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Depression is NOT a Real Disorder

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by tigpoppa

Why does everything have to revolve around money? What ever happened to humanitarian aid? Do you have to invade a nation with questionable ways of running things in the eyes of the ignorant for it to be claimed as such?

I would be proud if my taxes went to helping someone instead of some war I do not agree with.

I would be proud to help people like me. Money is no object in my mind when it comes to helping someone in need. Call them psychopaths all you want, sir, but that doesn't make them so. You can easily label someone something, but for it to be truth the majority of people need to believe it. Still, it doesn't make it fact no matter how many people believe it.

People with depression, people with Schizophrenia, and people with other conditions such as these are not psychopaths. Once these people start a murdering spree and blame these conditions, that is when they may be called psychopaths, not before. I suffer from depression. Am I psychotic in your eyes?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by tigpoppa

So in the "true history" of America, the monarchy and the lords wanted to grant entitlements to their citizens which were not earned, and the founding fathers fought against these socialist hand-outs by going to war with England?

That's a trip, because when I went to school, the overarching theme of the revolutionary war was discontent spurred by overly punitive taxation without real representation in parliament.

Which, by the way, is pretty much exactly what we have had under the last 5 presidents, Democrat or Republican. A near 55% tax rate between local, state, federal, income, property and sales taxes, and nothing to show for our pain except more wars to support the profits of a corrupt military industrial complex, fewer jobs, and a weaker dollar.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by Modern Americana

Im sorry but under the World Health organization you do not WAIT until they start murdering people to call them a psychopath, its that logic that allowed people like hitler to rise to power. Now we have people like hitler living in our communities and preying upon our children. Using my money to give to you as you stated is socialism plain and simple. If president bush can defeat alcoholism with the power of jesus then its time that others follow in his footsteps and not look for a free handout. Real Americans support the right to make our own decisions and if someone made the decision to become a drug addict, or has their own personal problems then they need to deal with it on their own. It goes against the grain of capitalism to get free money from people who work hard for a living. There is a word for that it's communism.

Originally posted by 0zzymand0s

That's a trip, because when I went to school, the overarching theme of the revolutionary war was discontent spurred by overly punitive taxation without real representation in parliament.

Yes those taxes payed for their lifestyles that robbed the common man of his wages so they could do nothing and get a free handout. This is in every text book taht kings and queens are not elected and simply get entitlements based upon their TITLE!
edit on 9-11-2010 by tigpoppa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by tigpoppa

I highly doubt you actually work in any field of science, since you would realize that you are falling prey to confirmation bias right now. In truth the number of crimes committed by the mentally ill is well below the number of crimes committed by the "sane." Also, just to correct you, psychopathy is an antiquated term and has been replaced by antisocial personality disorder. And another thing, Dahmer refused to go for a verdict of NGRI, therefore no kind of mental examination was performed, therefore you cannot claim one way or another whether he actually suffered from a mental illness.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by tigpoppa

So, now you're saying that people with mental illness contribute nothing to society. What about people like John Nash, Isaac Newton, Abraham Lincoln, & William James to name but a few of the people that significantly changed the world while suffering from mental illness.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by tigpoppa

That's a different view of en-title-ments, welfare QUEENS and socialism, and displays a truly wild imagination, at the very least.

I'll grant you that much.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by 0zzymand0s

That is why as an american I support having second amendment solutions to these problems. Just like Jane Kaufmann said bullets will change the way washington works if they wont listen to the desires of true patriots.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by tigpoppa

Yes, I agree, reading your posts, I too am thankful for second amendment rights.


posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:47 PM
Hello is tigpoppa there please.....

"no i am sorry it apears he is out to lunch"
edit on 9-11-2010 by The Great Day because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:55 PM
To add another physical health complaint which masquerades as psychological symptoms. There have been some tests which show that "Panic Attacks" can be the result of a true cardiac problem, not psychological at all, and the cardiac problem should be treated.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

Originally posted by slopeofyourmind
Depression is a lie and the medications used to treat it are a scam. Psychiatry is a hoax.

So says the brainwashed scientologist

Yep, I have your number my friend.
Go back to your auditing chamber and tell xenu I said hi

One of the most ignorant posts I've seen here on ATS.
You take solace in denigrating a person's opinion while you
erroneously proclaim your own to be disproportionately superior.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by tigpoppa
Look its your brain that you messed up and your problem to be honest. People with depression need to stop getting attention and trying to get the rest of us to pay for their mistakes in life. Speaking as an american if you cant live up to the american dream and use our medicare and health subsidies to treat the problems you created then that is theft and fraud. I am a Real American with rights and believe in Capitalism so I the tax payer should not be held accountable for people who cant keep their lives in order who fail to achieve what real americans can.

(1) Your ignorance is seemingly limitless if you "feel" that being an "American" somehow
has some sort of value or weight attached to it when the world is an international place. (as is ATS)

Speaking as a Sovereign (the opposite of you/your status)
Your radical views are completely unfounded and heartless with a lack of compassion for your brother.

The American Dream has been dead for many decades now.
An insolvent nation with luxuries paid for by debt, created by debt and valued based on who
buys the debt is exemplary of a broken system and a JOKE...invoking words like "Real Americans."

The federal income tax pays the national debt 100% (A debt you nor I incurred)
It does NOT pay for our schools, military, , roads or infrastructure nor any other service.

In regards to other taxes EVERYONE pays them and these taxes fund services we come to use daily.

(2) The tax payer has more problems to deal with than people with mental illnesses.
Based on your post why should you not be murdered due to your lack of empathy/love
for another human being? The world would be better off without people like you in it.

Originally posted by tigpoppaGeorge Bush even tried to revamp medicare to remove mental health from the system, but the mental health people fought back and nothing was done. This means that these careless and thoughtless individuals are basically stealing the food off your tables just to feed their habits for more drugs so they can do nothing with their lives while the rest of us go out and earn a living. Our founding fathers fought to defeat socialism and remove the crown. Nothing in our constitution says I have to pay for other peoples mistakes. With the new republican congress they have the power of the purse and to make laws. My hope is that congressman like Rand Paul live up to their campaign promises and start arresting people with mental diseases or an unwanted burden and simply want america to subsidize their drug addictions. I never met a manic depressive who wasnt on some kind of drug and it disgusts me that their taking money from hard working military families because they ahve no patriotism.

The fact you feel left is different than right proves you know NOTHING of True American History
nor the ideals this nation was founded on (FACT)

Our founding fathers brokered a deal that allowed We The People to presume we were free
while the King was allowed to reap the benefits of his well funded Colonisation of Virginia...

To this day we are not a free nation and the IMF number on every tax form proves it.

The only true American party is the Republican party of old, not the one currently acting...

In the end a tax payer doesn't have the RIGHT to abrogate the rights of another
simply because THEY have a personal affliction with the person's mental illness(ess)

^^^^See Bill of Rights, Constitution for clarification^^^^

You are a shallow human being that hides behind a selfish/ego fueled persona
further fueled by a hatred that though is allowed to function as a part of our society
is socially irresponsible and personifies an ethically derelict human being.
edit on 9-11-2010 by Chinesis because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by Chinesis

Our founding fathers never stated in any of their writings that they support americans giving free handouts to others who fail to live up to the american ideal. In face we have the rights to protect ourselves from unfair taxes that lead to handouts. Just like we fought socialism and won we will fight this like our freshman reps say. Real patriots speak truth to power and since I am proud to be a christian I am also there to help others who want help. But not the kind of people with mental illnesses who are all hooked on drugs and serving obama as a drug crazed mass of people unable to distinguish right from wrong.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 01:30 AM
Current MH stats indicate that at any in right now...approx 1 in 5 people are experiencing some form of Mental Illness.
Throughout a persons lifetime that potential is pretty darn close to 50%, thats 1 in 2 people experiencing some form of Mental Illness at some point in their lives.

Look around you.

Look within your own home.

Look at your loved ones.

Look in the mirror.

Are you one of the stats? Is your loved one one of the stats?

Will you/they be? the words of Ice Cube: "Check yourself before you wreck yourself"

Be sure that the stone you cast is not the stone that you or your own loved one may have to walk with in their shoe some day.

I hope the blow for them, or for you, is softer than the one being dished out.

edit on 10-11-2010 by alien because: ...editted to remove the minor blasphemy before I'm struck down by a lightning bolt...

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by PETROLCOIN

A lot of people don't realize that depression is so much more than just being 'sad'.

For example, my depression takes both physical and emotional effect on me. Not only do I suffer from constant, intense feelings of sadness and loneliness, but these feelings get so bad that I experience physical pain as well. At my lowest points, I feel a type of pain that I would not wish on anyone. It feels like a knife is being driven into my chest and slowly twisted. When these feelings hit, which I admit they do often these days, I simply curl up and wish with all my heart that I could die just to make the hurting stop. The emotional and physical hurting both.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by tigpoppa

Once again you paint a wholly unrealistic portrait of mental illness. Mental illness can affect everyone, not just "liberals" as you seem to believe. Furthermore, I have no idea where you're getting the belief that everyone with a mental illness is a drug crazed maniac.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 06:21 AM
If you this deep in this thread we can assume everyone is a firm believer in endogenous (from within) depression

With that said I am gonna drop some more comments about exercise because I seen a few of you guys throwing it under the bus.

Let me point out some popular misconceptions about exercise and depression.

- You dont get enough "exercise" even if you work in a warehouse.

-You cant walk one day a month and expect to feel better.

-You cant jog once a month and expect to feel better.

-You cant see results overnight.

BUT I challenge anyone here with anxiety or depression to go run 3 twenty minute runs a week and tell me it dont at "least" help you some.

One thing though is exercise can in ways create problems all its on. Such as I was never such an insomniac till I got into it big time once.

I think the point of it all that some of you pessimist arent seeing is that it is NOT suppose to be easy. I liken it to having to push through a wall of defensive linebackers on a football team. Thats depression. That negative force pushing you back and making you not want to engage in things. Your "will" to push through the line is your norephinephrine. And by pushing through this line over time your brain starts release more NE in the synapses and increasing your reserves naturally. Norephinephrine and Serotonin are thought to be lower in depressed people. This fact has been known for some time. This is mostly how many of the antidepressent drugs work. To increase the resting levels of these two substances. In many studies called "forced swimming" tests,rats are made to swim in a futile chamber till they give up and die. How long they last is usually correlated to their NE levels. Their "will" to live. The same will that has you sitting on the couch and not doing anything when your depressed.

But going back to exercise. Ask anyone you know thats been in the miltary how they felt the week after boot camp and they will tell you it was the most exhilarating time of their life and they felt like a million bucks. The conditioning and the endorphins no doubt had a hand in that.

Thing is...the scientist honestly have no idea really how AD pills can help someone with depression. That one pill should in one day do what its going to do to you but instead takes weeks or months. I kinda think what is happening is those pills are shocking the system even more then is apparently already shocked and then some kind of restoring or normalizing happens by means we dont understand yet. BUT the truth? Those pills are not the answer IMO. Take vitamins,exercise,and watch what you eat and how you live your life and your bound to feel better.

edit on 10-11-2010 by destro423 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 08:04 AM

I too suffer from intermittent clinical depression and it's a fact that unless you've gone through it, you cannot understand how it makes you feel.

I often feel isolated, although I have plenty of friends and powerless to control my mind, my thoughts or my life. This leads to frustration, which in turn leads to pent up agression and anger, which unfortunately sometimes gets vented at the wrong people. It's terrifying, as by nature, I'm a pacefist and having thoughts about beating the crap out of people isn't pleasant to me.

Most people think that depression means that you are sad all the time and simply cannot understand how you can still laugh and joke and be depressed at the same time. The simple answer is that your emotions can be quite volatile, ranging from lethargy, numbness and apathy, to almost violent rage and frustration or simply crying uncontrollably.

It is most certainly a mental illness and not an emotional state of mind.

Thank God for anti-depressants and therapy!

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

These people create their own problems much like serial killers and child rapists. I do not support using my tax dollars to support either behavior. Just because I am a real american I find it unfair to attack my christian beliefs that help is only given to those who want or deserve to be helped. Just like our founding fathers said every man is created equal. Drugs dont make things better and I do not support using drugs, I do support using christian teachings to help people turn their life around and realize they too can live the American dream just like the rest of us who know how to succeed in life due to our faith and our freedom to practice it.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by tigpoppa

It is people like you that give "real" Americans a bad name.

Comparing people with depression with child rapists and serial killers is not only outrageous, but completely ignorant. You are comparing apples and oranges. Sure, they are both fruit, but that is the only similarity they have. Meaning that child rapists and serial killers MAY have depression or Schizophrenia or something along those lines, but people with depression and Schizophrenia are not child rapists and serial killers.

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