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Should Insurance Pay For Abortion?

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posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by calstorm

^^ the simi wasn't.. She just gets emotional about abortion. Nice to see another Dark hunter fan ...


My point I was trying to prove is why should an insurance company spend time and money looking into EVERY case... its pointless. there are loop holes if you look at rape cases you'll see. My friend in high school was raped by her boyfriend when she broke up with him. The police told her they couldn't press charges because it was consensual they were dating. She had a pregnancy scare now what would you tell as scared 15 year old who was just raped? No? yes? oh just this once?

Insurance doesn't want to pay so it would probably also be ruled as consensual therefore NOT covered.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by Annee

Actually that's exactly what I was trying to prove. Why ask questions..When an assumption is all you need.

The Person is someone I know they had a damaged nerve too close to a vein so every time they had a pulse they would spasm. They were a cartoonist and needed their arm and vision to draw. Botox being a muscle relaxant caused the nerve to not excite essentially freezing the nerve allowing them to continue working and support their family of 2 kids.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by HappilyEverAfter
reply to post by Annee

I dont know about religion being the sole reason,

I did not say it was the sole reason - - I said it was the Main Reason.

Yes there are "fringe" people - even Atheists who are anti-abortion - - - - but they are not politically relevant in number to have an affect on government.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Annee
The only reason abortion is not covered by government is RELIGION. And that pisses me off.


only = sole
But now I understand you meant main,
meaning there are other reasons too, correct?

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by Xiamara

I am terribly sorry about your friend and it is horrible that it was not recognized for what it was, rape. In her case it should have been covered. That is why I continue to stress that is shouldn't be covered in cases where the sex was consensual and the woman made an informed decision, aka educated on birth control options and possible failure.
Case like your friends how ever does open up a bag of worms because I would argue that if there had been a conviction the abortion could not be denied by the insurance company, but what what about the cases were you get a jerk off cop like your friend had.

I myself am not religious and my opinions on abortion are based on experience, the experiences of those close to me,knowledge of fetal development and having been given the choice to abort or deliver severely premature, and having been recommended that I abort with another child based on a misdiagnosis that turned out to be false.

edit on 30-9-2010 by calstorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:01 PM
Anyway, the entire debate on abortion as birth control all roots itself in NEED.

Notice I said birth control, not medical reason, or rape or incest.
As birth control, the need is to terminate responsibility to having and raising the child because of 'whatever' list of reasons can be provided.
At least being honest about the termination should be okay.
If it's all about choice, then there should be an honesty about the choice.
Ms, A doesnt want to have the baby because for whatever reason it doesnt fit into the plans right now,
and John Q Public doesnt want to pay the bill.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by calstorm

Its not about the jerk off cop really. The cops can't do anything in that situation if you get raped by your significant other its hard to prove, it could be rough sex or rape its a he said she said.

What about the people who don't come forward for shame? They get raped and they just want to get on with their life get an abortion and move on. Not have to go to court deal with cops and such. Would you risk a young girl taking things into her own hands? Or going to a free clinic where she can have privacy and only people who know are the nurses and doctor.

Your logic is sound but in actual practice it falls short. There are so many cases that fall through the cracks. Like my friends case. She would have been denied. Why risk it and just make it free to all.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by HappilyEverAfter

Originally posted by Annee
The only reason abortion is not covered by government is RELIGION. And that pisses me off.


only = sole
But now I understand you meant main,
meaning there are other reasons too, correct?

Already responded to this.

See answer

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by VneZonyDostupa
So, women who are the victims of rape should have to pay for their own abortions?

Women who are the victims of incest?

Women who have complications that would jeopardize their lives, the life of the fetus, or both?

All of them should have to pay for their own abortions?

During my third year OB/GYN rotation, I saw several women who had abortions in their past medical history for various reasons. Some were for critical medical reasons, some were because it was an unwanted pregnancy. Either way, it is not the job of the insurance agency to decide what is and isn't "worthwhile" when it comes to reproductive health.

As a woman, I'm a bit shocked our society still doesn't recognize the female half of their population as being responsible enough to make decisions about her own body.

edit on 9/30/2010 by VneZonyDostupa because: (no reason given)

I have to agree fully with you on this one

edit on 09/04/2010 by nolordbutme because: i am knew to posting and got ahead of myself

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 01:12 AM
Depends, if its to prevent harm to the women, an underage girl, or a rape victim then yes 100%.
If not then it should cover a portion of the costs.

But it's all opinions. [o:

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 02:37 AM
It would be best if it were optional and a choice of the company. There are serious moral implications. Health care is about healing I should think. Not aborting life. The whole business makes me very sad. So easy it is to judge. So hard it is know what the right thing is to do.


posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 03:14 AM
I'm going to add here that I am Pro-Choice, because my belief system revolves around choices. We all have choices to make and there are consequences that result from those choices. I also believe businesses have a right to run their businesses (it's called "free market"). When an agency or govt starts dictating what must be covered, then the rates for premiums sky-rocket. With the first stage of "Obamacare" (as it's being called) the rates have already gone thru the roof so much that people are already becoming unable to afford private health insurance.

If that continues with every phase of this new healthcare plan, soon we will all be on a govt health plan. A plan that we must ALL pay in to, which means I am paying for the abortions someone else is having because she chose to be negligent for whatever reason. I should have a choice as to whether or not my dollars go towards another person's abortions. And in my case, I state abortion should NOT be a form of birth control.

Now. I am NOT including situations where it is truly medically necessary (life and death for the mother) or an act of assault (there will usually be a police report). What I AM stating is, I don't want people to rely upon abortions as a method of contraception. It's not safe and is unhealthy to the woman. If you think women don't use abortion as a means of birth control, think again. I know of several 'young women' who had multiple abortions (one had as many as 6 in 2 years) because it was against her beliefs to use BCP's or condoms.

Because I've seen the aftermath of these females who chose abortion instead of being proactive and using contraception, I don't want to see elective abortions covered by public health plans. We are already desensitized to the value of life (look at all the young people and children who think acting 'gangsta' is cool) and the increase in violence is proof of that. We don't need to devalue life any further by including abortion as a form of birth control. It should be a LAST RESORT with focus on prevention (like all other health care).

I already hear our youth (and not-so-youthful) make statements like "If it doesn't work out I can just get a divorce." I dread the day I hear someone say, just as flippantly, "If I get preggers I can just get an abortion."

We need to focus more of our attention of prevention, not after-thoughts. Socio-economic status is no excuse! I grew up in a single-parent household on welfare. I know what poor is and I know what these women go through. I had to work hard to get to where I am today. I do not turn my nose up at those who do not have money. I tell the youth my story and how I got out of it so that I can be an inspiration to them to stay in school and wait to have sex. WAIT to have babies. Have respect for yourself and this wonderful gift you choose to share with someone special. Hopefully their stories will be an inspiration to the youth when they are my age and they can have a positive impact on the next generation of young women.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Nivcharah
I'm going to add here that I am Pro-Choice, because my belief system revolves around choices. We all have choices to make and there are consequences that result from those choices. I also believe businesses have a right to run their businesses (it's called "free market"). When an agency or govt starts dictating what must be covered, then the rates for premiums sky-rocket. With the first stage of "Obamacare" (as it's being called) the rates have already gone thru the roof so much that people are already becoming unable to afford private health insurance.

Oh Yeah! Someone has to blame Obama.

This insurance problem has been going on long before Obama. Long before Bush for that matter.

It's become almost a black market racket. Someone NEEDS to step in and squash it.

It was about 30 years ago when insurance was still what it should be. One of the biggest rackets is malpractice insurance. Which is why doctors have had to incorporate.

Geeze - - - no conspiracy there - - - that doctors are forced into the Corporate World. Follow the money.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 10:45 AM
Edited to remove incorrect post.


edit on 1-10-2010 by Edrick because: Post Removed

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 10:52 AM

Who is going to pay all these doctors for preforming your "Free" abortions?

Who said anything about "free abortions"? This thread is about whether or not abortion should be covered when you subscribe to an insurance policy.

Or are you going to FORCE them to be ENSLAVED to your inability to keep your legs shut?

Are you going to take *MY* money, *MY* taxes, to pay for your Child Murder?

I don't think so honey...

YOU made the choice to have sex..... and you expect SOCIETY at LARGE to pick up the BILL for *YOUR* Choice.

Oh, so it was only the woman's choice to have sex, then? The man was FORCED to have sex with her, FORCED to go through with the act, and once he has finished, he bears NO responsibility for his actions?

What a disgusting, sexist thing to believe.

edit on 10/1/2010 by VneZonyDostupa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Yes, I already removed my post due to its irrelevance.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Edited for Reply:

Oh, so it was only the woman's choice to have sex, then? The man was FORCED to have sex with her, FORCED to go through with the act, and once he has finished, he bears NO responsibility for his actions?

Well, I'm sure that he can preform an abortion on the child himself, but something tells me that he would go to jail.

While the "Mother" can off her child with no legal ramifications...

Nice bit of Equality, eh?

What a disgusting, sexist thing to believe.

I'm sure that your Virgin Ears have heard worse...


edit on 1-10-2010 by Edrick because: Correction, Addition, Discussion.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 11:01 AM

Well, I'm sure that he can preform an abortion on the child himself, but something tells me that he would go to jail.

While the "Mother" can off her child with no legal ramifications...

Nice straw man argument.

Are you not going to address the blatant sexism of your statement, placing the full blame of an unwanted pregnancy on the woman?

Or do you prefer just to go about your misogynistic way?

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Are you not going to address the blatant sexism of your statement

Explain how my statement was Sexist, for Starters... and THEN I will respond to your accusation.

Remember, if you Bluff... be prepared to have your Bluff Called.

placing the full blame of an unwanted pregnancy on the woman?

And you would rather that she took NO blame, amirite?

Sort of... playing a Perpetual Victum whose Vote Matters in Government, but cannot be expected to be responsible for her own actions.


You're setting your daughters up for a MIGHTY fall.

Or do you prefer just to go about your misogynistic way?

Oh, well.. I *WAS* going to just walk away, after posting something based upon my misunderstanding of someones post....

I *WAS* going to just slink off into the Darkness, covered by my own SHAME at having posted something based off of Incorrect Data.

But... since you wanted to PLAY and all.....



posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 11:12 AM
If insurance would pay for abortions, it would be extremely hypocritical of them. They do not cover birth control as far as I know. They won't help prevent pregnancy, but they should help end an unwanted pregnancy?

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by hardamber
If insurance would pay for abortions, it would be extremely hypocritical of them. They do not cover birth control as far as I know. They won't help prevent pregnancy, but they should help end an unwanted pregnancy?

Every insurance I ever had covered birth control. Pregnancy. Aftercare - etc.

Also Viagra.

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