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Why is it okay to discriminate against gay people?

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by jheated5

Why would we care? Imagine if you're at the local health club, how do you know who is gay or not? Why would it even enter a person's mind? If I happen to end up in a group shower with another woman, and she happens to tell me she's gay, it's not going to affect me one way or another. If she was to come on to me, I know how to say "no, I don't go that way", and it's over with. It isn't a scary thing. Maybe I'm not her type at all, so she isn't going to even look at me. And yes, in my younger cuter days, I have had both guys and girls come onto me when out drinking at the bar. Easy enough to just laugh and say "no thanks". Not a big deal.

As far as someone of the same sex looking at your naughty bits, wouldn't your naughty bits look too similar to theirs to really matter? Nothing they haven't seen before.

I guess this is one area that men and women are really different. The only people women ever worry about when we say "no" seems to be heterosexual men.

Coaches and teachers, it shouldn't matter. Chances are, we wouldn't know whether they are gay or not. They teach what is in the curriculum, which isn't sex ed.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by JJBB22

I don't hate anyone. Far from it. What I do hate is that there are so many opinions out there, yet everyone thinks they are right.

But thanks for the reply, it's not everyday I hear from a Christian who don't judge gay people...

I like being able to disagree with someone but still maintain respect. You don't see that often... I hope this will be the case with us.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Jibblin

I am glad!, there is enough hate going on out there.

Me too, I think we can agree to disagree and still have a friendly debate every now and then

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

To be honest when I played sports in hs I was a little uncomfortable showering with the other kids as I'm sure many others were, now to find out openly gay people will be taking showers with you would make people even that much more uncomfortable... I don't even want to get into a prison discussion on showering that takes it to a whole other level as a woman I can see how you wouldn't feel the anxiety...

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by jheated5

I think it may be an American thing. Is it safe to presume you live in the US?

I used to live in Spain and noticed that people were almost excited to be naked with each other, but not sexually. In Europe it seems that they are much more open about nakedness and sexuality...I wonder if this anxiety stems from something found in the US?

Discrimination isn't AS bad as here either...

This would make an interesting research topic.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by Jibblin

I think it is an American thing, honestly it's probably the media mostly.. I am aware of how being naked and things in public around European countries is not such a big deal because it's been an accepted thing their for centuries...

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by jheated5
reply to post by Jibblin

I think it is an American thing, honestly it's probably the media mostly.. I am aware of how being naked and things in public around European countries is not such a big deal because it's been an accepted thing their for centuries...

It probably is brought on by the media, mostly. I was raised in Vancouver, so it is so full of every kind of person out there, I think most large cities in Canada are the same way. There is so much weirdness in some of the cities, gay people are soooo normal in comparison. I remember once we were out in downtown Vancouver, and there was a transvestite in the bar, well over 6 feet tall, long black fingernails, way too much makeup, now he was scary and weird, looked like Howard Stern in drag
It was understandable that the guys wanted to leave in a hurry. Us girls were laughing, but he was big and scary and weird. And he might NOT have been gay. He might have even been a really nice guy/woman (adams apple, male) ???, but we didn't stick around to find out.

In the US, the media seems to like to divide, and get everyone all riled up about the little things. And then they talk about these issues for days. The US hasn't been very well known in the past for much tolerance, depending on what part of the country.

If women are in a situation where we're naked around other women, we worry more about the things that we don't like about our bodies, than if another woman is looking. That's where our anxiety lies.

Prison would be a different story, no doesn't often mean no in there. That would be definite cause for anxiety.
In the military, sex isn't allowed.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
Secondly, most sex crimes are committed by heterosexual men - sorry, but that is the truth.

When did you last hear of a gay person raping and/or murdering someone?

Please don't get into the priest issue - that is a separate issue.

Quite recently, actually. Gay rape is really not that uncommon. Sure, it is naturally more common with heterosexual rape, as there happen to be more heterosexual people than homosexual people, but that being said, guys that gets raped is not uncommon at ALL.
Most people, however, gets the impression that it is very rare, as alot of the victims don't report it, plus that the Media rather focuses on females as the "only" victims of rape, when in reality, it could pretty much be anyone.

All this being said, I agree with that "No, it is NOT okay to discriminate people for their sexual orientations. Fortunately though, and in the West world now in the year of 2010, it is nothing that is mainly supported, and more and more countries is saying yes to genderneutral marriages and being gay or bisexual(Or transgendered) is not a schocker anymore and is largely being accepted more and more.

Just look at the Omnisexual Captain Torchwood- That wouldn't even have been a possibility on television 40 years ago, now it is a highly celebrated TV-show.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by minute2midnight

Really? you should do a little research into the ground-breaking strides being made in the world of genetics. Really, you're comment was proof that you are part of the pervading problematic ignorance that permeates our society. Many studies have been concluded in the past 5 years that prove you categorically wrong. I could provide you links but you wouldn't look them up because you're just that ignorant. I don't deny that PERHAPS some folks choose to be maybe women....since that's "hot", but really? Why would anyone put themselves at risk of being dragged around by a speeding car down dirt roads on the end of a rope (really happened to a homosexual somewhere down south. Georgia? Alabama? doesn't matter....)?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Cataka

reply to post by Cataka

I want to start off by saying that I feel that the whole damn world should just get over gays. Really, not that big of a deal. I'm a hetero-sexual married man with three kids and I have at least two gay friends (that I know of) and I love them dearly. I was raised in a strict fundamental Baptist environment so you can well imagine the bigotry I was indoctrinated with. Thankfully, I moved past the closed-mindedness.

Is what the military doing right and civil? Absolutely not. Is the gay demographic the most discriminated against? I don't think so. If you really step back a take an objective look at the media in it's entirety i.e. the sitcoms, reality t.v., and the like, I think you'll notice a trend. Watch any show, from "Married with Children" to the "Simpsons" to "Family Guy" (one of my favorite shows), and you'll see that the real demographic under constant fire is the heterosexual husband and father. Heaven forbid he also be religious because the attacks grow two fold. Don't believe me? Just watch some idiot box for a few hours. It doesn't matter what show because it prevails even in the advertisements. It's always the moron man that's getting smacked in the head for not drinking his V-8, or the fool husband who has dragged his poor family to some god-forsaken part of the planet on vacation because he was too dense to switch to Capital One. Thankfully, we have wife or mom to swoop in and save dinner or the laundry from a most certain demise by the hand of dad. Did I mention I'm a stay-at-home/homemaker Dad? So, maybe my perspective is a bit skewed but I'm pretty sure I do a bang-up job. I don't think I'm too awfully wrong though. I have been noting this trend for sometime now. Faith in the male role-model died with "Leave it to Beaver" and "Andy Griffith".

I empathize greatly with the gay cause. So much so, that I attend the yearly Pride March in Toronto. But I honestly see a lot of acceptance and positive media coverage on behalf of the gay cause. Much more then I see in support of the heterosexual christian male head-of-household. Again, I'm not a christian, I was just raised one. I'm not the main bread-winner of the house, my wife can make substantially more than me. But she respects me and I her. Very symbiotic.

My heart goes out to all the guys in the U.S. Military. May you find strength to finish the last leg of your journey towards equality. Thank you for the work you do serving our nation. I love you all.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:12 PM
I'm a fat ass and working on it though but I hear # about it everyday. GROW SOME balls gay people and start kicking ass!!

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by JJBB22


That just proves your brother was born gay.

All you need is to love him, which you do - this is proof that people are born gay.

It is not a choice.

How is that proof?
Do drug addicts want to be drug addicts or are they born that way?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:49 PM
It's a free country.... somewhat lol You can be gay all you want I don't mind, I don't care. You can get fired for harrasing a gay. Alot of times people don't get fired, same for racial discrimination, alot of people don't get fired.

To say it is not a choice, well my OPINION is that it is more of a psychological issue, because what makes someone GAY is that they wish to have sexual intercourse with someone of the same sex. My apologies but I just see it as a perversion, or something of that nature. To say you were born that way, well I dunno, sexual desires don't begin to develop untill what age? It's like saying a pedophile was born that way it's not his/her choice lol. But as I said, you can be what ever you want, I personally don't care, I do have a problem when it is thrust into my face, gay pride parade?? come on! you want equality, then don't have a parade like us straight people, what if I was to organize a straight pride parade? how would you feel?

The no gays in the military, well, I believe it is more of a protection for gays, look at how many straight soldiers get fragged by their own, and look how difficult it is to actually get a conviction. If gays went all out and open and they started dropping like flies, then you would have something else to complain about, and it would frustrate you at how the military can't bring the culprits to justice, so then it will turn out to seem that if that scenario happens, and they start cracking down harder, then it will appear as though it only matters and is more important if a gay is killed, and that is not equality.

People get discriminated against many things, gays are not special, a small list off the top of my head of discriminations
Obese people - There is a choice but it's a matter of will power
Race - There really and truly is no choice in that you are born with a race label automatically.
Smokers - I am a smoker, and I have a choice, but here too it is a matter of will power
Disabled people - There is no choice in this
believe it or not Musical preference - I am a "Metal Head" I get discriminated all the time on account of my musical preference, but ask me if I care lol

I get discriminated against on many fronts, just because I'm not gay doesnt mean the discriminations against me are less important, they are just not more important than the others. As far as trying to FORCE people to accept, well they either accept it or they don't. It's a free country, if someone doesnt like something they have a right to not like it, depending on if they take certain actions is when it makes a difference.

I was in a discussion on a friends post in facebook, about the wear purple for such and such because of that dude that got caught on camera having gay sex and then commited suicide. Well, people were saying about how it's not right that he got "tortured" for being gay that he decided to take his life. Well I made the point of , what about the little girl that was tormented by her classmates and just collapsed and died, where's her "wear 'X' color in honnor" etc...?

If you want equality, stop alienating yourself and deal with it like the rest of the people that are discriminated.
If someone doesnt want me in the military on account of my musical preference, smoking habbits or race, then to be honest why would I want to join something where I am not wanted? Same goes for the work place, if people there are gonna discriminate, why would I want to work there?

Well this all is just my OPINION and thoughts on the matter. May not mean anything to anyone, but that's just the way I see it. Peace!

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by Soldier of God

Sorry to burst your bubble but yes babies can be born drug addicts if mothers are using drugs while pregnant, sorry but your analogy failed.....

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by jheated5
reply to post by Soldier of God

Sorry to burst your bubble but yes babies can be born drug addicts if mothers are using drugs while pregnant, sorry but your analogy failed.....

Sorry but that doesn't account for the millions of drug addicts around the globe.
You are incorrect.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Soldier of God

Originally posted by jheated5
reply to post by Soldier of God

Sorry to burst your bubble but yes babies can be born drug addicts if mothers are using drugs while pregnant, sorry but your analogy failed.....

Sorry but that doesn't account for the millions of drug addicts around the globe.
You are incorrect.

Of course it doesn't, it just shows how you're ignorant.....

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by jheated5

If every addict had an addict for a Mother then your point would make sense but since it doesn't hold water you resort to name calling... typical.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
It is NOT OK to discriminate against gays.

If Obama is worried that gays in the forces would jump on anyone, he needs a big rethink.

Firstly, most gays are pretty discriminating.

Secondly, most sex crimes are committed by heterosexual men - sorry, but that is the truth.

When did you last hear of a gay person raping and/or murdering someone?

Please don't get into the priest issue - that is a separate issue.
what percentage of the population is gay?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Soldier of God

Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by JJBB22


That just proves your brother was born gay.

All you need is to love him, which you do - this is proof that people are born gay.

It is not a choice.

How is that proof?
Do drug addicts want to be drug addicts or are they born that way?

So you're denying people can be born addicts, I just pointed out that you're wrong.......

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by jheated5

Who said that? What percentage of addicts were born that way? So where do the other addicts come from?
That's what I'm saying is some of them choose to do drugs... period.

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