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Global Warming is not only NOT a hoax, but it is about 10,000 times worst than your worst nightmare.

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posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by C0bzz

Emotional appeals, typical...

You criticize the 'The_Liberator' for emotional appeals, and then you go off on a ridiculous rant about electronic surveillance. That's called hypocrisy.

What's so ridiculous about it? You're probably just angry that I've criticized the Freemasons. And that's not what "hypocrisy" means.

You misquoted your own source, which does NOT say that methane gas is some how trapped in the ice. It says that methane is simply a waste product of the microbes living under the ice sheet. This is what the global warming alarmists tend to gloss over: that most "greenhouse gas" is simply waste that is produced by living creatures, NOT automobiles and power generators.

And you misread the source and now you're criticizing 'The_Liberator' for misquoting the source. Uhuh. This is what it actually shows:

And here's the study:

Remobilization to the atmosphere of only a small fraction of the methane held in East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) sediments could trigger abrupt climate warming, yet it is believed that sub-sea permafrost acts as a lid to keep this shallow methane reservoir in place.

No. That source is within this source
Doesn't count.
Uhuh. That's that ish.

Thus if the permafrost melts from warming, the methane stored underneath may get released into atmosphere, would could cause significant global warming. It is therefore considered a positive feedback.

Where does methane come from? Osama bin-Laden?

It would be disingenuous to suggest that there is no money involved on both sides of the climate debate. However your statistic was made up on the spot, and the study in question was by:

1 International Arctic Research Centre, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99709, USA.
2 Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch, Pacific Oceanological Institute, Vladivostok 690041, Russia.
3 Stockholm University, Bert Bolin Centre for Climate Research and Department of Applied Environmental Science, Stockholm S-10691, Sweden.

Are you saying those scientists are paid out?

All of those institutions are funded mostly by government grants. US and Russia are members of G8, and the University of Stockholm works closely with the Chinese and Japanese governments.

Are you saying that scientists are infallible?

because at least 95% of "greenhouse emissions" is water vapor.

Irrelevant. What matters is the difference between GHG emissions and the amount of GHG absorbed. Unequivocally the difference is caused by anthropogenic carbon dioxide, although feedbacks both positive and negative from the warming this CO2 will cause, will also play a significant part.

Ok, then, Mr. Science, what's the difference?

Saying that people's opinions cannot be trusted because they are "unqualified" is an ad-hominem attack. Even the article you cited contains an ad-hominem attack ("mainstream versus skeptical").

You act as if ad hominem invalidates the argument. It does not necessarily.

It distracts from the message and criticizes the messenger for wearing ugly shoes. Ugly shoes don't validate your argument.


Oblivious to physics, chemistry and climate science, the principal weapon of climate “skeptics” remains ad-hominem slur (“Gore lied”), conspiracy theories and ad-infinitum use of terms such as “alarmism” and even “ecofascism”.

That is also an ad-hominem attack, and does not explain who or what is a "climate skeptic."

And I noticed that you cited a website called

And remember in August when there was a massive solar flare? A few days later, temperatures on Earth soared, followed by record-breaking heat waves. Mind you, this happened after the solar flare.

Any questions?

That chart shows an net increase in solar activity since 2008, as do these charts:

Oh, and btw, Russia is preparing for the coldest winter in 1000 years. Radiators are selling like hot cakes.

Well, that's cherry picking firstly. Secondly, that's why weather and climate do not have the same meaning. We will still have cold records with or without global warming.

Greater-than-average freezing decreases the mean temperature.

Yes, and people shouldn't be trying to play God trying to intentionally cool the Earth's temperature.

Nor should we arrogantly unintentionally warm the Earth's temperature.

"We" who? You personally?

Notice that the push is more to reduce energy usage rather than to contain global warming per se.

Efficiency means more efficient cars, less transmission losses, better insulation and so on. Clean Energy means wind turbines, nuclear, cogeneration among others.

That's more a dilemma for the automobile industry than regular people. Unfortunately, in American society corporations only respond to messages that are broadcast to the public. Most commerical ads are not to attract consumers, but to attract investors.

Wind technology as it exists now simply does not work, because:
- It's a danger to birds
- It creates noise pollution
- It affects the jet stream, which is technically climate change

Although wave power and geothermal don't share these problems, more studies are needed to assess their effect on the climate.

This is because of electronic surveillance, which uses massive amounts of electricity. If the intelligence community continues to increase their levels of domestic electronic surveillance, they will effectively burn out the infrastructure.

No, that's just some ridiculous theory that you made up on the spot.

What's ridiculous about it, that it's not supported by so-called "scientists?"

A quick search on internal combustion engines reveals that they typically have an energy efficiency of 18%-20%, which is far lower than the efficiency of the electrical transmission system

So are you saying that technology has stopped improving, or that all "climate skeptics" are taking payments from Big Oil ?

In any case it is easier to replace the electrical infrastructure with clean energy, because it is physically impossible to have a nuclear powered car, a solar powered car, or a wind powered car. You need electricity.

In case you were unaware, nuclear generators produce a heckuva lot more energy than coal. That's why nuclear submarines run for 25 years on a golf-ball sized piece of uranium. The issue with nuclear powerplants is massive waste, and that components can be modified to produce nuclear weapons.

Biofuels at this stage are not a terribly good idea, I suppose the only reason the automotive industry makes such claims is because electric cars are simply not good enough at this moment in time, although it looks like PHEV will take off.

Gasoline-electric hybrid cars already do 150 miles per gallon and are actually common outside of the US. Electric cars in the US would exponentially increase the load on the infrastructure, which is already fragile. They might also cause electromagnetic pollution, which is a much more serious threat than global warming.

The climate is changing because it is getting warmer. Global warming in this context therefore for the most part equals climate change. I don't even know why there are two terms for it because in practice they mean the same thing.

You clearly didn't read what I wrote. Climate change also includes other factors such as the shift of the north and south poles.

The Wikipedia article for greenhouse gas has this to say:

The impacts of population growth, economic development, technological investment, and consumption had overwhelmed improvements in energy intensities and efforts to decarbonize

The article cites the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007, which says:

GDP/capita and population growth were the main drivers of the increase in global emissions during the last three decades of the 20th century ... At the global scale, declining carbon and energy intensities have been unable to offset income effects and population growth and, consequently, carbon emissions have risen ... The decline of the carbon content of energy (CO2/TPES) was the highest in Western Europe, but the effect led only to a slight reduction of CO2 in absolute terms.

Seeing that the organization received a Nobel Peace Prize and was funded by the University of Cambridge (a major contributor to the anthropogenic global warming theory), the report is a suprising read. It concludes that reducing carbon emissions is futile in reducing the greenhouse effect without:
- Reducing energy consumption
- Manufacturing more "carbon sinks"

Manufacturing carbon sinks basically means rewilding farmland and suburban living areas. This involves more than planting trees and farming coral reefs. It also involves reintroducing natural predators. People living in these areas would be packed into urban cities, like what happens in any third-world country (and on Dora the Explorer).

The mission statement for the Rewilding Institute is here:
Notice its logo -- three pyramids in a formation which look like the pyramids at Giza.

The biggest winner of cap-and-trade could have been the Russian government with its vast Siberian forests, but these methane people are putting up roadblocks.

And let's not forget that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change endorses cap-and-trade. For extra brownie points, they changed the Kyoto Protocol, which previously only called for action to prevent "acid rain."

edit on 21-11-2010 by vcwxvwligen because: various corrections

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by The_Liberator
Read my previous post on the page before this one.

The page before this one has three posts, which are all either ad-hominem attacks or emotional appeals.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by vcwxvwligen


posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by The_Liberator
I understand and appreciate where you are coming from. However, with all due respect, you are irrational, selfish and incorrigible. I would have more success arguing with an avocado than with you so what is the point.

Ah, so since you have no way to counter my argument in ANY intelligent manner, now you resort to insults, and to try to push your ignorant rant down my throat, by using "irrational, ignorant, selfish, and incorrigible" arguments that do not present any sort of evidence to back your claims but the already debunked BS which has been posted by other "believers of AGW....

And please don't use intelligence, and your name together in one sentence, because you lack the grey matter to actually make a concise, and intelligent argument to counter the tons of proof that AGW is nothing more than a lie, and a false religion for people like you...

Originally posted by The_Liberator
I look forward to the day that we are all starving to death and you have to explain to your children why you promoted your denialist nonsense in the face of overwhelming evidence that GW was real, man-made, and the most serious threat to ever face the human race.

First of all, there have been several times when the human race has gone through periods of massive droughts, massive starvation, which is occurring right now, and dramatic Climate Changes WHICH WERE ALL NATURAL...

Who they heck are you to claim "it is man made" when the cream of the crop scientists behind the AGW lie/false religion had to lie, tried to prevent information from being leaked, talked about using legal and illegal ways to keep people in the dark regarding AGW, and in general had to use false claims, and exagerations trying to shove their false religion down everyone's throat?...

BTW, the fact is that one of the main things you AGW religious fanatics want to do, and are forcing governments to do is to "capture atmospheric CO2" based on a false RELIGION. Now, that one action alone it is going to cause crops worldwide to stun their growth and lessen the production of global harvests which will cause more mass starvation... Not to mention the massive taxation which will follow, as well as the eroding of more of our individual rights because of the draconian laws which your false prophets have been implementing and they want to implement even more...

So who in the heck is the " irrational, selfish and incorrigible" to the point of being like discussing with an avocado because you don't want to stop believing in your FALSE RELIGION that is AGW?...

Your decisions, and demands are going to cause MASS STARVATION alongside with the problems that NATURAL CLIMATE CHANGE will continue to cause...

Nice try to twist NATURAL CLIMATE CHANGE into your false religion that is AGW....

Originally posted by The_Liberator
For your sake I hope that hell does not exist.

For your sake, and the sake of the religious fanatics around the world believing AGW when your false prophets have been shown to be hoaxers, i hope there is no higher being, or beings looking at what people are doing, and as you said, I hope there is no hell...

Your so called "action to combat AGW" includes the trapping of atmospheric CO2, which as I said will cause even more mass starvation because when plants have less food, which that is what CO2 is, they grow less, and produce less, hence YOU, and YOURS will cause more massive starvation because you want to keep your "false religion" alive...

Originally posted by The_Liberator
Forgive my bluntness, but I can only take so much of your 'obviously' nonsensical arguments before I say enough is enough. You deniers suffer from some kind of pathology that I can't quite explain since I am not a licensed psychologist. It is painfully obvious, however, that your brains quite literally do not work right. I know you will argue that MY brain is the one not working correctly, but that is because your opinion is skewed by the fact that YOUR brain is not functioning correctly.

To put it bluntly, since you have no factual, and concise argument to counter the massive amount of information that shows your FALSE RELIGION is nothing more than a hoax, you have to resort to insults, and belittling comments because you can't present any counter argument against the massive amount of evidence that points to AGW being debunked as a false religion...

Originally posted by The_Liberator

In closing, I would like to say the following:

I'm done debating with the irrational thinking of deniers. You are incapable of debating facts and you quite literally make me sick. I hate you. Goodnight

edit on 11-11-2010 by The_Liberator because: (no reason

Good to know.. I am tired of arguing with "followers of false prophets" who do not want to admit they just want to continue believing in their false religion even after their "false prophets" have been shown to be nothing more than arrogant, and selfish hoaxers...

Enough is enough...

edit on 22-11-2010 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by Zanti Misfit
reply to post by vcwxvwligen


If you don't mind let me repost the link you gave because the way you psoted the link it takes us to a different video, which in itself is also very important.


That link should work, and everyone should watch it.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by The_Liberator I look forward to the day that we are all starving to death and you have to explain to your children why you promoted your denialist nonsense in the face of overwhelming evidence that GW was real, man-made, and the most serious threat to ever face the human race.

In the past there has been super green house events.

Long before man used any fossil fuels.

Also I'd like to add again because apparently you didn't read my post
that the polar caps on mars melting had nothing to do with human CO2.

The Great Global Warming Swindle goes into this.

Google Video Link

Climategate is the term to describe the lies released by the Hadley Climate Unit
and were revealed by a hacker.

The groups who still receive massive funding are still trying to sell the lie because
their jobs and well being of their families depend on their jobs.

Oil has peaked, and production will now decline.

Crude Awakening:

Google Video Link

I am glad to see it go, there is pollution, and fossil fuels are bad for
plenty of other reasons.

I am not saying the earth isn't warming, I am saying the sun is having more to do with it.

As one of the former founders of Greenpeace has said his group was
over run by disaffected anti-capitalists and they as members of Greenpeace
then tried to get Chlorine banned.

They wanted to ban one of the elements on the periodic table.

That is beyond surreal.

Thou lying is popular in many areas in our society, the lie of AGW is
on its way out the door.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Mez353
I WILL believe my conservative 'nonsense' all I like whilst you ignore the fact that there is a growing argument against global warming that needs serious impartial discussion. Not from just like minded individuals such as me but from the scientific community as has been shown to you throughout 34 pages. Thus, the science is far from settled so please relent with your diatribe. Your points are NOT baseless and ARE worthy of discussion but you consistently demean yourself and your argument by being opinionated. Great minds can consider an opposing viewpoint whilst not necessarily agreeing with it whereas opinionated people such as yourself simply come across as foolish and bigoted.

I will not relent, as I have facts on my side and you, while good natured you may be, have ignorance.

The 34 pages of arguments against global warming to which you refer, was in fact 34 pages of EASILY debunkable mistruths, distortions, and cherry picking.

There is no opposing viewpoint to reality. I know that it is painful, but facts are facts my friend. You can get angry with me all you like, and you can tell me that I don't know what I am talking about, but I'm afraid I do. I have studied the topic for THOUSANDS of hours (yes I said thousands) and I KNOW what I am talking about.

Global warming is real, it is man-made, and it is progressing far faster than anyone predicted even a few years ago.

Methane is venting from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf at a rate not seen for millenia, and we are trapped in a positive feedback loop that is about to cook us like a Thanksgiving turkey.

Deny reality all you want, but in the next few years, when the sh#t hits the fan, I hope you remember this thread.

Start planning now how it is that you are going to explain to your children why you refused to look at evidence when we could have perhaps taken a different course.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

I think somewhere deep down you must know that you are cherry picking facts and ignoring all evidence that contradicts your reality. You MUST know that.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by The_Liberator

Didn’t you say that you were going away and leaving us all to our delusions? You didn’t stay away very long did you?

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 06:47 AM
China Admits They’re The World’s Largest Emitter of Greenhouse Gases


China acknowledged on Tuesday it is the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gases stoking global warming, confirming what scientists have said for years but defending its right to keep growing emissions.


“Now we stand at world number one in emissions volumes,” Xie told a news conference in Beijing. ...
...Rich countries should nevertheless lead with steep cuts in their emissions, said Xie,

Xie is right, and the US is no longer a rich country, thanks to obama and his Communist bosses (Cass Sunstein, Van Jones, Bill Ayers).

who’s the rich one? One with $3 trillion in reserve or one with $14 trillion in debt?

Is Al Gore on the take? Those of you who know him personally, you might see fit to ask him about it.

And put that together with the idea (some people even claim to have proof) that China is financially backing alot of the liberal scam artists (aka Al Gore) that push cap n trade, global warming agendas, etc.
Is this true Or, is Al Gore just using "stimulus" tax dollars to fund his mis-information? What's the paper trail between Al Gore and Communist China?

Recommendations: (Gasp!)

-- That the ATS staff request Al Gore, and his followers, to stop blaming American citizens.
-- That the ATS staff request Al Gore issue a public apology to American citizens for promulgating massive accusatory mis-information.
-- That the ATS staff encourage Al Gore and Van Jones to re-direct their admonishments to China (for the most greenhouse gas emissions) and to Brazil for (rain-forrest destruction).
-- That Al Gore return the Nobel Peace prize, since he's a buffoon who has no idea what he's talking about.

How dare you! Are you disrespecting Al Gore?
edit on 24/11/10 by Adonsa because: Spelling correction, price to prize, sorry for the inconvenience.

edit on 24/11/10 by Adonsa because: Corrected another spelling error, this time in line 1

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by Mez353

I guess part of me still hopes against all odds, that at least one of you deniers will hear my words and actually change your mind. I know it almost certainly isn't going to happen, but I can still hope...

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by The_Liberator

Fair enough. But either go away as you said or stay and fight the argument. Then again, I think we’re all done here aren’t we?

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 08:34 AM
One word:


posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 01:30 PM
OP- Here is a link that you may be interested in as well. I'm currently reading his book, Beyond UFOs. He has the scientific credentials.

Note: All figures below are from my textbooks and based on published scientific data.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by The_Liberator

If this really is true then:

1.) No one should be trying to make money off of it. It wreaks of corruption. We need not be controlled by some monolithic force over all of us (Cap in trade).

2.) The rest of the planets are heating up too, which causes doubt in the science.
edit on 30-11-2010 by arthurium because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by The_Liberator

I agree with you that global warming is not a hoax.. The rest of the planets heating up in the solar system which proves that. The question is why? I don't think we are causing that though.
edit on 30-11-2010 by Redevilfan09 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by above
One word:


The Climategate scientists were exonerated by SEVERAL independent investigations. Google it yourself.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by arthurium
reply to post by The_Liberator

If this really is true then:

1.) No one should be trying to make money off of it. It wreaks of corruption. We need not be controlled by some monolithic force over all of us (Cap in trade).

2.) The rest of the planets are heating up too, which causes doubt in the science.
edit on 30-11-2010 by arthurium because: (no reason given)

Incorrect. Do some research my friend.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by Redevilfan09
reply to post by The_Liberator

I agree with you that global warming is not a hoax.. The rest of the planets heating up in the solar system which proves that. The question is why? I don't think we are causing that though.
edit on 30-11-2010 by Redevilfan09 because: (no reason given)

Google it. I have debunked that argument multiple times in this thread.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 04:38 AM
Im not even going to attempt to argue this again. I just want to say that everyone and anyone that actually believes humans are changing the climate need to go read a history book explaining how the earth changes climate throughout history. Then when you're done with that go read a science book that shows examples of other animals and objects that give off 100x more co2 than humans. Then when you're done with that go look at other planets and watch as theyre heating up too.

Im done with trying to give facts to people that simply dont want to listen. All this boils down to is people not wanting to admit they were scammed. So if you wish to continue to cling to this idea that humans are bad and were causing all this then just go give all your money to al gore and save us all from ourselves.
edit on 2-12-2010 by AndrewJay because: (no reason given)

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