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Situational depression is an overall bleak outlook on your current lifestyle; a dissatisfaction with your current standard of living. Clinical depression is a true disorder of the chemicals of the brain which cannot be treated or cured by going for a walk or talking to a friend.
"Biological psychiatrists have looked very closely for a serotonin imbalance or dysfunction in patients with depression or
obsessive compulsive disorder and, to date, it has been elusive," says Dr. Wayne Goodman, Chair of the US Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee.
Psychiatry's drug prescribing practices rest on a myth debunked by Jeffrey Lacasse and Jonathan Leo in their article in
PLoS Medicine. Not a single representative of mainstream psychiatry has come forward to rebut them.
Lacasse and Leo lay out the case against psychiatry's bedrock justification for prescribing psychotropic drugs. For
decades psychiatry's leadership and chorus of followers have claimed that depression is caused by a "chemical
imbalance" in the brain, and that SSRI antidepressants normalize that "chemical imbalance."
But such claims have been overturned In the absence of evidence. As Lacasse and Leo have shown, not a single peer
reviewed article validates the theory of a chemical or biological marker abnormality in persons diagnosed with depression-
-or, for that matter with any psychiatric disorder.
Originally posted by Rockstar02
I do not understand where this came from.
but so far it has only been found in a very small percentage of children.
On the other hand the number of suicides has drastically dropped since the introduction of Prozac
Originally posted by slopeofyourmind
Depression is a lie and the medications used to treat it are a scam. Psychiatry is a hoax. Just because you feel a certain way doesn't mean you have to accept a societal label or label yourself. I believe that the medications used to treat various "mental illnesses" are the main cause suicide and extreme "mental illness". Societal norms are unfortunately geared toward having an unaccepting climate of our differences and pshchiatry has made being different an illness. We are all different. No wonder antidepressents are one of the most prescribed drugs in the world, everyone is an ideal candidate to narrow minded doctors for being different.
Originally posted by venik88
To all those having panic attacks, anyone who freaks out can have a panic attack. Stop freaking out.
Anyone who delves into negative thoughts, will come out depressed
Anyone who believes they are uncontrollably depressed, will never come out of depression... even after drugs.
Ive had the panic attacks, I've had the suicidal thoughts, I've had the depression, for years at a time straight. And everytime I came out of it, it was because I changed to a positive optimistic outlook.
Just look at your posts they are riddled with anger, hatred, negativity, helpelessness, self-victimmization. You are a victim, of your own thoughts and beliefs.
Originally posted by ofhumandescent
One additonal thing my son mentioned to me when I said, "more people now seem to be depressed, I know I feel more down right around fall than any other time period". He said, "It's a scientific fact that when we humans get less sunlight, our brain wiring gets into a deprerssion mode".
WOW, It's just not "going crazy for the fun of it" there is hard medical evidence. That alone helps. Now, while I am not normally a depressed person, fall, while a beautiful season tends to make me a little more down than usual.
They actually have sun lamps and also "therapy lamps". Just a couple minutes a couple times a day might help.
Right around now, where I am we are getting less sunlight. It all adds up.
The human brain needs a certain amount of sunlight for happiness.
Originally posted by Modern Americana
For those of you that are either desensitized or flat out indifferent to the struggles that people with depression face, let me put it into perspective for you, for all of ATS to understand.
Originally posted by Modern AmericanaDepression is like Gitmo. You are sent there against your will. It is dark and scary. You are tortured and if you ever get out, you will never be the same. Medication is like solitary confinement. People on the outside don't have to be around you, so they feel as though something has been done. And having people tell us that it is just a phase and we will get over it, or to have people cast us aside when we are the most vulnerable is like waterboarding. We feel like we are drowning, but in reality, the only damage that is being done is psychological.
Originally posted by Modern AmericanaI cannot blame you for wanting to be away from the depressing and the doom and the gloom. I don't want to live in that world either, nor does anyone in their right mind. But grow up and see that there are real reasons why we are like this. It isn't simply a choice. It is much more complex than that, and the medication alleviates that choice.
Originally posted by Modern AmericanaMy friend has been on medications for three years now and she has been more depressed than ever before. Once she stopped, guess what? She got better. She got a boyfriend. She is going to college. She has her own small business going. She is happy.
She got the help she needed. It wasn't medication, and it certainly wasn't simply waking up one morning and declaring 'I'm going to be happy today.'edit on 8-11-2010 by Modern Americana because: (no reason given)