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Sex Offenders Have Nowhere to Live

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posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by earthdude
Not only sex offenders. My father was caught with a prohibited flower and after serving his time he could not find a nieborhood that was not a "Crime Free" zone. He was not allowed to live in a place with this lable. We found a few streets that were outside of this zone and this is where he lives, in outlaw village. So much for integrating back into society. He was forced into a criminal area and I hope he does not get robbed or killed.

I'm sorry. I just cant understand your post unless I know what a "prohibited flower" is.

-second line

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by Wildbob77
Perhaps someone needs to start a "sex offender" town. There would be no children, no schools, no playgrounds. Then we wouldn't have to sit around worrying about when sex offenders can find a place to live

Yeah. a tent cety for creepers. They can even have a reality show and make those guys some money, you know a job,...they can call it "sex in the tent city". On a serious note, the laws are too strict for those who do trivial things or get busted over someting stupid, like a dad giving his little girl a shower simply because the little girl won't do it....stuff like that is just an attack on men, but those who brutally rape and molest children...the way I see it, sleep in the streets or prison, nobody cares about that trash.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by dbloch7986
My Brother,being falsely accused of this *snip*
Is beyond my understandiing. He has raised a son .
I Know him. This is not a reality.
This girl ,16 by now, has put away (4) far.
There is an agreement among the Judges,the D.A.
and the Public Defender.They're all in it together
They make money off this *snip*( In Indiana.).
I, Take full respect of my Brother...
My Load ,I will happily bear.

My Love is with him
and he knows my name,My name is Kenny
Peace to you all.

I am sorry for the curse word's... Peace.
edit on 5-11-2010 by BrainGarden because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-11-2010 by BrainGarden because: For Cursing

edit on 5-11-2010 by gallopinghordes because: removed censor circumvention.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by indianajoe77

No your quite wrong I assure you, It's people like you who are the problem. Seeking to vilify someone till their grave due to a mistake they made. You lump in repeat offenders and possible reformed prisoners in the same group yet you think your opinion is intelligent enough to be a proper solution.
You cant differentiate between two different possibilities why should we then accept your opinion as good? Or is it that it's just convenient for you to ignore that people can change and become better.
Also age is irrelevant it doesn't matter if they're 14 or 80 what differentiates the two are experience and consequences of actions. Age is a fictional, man made concept, that cannot be used to generalize the possibility of someones actions.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 05:58 AM
Cruel and unusual punishment is against the law. Make someone live under a bridge the rest of their life cause they took a pic of a baby in the bath. This whole pedophile thing has turned into a witch hunting.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 06:55 AM
Here's an interesting collection of the poor and unfortunate souls that deserve a second chance . . .

I deserve mercy and pity . . .

. . . and shouldn't be subject to such cruel and unusual punishment as to be told where they can and cannot live.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by dbloch7986

These people are the lowest form of life on this planet and to defend them indicates that you have never had to deal with them at close hand.If your child took their own life because of what one of these demons did, I expect you'd care little about their welfare.Every time I hear of one of them being murdered, I rejoice.Extermination is what's needed.And I've thought a very very long time about this.
edit on 5-11-2010 by blah yada because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 07:45 AM
What really gets me is the people who are registered sex offenders because of entrapment - Taking Alisha Dean as an example of the way these laws are skewed to punish innocent people.

Ms. Dean, the "victim" in this case was 13 years old, she decided to make a myspace page stating that she was a 19 year old divorced woman and met multiple guys on myspace.

The first was a 22 year old guy that had a brief relationship with this girl and got convicted of statutory rape. Ms. Dean's parents, then allowed her to continue her entrapment game and allowed her to keep messing around on myspace with the same damn page, the same damn lies & the same damn entrapment!

Along comes another "rapist" and when he found out that the girl was only 13, he decided to tell her father that he had no idea this girl was 13, that he had been her boyfriend and that he was telling him to make things right...

Another conviction for statutory rape!

The girl, keeps playing her games in Orange county, FL and no one stops this criminal (Ms. Dean)

Does that make sense?

Man Sentenced to 5 years in jail

Alisha Dean Doesn’t Look – Or Act – 13

Alisha Dean and Her MySpace Page Lies

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by dbloch7986
I read a story about a guy who was drunk, peeing in public and a kid happened to see him. Now he is a registered sex offender.

That's how it always ends up.

1. Use the media to encourage tough new laws against something.

2. Once the law is passed, expand the definition of the something.

It worked so well with terrorism that they will use the same procedure with many things now.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by blah yada
reply to post by dbloch7986

These people are the lowest form of life on this planet and to defend them indicates that you have never had to deal with them at close hand.If your child took their own life because of what one of these demons did, I expect you'd care little about their welfare.Every time I hear of one of them being murdered, I rejoice.Extermination is what's needed.And I've thought a very very long time about this.
edit on 5-11-2010 by blah yada because: (no reason given)

They may well be, but we can't keep creating them by calling even innocent children sex offenders. A teenager that sends pics around on a phone is not the same as an adult rapist, but we toss them all in the same bucket. That is criminal.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 09:22 AM
Once you cross the line of hurting a child there is no coming back from it. I have repeat offenders that are considered very dangerous and likely to commit another act, living a few blocks from my house.Now I have four children that can't play in there own yard without me having to watch them for fear they will be hurt. Even Jesus
of the bible said it would be better to tie a stone around your neck and jump of a bridge than to hurt a little one.
And that's from the god of love! How many have been rehabilitated, honestly I doubt many? Is it worth my children's lives to let them be free or even live, after they have committed multiple offenses against children?Sorry but no,
either lock them up or death penalty, please for the safety of the children.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 10:05 AM
Not to bring politics into the subject, but all of you liberal ACLU types really are something. You people spit on an American soldier who has to fight and risk life and limb for his country, yet you embrace something as vile and hideous as a podophile as "misunderstood" and deserving of protection under the law. You bend over backwards to see that a molestor's rights arent violated.

Absolutely sickening.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by TheApachekid
Once you cross the line of hurting a child there is no coming back from it. I have repeat offenders that are considered very dangerous and likely to commit another act, living a few blocks from my house.Now I have four children that can't play in there own yard without me having to watch them for fear they will be hurt. Even Jesus
of the bible said it would be better to tie a stone around your neck and jump of a bridge than to hurt a little one.
And that's from the god of love! How many have been rehabilitated, honestly I doubt many? Is it worth my children's lives to let them be free or even live, after they have committed multiple offenses against children?Sorry but no,
either lock them up or death penalty, please for the safety of the children.

And you absolutely know they can not be helped? cured? Shame on us that we give up on people.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 10:43 AM
When it comes to the crime of child molestation, we should not be so quick to condemn the person, until all of the facts that came in, as there are numerous cases, where the children either lied or were coached to lie. Some of the more noted cases would be the 1984 McMartin case, where the children were ultimately led to believe by the officials that they were molested, and it came out in the trial. The Baran case, all came about cause Bernard Baran was a homosexual, and the parents did not like that, so they got their children to lie. The Praca day care, dubious and suspected evidence. Between the years 1987 to 1995 the number of false accusations for child molestation cases rose to as high as 35%. So that means out of 100 cases reported, 35 had no grounds to be prosecuted or no evidence that the acts ever took place. But that also means those people had their lives ruined in the process. The stigma of being accused is often far worse than the actual crime that took place. Also one must also wonder, what about the children, the teenagers, who obtain fake id’s and misrepresent themselves to an adult, what burden of guilt should they hold along with their parents. I have seen both girls and boys, who have matured at an early age, that look like adults and they use that to get what they want, and when it does not go they way they want, they turn on the adult. That in itself, should also be a crime, cause once the accusation is made, then the nightmare for the innocent begins. And the question should come out now, if the person is innocent and a person takes the law into their own hands, who ultimately is guilty for that act? Society often jumps to conclusions, where someone takes it into their mind to distribute justice, playing judge, jury and executioner, without adhering to the idea of innocent before proven guilty. The justice system is flawed in many ways but that idea of innocent before proven guilty is often strained in cases that hit a nerve in society. We need to be patient and tolerant of the other person, no matter what.
Now it is not without reason and belief that if a person has committed the same crime twice, that there should not be a more stiffer penalty, that should be more of a case and consideration when sentencing for repeat offenders. Jails and prisons should be more harsher and the fear of breaking the law should be more prevalent in society. When it comes to the girl lying about her age, she needs to be punished and hard, cause what she is doing is deliberately and malicially ruining the lives of men and children by setting them up. That in itself is criminal and should not be tolerated by society as well.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by BlackOps719

The rights you would deny to one person, ultimately you deny to yourself. The laws and rights are there to protect everyone, as justice may be blind. Take away the rights one day, and the next you may be standing in the exact same position regretting ever wanting to see those rights taken away. I do not spit in the faces of soldiers, rather find that they are a better person than I am. Nor do I believe in denying the full benifits of the law and same rights to anyone, even those who I may dislike or disagree with. The law has to be equal, and blind applying both to pauper and king at the same time. Anything else and it ceases to be fair, and the protections and rights under such, would soon disappear. Better to error on the side of caution, then blindly make a decision and find out later on that a real error and travisty was made. Too many cases and lawsuits have been done all on the assumption of guilt, without proof and what has that gotten a state or a communit? A million or so less to spend on projects that would benifit everyone. After all, if you were falsely accused of a crime and was let go, how much is your good name worth? Once accused your names value in the eyes of society, even if you are innocent is not worth a lot.

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Chett

Maybe some can but the ones that live around me are mostly repeat violent sex offenders. At what expense
should we keep trying? Do you have children? I have a responsibility to protect my children, when the local authorities fail that leads to vigilantism.I'm not talking about a 17yr old having sex with a 16yr old.You tell me its sad, well what is sad is the authorities releasing somebody they know is going to do it again and does! You tell the children that its more important to keep giving these freaks a chance than it is to provide protection for them!

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:29 AM
There is no excuse for being a sexual offender, at all, period. You could feel sorry for them all you want but in the end who was hurt more by this the child who got molested or the "poor" misunderstood predator?

If there is a sex offender I want to know about the person, where he lives, what he is doing, why he is living there, and etc.

Sure we all make mistakes, but some mistakes you make and you can't turn back from. In example, murder, child molestation, rape, and etc. Why should you get to live a decent life when the person you hurt is going to be suffering with from trauma? It simply doesn't make any sense!

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:46 AM
Let’s make one thing clear right from the get go. I’m NOT talking about a 15 year old who’s got pics of his ‘GF’ on his phone - or - someone who’s been accused by an ‘Ex’. I’m talking the child rapists.

THAT is where I draw the line.

It isn’t that we shouldn’t give them the chance to be rehabilitated.
It isn’t that we shouldn’t give them the chance to move on with their life.

It’s that we should NEVER give them the chance to repeat offend.

Take a look at Washington State and McNeil Island Special Commitment Center.

At least one State has the right idea.


posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 11:57 AM
For the rapists and predators, I see nothing wrong with throwing them on a locked down (think giant fences they cant get over, with minimal beach access that is monitored) island somewhere and forgetting about them. Let them go "lord of the flies" on each other. I am also for castration of violent offenders.


edit on 5-11-2010 by Vizzle because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by Phenomium

Originally posted by earthdude
Not only sex offenders. My father was caught with a prohibited flower and after serving his time he could not find a nieborhood that was not a "Crime Free" zone. He was not allowed to live in a place with this lable. We found a few streets that were outside of this zone and this is where he lives, in outlaw village. So much for integrating back into society. He was forced into a criminal area and I hope he does not get robbed or killed.

I'm sorry. I just cant understand your post unless I know what a "prohibited flower" is.

-second line

Sorry, the rules here prohibit me from telling you. It was that flower they tried to legalize in California last week. I forsee a country where we are segragated into criminal cities. One city for jaywakers, one for drug users, one for pedofiles and one for those who disagree with the policy.

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