Originally posted by ATSluvDroid
I love how so many of you people are bashing this film before having ever seen it, and in the same breath flame and insult me, someone who actually
saw the film and wanted to share my review.
Your review is fine, I don't know of any others who have insulted you but the way you snap at me I can see why they do.
Originally posted by ATSluvDroidIt's sad to see so many of you "plants" here trying to sway the public against something that
everyone in the country is going to see regardless.
True, word-of-mouth will mean a lot more will see it than normal movies.
Originally posted by ATSluvDroidI was never very familiar with Moore until this film. I knew he existed but never had much interest in
his previous works. I saw this movie with no preconceptions about Moore or the movie aside from it being about Bush, the War and 9/11.
Well if you're not familiar with Michael Moore, no wonder you think he made a "great doccumentary".
Let me just say a few things about him.
He blamed K-mart and Charleton Heston for Columbine.
I think that says enough. You can't say you went in with a blank slate, that is unfair to yourself, you need to understand the man telling you
things, or you won't understand what type of slant he has. It was people's lack of knowledge of Hitler's mental immaturity and his hatred for the
Slavs that led them to believe he would be a GOOD leader. When in reality all he wanted was a war, a war to destroy the Slavs and eradicate them
Understanding that you understand the filth he wrote was just propoganda and biased garbage.
Originally posted by ATSluvDroidThis film is a masterpiece, regardless of what way you regard it. If Moore is on a mission to sway the
public against our "fearless leader" then guess what, hes doing it and in the coming months when discussions on the film sky rocket, all of you
"plants" will have your work cut out for you.
I think it is far from a masterpiece. Paradice Lost, was a masterpiece. Moore's film is just the expression of free speech, little more than that.
The fact you call Bush a "fearless leader" is an example of YOUR characteristics and where YOU are coming from. And it is a world of ignorance...or
innocence, both go hand in hand usually.
Fact is the WTC are gone, you should think about that.
Originally posted by ATSluvDroidI feel pity for those of you who claim to deny ignorance, yet cast a scolding blind eye to that which
you have yet to experience as you clammer to show your detest in sync as though your actually trying to chop down a monster.
You seem to think no one has seen anything yet.
There is more than just seeing, he did write F9/11 first you realize, and there are plenty of arguments within the film.
Seeing is actually an act of emotion so is the last thing someone who wants to analyze something truly wants to do.
Why would someone want to see implications? Like "Who killed our soldiers" then cut-scene to Bush. Sure he didn't say it, but he made you FEEL it
was Bush's fault.
If you study the matter you realize it isn't.
As Shakespeare said (another famous for many masterpieces):
Henry V: Act 4, Scene I
"So, if a son that is by his father sent about
merchandise do sinfully miscarry upon the sea, the
imputation of his wickedness by your rule, should be
imposed upon his father that sent him: or if a
servant, under his master's command transporting a
sum of money, be assailed by robbers and die in
many irreconciled iniquities, you may call the
business of the master the author of the servant's
damnation: but this is not so: the king is not
bound to answer the particular endings of his
soldiers, the father of his son, nor the master of
his servant; for they purpose not their death, when
they purpose their services."
I think you should read that and memorize it.
Because it teaches you how to properly place responsibility.
Something Moore knows nothing about.
Moore blames K-Mart for Columbine, Moore blames Bush for 9/11.
Columbine was the fault of two insane children, 9/11, the fault of Ossama Bin Laden.
Originally posted by ATSluvDroidLet me tell you something, the facts in this movie are non debabtable. Go see the damn movie before
allowing the sludge built up within your systems to begin spewing out in any direction. To do this in the same breath as explaining your denial of
ignorance is as slap in the face to real people with a genuine interest in the issues.
They are quite debateable, mention one "fact" to me and I'll rip it to shreds for you.
Originally posted by ATSluvDroidI'm willing to bet the haters on these forums are mostly republicans...
I'm not a republican, I'm an anti-federalist, I hate nothing more than the "Federal Government" and its usurpation of power from the States.
But I know that the Democrats are far worse than Republicans, the Democrats are centralists, the Republicans are not.
I also know that the Democrats are internationalists and the Republicans are willing to preserve the life-style that is unique to Americans. And not
allow it to be destroyed by foriegners.
Originally posted by ATSluvDroidAnd finally, no, I'm not some kid, nor am I related to Michael Moore in any way. But keep trying to
take your pot shots at me.
Michael Moore has done well in proving his contentions and as such is now doing very well because of it If you want to sput off at the mouth as you
contest his claims, do so as he has, with facts. Otherwise, swallow that sludge that keeps popping up in your throats, shut up and smile.
I do take my pot-shots at you.
I take my shots at you on this forum, mister 16,000ths.
I take my shots at your education.
Again, I would love to see your miraculous and wonderous and magical 2 hours of "revelation" be pitted against my 4 years of experience.
Make that 14 years, I've been doing this (studying politics and history) since at least middle school. I knew more history than my history teachers
in High School, it was quite sad.
But anyways, I don't think our "epic" battle of witts will turn out like David and Goliath.