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The Homosexuality Fad.

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posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by Mr. D

Firstly, love original point of views!
this is a very original idea you have, im sure your quite true with the food. Most of it is GM these days.
and you are quite right, abuse does have something to do with it too.
but what about the people in old old times? when the food wasnt GM and they were not abused who were gay?
Love to hear your opinion

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by littlecloud

Though the needs of men have changed from companionship and love to gratification, it has not in women. Women need the comfort and the need of not only gratification, but love.

Men have an outlet to change their perception to this as women do not. So having to deal with this women will choose to go to comfort as opposed to conformity. Which IMO leads to bi-sexuals and such. Its about comfort, and oneness as opposed to the internet, and what they deem as fun.

Its a bridge that has been built to divide.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Though the needs of men have changed from companionship and love to gratification, it has not in women. Women need the comfort and the need of not only gratification, but love.

Very true indeed, but I daresay some of the girls of my generation are solely about self gratification.
But women as emotional creatures will always need some form of companionship.
a bridge built to divide? Never thought of that but i agree nonetheless, most people are either pro or anti gay.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by littlecloud

What about those that swing both ways? That always seems to drop right off the page whenever government intervention comes in. My guess is that you aren't considered to be as 'gay' if you switch hit. So then, you are posing as a homo, as in the theme of your thread. Include the techno side of this and they can run a whole battery of sensations that would confuse an owl or a serpent. Trouble is...few believe in the things tptb can do with their toys. Now, expose kiddies to the electric stim stuff and you have them running 'round saying to Mom and Dad they're homo, blaming biology, as that utterly conspiratorial pimple commercial touts. So blame biology. They are kids. They ought to know better than to fall for the fad, if electronically induced, except that they were born into it, and the pulsations choking the airwaves must seem like normal existence to them. The old folks likewise are resistant to hearing of it, because they are old, brittle. But they will consider it, some of them. Those of middle age and later are stubborn, scared to death of the possibilities for terror, once they see how simply the airwaves can affect you, in your deepest recesses....of course it can bend the kids about. Shudder. And all they want to do is to PROVE to you they are true gay, not following some fad. Think of the potential for dysfunctionality. There is not a span of days that passes wherein I am not acutely aware of these toys, affecting mainly those around me. I get warnings all the time, and they know where I stand on that, but I cannot stop what the signals can do to others. People are not being themselves anymore. What I'd like to say here almost needs it's own thread. Remind me to remember a certain local news event some time; it's delicate, but I thought there were some atmospheric changes that were worth noting at the time this tragic thing occured.

So, blame biology.

I honestly don't know if I scare people who knew me before I knew, and then afterwards, when I say...all that stuff I talked about last October...that crazy stuff....well now it's just a matter of fact. I don't even think about it anymore. Just a fact of life.

At that point...either they know you're gone...or they have some thing to ponder which they may not want to.

The discovery phase was brilliant, in my experience. Suddenly snatching up bank statement envelopes and scrawling hard and fast words and sentences that KNEW. I even had to number each envelope.... I felt a bit like Leary.

What is one to do...get 'certified' for the sake of other people's comfort???

Anyhoo...yes OP I say there's a huge fad factor. But the industries chug along. Somehow I knew the abortion thing would wind up as a HC topic. And that little 'blame biology' pimple commercial is sinister. It is a way for kids to depend on HC for everything from zit cream to tranquilizers, cosmetic changes, transvestitism, you name it. The goal is to have as much loot as possible going to the medical field. Much more than 1 of 6 dollars, the current round figure according to a doctor. The psychiatrists have not yet been included in the present HC format.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:39 AM

I say nuke the *#%K outta them. Get rid of a plauge that has haunted humanity since before the times of Noah.

That is fine if it is your opinion, but you cannot call people a plauge, that is just inhumane.
Wether someone is gay or not does not define if they are a good person or not.
and being gay does NOT make you a rapist.
But this is not a pro or anti gay debate, it is purely about the popularity of it causing a rise in 'gay' people.
(it is 'gay' because most of the people who declare they are because of external influences arent)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:46 AM
Hey LittleCloud:
Here is a male perspective from a much more brutal period. The "fagging" system in British public schools in the 1950s (Eton and so forth). The fagging system and the whole set-up encouraged a very callous homosexual system, and it produced the leaders of many a colony.
Here are a number of different testimonies from that time:
So situational homosexuality in same-sex schools is an old hat - a very old hat.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by starless and bible black

Firstly wow, that is alot of into, takes awile for all of that to sink in hahaha.
What about those that swing both ways? Oh gosh. Debunking just got more difficult.
My opinion (as regarding fads) would be that they are responding to the pressure that is hitting them but still like their own sexuality.
BUT the people who just are bisexual, maybe thats just the way they feel.
Id love it if a bisexual came on here and said how they felt because I am clueless as to that.
But you know what, why does sexual preferences make such a difference to a human being?
How sad, because sex is such a big thing in our society that we are looked upon what kind of SEX we like?
What sex we are, what sex we like, how many sexual parters etc..
surely this must have something to do with it yeah?

I honestly don't know if I scare people who knew me before I knew, and then afterwards, when I say...all that stuff I talked about last October...that crazy stuff....well now it's just a matter of fact. I don't even think about it anymore. Just a fact of life.

Well then get ready to scare me then! Truth is truth and i would like to know what you said.


posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:51 AM
I think it's a very good thing to discuss, so I'll go ahead and give you my opinion on it:

Seriously....I don't really believe "bisexual" happens. I don't think people are capable.
I know they can be confused and could deem themselves bisexual for attention, something like that of what you were saying.

As for the being gay or pretend gay, both of those are very real. There are the poser gay people --I don't really get them, but I guess there's really not much else to do in school--, and then there are the real ones.
Let's face it...something to make you cool in school now is to be gay. It use to be punk or strong...and now it's gay.

Good job on bringing this up, by the way. It really is something that deserves being discussed. I wonder if anyone will bring forth a statistic chart of how many people are actually gay...Well, statistics are statistically inaccurate, but it will at least give us something on it. Great job.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by halfoldman

That is a very interesting/sickening article!
Absolutely disgusting, i knew about abuse but didnt think it was that widespread.
But it sounds like those environments were synthetic to produce that effect in the boys, expecially the part where you were in big trouble if you did something with a male, but instantly expelled if it were a maid.
That makes me come to the conclusion someone wanted this to happen.
very scary indeed.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by littlecloud

Its not for self gratification, it cant be. As a social person we can make claims, but as women, we know the deal. This is something that is left out of the frame of man, due to the constant claiming's of something different.

This doesn't make things better, but there is no frame work to change it. Men would rather that women fake it, then to admit that they like female companionship. Just turn on the t.v, watch a commercial. We have been pulled apart.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

Yeah you know what, to me your either one of the other, maybe bisexual is just a transition (someone plese feel free to enlighten me if i am wrong)
Yep i totally agree with you on the poser and real thing, but what is it that makes that fad cool?
Back in that era where it was cool to be tough, there were movies like Grease around and all the like (anyone from that era please explain what that time was like! :lol

So consequensly, something from this era is making them think it is cool to be gay. I wonder what it is?
Media outlets most likely.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by littlecloud

I say nuke the *#%K outta them. Get rid of a plauge that has haunted humanity since before the times of Noah.

That is fine if it is your opinion, but you cannot call people a plauge, that is just inhumane.
Wether someone is gay or not does not define if they are a good person or not.
and being gay does NOT make you a rapist.
But this is not a pro or anti gay debate, it is purely about the popularity of it causing a rise in 'gay' people.
(it is 'gay' because most of the people who declare they are because of external influences arent)

If you read my entire post correctly, I'm talking about the MILITANT homosexuals that force other to be like
them. I am not politically correct and don't really care what anyone thinks about this topic, I said it is MY opinion, not yours or anyone elses.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

What do you mean by left out of the frame of man? Would you like to expand for me?

I agree with us being pulled apart, we have been altered by all the crap around us, but why succumb to it? Lets leave the TV off for a while shall we

Just because we have been pulled apart doesent mean we cant be put back together. After all im sure that is what these forums are about ultimately

so lets continue to dig deeper, and hopefully we will find something that helps.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by littlecloud
reply to post by Mr. D

Firstly, love original point of views!
this is a very original idea you have, im sure your quite true with the food. Most of it is GM these days.
and you are quite right, abuse does have something to do with it too.
but what about the people in old old times? when the food wasnt GM and they were not abused who were gay?
Love to hear your opinion

First of all, how do we know they didn't use chemicals then? Where do we get chemicals today? Ever hear of Alchemy? Also, I have a feeling they forced others then just as they do now or else homosexuals wouldn't still be around.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by littlecloud

Actually, I believe it's part of the current trend, altogether.

I think just before it was cool to be gay in a school, it was cool to be different..strange.
Speaking out...having a voice as a kid, having a right as a gay person...all of those things must have sparked some excitement, you know?

Once being different was cool for some kids, the kids that believe being cool has to do with being a clone FOLLOWED the others.
You could probably factor in the different types of drugs being found causing more confusion and stirring up it all from the beginning, the origin and all, but I think we covered most of it just then, yes?

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

if kids will copy this

they will copy anything.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by Mr. D

Yes I know they had alchemy, But they did not have the technology to genetically modify food. That is what I ment.
That is true though, we dont know if they had chemicals and the like but they have just introduced GM food so i am assuming it is new.
Thats a good point, it may have been just as forced but people were more quiet about it because it was quite taboo (to my knowledge)
It is noted in ancient greece after all

edit on 4-10-2010 by littlecloud because: part of post missing

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

Yep, most definately covered alot of it

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by snusfanatic

Oh my god...

Thanks twilight. look what you have caused.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by littlecloud
Now firstly, I am writing this thread due to another thread i read on homosexuality that got closed (I agree with the closure because it was just downright offensive to homosexuals).
Now im not talking about all homosexuals, if you are attracted to the same sex it is absolutely no problem to me! You cannot help the way you feel and love is love, i have many gay friends and i must say some of there relationships have love that easily rival hetrosexual relationships. Spread the love people

Never crossed my mind. And I read the rest of the thread before the disclaimer.

This thread is not an attack on homosexuals, just this fad that seems to have arisen making it a new craze to be gay making themselves try to be gay, you get me?
This is going to be very difficult because it is a very touchy topic, so i will continue stepping around the eggshells so we can divulge in this further

I definetly understand what your talking about and I'm sure people can talk about this like grown ups

Now, in my generation i have noticed (expecially in my school) That it gives you INSTANT attention if you are homosexual, giving a massive rise to 'homosexuals' in my school (all girl school, thats gotta make you laugh
) and making girls claim to be gay when they CLEARLY are not and start macking on with every other girl that has started to claim that they are gay.

Well, I certainly understand how a gay teenage boy can seem like an instant best friend for a teenage girl. Somebody of the opposite sex to truly just be friends with. I have heard and talked to my kids about this new fad that "gay is cool", it's really not the mindset I grew up in.

Acceptance and popularity will makes kids do pretty much anything when your that impressionable. I've run into a few young adults ( early 20's) who were straight and then became "gay", although it was clearly a charade. It's a strange thing to watch. I certainly would not want to pretend I was straight for any amount of time, even for popularity's sake. But then again I guess I did when I was that young.

Whilst most people experiment isnt pretending to be gay while your not to fit in wrong?

Let's just say I wouldn't let one of my kids do it.

These girls may also be pretending to be gay for male attention, do you view this as wrong?

Well it's just silly. Girls usually always have the attention of young guys.

What if a girl (or boy) decides they like being pleasured more by the same sex than the opposite and actually end up staying with the same sex, what about the future child they may have had?

Then clearly, they were gay to some capacity, and not faking it at all. I don't understand why you place the child in the past tense. It's not like they wouldn't be able to actually have children. I sure did.

what do you think the current media has to do with this rise of homosexuality?

Well as we have a media of extremists, that is all that you are exposed to. On either side.

As a homosexual, do you find it offensive that people are trying to be gay? (if your not, just write what you think anyway)

Offensive? Well not really. There are "posers" in every sect of society. And mostly from what I've noticed, it's been teenagers and young adults who are still in all honestly figuring out who they are. Whatever experiences they choose are really none of my business.


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