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The Homosexuality Fad.

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posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by snusfanatic

Unfortunately, it seems there's a devious invisible hand pushing the in-your-face gay exuberance (the minority) to give it a bad name... theocracy co-intel wouldn't be surprising.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by zcflint05

Sorry if you are offended, it is quite a touchy subject

This is what i am trying to separate though, the people that actually are gay and the people who just say they are for whatever reason. Im not relating this to both
i wrote this thread concerning the people who just say they are for the sake of it period.
Yes i acknowledge that there is alot of stigma against gays and that must be quite tough, but im just trying to find the reason as to why people say they are without having any intention of being so
have a good day

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by zcflint05

and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! Noone chooses there sexuality thats just who they are
i intended this forum to be just about people pretending to be gay for any paticular reason, not the ones who actually are.
ignore the people who are being anti gay because this is not what this thread is about!

lets continue yeah?

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 12:42 AM
I can't see what the problem is?
I think it's good that in this day and age individuals can experiment with their sexuality at an early stage without fear.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by NonKonphormist

The annoyance comes around when it's not simply's just a little dork trying to become more popular and possibly get laid...
because from some form of reverse psychology, the men have better luck getting lucky when they do this act.

If I were an Alien race from outer space, I'd be watching this world like Steve Irwin!
I'd be all hiding behind the trashcan at the school, observing, "This breed is new to me...Oh, it's gorgeous! Just look at those teeth...."
edit on 5-10-2010 by LimbicSystem because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 01:17 AM
Why does it concern you as to *why* someone might experiment? That's the first thing that comes to mind. Why do you CARE? If someone wants extra attention, then let them live out their lives. Why the controversy?

Really, you should be concerned with YOUR life. YOUR dreams. YOUR aspirations. YOUR goals. YOUR route to your dreams.

NOT others. Who cares, really? If Suzie wants to get attention by pretending to be attracted to Cindy, then who in the heck gives a flying ____? Is this so important that you feel you must judge them?

My advice? Spend less time concerning yourself with the choices of others and FOCUS more on your own life and YOUR OWN CHOICES.

You really sound like a rampant evangelist minister/preacher/whatever in a rant about the evils of pornography, ---the kind of evangelist who OVERLY CONCERNS HIMSELF with pornography, to the point of people telling him, "Either go watch some more of it or stop talking about it!" No one is forcing pornography on this minister, and yet he can't let the topic go. Eventually, we all realize that he is **FASCINATED** by pornography. In this light, you seem **FASCINATED** by homosexual experimentation.

So, either EXPERIMENT and get it out of your system, or FOCUS on your OWN life.

Really, stop worrying about how other people live their lives and take charge of your own.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

what's so extreme or mystic about the op's question? there seems to be a cultural fascination and glorification of a sexuality that is not the norm. not the norm doesn't = bad. but that's the point...

the whole rejection of gay stereotypes/subordination rests on demystifying the thing. people need to be true to themselves and their feelings and others need to respect that. but turning a sexuality into a fad? to be mimic, turned into a lifestyle or product campaign, bought and sold, imitated cheaply like the dance moves that come and go every year? its ridiculous. it cheapens homosexuality, it cheapens hetereosexualtiy, it cheapens every form of true sexuality.

there's plenty of threads on this site about misogyny or feminism or patriarchy 'destroying relationships.' go express your concern there as well.

this author is making a similar point. base, vapid, pornographic, cultural notions of one form of sexuality can't be good for relationships or people's true quest to find themselves. if people making choices true to their heart is so important and sacred to you, then listen up because marketing and selling a sexuality alien to most people (and by that i don't mean acceptance of other's sexuality i mean 'go ahead try it out') intereres with that choice and freedom just as much as restricting true homosexuality does.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer


what's so extreme or mystic about the op's question? there seems to be a cultural fascination and glorification of a sexuality that is not the norm. not the norm doesn't = bad. but that's the point...

Thankyou for understanding what i ment to achieve by this post! But continuing on
I am not bashing anyone, and you are just showing your ignorance.
where have i said it is bad to experiment? that is not even what i am talking about.
I am talking about people who say they are when they clearly know they arent. FULL STOP.
and by you stating that who cares what other people do, this is the exact mindset that is going to be our downfall.
First it is who cares if people pretend, next its who cares if that girl likes to be extremely promiscuous, then proceeds to who cares if the government tells us what to do, their the boss.
it is this exact mindset that has made my generation the most easily to control and manipulate since they dont really give a # about anything else BUT themselves.
theres my point.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by snusfanatic

there's no argument for support of gay rights that can be put into words better than just watching a gay couple that is truly in love. its instantly familiar. the feelings are THE SAME as heterosexual couples. they're deep, real, sacred, and society should value that just as much as any other relationship.

the 'homosexuality fad' is the antithesis of that. its the opposite of 'its ok to be gay' its 'why dont' you try being gay.' its not 'gay's deserve equal rights' its 'gays are a gift sent from heaven.' its stupid. its backward. its wrong.

its only more tolerant by virtue of its result, but at the core its just as ignorant as what came before it. culture should not be marketing any sexual lifestyle. culture can depict multiple sexual lifestyles and should do so fairly. but marketing or glorifying any particular lifestyle the way homosexuality has been marketed in recent years is the opposite of giving people choices.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by snusfanatic

I completely agree, that is exactly what i have been trying to get across!
Although it has taken 6 pages for it to happen

The glorifying of ANY sexuality makes sexuality less of a choice, because people are pressured to be the norm

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 03:30 AM
There's always a fair share of baby dykes are bars who aren't quite 'it' along with a few promiscuous insecure straight gurls ready for a pash to impress their equally idiotic boyfriends. It's like the kid that tries smoking just because their friends do it. The concept that this is 'new' will only appear like a massively new phenomenon to persons like yourself who don't live it.

1990s??? - same type of persons doing the same things cos their friends are doing it
2000??? - absolutely, except now some celebs kissed on stage so its become a big scary thing!
2010 - Lindsay Lohan is like a poster girl for baby faux queers everywhere and everyone's panicking again

There isn't really any worship of it. There is worship of persons that would happen anyway gay or not. IE Ruby Rose ... both genders find her hot, she's stereotypically what people look for in magazines ... She happens to be gay. It's not gay worship. Ruby Rose would get the treatment regardless of her sexuality except it would be 'which sexy hunk is she dating?!'

How many diesel dykes you see with their own fan site? What about boi dykes? Homosexuality is pretty much what it always is just some alarmist persons with no statistics to back them up or going out on the deep end and trying to imply there is a problem. Hell there's pornographic lesbian photos from the 1940s.

Eventually people find themselves and stop trying to be gay for their friends and everything works out. Its been happening since the dawn of time. Same with sex being discussed constantly.

No offense.

edit on 5-10-2010 by Pinke because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 03:54 AM
Most gay people pretend to be straight to look cool and fit in.

So what? If someone decides that they are going to go "gay" for whatever reason, no harm done. They wouldn't be gay and wthey wouldn't be true to themselves but come on, most kids growing up experiement with all sorts of things. It's part of growing up. No harm being done, at least they can't get pregnant. :@

edit on 5-10-2010 by Tykonos because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by babybunnies

You don't see a bunch of straight people holding a parade to celebrate their heterosexuality?

You're right, gay people have no idea what it feels like to be the sexual minority, oh the woes of straight people, the misunderstood, the oppressed.

Get a grip; straight people parade around touting their sexuality EVERY DAY.

My biggest problem with gay people is that they keep talking about how oppressive society is towards gay people, but then actively push to put themselves *out* there (pun intended) as gay, despite knowing that supposedly they are going to get opressed.

No, they come together so that, for one day of the year, they can feel accepted by all of the people around them; so that for one day they can feel like they aren't a minority. This jealously nthat caused this "opinion" of yours is what gay people feel every day of their lives, so I suggest you stop bitching, because you will get absolutely no sympathy

If you're mean spirited, violent, break the law, or are just a general moron, then you're on your own.

This has nothing to do with your argument

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 09:47 AM
Disclosure: I am gay but did not read the whole thread as there is just so much tripe out there its getting tough to look at it/hear it anymore.

Let me ease your fears with a concept you may not have thought of.

Few people, in reality are 100% gay, or straight. Almost everyone falls somewhere on a continuum between the two extremes, just as in a bell curve that most natural phenomena fall within. In days not so long ago there were extreme social prohibitions, fears and misconceptions that kept most people trying (or pretending) to be way up or solely at the straight end.

Today, as people have been enlightened to realize that a degree of homosexuality is as natural and normal as a degree of heterosexuality, and many of the old misconceptions are falling by the wayside, you will begin to see more and more people exploring their personal sexuality reality -- experimenting to find out where they actually are on that continuum.

This may look like a fad, but it is just an awakening to the reality of the way things are. It can take a lifetime to really figure out who you are, in terms of character, personality, sexuality, or any other human trait.

Nothing to fear. It is all good. There will be no bad consequences from getting closer to living life in accordance to your true nature. The days are coming when people who have called themselves gay will also be free to explore their straight side as well.

edit on 10/5/2010 by wayno because: clarity

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by wayno

you know what, it hadnt even occoured to me to think about it in that way at ALL.
Thanks for your viewpoint, definately makes alot of sence

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 03:20 PM
Several times in the last year I have been interested in a woman only to find out she is gay. Then they decide to become bisexual and forget to inform me. It is hard dealing with fads.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 03:48 PM
Are you sure that's not a typo?

I'm sure it was a fad during the time of Sodom and Gomorah as well, but look what happened to them.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by earthdude
Several times in the last year I have been interested in a woman only to find out she is gay. Then they decide to become bisexual and forget to inform me. It is hard dealing with fads.

lol With fads...or women.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by wayno

You're making more sense than a lot of people on here.

You aren't bashing anyone, you aren't sounding offended for no reason. You are simply sharing information, portraying it comprehensively.

But have you been to a highschool lately? Gawwwd...they're bored with "experimenting" and have jumped straight into making things up for attention.

And what makes it seem more so is that kids that really don't know much about themselves or the world begin doing it just because the kid next to them did it. They're following new fads around like a little puppy dog.
I thought I was the only one irritated by it. I'm seeing a few other people on here that seem to get it as well.

Like, sure, this thread isn't meant to stir anything up, if you read most of it, but I kind of already had some strong feelings about all of the attention whores pretending they're gay and bi...

I suppose lying and pretending to be gay and inventing a bunch of "deep" feelings is a step up.
I use to worry about getting beat up in school, now that's much less of a fear, it happens, but it's less of a fear since if you end up in a fight or hurt another kid, it gets put on your record and your parents get hell from it.
The largest problem and fear in most of their lives any more is drama they probably created.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by earthdude

Sorry bud that means you don't register as a hetero or even a bisexual choice, she left you out of the loop for a reason.

The media is using all sorts of subliminal messages to keep you under control.

edit on 21030201031072010Tuesday30 by Nysothol because: (no reason given)

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