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What could this Be?? 911 - Second Strike Footage... Wing Disapears

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posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Korg Trinity
For goodness sake... As MrAnnunaki said, 911 was an inside job and simply could not have played out as the OS states. If you believe that a 767-200 hit the twin towers then you have to believe that they colapsed naturally as a result. This means you believe the OS.

Or, there was thermite, or the planes were prepacked with explosives, or HAARP, or mighty Thor, or any of the other dozen or so theories that are out there.

There is no Black and White answer to the 9/11 question so don't act like everyone who disagrees with you is a government agent like so many people before have. Just because someone questions your spurious reasoning doesn't mean they believe the OS, just that they don't find your reasoning enough to prove, let alone suggest that there were no planes that day.

It seems most likely in fact that there were planes and the towers were simply Controlled-Demolished to ensure the most believable and controlled cover story. The Hologram-plane/missile stuff, it's like a sieve: it doesn't hold water.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:31 PM
Korg - So what happened to analyzing that video I posted?

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by nittin

Originally posted by waypastvne

How many times do the wings, horizontal stabilizers, and vertical stabilizers disappear in this video?

(pause it every second or so.)
edit on 27-10-2010 by waypastvne because: (no reason given)

Why is it that in the video you posted; you can clearly see a transition of the wings going from solid to invisible, yet when in the video posted by the original poster the wing disappears within a millisecond, and no transition is seen? Not to mention I would think it would be more difficult to see a transition in the video you posted considering they are traveling and turning much faster than a normal airplane, yet I still see it morphing from visible to invisible, not disappearing..

No answers anybody?

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Korg Trinity

Originally posted by MiMobs
reply to post by Korg Trinity

Couldn't watch 8 minutes of video in 10 minutes? Did 911 change space time continuim also?

Why would I need to watch your propaganda vids?
I saw the site.. It was nearly 100ft of steel and wreckage.. So again your point is useless!

I just gave you the facts about your "dust"..
Like normal you will tell people to research.. but will not answer any questions and will not use logic.

I am done debating you.. Your simply not on my level!. period!

Don't respond to me.. Your dodging questions .. offering nothing.. Your thread is dead!

I find it funny that you think I am personally attacking you.. I simply am asking you questions that pertain to the thread that YOU posted.. If we cant expect answers to our questions... what can we expect from you?

You have completely dodged all of our questions.. You have not answered 1 of our questions... not 1

Then you talk down to us for believing the OS.. when we have unannomously told you we dont believe the OS.... but we don't believe your theory either... So in your mind.. we must believe your theory...

See, I cant do that... I am denying ignorance!

edit on 28-10-2010 by MiMobs because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-10-2010 by MiMobs because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-10-2010 by MiMobs because: (no reason given)

I'm tired of your constant personal attacks and find it odd you only have a single warn the way you have carried on here.

I read the above post and don't see anything that resembles a personal attack of any kind.

Crappy compressed digital file along with lighting anomalies is what you are seeing in the videos presented.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by nittin

Originally posted by nittin

Originally posted by waypastvne

How many times do the wings, horizontal stabilizers, and vertical stabilizers disappear in this video?

(pause it every second or so.)
edit on 27-10-2010 by waypastvne because: (no reason given)

Why is it that in the video you posted; you can clearly see a transition of the wings going from solid to invisible, yet when in the video posted by the original poster the wing disappears within a millisecond, and no transition is seen? Not to mention I would think it would be more difficult to see a transition in the video you posted considering they are traveling and turning much faster than a normal airplane, yet I still see it morphing from visible to invisible, not disappearing..

No answers anybody?

yet I still see it morphing from visible to invisible, not disappearing.

Wouldn't the process of going from 'visible' to 'invisible' be considered disappearing?!
This statement is confusing. Transition time is irrelevant. Both videos show an illusion of disappearing wings.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by Korg Trinity

I'm tired of your constant personal attacks and find it odd you only have a single warn the way you have carried on here.

Maybe this is because I am not personally attack you. I am simply pointing out flaws in your comprehension skills.
It took me 5 posts to have you comprehend the difference between WTC and PENTAGON.
I am not knocking you for it... but, when this happens, your comprehension comes into question.

I have actually dealt with as much as I could and answered where ever possible what you have asked. the only issue is you are not listening.

1) Point out ONE single question you answered for me. You have not answered ONE question I have asked. And have dodged most of the questions from most of the posters.

Maybe while you were fielding all of these questions you forgot these. I will post again to give you another chance to ignore them, basicly admitting that you dont have an answer to them.

1) Can you please tell me how you developed super human vision. I would be interested in how you are able to see water vapor on a moving plane 1/2 mile away. Please show me where you came to this conclusion. I would bet the farm you are just regurgitating this from a truthers site. Did you fact check any of these? Or, because it fits your story, your just going to regurgitate it to the rest of us.

2) You wrote "If anyone wants to prove that the effect was the sun light on the wing, then you are going to need a commercial flight or plane with very similar wing dimensions exhibiting the same behaviour from multiple shots using different cameras..."

Why in the world do we need to do this? You have stated as FACT that the holes in the pentagon could not have been done by a passenger jet. You have stated that as FACT.. But using your above logic... Wouldn't you have to duplicate a passenger jet hitting the pentagon in that EXACT spot to make that conclusion?

The facts are that the wtc was disintegrated to dust, that is a fact. you say propaganda... it's you who are not facing the facts not i whom is not answering you.

You say this is a fact - WITH NO PROOF - yet below I offer proof and you totally disreguard it.. Why?

Some 185,101 tons of structural steel have been hauled away from Ground Zero. Most of the steel has been recycled as per the city's decision to swiftly send the wreckage to salvage yards in New Jersey. The city's hasty move has outraged many victims' families who believe the steel should have been examined more thoroughly. Last month, fire experts told Congress that about 80% of the steel was scrapped without being examined because investigators did not have the authority to preserve the wreckage.

With a year to go before it even touches the water, the Navy's amphibious assault ship USS New York has already made history. It was built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the World Trade Center.

Maybe they meant 185 tons of "dust"
Maybe our navy ship was built with dust
I will put this into perspective for you, because god knows you wont do any research on this.
The new modern Air craft carriers use between 45,000 and 50,000 tons of steel. So what they recovered from the WTC site was roughly 3.5 aircraft carriers of "dust"

I have a few friends from Michigan that went and helped at the towers. There was a HUGE pile of steel and debris spread out for blocks. It was nearly 100ft tall... There are hundreds of pictures of people looking through the steel, and dogs going through the steel. There are hundreds of pictures of the giant cats (better clarify - Catipilar excavators )removing the tons of steel.. So where do you get this flash word "dust" from? Is that a keyword from one of your truthers sites? Please explain the "dust" when there are THOUSANDS of pictures and video that show that to be a flat out LIE!

Why will you not address this? All you offer are your opinions as FACTS - Give me proof. Unlike yourself I am not closed minded and am open to learning new information. If you can prove to me that this missle theory is fact.. I will listen for SURE!!

For goodness sake... As MrAnnunaki said, 911 was an inside job and simply could not have played out as the OS states. If you believe that a 767-200 hit the twin towers then you have to believe that they colapsed naturally as a result. This means you believe the OS.

Just because I am not buying into your missle with wings overlayed, means I believe they collapsed naturally? Are you lying in wait to spring up and expose your intelligent researching skills? Or is this as good as it gets? I have said 4 to 5 times .. I DO NOT BELIEVE THE OS!!! read that several times so you can take it in. BUT, I also believe that story as much as I believe your missle theory.

You have not offered ONE OUNCE of proof to back it up. If you were to offer at least a tid bit of facts on the issue, I would be inclined to read it carefully. You have not even given anyone a reason to believe it. Everything points to this being a completely incorrect theory.

I accept opposing views, What I don't accept though is bickering and attempts to draw emotional outbursts, wither examine the information i present and comment on it directly or stop posting.

What information have you posted? Other than opinions as facts.. I have not seen one valid source. Not 1
You have basicly been jumping up and down yelling " THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED ON 911 - Your not answering any questions about your claims. If someone asks you a question that you think disagrees with you, you instantly tell them that they will wake up to reality one day. You are not here to learn or grow.. you are trying to indoctrinate people into your "truthers" club.

The good majority of us believe that 911 was an inside job. We dont believe the OS... But we also arent going to believe total and complete opinion as fact either.

I am not in the minority here.. Photo artifact and or reflection is the answer to the disapearing wing - IMHO

We have offered facts to back this claim up.. You have the stage here.. this is your thread.. your claim.. yet you fail to back up your story with even one ounce of logic and or proof.

I have said it more than once now...

No, really, you haven't... You keep telling people how they are wrong for what they think.

Come up with some answers and some facts and the wolves will stop attacking you ... A.K.A - Asking you questions!

edit on 28-10-2010 by MiMobs because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-10-2010 by MiMobs because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by nittin

Why is it that in the video you posted; you can clearly see a transition of the wings going from solid to invisible, yet when in the video posted by the original poster the wing disappears within a millisecond, and no transition is seen? Not to mention I would think it would be more difficult to see a transition in the video you posted considering they are traveling and turning much faster than a normal airplane, yet I still see it morphing from visible to invisible, not disappearing..

No answers anybody?

The answer to your question is simple and obvious. UA175 is traveling towards the WTC at 510 Knots. It comes out from under the shadow of the smoke into the light of the sun within a millisecond. The wing that was dark wile in the shadow is now in the light. A millisecond ago it was dark and now it's bright and very near the color, hue and shade of the sky behind it.

The low quality of this youtube video simply blends the wing with the back ground sky. Simple. Obvious.

In the Tina Cart video a similar effect is observed but the wing is still visible through the whole video

Wile we are on the subject of smoke and shadows lets see what kind of problems these would present someone wanting to fake a video or project a hologram.

These are the things that would need to be predicted before hand to make a convincing fake;

The direction the smoke travels.
The altitude of the smoke.
The thickness of the smoke
The color of the smoke.
The angle of the sun.
The speed of the plane
Correlate all of the above to decide on the time that the plane should emerge from the shadow, or if it should even be in a shadow and how much of a change in light there should be.

There are just to many unpredictable variables.

edit on 28-10-2010 by waypastvne because: Because I wanted to

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by MiMobs
Come up with some answers and some facts and the wolves will stop attacking you ... A.K.A - Asking you questions!

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by MrAnnunaki

Originally posted by MiMobs
Come up with some answers and some facts and the wolves will stop attacking you ... A.K.A - Asking you questions!

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by MrAnnunaki

Originally posted by MiMobs
Come up with some answers and some facts and the wolves will stop attacking you ... A.K.A - Asking you questions!

yes we need answers not from the OS.

wha, double quote, even quote myself >.>
edit on 28-10-2010 by MrAnnunaki because: quote went nuts

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by MrAnnunaki

yes we need answers not from the OS.

wha, double quote, even quote myself >.>
edit on 28-10-2010 by MrAnnunaki because: quote went nuts

Not sure what you were even meaning there. This video has nothing to do with the OS aside from speculation about whether it is a real plane or a hologram. If believing that it was a real plane is believing the OS then I guess that makes me an OS believer.

Of course, one could theorize that if they were using some kind of advanced holographic technology ten years ago that we still don't have today, then it is entirely possible that it is some sort of solid-state projection that could basically interact with other light particles (create shadows, etc.) but have no actual mass. (pure speculation for the benefit of the doubt)

However, the video posted a couple posts ago literally PROVES that it is a video glitch, unless the claim is that the planes in that video are also holograms.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Varemia

yes, but how !@#$% far have we come? so many years and we are still on the youtube video's yey

we are still talking s.hitt to each other its !@#$% sad dudes, so im in a position were i almoste want to believe in everything who drops on the table concerning 911 so we can move our asses and kick the NWO/OBAMA/THEELITE/BANKERS/WHATEVAH out of there command.


what happens, yes WHAT HAPPENS when there is finally proof of an inside job? what will you do haha.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by MiMobs
reply to post by Korg Trinity

I'm tired of your constant personal attacks and find it odd you only have a single warn the way you have carried on here.

Maybe this is because I am not personally attack you. I am simply pointing out flaws in your comprehension skills.

Whatever you say jack.

Can we now get back on topic????

Do you deny that the WTC was reduced to dust??


posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Korg Trinity

Originally posted by MiMobs
reply to post by Korg Trinity

I'm tired of your constant personal attacks and find it odd you only have a single warn the way you have carried on here.

Maybe this is because I am not personally attack you. I am simply pointing out flaws in your comprehension skills.

Whatever you say jack.

Can we now get back on topic????

Do you deny that the WTC was reduced to dust??


Can you define dust because it wasn't reduced to dust!

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by MrAnnunaki
what happens, yes WHAT HAPPENS when there is finally proof of an inside job? what will you do haha.

Probably nothing, since I kind of like my life right now, and having it torn away because of a foul government is just not tasteful. Maybe that makes me a traitor in some people's eyes, but I would prefer to be happy, not oppressed by the next group who thinks they are super duper in a position of power.

Originally posted by Korg Trinity

Can we now get back on topic????

Do you deny that the WTC was reduced to dust??

In fact, I do deny that the WTC was reduced to dust.

Hm... yup, I definitely see steel and debris there. What do you see?

Edit: Apologies, that is WTC 7. Let me get some tower debris real quick.
edit on 28-10-2010 by Varemia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by wmd_2008

Originally posted by Korg Trinity

Originally posted by MiMobs
reply to post by Korg Trinity

I'm tired of your constant personal attacks and find it odd you only have a single warn the way you have carried on here.

Maybe this is because I am not personally attack you. I am simply pointing out flaws in your comprehension skills.

Whatever you say jack.

Can we now get back on topic????

Do you deny that the WTC was reduced to dust??


Can you define dust because it wasn't reduced to dust!

This is the issue, people can't seem to deal with the reality!!

The WTC was turned to DUST....

Thats certainly the one thing that they couldn't hide.

And all this business about steel and ship building... do you know how much steel was in the wtc?? 200,000 tons of steel.... Where did the steel go???? It was turned to dust....

What can turn steel to dust?????

Certainly not a plane crash!!


posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by Korg Trinity

There was an underground complex at the World Trade Center complex. A lot of the debris went down there. That also happens to be where the hottest spots were. You know, the ones that infamously created the "molten metal?"

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 04:51 PM
did they ship the dust?

there is so many flaws in OS, think about all the people who rescued so many from the ruins and they got sick!
and so many died from it. why am i ranting about this ? its just because its what we should do, our Gov are pretty much still raping all of us. bah
edit on 28-10-2010 by MrAnnunaki because: wha

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 04:57 PM
Helpful info about the debris pile:


That shows the elevation. The building just north of the North Tower's debris is WTC 6, which as you can clearly see took a lot of damage. It is 8 stories high, so the debris was 5-8 STORIES high, without considering how much is crushed down in the basement. Now, let's see this dust...

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 05:04 PM
Korg, dont give up

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