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Getting rid of someone is easy. Destroying popular aspirations takes more effort but you can always count on a volunteer or two to do the dirty work. For money; favors; influence; power--mostly power. When conventional methods-- elections, plebiscites, national referenda--fail, or when the results threaten the oligarchy, the US Army's School of the Americas, a shadowy but formidable war factory billeted at Fort Benning, Georgia, can help. There are not petty bureaucrats here, taking up space and stealing time until retirement. The SOA is a model institution. Its instructors and students are recruited from the cream of Latin America's military establishment. The curriculum includes: counterinsurgency, military intelligence, interrogation techniques, sniper fire, infantry and commando tactics, "irregular" and psychological warfare, jungle operations, among the most bellicose specialties. But Latin American soldiers at the SOA are not always trained to defend their borders from foreign invasion. They are taught--at US taxpayers' expense--to make war against their own people, to subvert the truth, silence poets, domesticate unruly visionaries, muzzle activist clergy, hinder trade unionism, hush the voices of dissidence and discontent, neutralize the poor, the hungry, the dispossessed, extinguish common dreams, irrigate fields of plenty with the tears of a captive society, and transform paladins and protesters into submissive vassals. Even if it kills them.
In less than one month, from November 19-21, 2010, thousands will gather at the gates of Fort Benning to stand up for justice and call for the SOA/WHINSEC to be shut down! Below are some helpful links for your trip planning, and a sneak peak into what SOA Watch has lined up for this year!
Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by antonia
The guy still says he didn't lie about WMD's.
You do remember there were far more intelligence agencies besides the CIA that said Saddam had WMD right?
Why does everyone forget that??
Originally posted by CommonSensation
We should hang this asshole right now, how dare the former leader of our country act in such a way that would result in critical intelligence being gathered that could possibly save American lives!
Originally posted by Informativeme
Why will no one defend Bush? We were attacked and if water boarding had even a chance of squeezing any information out of enemies than I am all for it.
People wanted us dead, and he was trying to protect us by gaining knowledge.
Even if it wasn't to protect us do you all think he would authorize something like this just for the heck of it?
He was trying to protect our country and all of us are QQ'ing about the way he tried to carry out protection for our country.
Torture is an effective method of interrogation.
Is it humane? no.. But sometimes we should be able to sacrifice that for our own protection.edit on 5-11-2010 by Informativeme because: Used past-tense wanted present in QQ line
Originally posted by FoosM
The thing is, I just dont see this kind of mindset in outside of the US.
You see, the only country in the world that could financially afford to conduct terrorism and wars on terrorism, is the US.
Originally posted by baked
I do not like Dubya one bit, but I have to say. I see no problem with torture as a means to collect raw intelligence. We have to do what we have to do sometimes. You can bet that if he had spoke up about it before, and not lied. Nobody would have cared.
Originally posted by Submarines
Oh, those POOR Terrorists were water boarded.....
Cry me a river. I'm sick of holding back.
Yes, disgusting isn't it? My only muslim friend is lapsed. His mother & father moved their family (who all practice) to the UK mainly b/c my friend is gay. He could very well have been hanged for it, had he been caught in Iran. Still, he would have had the opportunity to defend himself in a court of law before any punishment could have been decreed. How about KSM et al? No. No trial. Just supposition & torture.
In their own country they WILL put your body neck deep in sand then STONE YOU slowly to death THATS TORTOURING YOUR OWN PEOPLE if your found to have committed adultry.
Now we get to the nub of this person's position. Forget the misspelling, its all about dehumanisation. 'I dont like them, so I call them scum & its ok to do whatever I like to them'. We've seen the results of this mindset throughout history. It always ends badly.
If simply waterboarding these peices of scum seems all that bad to you.. GO LIVE WITH THEM FOR A WHILE. See how long you last being an infidel UNDER SHIRIA LAW you schmucks!
Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
Originally posted by NOTurTypical
Waaaaaaah get out a tissue. I'm a veteran, we do this to our own troops in special forces training. If I really thought I could do this and save hundreds or thousands of lives, you bet I'd be hard pressed to refrain from doing it.
They waterboarded KSM 183 times in just one month. In the end he confessed to plotting to blow up buildings that weren't even built when they captured him. Useless.
Waterboarding may not be the worst form of torture, but I hope that people haven't forgotten that several detainees were actually beaten to death.
Originally posted by Curiousisall
Originally posted by NOTurTypical
Waaaaaaah get out a tissue. I'm a veteran, we do this to our own troops in special forces training. If I really thought I could do this and save hundreds or thousands of lives, you bet I'd be hard pressed to refrain from doing it.
But it will not save any lives. It will not do any good for anyone. It is nice to think torturing a bad guy might save lives but it is also nice to think that cats fart gold bars.
Originally posted by NOTurTypical
Nice conjecture there, but just because KSM didn't know of future attacks doesn't mean he didn't have the potential to know of future attacks.
Hindsight is always 20/20.
Originally posted by Bunken Drum
reply to post by NeverApologizeOh really? You have been captured by your enemy, held indefinitely, denied access to the simple companionship of & chain of command within the cohort of your comrades also captured, treated as an object to be fed watered & transported against your own volition, whilst being deprived of privacy, like an animal, for years, whilst also subject to sanctioned beating for any intransigence on your part & also the casual cruelty of humans who simply pass it on "excrement rolls downhill" style & waterboarded by people who really dont care about your well being, just so long as they're pretty certain they wont get much if any trouble if you die, have you?
Water Boarding is NOT, terrible. I have been water boarded. It is very scary but it is not LIFE CHANGING
Or did you do a short course where you knew that, whilst what was happening to you was very unpleasant, the people responsible for your welfare would get serious grief if you died & also that you could "tap out" at any time, failing the course, or simply resign from your job? Dont tell me you cant do that, I've got mates who are current or ex military. You can always resign your rank &, even if you cant legally get out of the military immediately, you can buy out.
Didn't change your life, eh? Probably b/c it wasn't meant to.
Originally posted by neonmeatdream
Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by antonia
The guy still says he didn't lie about WMD's.
You do remember there were far more intelligence agencies besides the CIA that said Saddam had WMD right?
Why does everyone forget that??
But didn't we go start bombing AFTER the UN determined that there were no WMD's? What intelligence org's were those that said there were WMD's? Were any of them non American or in the pocket of the U.S.? All I am saying is that we shot first and asked questions later..... We attacked Iraq because of an American agenda that was not based on protection of our boarders. We wanted control period. Follow the money... Who made out like bandits.... Hmmmmm maybe Haliburton and their subsidiaries????