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Originally posted by Mary Rose
I have Universal Laws Never Before Revealed: Keely's Secrets in my stack of books waiting to be read.
Reading this book now. It's published by The Message Company.
Perhaps one of the most enigmatic and troublesome of Keely's ideas is that of his triple chords. For years the search has yielded nothing in modern vibration science that resembled his theory on this subject. Recently, there has come to my attention, through applied ultrasonics, a concept of vibration modes that very strongly resembles Keely's concept or that which we perceive to be his concept.
Keely stated that there are three modes of vibration inherent in all vibratory motions. He called these the enharmonic, harmonic and dominant. One, he said travels in a straight line, another is a zig-zag and the third possesses an elliptical motion. In modern ultrasonic technology there are recognized and used three and sometimes a fourth mode. These are the longitudinal or compression waves, the transverse or shear waves, the Rayleigh or surface waves and the Lamb or plate waves. It looks like these may be the modes Keely was trying to identify and wrote about.
Originally posted by Americanist
I'll introduce a 3rd... The singularity group. All points in a vacuum are 0 where resistance - radiation leads to a static flow of mass.
Originally posted by beebs
Your statements about Searl are unfounded and not at all considering the available evidence. Start watching videos:
Description: People have a lot to understand regarding Searl Technology. Lets go over some basic misconceptions in science. Newtons math perfectly describes the distribution of light from a prism on a wall. We can PLAINLY see the colors are distributed in Straight lines forever... right? Walter Russell perfectly describes the distribution of light through the Phi Spiraling prism called the Void. Rainbows are curved in reality. Newtons math only describes the behavior of particles AFTER they have been polarized. Newton's prism has a flat surface therefore the distribution will be flat and all your calculations will be based from illusions on a wall rather than reality. Much like Plato's Allegory of the Cave. The difference between Newtonian Mechanics and Searl Technology is the same difference between a prism distributed on a wall verses an actual rainbow. Issac Newton: "The colors are straight!!!" Walter Russell: "The colors are curved!!!" Jason Verbelli: "Gentlemen... you're both right. But under different circumstances. Learn to see how both are a reality." It's the difference between a movie and real life. A map verses a globe. You can watch a movie on a TV or a wall from a projector because it's a Flat surface. You can measure the distance of objects on the the 2D screen with the ILLUSION of 3D. But in real life, those straight calculations of the screen fall apart because of the actual curve of the Earth and vortation of objects in the void. Try watching that same movie projected on a sphere as evenly as you can on the flat screen and use the same straight line calculations. Newton's prism is 2D. John Searl's prism is 3D Reality. The speed of light, c, is only unique to the speed at which our COMET known as the Sun is traveling through the void. (Vortating) We are constantly accelerating down the drain of the void (PHI) which creates constant resistance on the front half of our Sun (anode). We are only viewing the back half of the Sun (cathode) and are measuring the nuclear reactions Within the compacted electric plasma. The Sun is a giant chunk of rock with a surface fire from the friction of "Aetheric Wind." You can call the front half of ANY star a "Black Hole" but it's not some depression in the non existent fabric of space... but rather the anode side of a star. It's coming straight at you so you can't see it. So many people are chasing white rabbits, but little do people know the front half of the rabbit is black. That which happens on a macro scale also happens on a micro scale. An electron is only an electron if viewing the tiny COMET as it moves away from you. You can call that same thing a positron as it comes straight at you. Is the positron a wave? No... it's just coming straight at you and your relative perception gives the false impression of sucking in light an creating a "wave." Is a black "hole" really a hole in the fabric of space time? Hell No... You're looking at a star / comet coming straight at you and the light is trailing behind. It's not sucking things in it's gravity, but rather running into them. There is no such thing as orbit in 3D Phi Spiraling Space. There is only objects following in the wake of other objects in a helical trajectory. From our relative perception.. we THINK we are orbiting the Sun, but we are merely following in the sun's helical wake. Quickly pass your hand over confetti sitting on a table and it will follow in the wake of your hand. Lamestream science and Quackademics say that the confetti will magically orbit your hand as it sits stationary on the table. If a tennis ball is on fire and sitting on the ground, other rocks and objects will not magically orbit the flaming ball. Throw that flaming ball through the air and what do you see? A comet. Now imagine that ball of fire going down an infinite and ever accelerating drain. Nassim Harramein almost has it right in this model... But he needs to have his model show the sun traveling in a helical trajectory NOT a straight line. And the front half of all things in motion is the anode while the back end is the cathode. The Sun is NOT a nuclear reactor, but rather a chunk of rock. The so called Law of Conservation only applies to stationary bodies in space... but nothing is stationary, so... NO CONSERVATION. Look into Walter Russell: www... The Secret of Light, Walter Russell: A New Concept of the Universe by Walter Russell: . . Ed Leedskalnin and Coral Castle: Watch at 3mins. Ed Leedskalnin solar system misconception etc. . . and Dr. Pallathadka Keshava Bhat Helical Helix book:
The author doesn't seem to understand that the colors coming out of the water droplets forming the rainbow are just as straight as the colors coming out of the prism. The reason we see the curved shape in a rainbow is that the colors are coming from millions of different sources, all at different angles which form an arc, but all in essentially straight lines. (while the Earth's gravity does bend light by a small amount, that's NOT the reason rainbows appear curved, it bends the light equally whether it's leaving a prism or a condensation droplet, an amount which we could say is typically imperceptible with human vision). There are too many misperceptions to address in the rest of that word soup, but people talking about why rainbows are curved should have some clue about why that happens, and it's not because the light leaving is curved. It's because the sources of the light form an arc, the light leaves in a straight line just like with the prism (aside from a slight gravitational bending which we would not normally see).
Originally posted by Mary Rose
Description: People have a lot to understand regarding Searl Technology. Lets go over some basic misconceptions in science. Newtons math perfectly describes the distribution of light from a prism on a wall. We can PLAINLY see the colors are distributed in Straight lines forever... right? Walter Russell perfectly describes the distribution of light through the Phi Spiraling prism called the Void. Rainbows are curved in reality. Newtons math only describes the behavior of particles AFTER they have been polarized. Newton's prism has a flat surface therefore the distribution will be flat and all your calculations will be based from illusions on a wall rather than reality.
At the same time I do know what I do know. That seems to supercede anything what you know. Or, what you have ever have known, or, what yo will ever know. Just saying. From where I sit, I know a lot and you know close to zero. Dismissed. Redneck, or blueneck, or purpleneck. Or purpleballs.
Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by buddhasystem
Cool. What will you be researching?
The particle can be at any place in this large area.
In 2 you just said we should see the wave function as a mathematical construct to describe the observed wave like behavior of particles. There isn't an actual wave that we know of. We have never measured it. The wave is pure theoretical. The actual reason why particles behave like a wave is unknown as far as I know.
He put together his wave equation and the spectral analysis of hydrogen in a paper in 1926.[10] The paper was enthusiastically endorsed by Einstein, who saw the matter-waves as an intuitive depiction of nature, as opposed to Heisenberg's matrix mechanics, which he considered overly formal.[11]
The Schrödinger equation details the behaviour of ψ but says nothing of its nature. Schrödinger tried to interpret it as a charge density in his fourth paper, but he was unsuccessful.[12] In 1926, just a few days after Schrödinger's fourth and final paper was published, Max Born successfully interpreted ψ as a probability amplitude.[13] Schrödinger, though, always opposed a statistical or probabilistic approach, with its associated discontinuities—much like Einstein, who believed that quantum mechanics was a statistical approximation to an underlying deterministic theory— and never reconciled with the Copenhagen interpretation.[14]
For a moment, lets not call it "detecting a particle" but "detecting a wave collapsing". I think the questions make sense then.
What I see as the problem here, it that your wave like behavior is not the same as the wave like behavior that is meant in wave particle duality. What I understand from it, in wave particle duality, the wave like behavior is on a macroscopic scale, not a wave inside the particle. The wave can actually spread over a large area. So it can increase in size and is not localized, like the wave you describe is.
A small disclaimer, the deeper we go into the subject, the harder it is for me to express myself, so I may use incorrect terminology, and of course may be plain wrong sometimes.
I just happen to have worked immediately for, and has been associated with big money (your mileage will vary). Maybe a couple of billion dollars does not seem big to you. It sure did to me and my clients.
Listen up, kid: an inventor with a viable Big Cash idea would be protected by the Russian Spetznaz from Hell. You don't know these guys. You don't want to know this folk. I personally do know this kind of people. Just sayin' to put this in perspective.
At the same time I do know what I do know. That seems to supercede anything what you know. Or, what you have ever have known, or, what yo will ever know. Just saying. From where I sit, I know a lot and you know close to zero. Dismissed. Redneck, or blueneck, or purpleneck. Or purpleballs.
Do the particles disappear at troughs and appear at crests? Can we ever detect a fraction of a particle, rather than a whole or none? If no, then it cannot be considered continuous, unless experimental data suggests it. Again, predictions and experimental data is what gives credence to any theory. Someone might argue the boogie man exists but can turn invisible at will, and that's why we cannot see him, but without actual evidence...