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I just saw Fahrenheit 9/11....

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posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 12:54 AM
There is really no point in even arguing about this any further.

We have people like FreeMason who are nothing but full of hot air who like to toss around endless insults while asking for facts to rip them apart only to be presented with a list of them at which point he totally ignores them only to continue on with his BS claims etc etc.

Freemason ignores these facts presented because he knows he wrong and is too proud to admit it. It's easier for him to continue on in his ignorant ramblings than face the truth.

FM, you can pass yourself off as all knowing, but once again you have proven yourself to be nothing but a novelty.

As for me being old enough to vote, I'm 26 years old and I dont vote. Why? Because our country doesn't want men of honesty, integrity and with the intention of the well being of our country in their best interest. Vote for who? Kerry? I don't think so. Vote for Nader? If I did that it would only take away from Kerry who although not much different than Bush would still be a bit better I think.

If you were hungry and someone lined up 3 bags of rotten fruit for you to choose for dinner, would you pick one or plant your own seeds?

All of you Moore haters can deny whats been presented as much as your little programmed minds can handle. You can bash those of us who enjoyed Moores movie all you like. The fact remainds however that those of us who see through you and the efforts of our government are slowly learning more and by our own education we will eventually overcome the barriers you put up to protect yourselves and eachother so as to carry on in your ways.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by ATSluvDroid
I'm 26 years old and I dont vote. Why? Because our country doesn't want men of honesty, integrity and with the intention of the well being of our country in their best interest. Vote for who? Kerry? I don't think so. Vote for Nader? If I did that it would only take away from Kerry who although not much different than Bush would still be a bit better I think.

Its that lazy attitude that creates the same aura that says prevents you from voting. Really you cant complain with a system you dont participate in. I just with more kids got out and voted. The system suffers if they dont, and then they use the suffering as cause to not fix it.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 01:01 AM
Agent47, I'm not saying that people do not have a right to their own opionions and views, but the point is, Michael Moore put this documentary together to open the eyes of the world as to what has been going on and it just happens to be Bush/Cheney who is in residences at the white house and who's "watch" it was, when 9/11 happened and who "lied" about the "wmd's" for an excuse to start a war on a country that hasn't done anything to us and was NOT involved in the attacks on 9/11. It is the Bush family who has ties to the BinLaden family,......... so I say, "If The Shoe Fit, Wear It"

[edit on 29-6-2004 by nanna_of_6]

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by nanna_of_6
"lied" about the "wmd's" for an excuse to start a war on a country that hasn't done anything to us and was NOT involved in the attacks on 9/11, and who has ties to the BinLaden family,......... so I say, "If The Shoe Fit, Wear It"

A. The jury is still out on WMD. It could be in Syria, it could be hidden, it could be in roadside shells filled with Sarin, or it could have been destroyed. How nice of you to be judge jury and executioner for the WMD of Iraq.

B. Once again, the ties to the bin Laden family are with those members who run a legitamite business and have disavowed Osama. Have you just happened to not notice the multiple times this has been pointed out. You wouldnt give to hoots or a holler what ties the Bushes had if the names didnt happen to be the same, and its just an unfortunate coincedence. There is a huge difference from the bin laden family who conducts business and their intolerant and extremist brother.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 01:11 AM
If you want to establish a link with Bush and terrorism, look up "Harken Energy Ardesto BCCI Bush" I urge you to research these to the fullest extent though as there is still debate about this. But I think thats where you will be most likely to find the info you need to attempt at establishing a link between Bush and Qaeda.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
If you want to establish a link with Bush and terrorism, look up "Harken Energy Ardesto BCCI Bush"

Thank you so much for the info, jamuhn and your right, the informations there for anyone looking for it. I've seen it and read it today, but thank you for the info, anyway.

Who knows, maybe I'll write a Doc., on the Bush clan and their dealings with Hitler, BinLadens and anything else that can be dug-up on them.

Still I gave a link as proof of Bush/BinLaden connections, all I was asked to do is "give a connection between these two families, and I did.
As for the "supposively" BinLadens disassociation from their brother completely, sorry,.... I don't buy it. Hummm, that sounds a little fishy,........ just like this artical I found one time when looking up info on "Neil Bush", which was very interesting, that artical connected the "bush" family to the "Hinkley" family, when George SR was vice-president to Reagan, when Hinkley shot Reagan,............ uuummmmm, makes a person wonder

[edit on 29-6-2004 by nanna_of_6]

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by Agent47

A. The jury is still out on WMD.

Now who's the one denying ignorance here.

The jury will remain out forever or until this administration can find away to distract people so they will for get about it ,

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 07:31 AM
Did no one who actually saw this movie remember the first ten minutes or so? I sat in that theater and listened to the horror of 3000 of my fellow Americans bieng killed. I clutched my wifes hand and cried. Watched the photos and listened to the people who lost someone that day. At that point the anger in me swelled to a point that I wanted to do whatever it took to make sure that EVERY person remembers the act that occured on 9/11 and that it never happens again. HOw many people still have those flags flying in front of their homes? are they still selling out on E-Bay?

Now, with a little bit of research and Google, there are lots of Links between the Bush family and Saudis and AL Qeada and the Taliban and such. It was like the movie stated, "which one of my friends screwed me?"This is big business mixing a little too heavy into the Politcal infrastrututre of America. It seemed to me a parody of how America is not run by the people right now, but by corporations. I mean, it sucks to say it, but someone always profits from a War and Moore is pointing it out. It is just the that Bush family has been profiting for Oil/gov't contracts/board seats since early in the last century. I will vote Bush this year because we need someone with balls in this day and age to stand up to the threat of terrorism. (It still baffles me that people think our own gov't caused 9/11).

As far as the war, there was no true justificationand the movie pointed that oute, and the Coalition of the Willing (cue bad music) is still looking for the WMD. I will support our troops till they all come home. THe footage of the soldiers was tough to watch. Lots of those kids just want to come home, others think it is a videogame( THe tank guys)I just hope it does not become a stop over before NK or China. Seems to me that is a great reason to be there. If we are already there, we could deploy faster to a greater threat in the Far East.

Good Movie, a little slant, but if you have half a brain you should walk away wtih some good conversation at work the next day.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by nanna_of_6
it was, when 9/11 happened and who "lied" about the "wmd's" for an excuse to start a war on a country that hasn't done anything to us and was NOT involved in the attacks on 9/11. It is the Bush family who has ties to the BinLaden family,......... so I say, "If The Shoe Fit, Wear It"

Why is it that you keep saying they lied about the wmd when the whole world including the UN and Russia are saying that there is proof of wmd and was in possesion of Iraq/Saddam til 2003??

The Bin Laden family have the biggest construction company in the Middle East, and one of the biggest in the yeah...the whole world probably have some business or another with the Bin Laden family.... Does it mean they have business with Osama? the Bin Laden are a family of over 200 people, Osama has about 57 siblings.... you want to label the whole family as evil because of Osama?......

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by nanna_of_6
muaddib, I found a link just for you,............ enjoy !

jamuhn, thank you for your post after muaddib asked for proof which I was able to supply .

Google search is great when you want to look-up the skeletons in a political person's family back-round
and for any other search.

nanna_of 6, you just fell on your own enjoy this....

Want a back up site? Here it is.....

There is proof that Dr Martin Luther King was a communist and he instigated violence...the evidence is there, so it must be has to be true...


posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Agent47
A. The jury is still out on WMD. It could be in Syria, it could be hidden, it could be in roadside shells filled with Sarin, or it could have been destroyed. How nice of you to be judge jury and executioner for the WMD of Iraq.

The bush administration went to war base on the premise of WMDs in iraq, despite the fact that weapons inspectors said none were present. The US troops have confirmed the weapons inspectors findings, no WMDs can be found in iraq. The bush administration represented that a connection existed between iraq and al-qaeda. This has been completely refuted. The bush administration said that iraq was getting nuclear material from nigeria, despite having evidence to the contrary. This has been completely refuted.

At some point the judge must bang the gavel and send the jury to deliberate based on the evidence presented to the court. At some point the jury must return a finding of guilty or innocent. Based on the evidence presented the jury of public opinion has found bush guilty.

It seems to me that you are whining like the typical defense attorney, saying to the court 'give me just one more day'. At some point the trial must end. It appears you expect an infinite amount of time.

Exactly how may more days of trial does your client, bush, require?

B. Once again, the ties to the bin Laden family are with those members who run a legitamite business and have disavowed Osama. ave you just happened to not notice the multiple times this has been pointed out. you wouldnt give to hoots or a holler what ties the Bushes had if the names didnt happen to be the same, and its just an unfortunate coincedence. There is a huge difference from the bin laden family who conducts business and their intolerant and extremist brother.

And you can point it out a million times and the last will be equally as bogus as the first. Bush supporters do not have a leg to stand on with regard to the bush/bin laden connection, so all they can do is repeat the same tired words. The scary part is that they have repeated these words so many times that in their minds they have confused their own rantings with the truth.

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 11:16 AM
Does anyone here remember who Hans Blix is? If Iraq didn't have WMD's, then why wasn't he given full access to inspect? Just because they haven't been found, doesn't mean they weren't there. I believe that by Saddam not letting Blix inspect certain areas, implies that he was hiding something, wouldn't you agree?

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by ATSluvDroid

As for me being old enough to vote, I'm 26 years old and I dont vote. Why? Because our country doesn't want men of honesty, integrity and with the intention of the well being of our country in their best interest. Vote for who? Kerry? I don't think so. Vote for Nader? If I did that it would only take away from Kerry who although not much different than Bush would still be a bit better I think.

This is the problem with our country. How can you honestly complain about the man in office, WHEN YOU DON"T EVEN VOTE?

It is this attitude of "my vote won't make a difference" that makes me sick. Imagine if everyone had the same attitude. Look what happened in Florida. It came down to a very small difference in votes and if people like you had voted, Gore may have been the President.

Register to vote and go out and do it. It can and will make a difference. Until then, don't gripe about Bush, you didn't even try to make a difference.


posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by nyarlathotep
Does anyone here remember who Hans Blix is? If Iraq didn't have WMD's, then why wasn't he given full access to inspect? Just because they haven't been found, doesn't mean they weren't there. I believe that by Saddam not letting Blix inspect certain areas, implies that he was hiding something, wouldn't you agree?

US troops in iraq have searched for these phantom weapons and found nothing. No implications about Blix are required. Don't you agree that the US troops in iraq can inspect anything they dang well please with no interference from anyone? And still no WMDs.

[edit on 29-6-2004 by df1]

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib

nanna_of 6, you just fell on your own enjoy this....

Want a back up site? Here it is.....

OMG ! Muaddib, you are so unbeleiveable that it is scarey

What in the heck does Martin L King have to do with, " This Thread" ,

You asked for "proof" of the Bush/BinLaden connection, and I gave you that proof.
Why is it so hard for you to see the "errors" of Bush's ways ? Are you that ignorant that you need to deny the truth when it's been shown and being shown to you and the world ?

I'm going to take a "wild guess" here,............. have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11, yet ?

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
Did no one who actually saw this movie remember the first ten minutes or so? I sat in that theater and listened to the horror of 3000 of my fellow Americans bieng killed.

Yes, I do remember the first ten minutes of the movie, showing 9/11 , but does everyone remember from the "media reports" and the movie, that GW Bush "DID NOT" read the report that came across his desk telling him about the "terrorist threats" before 9/11 happened, that Bush left it on his desk and left the white house for Tx ? Going to Tx seemed to be more important to Bush Jr., then reading his briefings that day. Then we got the facts " from Bush's own actions", that he was more interested in "launching" a war, "with lies and deceit" against Iraq, instead of staying on course in getting all the perpetrators that attacked us (USA).

Now, with a little bit of research and Google, there are lots of Links between the Bush family and Saudis and AL Qeada and the Taliban and such.

There you go Muaddib, this person even states that if a person wants to take the time to do research and google, they will find a lot of links between the Bush family,Taliban,BinLaden, the Saudis's and Al Qeada, but thats only if a "person" wants to get to the "truth".

As far as the war, there was no true justificationand the movie pointed that oute,

This is factual, GW Bush had "NO" justification in lauching an attack on Iraq, and getting hundreds of our troops killed, thousands injured/maimed, and thousands of innocent Iraqis killed and maimed. These people have "good reason" to hate america, they just need to re-focus their hate towards the "person(s)" that pushed us into war, Bush & Co.

The facts and truth fit "hand-in-hand" and there's no way around it except to deny it and remain ignorant.

[edit on 29-6-2004 by nanna_of_6]

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib

Why is it that you keep saying they lied about the wmd when the whole world including the UN and Russia are saying that there is proof of wmd

Alright, if you actually beleive and have PROOF that there "are" and "were" WMD's in Iraq, lets see your "proof" , and I'm not talking about the "propaganda" that Bush&Co are spewing out, as truth. I want cold/hard/factual proof .

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 04:15 PM
I just saw it, I must say the theatre atmosphere did add to it. At first I was alittle skeptical that it would be out of context and blown out of proportion etc. I thought it was a great movie. While its serious in nature, there also are some funny parts about it. For example, the fact that the secret service approached him for standing on the opposite side of the street from the Saudi embassy. It's docutainment, yes.

It's funny to see people on this forum, as many have already said, who bash and bash and have no open mind at all. They jump to conclusions immediatly. When I first starting viewing this site, it wasn't like that, or atleast from what I read it wasn't. I don't understand how this one guy has "deny ignorance" on his sidebar when his dumbass shoots it down immediatly without seeing the film. His stupid little response is to say that I've already seen his other movies? Then if you've seen the other movies, shut your mouth about this one since you haven't "seen" it. You've provided no new information and have no point to this thread or this topic with your bashing without reason to back it up.

Yes, you have a right to your opinion, but don't try and force it down other peoples throats, or get angry because they don't see it like you. Alot of people who view this site now do this, I just can't understand why. You know why you come here, to see opinions, conspiricies, stuff out of the ordinary, so don't come here and start with your closed minded thinking and then have the balls to argue about it over and over, cause it's just a waste of everybodies' time.

[edit on 29-6-2004 by SwampFox]

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by nanna_of_6

OMG ! Muaddib, you are so unbeleiveable that it is scarey

What in the heck does Martin L King have to do with, " This Thread" ,

I'm going to take a "wild guess" here,............. have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11, yet ?

How does it relate to the link you gave? Anything can be written in the internet, even fantasy can be said to be reality. Can you honestly say everything that can be found in the internet is true? Just because it is in the internet?

Did i see the movie? naaa, Moore doesn't need me to become rich, he's got a whole lot of Americans he insulted already that are following him like he was a saviour.....

Why would i want to watch some "mockumentary", as Banshee so eloquently named it, that has only half truths mixed with fantasies? and why would i want to pay the man who insulted the heroes and victims of 9/11? Do you need me to point out more reasons why i don't pay for that movie?

I watched the disaster of a movie "Bowling for Columbine", on cable, thinking it was going to be a real documentary..... Why spend money on another made up "mockumentary"? I am saving my money for tomorrow... Spiderman 2 is a much better film.

I would actually call Spiderman 2 closer to reality than Moore's films.

[edit on 29-6-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 29 2004 @ 04:30 PM

Does anyone here remember who Hans Blix is? If Iraq didn't have WMD's, then why wasn't he given full access to inspect? Just because they haven't been found, doesn't mean they weren't there. I believe that by Saddam not letting Blix inspect certain areas, implies that he was hiding something, wouldn't you agree

I think Saddam had WMDs but got rid of them awhile ago. With some components here and there. But are you talking about the same Hans Blix who said Iraq didn't have any WMDs and then was fired?

[edit on 29-6-2004 by Jamuhn]

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