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What did the Catholic Church ever do to You?

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posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by oliveoil

The Vatican was infiltrated by the KGB and the Illuminati! They assassinated all your honest popes, arch bishops etc...and embalmed them before any postmortems could be carried out..As far as I'm concerned its just a business. The second reason i Don't trust them is because they always told me i would go to hell for reading or studying any other religion.Thirdly the Vatican originated from the church of Babylon and is full of paganism and satanic symbolism (Only a fool would disagree).

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by oliveoil

The Catholic Church needs to go away.

They persecuted and killed my people.

I am human.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 04:59 AM

What the RCC did or is doing, that I feel is worse than the actual acts of abuse themselves, was/is to consciously and willfully, choose as human beings, as men gifted by God with free will, to do evil rather than doing good. This, while having full knowledge of Christ and the consequences of abuse to victims.

Knowledge of this choice/decision, one they have consciously made and are making still, more than anything else, is what I think stays with me and affects me most.

Through the nature of their acts of abuse, they have removed from so many others the capacity to choose, to make conscious choices at all; so silencing the conscience of right action and chronically inhibiting many individuals' ability to make a conscious choice between doing good and doing evil as well.
Misery likes company.

In the course of time or in the immediate need for the protection of children and recovery of surviors, I am not sure what part any conscious awareness of that willful choice and the removal of choice plays in most peoples lives or recovery, but I do know that the reason many are choosing not to recover or to delay healing is for this very reason. There is no trust. No capacity for trust.


posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 09:47 AM
Here is a list of what I find offensive about the Catholic church.

Proven and admitted child molestation (Before you ask for proof, read the papers on the settlement that the church made a few years back for millions)

Witch Hunts (Yes they are documented)

The total denial of the holocaust (until recently when they diocese was quoted as saying "We dropped the ball" LOL

The total disregard for the very bible they claim to follow. (It states clearly in the bible not to be an Idol worshiper. It states not to pray to or worship statues other gods or to any MAN. Yet Catholics pray to Mary, saints, statues of saints, Mary, Jesus and probably Barney the dinosaur for all I know.

Catholics also ask the priest for forgiveness in confession!?!??!??!?!? HE IS JUST A MAN and yet you also kiss his ring and bow to him LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!

I also have a problem with the way the Catholics came to early America and rounded up my Native American ancestors. Then they tried to take the "savage" out of them by sending them to "schools" where they were beaten for speaking their own language and converted to christians.

LASTLY, JESUS DID NOT FOUND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In case you didn't know, Jesus was a Jew. Also the Catholic church springs from the Roman Empire who, in it's dying days put it's last vestiges of power and authority into the church. Catholicism also steals from Buddhism i.e. the rosary beads and other details.

Feel free to go on with your statements of "Proof people" "Facts" and such OP because you either refuse to see the truth or you are just.....never mind.
edit on 11/12/2010 by kcs7272 because: omitted word

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by SmedleyBurlap

The First Crusade was an attempt to regain control of Jerusalem from the Muslim conquest, it was launched at the request of the Byzantine Empire as they were losing their battle with the Muslims.

It was not, as some like to insinuate, the brain child of Catholicism to spread their version of religion. It was a politically motivated war to reclaim lands they lost in previous battle. Sounds very much like a few current conflicts.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by Whatsreal
reply to post by oliveoil

The Catholic Church needs to go away.

They persecuted and killed my people.

I am human.

I fully agree. The Catholic Church killed +250,000 Chamoru in the Spanish-Chamoru War in the Marianas Islands. That's more people than the current population there today. It really wasn't a war. It was a genocide. The Catholic Church used the Spanish firearms and swords to slaughter people with nothing but sticks and stones.

They've never been held accountable for slaughtering globally. They are STILL slaughtering people globally.

How many American's are PROUD of the fact we only have to pay $2,000 to kill innocent people in Iraq?

It's genocide what we are doing.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by oliveoil

when i tried to join a catholic church i wasnt welcome unless i went through some process to cleanse my spiritual essence. they didnt like the fact that i was previously married but could be forgiven by some hocus pocus. i dont remember the details but i do remember being left with a feeling that they truly did not accept me for who i am. this isnt the teachings of thier Christ. he didnt make people denounce prior actions. he loved them unconditionally. the catholic church and thier bible dont trully teach love. they preach fear and "you better or else" dogma. i dont dislike them. i hope that they open thier eyes to the hypocrisy that religion espouses and how it makes things worse, not better for us all.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Mike.Ockizard
reply to post by oliveoil

when i tried to join a catholic church i wasnt welcome unless i went through some process to cleanse my spiritual essence. they didnt like the fact that i was previously married but could be forgiven by some hocus pocus. i dont remember the details but i do remember being left with a feeling that they truly did not accept me for who i am. this isnt the teachings of thier Christ. he didnt make people denounce prior actions. he loved them unconditionally. the catholic church and thier bible dont trully teach love. they preach fear and "you better or else" dogma. i dont dislike them. i hope that they open thier eyes to the hypocrisy that religion espouses and how it makes things worse, not better for us all.

To cleanse your spiritual essence? Are you referring to a baptism? That is required by all Christian churches, assuming that is what you are referring to. If you were converting from another form of Christianity and had been baptized there then it is not required, provided it was a trinitarian church. As to making people denounce their prior actions, Christ did take confessions and forgive them, He also gave His apostles the same duty.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 04:47 PM
I have a beef with them for many reasons.
In-fact all kinds of religions and cults, Besides the Cthulhu cults.

But the main one was stated best by George Carlin.. "The MAJORITY of prayers come in when? Sunday .. His day off"

God : "Yeah Algebra test Thursday I got it now GTFO"

Its almost like the Churches are deliberately shaping their members to Harass their God.

For example we shouldn't use "God" or "Jesus" in vain yet every retarded prayer about someones hair or someones economic situation yet they are said multiple times everyday by the majority of humans then focused on his "Day off" almost like an assault on such a being's senses.

I'm sure such a "Creature" would be quite P-O'd with how people view him almost like an ATM machine for wishes and quite certain he has more important celestial events to deal with than Susies algebra finals.

- Butchered quotes from "George Carlin" considering how awake I am.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by searching4truth

Roman Catholics answered to the Pope, not to the Romanoi or their Metropolians. Pope Urban II and his Bishops agreed to send aid to the middle east (four hundred years late) and they commanded the Catholic monarchs to arms. Deus Vult!

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 05:03 PM
Nonwithstanding the semihostile OP...

In the words of the eminent Archbishop Fulton Sheen, a man who was sensible, beloved by vast amounts of peoples, non-Catholic as well as Catholic...
His words, in this old radio address, do have a ring of common sense truth to a Christian reading them, as much as they may seem to sting.

"If I Were Not A Catholic ..."

by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

"If I were not a Catholic, and were looking for the true Church in the world today,
I would look for the one Church which did not get along well with the world;
in other words, I would look for the Church which the world hated.
My reason for doing this would be, that if Christ is in any one of the churches of the world today,
He must still be hated as He was when He was on earth in the flesh.
If you would find Christ today, then find the Church that does not get along with the world.
Look for the Church that is hated by the world as Christ was hated by the world.
Look for the Church that is accused of being behind the times, as our Lord was accused of being ignorant and never having learned.
Look for the Church which men sneer at as socially inferior, as they sneered at Our Lord because He came from Nazareth.
Look for the Church which is accused of having a devil, as Our Lord was accused of being possessed by Beelzebub, the Prince of Devils.
Look for the Church which, in seasons of bigotry, men say must be destroyed in the name of God as men crucified Christ and thought they had done a service to God.
Look for the Church which the world rejects because it claims it is infallible, as Pilate rejected Christ because He called Himself the Truth.
Look for the Church which is rejected by the world as Our Lord was rejected by men.
Look for the Church which amid the confusions of conflicting opinions, its members love as they love Christ, and respect its Voice as the very voice of its Founder, and the suspicion will grow, that if the Church is unpopular with the spirit of the world, then it is unworldly, and if it is unworldly it is other worldly. since it is other-worldly, it is infinitely loved and infinitely hated as was Christ Himself.
But only that which is Divine can be infinitely hated and infinitely loved.
Therefore the Church is Divine."

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 07:43 PM
Vatican city has the lowest age of consent in the world - excepting regions that have no such laws.. (yes, you can legally have sex at age 12 in the vatican)

The catholic church, for the good deeds it does, is also a chief purveyor of hatred and scientifically stupid practices - e.g. anti-contraception, anti-gay anything, etc.

The catholic church has perhaps the most important, best cared for, and most valuable collection of art works, and more importantly historical documents in the world, and yet a huge amount of that material is unavailable to the world, despite it's incredible importance for the history of EVERYONE in the world, not just the Catholic church. Simply being powerful enough for long enough to steal and buy whatever you want does not give you the right to prevent the rest of us from viewing our own cultural history.

I could go on, but as an institution, the Catholic church leaves much to be desired.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by thegoodearth
Nonwithstanding the semihostile OP...

In the words of the eminent Archbishop Fulton Sheen, a man who was sensible, beloved by vast amounts of peoples, non-Catholic as well as Catholic...
His words, in this old radio address, do have a ring of common sense truth to a Christian reading them, as much as they may seem to sting.

They dont sting...they only digust me further and add futher proof to the claims originally made that twisting Gods word to suit yourself isnt Truth...isnt 'of Christ'.

The RCC is NOT being persecuted by anything or anyone but their own sick minds and doctrines. Facing the reality and conseuqences of the web of lies and deciet they built for themselves.

The righteous anger and venting of victims is not 'evil' or 'wrong' and it is NOT "persecution".

Just as the forgiveness of victims is not permissiveness for them to continue the lie.

The stress the RC church is undergoing right now is a RESULT. One they CHOSE to accept would happen to them, when they chose to murder, rape, steal and assault. God didnt tell them to do those things THEY chose to do them! Its a self inflicted self injurous sick process, a deliberatly designed circular paradox designed to keep people enslaved to lies and to make dull or faithless people BELIEVE that they are 'like unto Christ'...another LIE.

The reality is, its just simple cause and effect being used as a spiritual and political weapon.

To say or imply the catholic church is 'like Christ' is, to me, personally sickening! If I didnt know better, it would be de-meaning to the actual sacrifice of God and the Truth that came through Jesus. Ultimately though, Truth will win out and I know that they are demeaning only themselves.

Christ is not a child abuser, political tyrant and murderer! Christ is not a religion, a building, a state or political group, nor is he the head of a group of armed people manipulating raping and murdering! Nor is he a political whore hidiing in the dark and secret feeding off the spiritual energy of millions and activly starving children to death!

The f*cking ego of these people is unbelievable!

If I am a serial sociopath or psycopath, murderer and paedophile and gather to myself other serial sociopaths psychopaths paedophiles and murderers - if we call ourselves a church via the twisting the words of God to suit our political ends needs and then use those words to terrorise other peoples into *believing * we are representatives of Christ Himself and so dupe them into abdicating their personal authority and property to us - if we then conquer all opposition to our claims and murder, rape destroy and despise ( disobey Gods law in every fashion ) anyone who doesnt agree with us thus excommunicating free will so that everyone who will not convert to my 'church' is viewed by all as "evil", it is then sooo EASY to again use "scripture" and fear to mke the false claim that "we are the ones most like Christ"...and so to again pervert the gospel into being whatever we want or need it to say!

Its B*LLSH*T. More importantly, this twisted logic switcharoo is a widely known simple to comprehend avoidance tactic used by every molesting child abuser out there and just because its being used and the words said by representatives of the RCC doesnt mean its any less b*ll# or any less an evil lie.

Everyone who works with survivors knows this 'story'...abusers blaming victims and claiming victimhood and persecution themselves in order to avoid accountability and responsibility for actions they chose - its as old as prostitution..its been done..and done so often and so much we are now immune to the sin and lie of it!

The RCC dont control God or the Truth..and CANT AVOID Gods Just Judgment. Nor can they deny the human consequences of denying the reality of individual and collective cupability and responsibility for their actions and inactions!! They can lie to people, twist scrupture, steal and whore all they want...they cant avoid the fact that God Knows. We know.

The RCC CHOOSES to persecute...and so, like every other human on this planet, they are also choosing to accept the consequences of persecuting! Facing the reality of the consequences of your actions is part of that process. They dont want to face them now they are running away. Lying to save themselves...trying to hide behind twisted words and as is trying to save their lives, they will only loose them.
They are a dying people. I only pity them and pray for mercy for their souls.
The consequences this institution and its followers will face are ultimately in Gods hands...the guilty however will not go unpunished. In Christ..we are assured of THAT!

Jesus Christ was persecuted and murdered solely because he stood for and told the TRUTH. Just as victims of RCC and all abusers around the world today are standing up to tell the same thing saying *this is what really happened* and we will no longer be silent! We are not ashamed.

The RCC would do well to listen.

> end of tragic soapbox<

edit on 1-1-2011 by Rosha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by Rosha

The link that you gave me is a total fabrication. This is not an original document.There is no signature!!.

There was no press release issued in 1662 regarding cases of solicitation by the "Holy office" nice try though. Although there are cases that have involved sexual abuse, These are individual cases and in no way condoned by the church.Excommunication is preferred to 'covering up' crimes. Thats absurd!

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by oliveoil

There was no 'press release' and so it didn't happen? The Church never admitted it therefore


It didn't happen? This is your argument?

Evidence has been given in this thread of coverups occurring in the present. Why do people distrust the Catholic Church in 2011? Because it actively covers up millions of documented cases of child abuse.

Or it could be the case that 27 million people [survivors] all conspired with each other to invent stories of horriffic abuse by the Church. Yes, that sounds plausible, 27 million people from impoverished conditions from around the world, with no common language, worked together to craft a consistent false story of millennia of Church violence and rape.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by SmedleyBurlap

Listen to yourself. You are blaming the Catholic Church as a whole for individual actions.That's like blaming a parent for his/her Child's actions.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 05:11 PM
OP.... Here is a good question that should put everything in perspective.

What did the Nazis ever do to you ?

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by oliveoil
reply to post by Rosha

The link that you gave me is a total fabrication. This is not an original document.There is no signature!!.

There was no press release issued in 1662 regarding cases of solicitation by the "Holy office" nice try though. Although there are cases that have involved sexual abuse, These are individual cases and in no way condoned by the church.Excommunication is preferred to 'covering up' crimes. Thats absurd!

It is not a 'total fabrication'. That PDF is not a 'press release' and never claimed to be. It is a document sourced from the Vatican press's own files with a date of 1962 not 1662. If you do not understand the function of the Vatican press, then you are uninformed and need to go do some research.
Details of the documents can be obtained by contacting the 'holy' see or by addresing your query to the canon itself for verification if you so choose to do the research. Write the pope himself..ask if they are false documents!

I implore you not to trust even me..go do your own truth for your own being. I did and found this and many of the same kind of documents and more everywhere.

Priests need only swear to secrecy and they are absolved. That is the sum of that document.
These abusing murderous priests never faced criminal suit, never faced civil law, the rcc actively bribed and disuayed victims and maniplated them using the Gospels as their weapon of choice and the priests continued on abusing with immunity and impunity.

In my family, I AM responsible and embrace full adult accountability for the actions of my child until he is an adult. That is what being a parent means and is one of the social and moral dutys of parenting I oblige myself to uphold.

So too the pontiffs *are* accountable and responsible for all actions taken by priests *they employ* as they claim to be the father, of them , the children.
Moreso, acting as an *organisation*, a *state*, a *corperation,* a *government* they hold even greater accountability to vet staff, to hold to account each individual to their actions - which they did not do.
Even more, and like everyone else is subject to common law, they had the responsibility to the victims of crime and to their own integrity to ensure these men faced crimal law and were duely punished or imprisoned for their crimes - like every other criminal is.


Not an oversight...not a 'slip in morality' is a c r i m e !

Even more importantly, they had the DUTY to put in place transparent internal proceedures that made the occasion of paedophiles hiding out within the RCC impossible. Something they have not done, are not willing to do. Unlike the military where at least some civil oversight is undertaken, the Vatican refuses to put in place any system that will make it mandatory for anyone knowing of abuse to report it to the police - not the vatican police..OUR civil police. It is the only institution and state in the civilised world that has a caveat to mandatory reporting of this kind.


I am sorry you have been duped..many good people are and were. Dont shoot the messangers though, we have no need or reason to lie....we are not the ones with the problem.


edit on 2-1-2011 by Rosha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 05:32 PM

How the hell can anyone follow an institution who acts like that. If this were a company, people would boycott it!!

/end thread!

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by oliveoil

If a child murders the neighbour and the parent helps to bury the body, destroy the evidence, move the child to a new town and get them a new identity, and excuses them for their actions, then yes they are responsible.

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