Vatican told bishops to cover up sex abuse. Expulsion threat in secret documents
Vatican 1962 PDF link:
If you want to start being semantic about statistics and exact numbers, you will be disapointed as there are none in solid form. Only estimates based
on what little reportage there has been which is not a lot and is inconclusive. Brave Hearts Australia estimates the *total* global victim rate of the
RCC is over 177 million not 150. And that is a "lowest expected" estimate. when you focus solely on catholic people confirmed to have been abused by
catholics the number is 29,619,840 persons.
Given the RCC itself will not release fully (and unmolested ) all data pertaining to this issue for public scrutiny, we are left with this formula
from "Clergy abuse/ Molested Catholics" ( link below ) and formulas like it.
"... a random survey of over 7,000 active Catholics in the U.S. and Canada found a closer ratio, that 1.7 percent of the females and 3.3 percent of
the males had been sexually abused in childhood by a priest ..." (Katherine van Wormer, MSSW, Ph.D.) Psychology Today - Priest abuse male compared
female victimization impact published May 20, 2010.
Using these numbers as a base whilst recognising that a substantial number of victims would have already left the church the following formula is used
to calculate a low estimate of the number of sexual abuse victims in a given population of Catholics.
1.2 billion catholics
1.7% females abused = 10,404,000 [1.7% of 51.98% of the *Catholic* population]
3.3% males abused = 19,404,000 [3.3% of 48.02% of the *Catholic* population]
29,808,000 [combined males and females] Catholics identify themselves as having been sexually abused in childhood by a Catholic priest. with a
further 26,657,856 persons reprting abuse being barred from having their cases heard BY THE VATICAN. Thats over 50,0000,000 CATHOLICS alone!
Loosely, this formula can be applied to any population.
For example:
Estimate number of Australian Catholics sexually abused in their childhood by Catholic priests.
Australia 5,239,000 million catholics (2006 Census)
Estimated number of survivors who have been "finalized" (completed church or legal process) in Australia between 1000 and 4000.
1.7% females abused = 45,422
3.3% males abused = 84,715
This measures over 130 thousand cases of *catholics* being abused by catholics in Australia with a further 117,123 persons cases barred from hearings
by the Vatican - again.
Source of formula:
"Molested Catholics"
So..and even adding or attributing only a further modest 5% of all reported cases of assault in the general community to the church and its affiliates
( church run schools, homes etc) , the numbers jump staggaringly.
In parts of Ireland and in parts of Australia, entire generations of children and communities fell victim and the numbers are more like one in two not
one in four of all children present at that time.
Also dont forget that this does NOT include CURENT victims..the ones being raped RIGHT NOW by RCC priests TODAY.
And...after considering that...then do the same population based formula for each of the 167 countries that have also had to endure Catholic missions'
and the 'protection' of Catholic run institutions. Multiply that total figure by the anitcipated number of *unreported* abuse cases - a further 10-30%
of numbers given - and you start to see for yourself where the numbers come from.
Molested Catholics writes that there are:
1,014 instances of sexual abuse per day by Catholic priests globally
42 instances of sexual abuse per hour by Catholic priests globally
Current estimates indicate that the highest proportions of sexual abuses today are to be found in Asia and Africa.
o n e t h o u s a n d instances per
How many more then in Asia and Africa where the children have no governement or law or parents to hold these hyenas accountable?
And keep in mind, these are only the figures for practicing CATHOLICS who reported active SEXUAL abuse.
This formula doesnt include other abuse forms such as physical and psychological abuses, mental torture, institutionalisation, exclusion,
excommuncations, harrassments and murders of those who stood up to the vatican etc etc.. and doesnt include the catastrophic losses of faith, mentl
illness, suicides, related deaths and family and social breakdowns, drug and alcohol abuse PTSD cases etc etc etc...
And these 'men' have the gall to claim 'persecution' saying now in self pity that the church is undergoing a "holy" "persecution"?
WE ( the children of this planet) ARE THE CHURCH..and we have been BEING persecuted by them for MILENIA!!
Some would call what is happening to the RCC today KARMA
Just as it was written!
They have sown confusion shame grief pain persecution despair sexual gluttony and hoplessness, greed, power death, idolitary fear fear fear and
twisted logic and sin...and so they reap. NOT MY PROBLEM.
Thiss int about forgiveness....which is though Christ...this is about JUSTICE...and she is not blind..not deaf..and not a leaf falls without her
knowing the true cause of its demise.
The true number of victims of the ROMAN catholic church will never be known to any except too many hundreds have passed on, too many suicided,
fled, or will never be able to speak of it. Those that do stand are harrassed and shamed or spiritually attacked and maniplated. The effects are too
enormous and to constant to put it down to a few rogue priests...this is a systemic and epidemic situational affect of BEING IN the catholic
Thankfully I have no need for revenge or faith is in God, not the false church....and I know..for certain..that God knows..and Christ
will do.
The spell has been broken, the veil lifted...the time of this diseased fallen institutions reign of bloody terror, and those like it, is over.
edit on 31-12-2010 by Rosha because: (no reason given)