Originally posted by thegoodearth
Nonwithstanding the semihostile OP...
In the words of the eminent Archbishop Fulton Sheen, a man who was sensible, beloved by vast amounts of peoples, non-Catholic as well as
His words, in this old radio address, do have a ring of common sense truth to a Christian reading them, as much as they may seem to sting.
They dont sting...they only digust me further and add futher proof to the claims originally made that twisting Gods word to suit yourself isnt
Truth...isnt 'of Christ'.
The RCC is NOT being persecuted by anything or anyone but their own sick minds and doctrines. Facing the reality and conseuqences of the web of lies
and deciet they built for themselves.
The righteous anger and venting of victims is not 'evil' or 'wrong' and it is NOT "persecution".
Just as the forgiveness of victims is not permissiveness for them to continue the lie.
The stress the RC church is undergoing right now is a RESULT. One they CHOSE to accept would happen to them, when they chose to murder, rape, steal
and assault. God didnt tell them to do those things THEY chose to do them! Its a self inflicted self injurous sick process, a deliberatly designed
circular paradox designed to keep people enslaved to lies and to make dull or faithless people BELIEVE that they are 'like unto Christ'...another
The reality is, its just simple cause and effect being used as a spiritual and political weapon.
To say or imply the catholic church is 'like Christ' is, to me, personally sickening! If I didnt know better, it would be de-meaning to the actual
sacrifice of God and the Truth that came through Jesus. Ultimately though, Truth will win out and I know that they are demeaning only themselves.
Christ is not a child abuser, political tyrant and murderer! Christ is not a religion, a building, a state or political group, nor is he the head of a
group of armed people manipulating raping and murdering! Nor is he a political whore hidiing in the dark and secret feeding off the spiritual energy
of millions and activly starving children to death!
The f*cking ego of these people is unbelievable!
If I am a serial sociopath or psycopath, murderer and paedophile and gather to myself other serial sociopaths psychopaths paedophiles and murderers -
if we call ourselves a church via the twisting the words of God to suit our political ends needs and then use those words to terrorise other peoples
into *believing * we are representatives of Christ Himself and so dupe them into abdicating their personal authority and property to us - if we then
conquer all opposition to our claims and murder, rape destroy and despise ( disobey Gods law in every fashion ) anyone who doesnt agree with us thus
excommunicating free will so that everyone who will not convert to my 'church' is viewed by all as "evil", it is then sooo EASY to again use
"scripture" and fear to mke the false claim that "we are the ones most like Christ"...and so to again pervert the gospel into being whatever we want
or need it to say!
Its B*LLSH*T. More importantly, this twisted logic switcharoo is a widely known simple to comprehend avoidance tactic used by every molesting child
abuser out there and just because its being used and the words said by representatives of the RCC doesnt mean its any less b*ll# or any less an evil
Everyone who works with survivors knows this 'story'...abusers blaming victims and claiming victimhood and persecution themselves in order to avoid
accountability and responsibility for actions they chose - its as old as prostitution..its been done..and done so often and so much we are now immune
to the sin and lie of it!
The RCC dont control God or the Truth..and CANT AVOID Gods Just Judgment. Nor can they deny the human consequences of denying the reality of
individual and collective cupability and responsibility for their actions and inactions!! They can lie to people, twist scrupture, steal and whore
all they want...they cant avoid the fact that God Knows. We know.
The RCC CHOOSES to persecute...and so, like every other human on this planet, they are also choosing to accept the consequences of persecuting!
Facing the reality of the consequences of your actions is part of that process. They dont want to face them though..so now they are running away.
Lying to save themselves...trying to hide behind twisted words and as is written..in trying to save their lives, they will only loose them.
They are a dying people. I only pity them and pray for mercy for their souls.
The consequences this institution and its followers will face are ultimately in Gods hands...the guilty however will not go unpunished. In Christ..we
are assured of THAT!
Jesus Christ was persecuted and murdered solely because he stood for and told the TRUTH. Just as victims of RCC and all abusers around the world
today are standing up to tell the same thing saying *this is what really happened* and we will no longer be silent! We are not ashamed.
The RCC would do well to listen.
> end of tragic soapbox<
edit on 1-1-2011 by Rosha because: (no reason given)