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What in god's name is happening??

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posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

reply to post by nakiannunaki

OK here is an answer which is not much discussed recently. I has to do with astrology and the cyclical changes that are delineated by that discipline. About each two thousand years we move out of one influence and into another. The mechanics and the "why" of this is much too much for this forum. Suffice to say that one need not believe "in astrology" in order to see that there is some correlation. And it is God of course who is the author and creator of the process which humans have described in Astrology. Nothing less.

In the Bible story about Moses he comes down off the mountain to find people had reverted to worshiping a golden bull (or calf). So, he gets really mad....etc. This is a metaphor for an age change. Moses is bringing in a new age. This is what that business with the angel and God speaking was all about. It was the reason for the rules for the new age. The bull or calf was the sign for Taurus. At that time the earth was moving from Taurus to Aries. With the change new sets of conditions are imposed upon humanity. These usually are externalized through religious practice. OK now later, in the time of Jesus, another age change. Aries to Pisces. Jesus officiates this change with His teachings which we made into a religion. The point here is that the symbol of the fish is associated with Christianity. Pisces equals fish. See how it goes? Now we are changing from Pisces to Aquarius and more changes. Each "season" has a theme. In the old Hebrew days the law was supreme. In the days of Pisces obedience was emphasized. Now, in Aquarius, it is understanding which we begin to learn.

It is now the time of the change. For a period of about three hundred years there is an overlap from one to the next. During this time the old recedes and is replace by the new. This is what was referred to by the people of Moses wanting to stay with Taurus. What are the external evidences or manifestations of this? The old, in our case represented by the social conservatives and their practice of religion, is giving way to the new expressions which are embodied by liberal progressives. Out with the old, in with the new. Religion will update or be replaced is what will happen. Governments will update or be replaced. Social systems will update or be replaced. Etc etc. We see it all around us all the time. All the social and religious strife is no more than the tides of change demonstrating through all of us. Those of us who fight against it are therefore vying with those of us who welcome it and we fight tooth and nail. In every aspect of life this is apparent.

End of days? Do we feel it? Yes. It is an ending. It is beginning. How we move through this experience is wholly dependent upon our level of understanding. So, do we believe in Astrology? Doesn't matter because the Bible and other texts say the same things clothed in different garments.
This is my answer to your topic and my way of saying there is nothing to fear but much to celebrate. To appreciate the magnitude we must not use our everyday, small minds but our larger, all encompassing abilities to "realize".

Remember please that it is not Astrology which makes this but rather it is Astrology which reports it. Every bit of it is a part of God's plan in action.
edit on 30-1-2011 by trailertrash because: typo

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by trailertrash

I thought it warns you not to seek out the advice of seers and astrologers

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 08:30 AM
Just a quick reply for now as i have to head out.

For all of you that speak of the "one door closing and another opening" I suggest you carefully consider what is being proposed.

It is easy to buy into the occult new age movement's philosophy of a "new dawn" but when you look a little deeper you will see that the whole age of enlightenment is merely a coup organised by very evil people.

Yes it would be wonderful for us all to wake up one morning with the so called "Christ consciousness" and the whole brotherly and sisterly love thing, however I know well enough that this is the biggest deception of them all.

The chaos generated in the world currently is very much controlled, it always has been. It is the age old problem, reaction, solution that was coined by philosophers and visionaries of old and later taken up by the likes of Icke and others on the conspiracy scene. None the less it is with this chaos that is created in the world that order is applied.

What we must not be deceived by is the new age movements colourful and hopeful picture of a brand new utopia of peace and love and sharing for all for this is ultimately the trap that will baffle and fool even the very elect.

What we need now is to rise up as one people, individually and collectively and take down the machine that imprisons us, accepting nothing that is offered in return. Once the system is down we rebuild within our own communities.

By accepting the new utopia that is offered by the very people behind the chaos in the world we merely go from one old age illusion into the new illusion of grandeur where chips and centralised new age communities integrate on a global scale of hidden control.

I understand everyone’s positives and like I have reiterated I really do hope those dreams of loving change manifest but just take one look around you and tell me that is really where you see the future heading? To me it is just wishful thinking and buying into an ideology of occultists.

Peaceful revolution is a fools dream, now is time to fight and overcome the machine, the system, the government, the current societies we all live under and abide by.

These people in control do not care for us, they do not love us and for them we are literally a means to an end and at best casualties of war.

Their armies and police force only exist to stop us from getting to them, yet the pawns they use are of us and not of them but simply controlled by them. It is a grand game of chess to many elitists. For us it is suffering and pain and loss and death.

It is your choice whether to buy into the new age movement or not I for one did so for a good while only to wake up from that illusion and see that in fact the only way forward is destruction. Destruction of the prison which surrounds us and destruction of the oligarchy which sits within its evil empire and looks down upon us all with blood lust fangs.

I am not of one religion but I do believe that their is much wisdom and truth about the future unfolding in all sacred books and texts. We are in precarious times where one mans profound and undeniable truth is another mans blatant lie. To know what to invest your beliefs in is becoming more and more diluted and what seems to be light is in fact darkness.

I say to you all march with the marchers and protest with the protesters... that in itself is the revolution and if you don’t partake now at some point in the very near future you all will for the system is squeezing the life blood from us all. Some countries are feeling this more than others but eventually we will all feel it, even those of you that sit in the financial comfort you have all built and the security you have all created. Soon that will all fall away, mark my words and when that time comes, enlightenment and peaceful loving revolution will not even cross your mind, for when despair takes hold of you there is all but one instinctive action that is left and that is to fight or die.

For those of you that do not accept we arr living in the end of days i say to you when that change does come and it will , it will hit the likes of people like you the hardest. Prepare and prepare well.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

History just keeps repeating itself over and over and over and over and over again. Don't forget that America was founded on a revolution.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 09:33 AM
OP, there are people who have felt that we were living in the end of days since the concept came to mind long ago. But somehow the sun always rises.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 09:46 AM
Man has Happened, and no longer believes in God almighty! Man and his money! It means more to man than anything in the whole wide world. Satan now has a hold over man, with money. Its the route to all things evil. But it will not last, as jesus is to return and we will all be judged according to what we have done. If you want answers all you need is the Bible. All that is happening today is in the revelation, and I have read it over and over and we are not far from the end. I have compared that of today to the seventh seal in the Revelation and God`s seven bowls of wrath. Satan has been sent down to rule but he will be burned in the lake of fire along with everything evil in its turn, then the dead will be risen and judged, then the living, and when everything is made clean again Gods new kingdom will come down and again we will be free from evil.

People today do not want to believe in God, but they are on ATS believing in Aliens and all sorts of man made crap. Man thinks science rules over God as it can be proven, but as yet they have disproven that the Big Bang theory created earth, as human remains were found that pre dated the Big Bang itself, and the only proof of ET is a crappy old movie of an autopsy in area 51 where only government officials are allowed. Can you really trust that all this is true?

It seems to me that once all science theories have been disproven, all that is left is the Bible, yet man are reluctant to believe!

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

Humans live in symbiotic relationship with our planet and the universe that is her home. This is a time of transition, changes in the planet and her behaviour, changes in animal behaviour, human consciousness and our behaviour, individually and collectively.

This transition is cyclical and many have been aware that we in one such cycle since before 9/11. All 9/11 really achieved was to wake America out of her complacency.

Some of the comments in this Thread seem wise to me; how peaceful transition is the dream of fools, how those that seek to control will utilise any condition to further their evil aims and how in the end, we each must make our choice, Love or fear, but I fear that too many people do not know what Love is.

By the time Earth has completed her roiling, humanity will have decimated itself and the remnant will inherit a world that witnessed too much of what Love is not.

I believe it is God's plan that this transition will raise our consciousness, re-establish the ancient knowledge that the enemies of Love have obscured from the masses and hoarded for themselves and restore us to our natural and True relationship with the All.

I've seen some Threads about the possibility of the coming of another global war and the theories that this war will not be fought by conventional methods but rather will be a war in heaven. Spiritual warfare has been a reality since the Fall, people of diverse faiths and ideologies spending their psychic energies in many ways incompatible with Love. We live in a world that labels Truth as hate and where all men seek to justify their selfishness. Transition must come, it is not going to be a picnic.

Choose wisely and stay True. Hope not that those who embrace evil are destroyed, hope, wish or pray instead that evil is crushed and those imprisoned by it are released.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:05 AM
those who suggest history repeats itself, including projections of doom, make a valid point. the year 1000, the years 666 and 1666, 2000, WWII, many legit times of distress.
are these times different? again a legit point; we have the 24/7 news cycle wi satellite tech that can show riots in Cairo live to an airport in Tucson. are things worse, or just more widely known?
are there more earthquakes and other disasters? or are we just better informed?

why I do think these times are different;
1) Israel's return as a nation (prophesied in the Bible). unprecedented for a country to re-emerge after 2000 years.
2) WsMD. we have nukes / chemical / biological weapons that really can destroy life on an international scale.
3) militant Islam. Islam has been at war with the rest of the world for centuries, but now has technology never before available, and a renewed will to act. millions of Muslims are awaiting the appearance of Al-Mahdi, apparently soon to come.
4) dependence on technology. in previous centuries a valley could be wiped out by natural disaster and the valley nearby would never know it nor be affected. now we are totally committed to technology, much of it far away (I speak mostly of petroleum, food and electricity). a breakdown in the production/distribution of these commodities would be catastrophic, and the connections are much more vulnerable than most of us realize. ever see a northeast grocery store after two days of snow? empty shelves. I remember a local store with NOT ONE slice of bread or jug of milk (in any size) after one not-all-that-bad storm. if the projections of increased weather events are true there will be problems.
5) possible climate change. whether caused by natural forces (solar cycle) or man-made we are seeing some frighteningly powerful events.
edit on 30-1-2011 by works4dhs because: add line

edit on 30-1-2011 by works4dhs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:07 AM
What in God's name is happening? Simple: self-fulfilling prophesy. Enough people are starting to believe this or that, and so these things are happening. At least, that is my take on the situation.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:07 AM
Choose wisely and stay True. Hope not that those who embrace evil are destroyed, hope, wish or pray instead that evil is crushed and those imprisoned by it are released.


Never a truer word spoken, other than by the lord himself

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by teapot
reply to post by nakiannunaki

Humans live in symbiotic relationship with our planet and the universe that is her home. This is a time of transition, changes in the planet and her behaviour, changes in animal behaviour, human consciousness and our behaviour, individually and collectively.
Some of the comments in this Thread seem wise to me; how peaceful transition is the dream of fools, how those that seek to control will utilise any condition to further their evil aims and how in the end, we each must make our choice, Love or fear, but I fear that too many people do not know what Love is.


posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:30 AM

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by nakiannunaki

The bible has everything in it you that need to know.

Second line

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 11:09 AM
We're only destroying the city, to rebuild it.

No worries, if your heart is right, you will be alright.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by nakiannunaki
Does anyone else feel as though we are living in the end of days?

The bottom line is that if the world government really wanted peace then they would send an ambassador to tell the world they are laying down their arms and distributing world wealth equally. These people in power do not even care about money they are beyond that. Money is a commodity for the layman. They move in circles of great power and influence where money has no effect.

Yes these riots may settle but the world will never be the same we will continue to make the next event even greater than the last until we come face to face with the enemy in an all out war. That is the way things are heading and it seems there is no stopping it save a messiah, Christ, or Ufo world event taking place.

I ask you all what in God's name is happening to humanity, the earth and the world as we know it....?

The people or whatever that is in control, are setting up their ambassador- which will possibly be through Project Blue Beam.
Know who You are inside of your consciousness. No matter what happens on the physical aspect-nothing can impact your energy, unless you allow it too. Through fear you allow it to shape and form how your consciousness will behave.

As through the Gandhi quote "we must be the change we want to see in the world".

Do not allow the destruction to change you. Lead through your experiences and formulations within Your own consciousness that has guided You to know what is right and what is wrong. Lead by Yourself, not an entity, for entity's can lead you to the destruction itself.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 11:49 AM
Think of the elites control over the peasantry as a sine wave.

We're simply more aware of the nature of our world at the amplitude of the oscillation.

Note that conspiracy theorists of any of the past few decades experienced the same sense of foreboding and warned of same signs of the times.

Contrary to all this, I do sense a culmination but does mean I'm no less a victim of the afore subjectivity?

Perhaps; perhaps not.
edit on 30/1/2011 by rexusdiablos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by nakiannunakiI just can't help feel that the current rioting in Egypt is the line that humanity is crossing into a new realm of reality.

Especially if you look at it symbolically and see Egypt as representing the "underworld." What is going on over there could be likened to a slave revolt (the Exodus?) or a prison riot (prison being "hell.")

But, yeah...we are definitely crossing into a new realm of reality. It's been coming on since even before 9/11 - for me, I started noticing changes as far back as 1998. And it's increasing as well as being more prevalent.

Yes these riots may settle but the world will never be the same we will continue to make the next event even greater than the last until we come face to face with the enemy in an all out war.

That begs the question, "Who is our enemy, then...really?"

I say that war is the weapon of our enemy which is FEAR. FDR's immortal words of his first inaugural address, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself," are truer than true.

What we fear, we fight and strive against...I wonder what would happen if we chose to not fear fear for just a moment, or an hour, or even a day?

Stopping war, globally, cold turkey, would bring about a momentous change that would set a complete reform of the human race into action.

That is the way things are heading and it seems there is no stopping it save a messiah, Christ, or Ufo world event taking place.

Well, then, I guess we'd better get ready for company coming to dinner!

I ask you all what in God's name is happening to humanity, the earth and the world as we know it....?

It is dying...not the human race, per se, but the thought paradigm that drives society, politics, and culture. The world is not dying as a planet but the present way of running things is definitely in its death throes.

Either it dies or the world, our Mother Earth, will leave us to die so that she can survive...survival of the family name is more important than the family, especially if said family is hell-bent on committing matricide.

But that's rather stark and severe. What I see, in my crystal ball, is the death and end of an era, or age...a necessary destruction that must come before any new creation...aka a better world built upon love instead of fear and peace instead of violence.

If this is the end of the world as we know it (and I have every confidence that it is), then I can't wait! This world presently sucks...for just about everyone, even the so-called "elite."

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by darrylss
You people talk about change like you know what is happening. We are all children, and scared. If anything sllightly ever changed trust me, you will be the first to crap your pants.

Nothing is changing, you cant change the end. riots and dying animals, and global weather change should be the least of your worries.

Dying animals and global weather changes should be the Least of our worries?
I would place those changes at the top of the list!
With the global weather changes, how do you think that is going to affect crops, part of our food source?
With the animal die offs, especially birds and fish and other insect eating animals, what do you think is going to happen to the insect population? It will increase! Many insects carry disease. They can also wipe out crops quite quickly! All these events can affect our food chain! We are already riding a fine line with food sources, fresh water and the huge world population. I don't believe it will take much to send the dominos falling.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by darrylss
your just fearmongering, its that simnple... I dont feel a darn thing... no change, and I am very intune with my environment. I read what I read but i dont belive it....i only belive what I experience...

Fear mongering?
Are you speaking for yourself or for everyone else? If it's for yourself, then please go to another thread!
If you are speaking for everyone else, then why?

I have read every comment on this thread, and I do not see anyone in fear. I continue to see the word "Fear Mongering" on blogs, youtube and this site.

Use your common sense. If you are afraid, then don't read these posts. If I turn on SciFi and decide the movie is too scary, then I just turn the channel! Am I suppose to call SciFi and tell them they are fear mongering?

Fear mongering to me would be someone threatening my life! I have never seen anything on here, youtube or blogs that I would call fear mongering. If something is scaring me, I turn the page, change the channel or read another thread! I have never understood the term "fear mongering" and why people continue to use this term.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 12:28 PM
That Joseph handsome of cheek has come,
that Jesus of the age has come;
That banner of a hundred thousand victories has come
fluttering over the cavalcade of spring.
You whose business it is to bring the dead to life,
arise, for the day of work has come.
The lion which seizes lions a-hunting
has come into the meadowland raging drunk.
Yesterday and the day before have departed;
seize the cash, for that coin of fair assay has come.
This city today is like paradise;
it is saying, "The Prince has come."

Beat the drum, for it is the day of festival;
be joyous, for the Friend has come.
A moon has lifted its head out of the unseen,
in comparison with which this moon has become as dust;
Because of the beauty of that soul's repose,
the whole world has become restless.
Take heed, spread open the skirt of love,
for sprinkling has come from the ninth heaven.
O exile bird with cut pinions,
in the place of two wings four have come.
Ho, heart bound in breast, open,
for that lost one has come into your bosom.
Foot, come and stamp foot,
for that illustrious cupbearer has come.
Speak not of the old man, for he has become young,
and speak not of yesteryear, for the Friend has come.

You said, "What excuse shall I utter to the king?"
The king himself has come making excuses.
You said, "Whither shall I escape out of his hand?"
His hand has come bringing all succor.
You saw a fire, and light has come;
you saw blood, and red wine has come.
That one who was fleeing from his own fortune, having fled,
has come back shamefaced.
Be silent, and count not his graces;
an innumerable grace it is that has come.


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