posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:07 AM
I just felt compelled to add my 2 cents having suffered anxiety, depression, and ocd, along with fibromyalgia. I took the medication route for a brief
period, but soon came to realize that food intolerances and toxicity is what was causing my mental state. Gluten, pasteurized dairy, sugar, caffeine,
just to name the main culprits absolutely turn me into a different person mentally, along with physically, making inflammation worse. Knowing many
people who've experienced the same thing as myself, along with the studies that show foods and chemicals can cause these symptoms, it bothers me to
see so many people thinking that the imbalance they have is something inherently wrong with their brains, rather than an outside cause. Not to say
there are not those who come in to this life with these disorders, but for how many people these days are experiencing it on a clinical level points
to an outside culprit. It's sad to see so many people rely on pharmaceuticals when there is the possibility that nutritional change could very well
be the key. While at the same time, high dose vitamin therapy has been used as an alternative to pharmaceuticals for people with true mental
disorders. I don't rely on medications, I just need to stay away from foods that really our bodies weren't meant to process to begin with.
Depression is an unnatural state, so I think we ought to look at all the unnatural conditions we are subjecting our bodies to. Not to mention what we
are depriving our bodies of to actually function properly. The medications should only be used where natural means can not correct the problem.
Regardless of the cause, we're talking about another human being's emotional state!