light, the right side,"the right way"
It almost looks like people forgot to be human beings, the way I see it a normal human being has all the elements. They want to setup two sides. Something sort of left VS right, the new religion where having fear or mercy is BAD.
edit on 30-1-2011 by pepsi78 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30/1/11 by masqua because: Quote removed

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
end of days?? c'mon, just think how american citizens felt when japan attacked pearl harbor, when america, and most of the rest of the free world was already at war with germany. what is happening now is nowhere close to that. try and relax and use your crictical-thinking skills. fear-mongering and irrationality limits our ability to think and act clearly. my advice?....calm the F down and act like an sane adult.

I just posted this on page 4. Please explain this term. I will continue to post this same statement until someone can explain fear mongering and wy they make that claim:

Fear mongering?
Are you speaking for yourself or for everyone else? If it's for yourself, then please go to another thread!
If you are speaking for everyone else, then why?

I have read every comment on this thread, and I do not see anyone in fear. I continue to see the word "Fear Mongering" on blogs, youtube and this site.

Use your common sense. If you are afraid, then don't read these posts. If I turn on SciFi and decide the movie is too scary, then I just turn the channel! Am I suppose to call SciFi and tell them they are fear mongering?

Fear mongering to me would be someone threatening my life! I have never seen anything on here, youtube or blogs that I would call fear mongering. If something is scaring me, I turn the page, change the channel or read another thread! I have never understood the term "fear mongering" and why people continue to use this term.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Evanescence
If you think these are the end of days because the Twin Towers went down and there are other minor happenings occurring, you probably need to reevaluate your belief.

The fact is, times were much worse and more uncertain in the past. Between World Wars I and II there was so much happening, so much tragedy, uncertainty, etc. that then it was a lot more likely the world could actually end. No time in history is completely static, events happen and trying to find meaning behind them is one of the central tragedies of the human condition.

I am not saying they are meaningless, but ascribing meaning to something that is possibly devoid of meaning does happen a lot and has happened throughout history.

People have been saying the N.W.O. is coming for decades, that the world is ending soon for millennia, that this or that and everything in between will happen soon. I wonder when the day will come when people are smart enough to not fall into the same classic trick that traps the less developed minds over and over again throughout the generations.

It's a lamentable state.

Sadly this post has been buried under so much fear and nonsense.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

How harsh! I don't appreciate being called a moron, so I reported your post.

I have no fear of death, but that doesn't mean I want to die just yet. I have a lot more to do.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

There are much healthier ways to disagree with others that may actually win them to your side of a debate. This and your previous post have not been examples of them.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Student X
reply to post by unityemissions

I have no fear. I have only love. Yes, people can chose to take actions that align them with Divine transpersonal love. It will erase fear.

Mercy is next to fear, so you can't bind love to one side. Feeling sorrow, or sorry for someone is on the other side. Mercy and fear is the weak spot in us, what makes us human. Understanding it in a logical way or doing it
how you feel. What I see today is the new religion where people pop up and think they know it all, they talk about duality and how they know stuff, but they really don't know Jack S... I just look around me and say wow.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:37 PM
There two sides to this and as always half way in the middle usually resides the truth.
So on one side you have the fear mongering sky is falling over every little event crowd, on the other side you have the rose colored glasses crowd, everything is always ok.

I think we can safely say by scanning the news in just the last decade everything is not ok. But at the same time these events are not the exact trigger point for the big one. I will be the first one on ATS when the trigger event happens, proclaiming it, then the sky really will be falling.
edit on 30-1-2011 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

We are changing. Be still and watch it. Come out exhuberant as yourself.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by pepsi78

I would like to hear more. Would you make a thread about your mystical ideas of love and expand on them? I looked at your past threads, in hope of finding insights into your ideas, but your threads seem to be mostly political in nature...

edit on 30-1-2011 by Student X because: (no reason given)

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