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The Homosexuality Fad.

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posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by littlecloud

Thanks for agreeing with me!

A lot of good points were made here but I feel that gays have always been misunderstood - and what people misunderstand, they bash.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

They all should be behind bars. I'm sure prison is alot safer then where they will actually end up at though.

I think most women that feel "used up" after a while don't go back to it for the good feeling, but go back to it because it's what they have...and all it surrounds them with is more guilt and disgust with them self.

Very good idea, this seems alot more realistic. Sounds like quite a big downward spiral to me.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by catwhoknows

Haha, all good

yeah, one thing i dispise about human nature, people instantly discredit what they dont understand.
But hey, this is what these forums are all about!

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by fooks

Thanks, fooks,

I, also, have many people who trust me - with their sexuality and everything else.

I have a lot of gay friends, and I have a lot of hetero friends.

I just wish people would stop examining other people's lives and examine their own.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:27 AM

I just wish people would stop examining other people's lives and examine their own.

So true! People are so ready to ridicule others when they need to ridicule themselves

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 05:20 AM
Re high-school girls deciding they're lesbians, I think this is a change for the better.

It's also a very natural reaction against the pressures girls are put under these days.

In the 60's, my friends and I could hug each other warmly with no embarrassment, and we grew very close. We'd visit overnight and share a single bed, quite innocently cuddling all night. When a hippie teacher took the year 11s on a camp, and made us pair up and spend the night off on our own in the sand dunes, he believed we should all be having sex.
But as far as I know the other couples all spent the night as innocently as the guy who picked me and I did, happily chatting.
That was pre-The Pill.

My granddaughter is now in year 12, and she has been under pressure to have sex with guys at school since grade 6. Several of her classmates got pregnant in the first few years of high-school, and many more were devastated by sexual relationships that went wrong. The girls were feeling they were failures if they did not have a boyfriend, and the guys, knowing they were a wanted item, were selling themselves to the highest bidder. Any guys not wanting to be like this were teased and ostacised until they decided to fit in.

On top of this the school had a no touching rule, which stopped innocent displays of friendshop, but did nothing to stop the lunchtime blow-jobs.

Quite suddenly things changed at the school when a few girls came out as quite genuine lesbians.
They started publicly cuddling, and the rest of the girls suddenly caught on. If they declared themselves lesbians the boys could go and get stuffed, and the girls stopped having to give sex. They could get over the no-touching hangups the school had inculcated into them, and enjoy cuddling in the same bed on sleepovers.

The school was really worried with this trend, 4 years ago. Now they are seeing the girls grades go up, the appalling pregnancy rate disappear, and the boys are behaving better now they have to work at impressing the girls. So they ignore the girl's displays of affection.

All the girls have actually done is return their environment to what it was in my day. Except then the gays had to pretend they were straight, and now the straights pretend they are gay.

The truly gay ones will stay gay, and be well adjusted because they've learned to be happy with who they are, the straight ones will find as they get older their hormones will guide them back to males. But they'll be fussier now, having more idea of what a relationship should be.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by Kailassa

Here is what I believe.

People who are are just getting into sexuality - they are innocents.

But mainstream media brainwashes them. So they are taught things.

People who are growing up are innocents, and they need to be guided in the right way, not brainwashed.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 06:35 AM
i knew it was an engineered fad as soon as my little cousin came home from school and told me that "most" kids at her school now go through a little period of experimentation where they "try going out" with the opposite sex.

i knew it was a fad because it was spoken of in the same exact context as "experimenting" or "trying" drugs.

its now an accepted phase, and these kids are either going to or not going to come out of it. sure i guess a few of them might have a genuine curiosity but if i remember anything from being a kid its that most kids will mindlessly repeat anything they see their friends do.

she tells me (approx) 1 in 3 girls at her school are "bi" at some point. yet theres only 1 or 2 gay/bi males in the entire school.

go figure.

girl fad.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Mr. D
reply to post by littlecloud

Haven't read through the thread, I'm just stating my point of view. If people were born that way, it's not their fault that they are homosexuals. That said, I have a BIG problem with them when they force others to be like them!

Someone call Adam Lambert! The mission is off!

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, alarmist. This has nothing to do with any "homosexual agenda", it has everything to do with straight men expressing strange arousal out of female homosexual behavior, and the media exploiting that with pop culture icons like Britney and Madonna. It's just the corporate world using sex to generate interest and make money, the side-effect is that little girls think it's cool.

Genetically, philosophically and speaking literally...there would be no more Homosexuals if they did not FORCE others to be like them either by raping children or adding chemicals to food that are known to change sexual orientation.

Got a source for that? Because its incredibly ignorant. Especially considering you said this yourself:

If people were born that way, it's not their fault that they are homosexuals.

So you agree that some are born that way... yet they wouldn't exist if they weren't going on these "converting missions"?

Straight men have the highest percentage of rapists, not gay people. And, actually, straight men raping women is the number one cause of women developing hatred towards men and "converting" to lesbianism. Guess I should be the one pointing the finger at you here?

If you actually think the gay community is releasing chemicals into the water to convert people, you are truly a good sheep for a very uncreative and unprovable conspiracy theory.

G*D hates militant homosexuals, that is why he destroyed Sodom and Gomorra. I say nuke the *#%K outta them. Get rid of a plauge that has haunted humanity since before the times of Noah.

God hates people? What Bible have you been reading? Certainly none of the three that I have read. Why do you quote passages from a book you haven't even read? Why so selective in your preachings? Surely if you read the Bible once you would know that God implies that he "hates" people who eat pork more often than he mentions homosexuality at all? Surely in the story of Sodom and Gomorra, when Lot's wife turns away and looks back at her burning house on last time and God turns her into a pillar of salt, what we should take from this is that all women who look back on their burning houses should be immediately turned into pillars of salt? Surely you would realize that God does not intend for his Children to be the judges of eachother, as He is the judge? Surely you don't expect any of us to take you seriously with that log in your eye? Sad how many "Christians" don't have a clue what Christianity is about. Guess it's okay as long as we can keep warping it to suit any form of ignorant standpoint we feel like regurgitating these days.

edit on 4-10-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 09:09 AM
I don't think blame for this fad should be laid solely on the homosexual community. Kids are becoming sexualized much earlier, but are the lesbian influences coming from the gays?
Heterosexual males have long given their stamp of approval to certain lesbian activities. Most portrayals of lesbian sexuality are geared to and aimed at hetero males.
"Girl on girl" is not the same as gay. The sex act is seperated from the sexual preference and not only met with approval, but desire. Most homophobic reactions are reserved for the gays that heterosexual males don't find attractive.
As a gay guy, I've never encouraged promiscuity amoung young ladies. I've always focused more on grace, poise, and table manners. I'm the uncle that reminds the young ladies in my family to cross their legs at the ankles, not at the knees.
I , and a lot of people like me, have no agenda to turn anyone's daughters into whores, attention or otherwise.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 10:00 AM
After being repressed for so long I don't find it surprising that more people are coming out gay. I knew I was gay when I was about 12. I still dated boys cause everything gay was so repressed and made out to be so evil, I knew it wasn't cause I am smart enough to recognize religious bigotry.

Today, thanks to more intelligent people speaking their minds, younger people are starting to shrug of the repressive mode from the last generation so you are gonna see more and more cause its known by most sexual therapists that we are all a bit gay, some more than others.

Gay people have kids. Some straight people are infertile and have kids using the same methods as gay people. So your comment on that one is seriously flawed. Most children of gay parents have a better life cause their birth is usually planned years in advance. Compare that to the large amount of children born out of couples without planning, or get aborted, single mothers with no options cause it wasn't planned, teenage pregnancy.

Stop digging out the dirty laundry of gay people and look at your own.
Straight people aren't perfect and in my opinion should take some advice from us on how to plan a family,

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by littlecloud

I happened to stumble across the wiki of a man called Oscar Wilde a week or so ago as he was a fan of an author I was researching. And as it turns out Oscar was a gay man in a time when that was illegal, and was jailed -

The final trial was presided over by Mr Justice Wills. On 25 May 1895 Wilde and Alfred Taylor were convicted of gross indecency and sentenced to two years' hard labour.[122] The judge described the sentence as "totally inadequate for a case such as this," although it was the maximum sentence allowed for the charge under the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885.[123] Wilde's response "And I? May I say nothing, my Lord?" was drowned out in cries of "Shame" in the courtroom.
from wikipedia..

This is what Oscar had to say in court about homosexuality......

Charles Gill (prosecuting): "what is 'the love that dare not speak its name?"

Wilde:"The love that dare not speak its name" in this century is such a great affection of an elder for a younger man as there was between David and Jonathan, such as Plato made the very basis of his philosophy, and such as you find in the sonnets of Michelangelo and Shakespeare. It is that deep spiritual affection that is as pure as it is perfect. It dictates and pervades great works of art, like those of Shakespeare and Michelangelo, and those two letters of mine, such as they are. It is in this century misunderstood, so much misunderstood that it may be described as "the love that dare not speak its name," and on that account of it I am placed where I am now. It is beautiful, it is fine, it is the noblest form of affection. There is nothing unnatural about it. It is intellectual, and it repeatedly exists between an older and a younger man, when the older man has intellect, and the younger man has all the joy, hope and glamour of life before him. That it should be so, the world does not understand. The world mocks at it, and sometimes puts one in the pillory for it."

it is an interesting description of his sexuality....


edit on 4/10/10 by B.Morrison because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:22 AM
To some it's a fad and to some it's the real deal. It's like ufology you got the reals and the fakes and it's up to you to decide for yourself who's faking and who's not. As far as the school thing you just stated I saw that very thing happen all the time. I would see girls with a guy, then they would claim to be gay and be with a girl, then a couple more months down the road they would be back with guys. So, in a nutshell if you think someone faking it probe em and ask em questions. If they give proper feedback you'll know...

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:32 AM
I find it to be very unattractive. It's someone pretending to be something they're not. Why are they not good enough to be their selves? This shows low self-esteem and a lack of integrity. Entirely unattractive.

Now if she truly is bi-sexual, then I'm game.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:37 AM
I seriously do not think its a fad...

Experimenting is a part of life and I think you have to try and do everything at least once! (Within Reason)

People who have something against being homosexual have issues!

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 12:05 PM
Someone wants to be gay? To each their own, I say.

However, do not try and push your practices in my face with things like gay pride, etc.

You don't see a bunch of straight people holding a parade to celebrate their heterosexuality?

My biggest problem with gay people is that they keep talking about how oppressive society is towards gay people, but then actively push to put themselves *out* there (pun intended) as gay, despite knowing that supposedly they are going to get opressed.

Personally I don't care if people are gay, white, jewish, black, bisexual, mexican, or anything else.

As long as people are positive and upbeat, follow the law of the land, don't do any harm to others, and love rather than fight, hey, you've got my friendship and support.

If you're mean spirited, violent, break the law, or are just a general moron, then you're on your own.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by halfoldman
Really being gay or lesbian is much more than a fad or simply experimenting with homosexual sex-acts.
You imply so yourself - part of what the girls are doing is attempting to fulfill a male fantasy.
Here it's monkey see monkey do - it's a trope in porn and popular culture (Britney and Madonna).
You call it "fad" yourself, so I think most of the girls will soon grow out of it.
I think a lot of it is probably exhibionistic shock value - and trying to push the limits of how the system will deal with it.
It's all same-age experimentation, the HIV risk is low, so have fun playing with your identities and sexuality.
Ultimately if you're not really gay you will soon see how childish it all was.

Although there are some modern motifs here, traditionally (although nobody spoke about it) homosocial, or "same-sex environments" have always had lots of situational homosexual behaviour.
My advice?
Keep it wink, wink and nudge, nudge...
Nobody wants some rumor or scandal following them in later life, and modern technology leaves a permanent trace of everything.

edit on 4-10-2010 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

Homosexuality is NOT a state of It is a choice to commit a specific act.

If you do NOT choose to do a homosexual act, then you, by definition, CANNOT be homosexual...

homosexuality is the act of having sexual relations with someone of the same sex.

I have a brotherly love emotional relationship with a couple of my friends. We call each other brother and love each other to the point of being willing to die or kill for one another. We would never have sex with one another although we may live together.

We are therefore NOT homosexuals.

Am I capable of recognizing an attractive male? absolutely, everyone is.

Men use that ability to determine ways to improve themselves.

You CHOOSE to act on any such attractions and it is that choice that makes you homosexual.

We need, as a society to re-establish the difference between brotherly love and sexual love, because we have lost it and people act out on misunderstanding of it and or sexual abuse.


posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:59 PM
There is nothing wrong with experimentation as someone else pointed out. Most of us (if not all of us) experiment with the same sex at one point in our lives, or at least think about it. There's nothing wrong with that. It's nature taking it's course.

As for homosexuality being a fad...

God forbid someone being who they are, right?

It's not a fad, it's a beautiful part of human nature.

edit on 4-10-2010 by SeventhSeal because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 05:40 PM
I sometimes wonder if gayness is caused by disorded childhood development.
If this were the case though, gay people wouldn't have insight into it anyway, and ultimately find the idea horribly offensive. As far as I'm aware, gay people don't wish to be any other way, and nobody is suffering, so, there's no point thinking about it.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 05:41 PM
I know that you're trying to make this not offensive, but it is. However, I see where you are coming from. I recently graduated high school and I have seen similar stories like yours, and in my school it was the "emo" type boys who would advertise themselves as bisexual when they would never even want to touch a mans junk with a gun held to their head. With that being said I tend to believe that you can tell the difference (or at least I always could) between legitimately gay people and takers for the attention. I know you're not trying to be offensive but I guarentee you that people who are actually gay like myself are in no way doing it for the cool factor. There's far too much discrimination in this world towards GLBT people to ever want to be gay. I never made a conciliation choice toward who I am attracted too despite what many conservatives would have you believe. As you have seen with the rash of suicides relates to gay people and the murder of a young gay boy in California, Lawrence King, people who are legitimately gay and are driven to suicide because of it obviously didn't have the option of just jumping over to chicks and not blink an eye. Let me put it this way: vaginas revolt me in every sense. I couldn't even have sex with a girl if I had viagra. For those who are truly gay, there is no choice. And you can't pray the gay away, sorry. I don't mean to come off mean toward you...I know you're just asking a question. And an addition to this: I truly believe that those who just say they are gay or bi just to be cool disgust me. It harms the plight of those of us who have to fight discrimination because of who we are on a day to day business.

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