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Ahmadinejad launches probe into truth behind 9/11

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posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by Xterrain

I am sure he said it in that context.. Want a cookie for your comment?

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by youdidntseeme

edit on 16-10-2010 by Studenofhistory because: comment belongs in another thread

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Studenofhistory
There are at least as many reasons to doubt the accuracy of the Official Version of the Holocaust as there are to doubt the 9/11 OS.

Care to show us some reasons to doubt the holocaust? Or are they silly conspiracy theories like the truthers have, like the jews really did it?

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by Studenofhistory
There are at least as many reasons to doubt the accuracy of the Official Version of the Holocaust as there are to doubt the 9/11 OS.

Care to show us some reasons to doubt the holocaust? Or are they silly conspiracy theories like the truthers have, like the jews really did it?

What a bunch of Sh*t~!~
What a trap.
They are people,period.
I find it funny that they are constantly labeled by their faith.

Could PEOPLE of jewish faith have been envolved in 9/11 somehow?
Because they are just PEOPLE like everyone else.
Being of jewish decent and faith dosent make them moraly less or better than anyone.

Get off of the labels already,stop hiding behind them,its a weak defence.
And last time I read through the 9/11 conspricaies about Israeli envolvement,its was possible mossad(Israeli government) who were being looked at.

NOT the average person of jewish faith or decent.

If 9/11 was a "inside job" than it was carried out by people of all beliefs,including christians.


posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Stewie
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Read it and weep.

Perhaps someday you will understand what this is all about!

Unfortunately for you, I do. I looked up your own sources and found the following:

"The Afghanistan route. Several major oil companies have investigated building pipelines from Central Asia through Herat and Kandahar, Afghanistan, and on to Quetta and Karachi, Pakistan, (Route 8) at an estimated cost of $1.9 billion. The distance is relatively short and would bring oil to the Indian subcontinent market. However, Afghanistan is still locked in civil war.16 Many area residents feel that Unocal backed the Taliban forces financially in return for future pipeline rights in Afghanistan.17 Unocal and other companies have abandoned attempts at establishing this route since the political situation seems unresolvable. there is NO pipeline through Afghanistan nor will there be becuase the place is too much of a basket case. Any such pipeline will be in a never ending stage of construction becuase it will be in a never ending stage of being blown up by insurgents. Even if it was built somehow, the oil would be going to India, not the US.

So, when I say the 9/11 conspiracy movement is based entirely upon misrepresentation and outright lies, how does this prove me wrong, precisely? Admit it- you just saw some pretty picture that showed a dotted line across the map of Afghanistan and you just regurgitated it wothout bothering to read what it said. You can't seriously believe selling oil to India is what your supposed conspiracy is all about.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by youdidntseeme
Wow just what the 9/11 truth movement needed. A conspiracy theory that now has the enrollment of one of the world's craziest men. This is the same guy that denied the holocaust. I can see it now. The truth movement will be claiming that Ahmadinejad was actually recruited by the US government to side with the truth movement to discredit them. He agrees to this to get the US off his back about the nuclear programs. Remember I said it first haha.

I actually already know some people who subscribe to this belief. Although most likely it is just Ahmadinijead tugging heart strings to seem like less of a bad guy.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Oh, baloney. Even Castro took Ahmadinejad to task for denying the Holocaust occurred-

I'm pretty sure Castro denied he ever said that..

And why are people like you so dead set against a new investigation anyway??
If the OS is correct it will just be proved to be so.
But it will quite the truthers no?

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Good Ole Dave is starting to get it.
Yes, it is a quagmire.
But, that is the plan. After all, it is the U.S. taxpayer footing the bill so who gives a turd?
It doesn't hurt that Opium fetches a good price on the black market, huh?

Everything these criminals do is about money, human life means nothing. Dave, you are with them or you are with us. Take your pick, but don't pretend to be dumb.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by scitpeks
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Oh, baloney. Even Castro took Ahmadinejad to task for denying the Holocaust occurred-

I'm pretty sure Castro denied he ever said that..

And why are people like you so dead set against a new investigation anyway??
If the OS is correct it will just be proved to be so.
But it will quite the truthers no?

First, I'm not against further investigations. Have as many investigations as you want. My view is that it's lies, not the truth, that need fear critique.

Second, no it won't quiet the truthers becuase the truthers aren't interested in finding out the facts behind the 9/11 attack. They're interested in foisting their own personal scenario of what happened onto us at the expense of the facts. I've encountered TWO people here who openly admitted there is nothing that anyone can possibly say that will sway them from their conspiracy theories and I know there has to be more, so if further investigations really do show it was an attack by Islamic fundamentalists, do you genuinely think the "controlled demolitions" bunch will ever accept the findings? OTOH is a further investigation showed it was controlled demolitions, do you really think the "lasers from outer space" bunch will accept it? If the planes were shown to be remote controlled, do you really think the "no planes" bunch will accept it? If it's proven the US gov't was behind it, do you really think the "Jewish world order" bunch will accept it?

If you genuinely think further investigations will make any further difference with such blind zealotry like this, then you're in for a rude awakening, my friend.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

If you genuinely think further investigations will make any further difference with such blind zealotry like this, then you're in for a rude awakening, my friend.

I disagree that it doesn't matter what the outcome of a new investigation is.
Regardless of what is discovered, if it shows the OS to be a lie then it shows that the Goverment has lied to it's rulers.the people.
And if they have lied about that then whatelse are they lying about and what other events have they commited or allowed to happen?

I guess you would call me a Truther. I have no set theory on what happened that day but the OS just doesn't fit..
Way too many things had to just fall into place to accept the OS.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by scitpeks
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Oh, baloney. Even Castro took Ahmadinejad to task for denying the Holocaust occurred-

I'm pretty sure Castro denied he ever said that..

And why are people like you so dead set against a new investigation anyway??
If the OS is correct it will just be proved to be so.
But it will quite the truthers no?

First, I'm not against further investigations. Have as many investigations as you want. My view is that it's lies, not the truth, that need fear critique.

Second, no it won't quiet the truthers becuase the truthers aren't interested in finding out the facts behind the 9/11 attack. They're interested in foisting their own personal scenario of what happened onto us at the expense of the facts. I've encountered TWO people here who openly admitted there is nothing that anyone can possibly say that will sway them from their conspiracy theories and I know there has to be more, so if further investigations really do show it was an attack by Islamic fundamentalists, do you genuinely think the "controlled demolitions" bunch will ever accept the findings? OTOH is a further investigation showed it was controlled demolitions, do you really think the "lasers from outer space" bunch will accept it? If the planes were shown to be remote controlled, do you really think the "no planes" bunch will accept it? If it's proven the US gov't was behind it, do you really think the "Jewish world order" bunch will accept it?

If you genuinely think further investigations will make any further difference with such blind zealotry like this, then you're in for a rude awakening, my friend.

I'd like to think that some are. I myself am one of the people that just think there was shady business going on around it. Not that it was an out and out inside job, but people in power were aware of an attack, didn't consider the possible scale and let it fly (no pun intended) so they could profit and war. Then of course i'm open to the idea that it could be deeper. Theorists maybe need to take a different approach for truth. Investigate, hold on to the ideas that it could be an extreme conspiracy but ask for a new investigation based on smaller claims. It could be that the original was muddied just to hide profits and very poor judgment, things the former president and vice would still want buried. I don't know what happened, but I think there are some inconsistencies that deserve some light.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

You have just described an inside job. Congrats.

People are investigating. You are in the right place to discover the "missing" links.

Help us.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
I'd like to think that some are. I myself am one of the people that just think there was shady business going on around it. Not that it was an out and out inside job, but people in power were aware of an attack, didn't consider the possible scale and let it fly (no pun intended) so they could profit and war. Then of course i'm open to the idea that it could be deeper. Theorists maybe need to take a different approach for truth. Investigate, hold on to the ideas that it could be an extreme conspiracy but ask for a new investigation based on smaller claims.

All, right, fine, but just what is an investigation in your eyes? Do we look at the base facts and then attempt to create a scenario that best fits the facts, or do you come up with a scenario first and then try to force the facts to fit into the scenario?

When *I* hear of NY fire fighters describing fires burnign out of control in WTC 7, that there was a three story tall bulge in the side of the building, and that there was a lot of unnatural creaking before it fell, I have to believe the fires were at least doing *something* detrimental to the structure. OTOH if someone believes in massive coverups and conspiracies, and wants to believe a cruise missile hit the Pentagon, he's going to accuse a taxi driver who saw a passenger jet hit the Pentagon of being some secret gov't agent.

You must know that the very nanosecond someone starts accusing people willy nilly of being secret disinformation agents, it's an admission that they're willing to make stuff up off the top of their head to justify what they want to be true. That is a poor hallmark of an investigation regardless of who you are.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
I'd like to think that some are. I myself am one of the people that just think there was shady business going on around it. Not that it was an out and out inside job, but people in power were aware of an attack, didn't consider the possible scale and let it fly (no pun intended) so they could profit and war. Then of course i'm open to the idea that it could be deeper. Theorists maybe need to take a different approach for truth. Investigate, hold on to the ideas that it could be an extreme conspiracy but ask for a new investigation based on smaller claims.

All, right, fine, but just what is an investigation in your eyes? Do we look at the base facts and then attempt to create a scenario that best fits the facts, or do you come up with a scenario first and then try to force the facts to fit into the scenario?

When *I* hear of NY fire fighters describing fires burnign out of control in WTC 7, that there was a three story tall bulge in the side of the building, and that there was a lot of unnatural creaking before it fell, I have to believe the fires were at least doing *something* detrimental to the structure. OTOH if someone believes in massive coverups and conspiracies, and wants to believe a cruise missile hit the Pentagon, he's going to accuse a taxi driver who saw a passenger jet hit the Pentagon of being some secret gov't agent.

You must know that the very nanosecond someone starts accusing people willy nilly of being secret disinformation agents, it's an admission that they're willing to make stuff up off the top of their head to justify what they want to be true. That is a poor hallmark of an investigation regardless of who you are.

I agree with you. A lot of the theories, in fact, have to be wrong. If you read much of what I say on these forums, I think most of the people here are mental. Most the people that claim disinfo agent would fall into that category. If I had infinite resources I would start my investigation with the people in charge again. This time I would make it public, and not grant them a chance to speak together as what happened with Bush and Cheney. I would make everything public. Start with the biggest questions. I would subpoena for more pentagon footage as that is the thing that makes me question it the most. That building is probably filmed more than any other place in the U.S. there has to be more footage. Tourists, a ton of security cameras, etc. If they release any in the future, it will have been such a wait the theorists are gonna claim they had to make a perfect fabrication or something. There is no way there is not more footage, we should have so much more.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Why do you insist on waffling on in every post?
We know your opinion, we dont need to be reminded every post..

Some simple questions may be things like,

1) Wheres all the CCTY footage of the Pentagon.
2) Why have United Airlines not claimed any insurance.
3)Why was normal investigation procedures not followed.
4)Why was all the evidence shipped off so fast.

Thats just a start...

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 10:13 PM
For having the extraordinary experience of standing in the death chambers at a concentration camp in northern Austria, I do not have much patience for someone who says the entire operation was a scam to rally jewish support...
Now for America, as a country that didnt know how to act before 9/11, we really knew what to do in the hours immediately following the attacks... I think that kind of irresponsible behavior leading up the attacks would have at least carried over after the attacks for some time. you don't change the system overnight...

-after viewing much data on this subject I dont know if there is sufficient proof backing up the claim that it was an inside job. but at best a rational mind can contemplate the idea that Bush was informed of the "possibility" of the attacks and chose not to do anything about it. From the first day Bush pulled Rumsfeld aside in a private dialogue and asked what policies were in place for attacking Iraq... note that this was months before a hijacker ever stepped foot on a plane. Osama Bin Laden simply made it easier for Bush to get his foreign policy agenda passed through congress. So our supreme court appointed president just let it happen...

-But to accept the conspiracy theory that our system initiated the attacks is a little too ridiculous to contemplate. Thousands of government personnel would thus be accomplices to murdering fellow americans and none of them would admit or speak out about this? guys com on, there are always whistleblowers... If you decide to believe this stuff then you might as well believe that HAARP has mind control capabilities or Dulce New Mexico houses thousands of ETs in underground bunkers.

-We have to draw the line somwhere...

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Im willing to believe in a 9/11 Conspiracy....but this deranged psychopath embracing it is not good advertisement for the "truther-movement".

"deranged psychopath"?? And this from an ATS forum moderator? Shame on you. It will take more than your ad hominem attacks and this blatant appeal to an ATS forum moderator's authority for anyone with two active neurons to accept that bald statement.

The man may not share your world view, be a member of your reliegion, or belong to your polical party. He may dislike the Israeli regime and what they do to the Palesinian people much more than you do. But he is certainly not a "deranged psychopath". He's no less a product of his social, religious, and political system than you are of yours.

Explain yourself, please. What, no links? If that's merely your personal opinion, I'll just dismiss it as such.

Seriously, if that's the best you've got please keep it to yourself.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by Stewie
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

You have just described an inside job. Congrats.

People are investigating. You are in the right place to discover the "missing" links.

Help us.

Yeah.. you know what I meant though. This theory has different tiers to it. I'm in between two with the least involvement. When I said out and out inside job, I meant I don't believe it was a complete lie. I don't think there were any lies about what happened on the planes, or that there were anything but them used (except I'll never get over that lack of videos from the pentagon). I really don't know what to think on this subject. It's a subject that has a lot of unanswered questions, but so many wackos attacking it from all angles it makes it volatile to the touch.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 02:12 AM
What makes it suspicious to me (OR: my questions about 9/11)

- Lack of footage from pentagon.
- That so many buildings actually fell. I don't think it's impossible, but very unusual and convenient.
- Iraq war..
- Until now, a lack of Afghanistan war (at least the scale one would expect)
- Osama Bin Laden's CIA ties.

I know they have all been asked, but those are the main points I think should be attacked.
Not by saying "NO PLANES" or "Explosives" but simply by asking, explain this. This is unusual.
If you pushed a solid list and agenda and got people to ask for footage and docs that have to exist you get somewhere. You don't really get anywhere with conjecture, you get somewhere with questions.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by scitpeks
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Oh, baloney. Even Castro took Ahmadinejad to task for denying the Holocaust occurred-

I'm pretty sure Castro denied he ever said that..

And why are people like you so dead set against a new investigation anyway??
If the OS is correct it will just be proved to be so.
But it will quite the truthers no?

First, I'm not against further investigations. Have as many investigations as you want. My view is that it's lies, not the truth, that need fear critique.

Second, no it won't quiet the truthers becuase the truthers aren't interested in finding out the facts behind the 9/11 attack. They're interested in foisting their own personal scenario of what happened onto us at the expense of the facts. I've encountered TWO people here who openly admitted there is nothing that anyone can possibly say that will sway them from their conspiracy theories and I know there has to be more, so if further investigations really do show it was an attack by Islamic fundamentalists, do you genuinely think the "controlled demolitions" bunch will ever accept the findings? OTOH is a further investigation showed it was controlled demolitions, do you really think the "lasers from outer space" bunch will accept it? If the planes were shown to be remote controlled, do you really think the "no planes" bunch will accept it? If it's proven the US gov't was behind it, do you really think the "Jewish world order" bunch will accept it?

If you genuinely think further investigations will make any further difference with such blind zealotry like this, then you're in for a rude awakening, my friend.

Well said G.O.D. You have a remarkable ability to fudge! And people get sucked in and stuck in the goo.

Do they give lessons in what you do on this web site? What's the pay scale after you graduate?

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