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Originally posted by awake_and_aware
It's really as simple as this:-
you have a brain, it gives you sensory perception of the reality we exist in, if your brain dies, your sensory perception dies, you do not see, you do not hear, you do not smell, you do not feel. You cease to be.
Please don't claim your "theories" as science or logic because it is neither, there is no basis for your pseudo-intellectual ideas of an afterlife, no data, no evidence of which to work with or make a presumption.
Originally posted by schuyler
So what I think we have is a life-reincarnation cycle that involved this veil of forgetfulness that leaves us in a state of ignorance when we are here and perhaps we are not. I don’t know who or what set up this system. If you say it’s “God,” OK. Call it what you want. If this is sentient, I’m calling It (or Them) out.
Why are you doing this to us? This whole thing is painful. It hurts. It’s not all that fun. I’m happy to be able to smell the roses and the oranges, taste good food, feel the wind on my face, get laid, and all the physical pleasures. But it’s not enough for what You inflict upon us. Don’t you dare tell me this is all self-inflicted. It’s not. You did this to us and I don’t want to do it any more. You’re locking a paper bag on our heads, making us forget everything we’ve ever endured, then sending us down here to “do good.” Nonsense. How can You justify this torture?
Whoever started this, You no longer have my support. We’re not the problem; You are. I want out of this pattern. I want You to let my people go. I want You to free us from the shackles of this cycle. If there is not already a movement with similar ideals and goals, it starts here. If there is, point me where to sign up. I am going to devote every ounce of strength I have, at whatever level, to break out of this hell You have created for us.
Originally posted by Jezus
Originally posted by JR MacBeth
Jezus, you don't KNOW about what happens after death. You may have beliefs, and some beliefs may be very well thought out, and even claim various types of "evidence" to support them, but they are BELIEFS nonetheless.
You could say we don't KNOW anything.
However, I believe that we are more than just biological robots because of a combination of logic and (believe it or not) science.
I believe the existence of a non physical piece to our consciousness is an unavoidable result of comprehending the abstract nature of thought and feeling in combination with an understanding of physiological psychology (my main area of study).
I believe that death of the physical vehicle is not the death of consciousness simply because I have no real reason to believe it. When you synthesize all the information I find it extremely obvious. I believe this just as strongly as I believe in the laws of physics.
I think the best way to comprehend this to think about the connections between multiple disciplines.
Cognitive psychology, neuroscience, biological chemistry, linguistics, and sleep studies.
Originally posted by JR MacBeth
Rather, many agnostics simply choose to "suspend belief", until sufficient evidence comes in to validate something like a "belief". And yes, we all have beliefs, even we humble agnostic folk, so despised by the religionist majority. However, I would suggest that they legitimately should retain that label, if they haven't come to a solid "belief" when it comes to something like a "supreme being", or "god". It would be the "honest" way to go, don't you think?
Originally posted by JR MacBeth
You said "I believe", several times, and even emphasized the point that you believe it as much as laws of physics. Further, you go on to suggest that you have come to such a (strong) position, based on a number of different disciplines, and I'm guessing you have decided "enough" evidence has come in, for you to believe what you do.
Originally posted by schuyler
After reading countless books and listening to hundreds of people over the last forty years, From Suzy Smith’s “You Cannot Die” through the Seth Books and Ian Stevenson’s work on reincarnation. I’ve read countless accounts of NDEs, from accounts in books like Moody’s “Life after Life” to individual accounts as posts on forums. And, of course, we have the stories from religions both huge and small, from all over the world. The accounts are both anecdotal and dogma, but they all point to a few basic postulates. I won’t call them “facts” because there is doubt about the exact specifics.
1. You survive “death” in some way. Your ego remains intact, at least at first and in part. Your physical appearance is pretty much like it is now, though of a finer material and vibration.
If one is hungry enough for home, one finds a way around that. I did. I know others who have.
2. There is an afterlife with several levels. Your first level allows you to still see this plane, such as in NDEs. Eventually you “see the light” and go to the next level where you meet people who have passed on prior. This realm is described as very beautiful.
3. Much of what you experience after death depends on what you believe. If you believe in Jesus, you’ll see him. If you believe in 72 virgins, you’ll see them. You will tend to believe your views are vindicated. Rationalists will have a bit of a problem, but they’ll get over it.
4. Reincarnation is a basic truth. Your ego is part of a greater soul that experiences life through many different lives. At some level you forget your ‘previous’ lives so they do not interfere with your current ones.
Most people are unaware of that I think. It seems everyone I've mentioned it to has been surprised by such a thought.
5. It appears that “time” is an intellectual concept that is a convenience, but doesn’t really exist. In other words, your next life could be in 900 BC; time is not lineal.
I know there are people here and elsewhere who believe they’ve got the specifics of these general statements down way closer than this. I appreciate your certainty, but I don’t buy it because you contradict each other.
The Ego is supposed to merely provide a mask for the Observer to wear and protect from traumatic memories. The modern man's Ego has generally grown far beyond a healthy relationship to the rest of the person. It becomes the greatest challenge so far in God's game of life. None of us are in any danger, however, since the whole experience is scripted, and we agree on it before we "board the ride". more on that later.
For every person who claims Jesus meets them on the other side there is someone who claims she is a reincarnated alien. I have seen posts where it is claimed we must live 144 separate lives to qualify for ‘advancement’ and threads claiming we have to live ALL lives on earth before we collectively move on. I don’t see any good way to verify any of these specific claims and don’t want to waste time examining them, therefore I’ll stick to the more general issues above.
One of my reluctant conclusions is that it appears we may not have much individual control over what happens. What we have come to know as our own selves, our egos, may have a somewhat small part in this game, a temporary convenience of the oversoul so that he can experience whatever it is he is attempting to learn. We may be semi-sentient avatars for a Second Life game we don’t know we are playing.
You only get whatever existence you agree to. Thus, responsibility lies with you what you get. No one is "doing this to you", but you, to paraphrase Robert Hunter.
Although the lives of most people typing at keyboards these days must be somewhat okay, for most of our existence and for the vast majority of people today life is as Hobbes described it: “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” It always has been.
Here is the greatest break with reality that you have expressed so far. In the universe I live in, I am an integral part of the universe. That means I am an integral part of this planet, of this continent, of this hillside, of this house. The kind of thinking that divorces man from nature justifies treating it (and therefore ourselves) as a resource to be pillaged. Sometime soon, mankind will 'get it'. And the planet will heave a sigh of relief, along with us.
Nature doesn’t exhibit much “love,” that thing we’re all told we must spire to.
I know no one without hope. I know no one in abject poverty. They are not part of my experience, therefore I don't believe in them. The only people I know are living out lives they agreed on for reasons they can't remember, for the most part. I think it boils down to "Verweile doch, du bist so schoen" (from Faust, look it up if you're unfamiliar with it). We collectively love the horror that is possible with the kind of brains and bodies we have evolved for ourselves. It is entirely plausible that no one inhabits the most horrific lives at all. There's no reason a roller coaster can't travel its track empty.
Nature is “red in tooth and claw” and basically lives off death. The number of people killed by other humans, the number of people living in abject poverty, the number of people who starve to death, the number of people who live without hope is appalling.
That is a judgment, and judgments have the effect of cementing the Ego of the judge in a place of unassailable power. However, the Ego likes to be petted, coddled, catered-to, sung to sleep, etc. It's a very high-maintenance relationship, letting the Ego be in control, and not something I'd wish on anyone.
I’m left wondering, what is the point here? Surely you are not telling me that these kinds of lives are secretly teaching their oversouls some esoteric, but very important message about the meaning of life. It’s pretty apparent that majority opinion is that we, Homo sapiens, are “bad.”
That version of the game is seductive. But it makes you (the real you as well as your body) a Matrix-like energy source for an insatiable parasite. Why not empower yourself instead?
Whether this is objectified in thoughts that “we are destroying the planet” or “We all live in sin,” the message is pretty much the same. This seems to be coming from ourselves rather than from somewhere on high. We are not a race that loved ourselves. We prefer to blame ourselves, or at least everyone else but ourselves.
So what I think we have is a life-reincarnation cycle that involved this veil of forgetfulness that leaves us in a state of ignorance when we are here and perhaps we are not. I don’t know who or what set up this system. If you say it’s “God,” OK. Call it what you want. If this is sentient, I’m calling It (or Them) out.
It's self-inflicted.
Why are you doing this to us? This whole thing is painful. It hurts. It’s not all that fun. I’m happy to be able to smell the roses and the oranges, taste good food, feel the wind on my face, get laid, and all the physical pleasures. But it’s not enough for what You inflict upon us. Don’t you dare tell me this is all self-inflicted.
It is.
It’s not.
You are ever-so-close to the truth. Just give up, realize that you can't and never could help doing any of the things you did, nor could you stop the things that were done to you. If God is logical (It is!) and existence sensible (It is), then you must have agreed to all of this before you were born. YOU have the potential to realize that you are a piece of God in the world, sent here to gather experience and bring it home when the time comes. If and when the end of your existence comes, there will be nothing you will be able to do about it, nor will you have to strain and exert yourself to make it happen. It will happen all on its own.
You did this to us and I don’t want to do it any more. You’re locking a paper bag on our heads, making us forget everything we’ve ever endured, then sending us down here to “do good.” Nonsense. How can You justify this torture?
Let go. Accept. Judge not. Those are three synonyms for love, and until you can think of Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer without judgment, you don't have it. We are one.
Whoever started this, You no longer have my support. We’re not the problem; You are. I want out of this pattern. I want You to let my people go. I want You to free us from the shackles of this cycle. If there is not already a movement with similar ideals and goals, it starts here. If there is, point me where to sign up. I am going to devote every ounce of strength I have, at whatever level, to break out of this hell You have created for us.
I know no one without hope. I know no one in abject poverty. They are not part of my experience, therefore I don't believe in them. The only people I know are living out lives they agreed on for reasons they can't remember, for the most part. I think it boils down to "Verweile doch, du bist so schoen" (from Faust, look it up if you're unfamiliar with it). We collectively love the horror that is possible with the kind of brains and bodies we have evolved for ourselves. It is entirely plausible that no one inhabits the most horrific lives at all. There's no reason a roller coaster can't travel its track empty.
Nature is “red in tooth and claw” and basically lives off death. The number of people killed by other humans, the number of people living in abject poverty, the number of people who starve to death, the number of people who live without hope is appalling.
Aha... i must have hit a nerve! Too much truth for you? Too bad. Take it up with Management. It is my duty to inform you at this juncture that I am a sovereign and any action taken against me by anyone acting as a proxy for or in the interest of any fictional entity will have swift and painful repercussions upon same. Since I am not the controlling entity, this is not to be construed as a threat, but as an explanation of karmic physics, so to speak.
Originally posted by Xtraeme
It is entirely plausible that no one inhabits the most horrific lives at all. There's no reason a roller coaster can't travel its track empty.
Mr. Ahmadinejad is that you?
Originally posted by Xtraeme
Originally posted by seamus
Aha... i must have hit a nerve! Too much truth for you?
Solipsism has always been a very complicated and respectable philosophical system.edit on 27-10-2010 by Xtraeme because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by encoder
Solipsism is basically 101 ego. almost true on that level. which do i not see hear feel does not exists.
and yes, schuyler, it is self inflicted. the reality what connects us is still at it's infancy.
Originally posted by googolplex
reply to post by Xtraeme
What people fail to understand is that in making a Universe many things come into play, the universe is, substantial in being involved in cause and effect, there are higher more perfected planes as there are lower less perfected planes.
This Eath plane seems some what in the middle.
Originally posted by awake_and_aware
reply to post by Jezus
You knew what i meant. Sorry for personifying the brain in attempt to shut down people using unfalsifiable thesis to try and support their hypothesis for an afterlife.
Originally posted by filosophia
reply to post by Jezus
i think there is amble evidence to indicate that the brain creates consciousness, since without a brain you would be an invalid and not conscious of anything. Consciousness is defined as the conjunction of mind upon an object (per Buddhism), so consciousness is purely physical. The mind is conscious, but the brain is what processes the consciousness, so I suppose if the brain did not create consciousness, it is the receptacle of it, meaning pure consciousness creates individual consciousness, by which the brain traps the consciousness for the mind to perceive and comprehend.