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Should Insurance Pay For Abortion?

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posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 07:25 PM
Should Partial Birth/mid term/long term abortions be covered as well?


Many people do not know what is involved with these types of abortions.

This topic is very close to my heart, Doctors wanted to abort me because my mother was hemorrhaging and stayed in the hospital for days.
They even checked for a heart beat once she started hemorrhaging again and could not find one. The next day they had scheduled a DNC but luckily the nurse checked for a heart beat once more and found it.
They told her I would be a vegetable, that I would be a financial and mental burden to all in my family and it would be much better for all concerned if she aborted me." You have three healthy children at home" they told her "Why put them through it?"
Well I thank the Lord that she chose not to have the abortion. A Few months later I was born and I was the largest baby he had at 7lb 8oz. I am now 37, HEALTHY with no problems. I have three children of my own and am grateful for my mother's decision.

Mod Note: Removed graphic illustration.

edit on 10/1/2010 by maria_stardust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 07:31 PM
Okay, Annee. I'll bite. Lay out the rules for governing men getting snipped, beings I already layed out the rules governing women.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 07:36 PM
It seems self evident to me that taxes do pay for G.O.D.'s (Government Of Dollars) laws and law enforcers which do act as anti-natural selection based mandatory expectations for societally inclined individuals.

What is the difference between abortion and choosing to bring a child into a world where they have 0% chance of living long enough to learn all the rules (laws) to the game (civilizations' mandatory expectations)?

If America locked up all congressmen and supreme court justices up in one big plush hotel room with all life's necessities and did not let them out until they wrote down from memory each and every law word for word, do we honestly think they would live long enough to finish the job?

Yet we continue to pay people to make new laws when 9-11 should have proven they are incapable of enforcing the existing ones, yet choiced to make new organizations and write even more laws instead, while not adhering to the laws of the NFPA by letting fire investigators do their jobs and investigate 9-11.

I see little difference between reinforcing a system that does not permit citizens to know the number of laws that exist in one lifetime, let alone what they all mean when held in context with eachother simultaneously, killing them slowly throughout life, and terminating life early on. either way it is an insult to life, and lack of reverence for it, imo.

If this post offends you, feel free to write your congressmen or representative about it


posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by SpudMacIntyre
Okay, Annee. I'll bite. Lay out the rules for governing men getting snipped, beings I already layed out the rules governing women.

First - - - Paternal DNA testing should be mandatory for Every Child Born. AND Every fetus.

Second - - - proof of paternity requires mandatory financial support until living child is 18 (or legally adopted).

Third - - - DNA paternity proof requires mandatory "snipping" for any man fathering more then two children.

If parents are financially unable to care for their children beyond a limited time - - - children are to be removed from the home and placed into mandatory city/resident run all inclusive orphanages.

That eliminates judging single mothers on welfare. Because there is no welfare.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 07:43 PM
It should be law for a pregnant woman (and her lover) seeking an abortion to have an ultrasound before going through with the procedure.
They should have to watch it no more than 10 min. just so they would be able to see exactly what it is they are contemplating. This I would gladly help pay for.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by Quadrivium

I was aborted at 4 months. Because I was aborted, I did not have to live with my mother and her endless rotation of crack addicted boyfriends, several of whom would have beat the crap out of me. I did not act out in school because I was angry at the damned unfairness of life that I had a crack whore for a mother and little Timmy in the row ahead of me in school has great parents who love him.

I did not start smoking and drinking at age 13, and end up with my first car theft conviction at 15. I also did not end up beating one of my mothers boyfriends to death when I was 16 and getting tried as an adult. So I also did not have to see any of those nice people who picketed the abortion clinic to "save me" when I was a fetus foam at the mouth for my execution as an adolescent.

Im so glad my mom chose to abort me.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 07:51 PM
First you want to snip snip snip the men and said we should leave the women alone. And this is how you're going to lay out the rules to warrant the snipping of men? By victimizing the women? What happened to snip snip snip?

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by SpudMacIntyre
First you want to snip snip snip the men and said we should leave the women alone. And this is how you're going to lay out the rules to warrant the snipping of men? By victimizing the women? What happened to snip snip snip?

Don't get picky --- I know what I said. If the man is snipped - the woman won't get pregnant.

Man is the responsibility - because woman can not get pregnant without that sperm. The woman is left alone - for that reason.

Its the reverse of you laying all responsibility on the woman.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by Quadrivium
It should be law for a pregnant woman (and her lover) seeking an abortion to have an ultrasound before going through with the procedure.

They should have to watch it no more than 10 min. just so they would be able to see exactly what it is they are contemplating. This I would gladly help pay for.

It should be law that you are forced to watch the procedure of removal of a stomach tumor over and over - - - before you have the surgery.

Whether anyone likes it or not - - - a fetus is a parasite - - - feeding off the host body. That's just a medical fact.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 08:17 PM
You are pussy-footing around my question. Once again I will ask, what rules (social etc.) must be broken before the court orders the male to be snipped? I laid out my rules for women. Now lay out yours for men.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 08:23 PM

Don't get picky --- I know what I said. If the man is snipped - the woman won't get pregnant.

Unbelieveable. That would mean that you would have to snip every male she comes in contact with. Are you listening to yourself?

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 08:23 PM

A friendly reminder...

...that it is possible to hold this conversation in a civilized manner...

Courtesy Is Mandatory

...and to please remember that the topic of this thread is whether or not insurance companies should pay for abortions.
Stay on Topic

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 08:26 PM


posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 08:33 PM


posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 08:46 PM


posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 08:51 PM

Another gentle reminder... please Stay on Topic. Further off-topic remarks will be removed.

The topic: Should Insurance Pay for Abortion?

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 09:02 PM
Its covered in Canada and most countries with medicare, though we do tend to limit abortions to the first trimester. There are clinics to go to as not all doctors agree with the issue, however, it is completely free and though there is counseling it is entirely up to the woman's discretion. And it should be as women are the ones who give birth and its a health issue. Childbirth and pregancy are major health issues. By the way our constitution uses the terms SUBSTANTIVE equality meaning equalizing people's situations. It doesn't mean, you're equal on paper no go out there and suffer inequality.

edit on 1-10-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by Megagrogan

Originally posted by HappilyEverAfter


I'm not a follower of any religion, but I still have the personal belief that once cell division begins and there is growth, that it is life, it is alive.

so when a plant has cell division and growth, it's alive, right? i'm assuming you eat some kind of plant. MURDERER!!!

edit on 1-10-2010 by Megagrogan because: bad quote :&

Yep, I eat plants.
Plants, those unconscience, nonthinking, rooted, photosynthesis driven tasty little buggers, those nonspeaking, unemotional never told me I love you covered in dressing green leafy wonders.

However I dont eat humans, no matter the developmental stage.
That's the farthest stretch I think I've ever seen at a counterpoint, congratulations, although I believe you dislocated something. Possibly the logic bone?

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 10:01 PM
I have thought about this and really can't find a valid reason for private insurance to be forced to pay for abortions.

I also do not see why tax dollars have to pay for an elective surgery like abortion, either, through medicaid.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by HappilyEverAfter

Yep, I eat plants.
Plants, those unconscience, nonthinking, rooted, photosynthesis driven tasty little buggers, those nonspeaking, unemotional never told me I love you covered in dressing green leafy wonders.

how about those unconscious, nonthinking, rooted (in the the womb), nonspeaking, unemotional embryos? sure, they are not photosynthesis driven, but neither are mushrooms. I'm just pointing out the error in classing embryos as life. And if you do class them as life (afterall, it is up to the individual to decide classifications), treating them separately from the rest of life is, in my opinion, erroneous. I don't believe anyone has the authority to say that human 'life' is 'better' (for want of a better word) then any other life.

With fetuses (sp?) the area becomes grey, but i doubt most people have an objection to swatting a fly, which is arguably more alive then a fetus.

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