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A Final Warning To All

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posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:12 AM

Thanks for the final warning.



posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:23 AM
Why can’t we just deal with facts?

Fact is, there are some strange things going on in the sky’s.

It is also fact that the people that should know what’s going on refuse to tell us about it.

As these Phenomena could affect everyone’s life directly, we must investigate the issue seriously.

We know nothing about whom or what comes out of the “things” in our sky’s.

What IF they are not quite as nice as all the “good doers” and “Love them all” people are saying?

If someone is prepared to travel across the universe, he will have a valid reason to do so.

Single bacteria would not invade your body without “gaining” anything.

So, if they are here, they have an agenda.

The very last thing we need is a “Donut” that pretends to be an Alien and send us messages from “Above”.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Thank God! I thought this was from the mods. Just another alien. Whew!

Edit: Not disagreeing with you either...this is after all my, the whole liberal democratic shtick.

edit on 30-9-2010 by rusethorcain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by Not_u_again
Why can’t we just deal with facts?

Fact is, there are some strange things going on in the sky’s.

It is also fact that the people that should know what’s going on refuse to tell us about it.

As these Phenomena could affect everyone’s life directly, we must investigate the issue seriously.

We know nothing about whom or what comes out of the “things” in our sky’s.

What IF they are not quite as nice as all the “good doers” and “Love them all” people are saying?

If someone is prepared to travel across the universe, he will have a valid reason to do so.

Single bacteria would not invade your body without “gaining” anything.

So, if they are here, they have an agenda.

The very last thing we need is a “Donut” that pretends to be an Alien and send us messages from “Above”.

But don't some bacteria purley enter our body just to die, release an essential enzyme, that our body then uses to keep us healthy? Not all bacteria "Gain" something from their purpose in life, ie: they give something to sustain life!

And if that bacteria does turn out to be bad..... well heck, then we'll just whip out the old antibiotics!!!! ha ha ha!!!
oh crap, but what if it's a.................................. VIRUS????????? Damn, we're all screwed and i'm more confused now than ever!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by rusethorcain

Can you explain why you think he is an alien, or why you think he said he was an alien?

I read the entire post and still can't see why people keep bringing up the alien thing.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

I am a child of God, just as you, and them, are a child of God.

Which god would that be then ?

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:46 AM
I'll never understand why people get so worked up about "the end of days" or whatever term they use for the end of the world. If your heart stops beating and never starts again, it's your end of the world. Funny that no one ever repents in anticipation of that extremely common - actually inevitable - event.

Love is grand and agape love is transcendent, and yes, achieving true compassion is the only violation of the natural order that carries with it permanent consequences. That said, corporeal existence has its purpose and every human being fulfills that purpose whether they try to or not. You see, the human being isn't just smarter than monkeys, and the big difference isn't the buttocks structure and opposable thumb. The human being is the only corpopreal being that is transitional, and regardless of which planet or dimension or universe you find the human being residing, the basic truth about what it is, is the same. It's a gestating creature, and the development process isn't done until it tosses the corpse into the box.

The aches, the anxiety, the failing health and physical burden of age - labor pains. Just labor pains. Each realization, each denial of the obvious, each emotional surge - one by one, each a new cell in your eternal "body". Every sadness, every failure, every betrayal, that is graciously endured - that much more wisdom and power acquired in the end. Your corporeal gestation was beyond your control. You have control over this gestation.

The OP can suggest that the end is near and be accurate, but that's only because relatively speaking it is at hand for every corporeal being. The corporeal is blindingly temporary, and the gestating human has precious little time to develop itself sufficiently. Sixty years will seem like a blink of an eye is retrospect, so yes, the end is upon each of us. We do need to prepare.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:46 AM
Honestly why would so many S&F this thread... I actually thought it was some thing important

its Will I AM from the black eye pea's ...not an Extratestical...?

"Because we have allowed ourselves to be deceived. We have allowed others to set conditions, false idols before us. We have allowed ourselves to be divided up into tribes based on religion, politics, money, fame, fortune, and all manner of things unnatural to world. These are mere creations of Man. Can you not see it? Can you not feel it in your very soul? "

So now we all need to Divide into a 1 Love tribe...

"The Kingdom of Heaven is here, right before your eyes. I have shown you my view of it. I have welcomed you all into it. I am not above you, nor below you, I AM right here with you.

King, just as you are Kings and Queens

Judge not, Love All, be at peace

God blessed you all"

I mean you contradict yourself by simply saying that religions are one of the problems deluding people, but then you conclude with the above quote. Which to me sounds an awful lot like Christian Rhetoric trying to sway sheepeople towards Christianity....

p.s. Will I AM please save your Holy'r than Thou reply.... its so predictably it won't be amusing

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by gift0fpr0phecy

Well, it was a little bit off the cuff. I think he said it didn't matter whether or not he was an alien.

I am willing to believe alien is a part of consciousness that either already is present or can be inserted in the mind. I think like this person regardless of where he is from.

This way of thinking is not popular, I can't remember if it ever WAS popular but I recognize it as necessary for survival but there are others who feel we can somehow AVOID or get around this whole "loving each other bulldinky."

I do know is this way of thinking has been popular with a majority of liberal democrats for quite a while.
We lib dems are getting away from the altruistic nature of the party because it is how the opposition tears us apart.

For example we hear..."You want to help other countries rebuild, you want to give more free medical care and legs up to own impoverished? What about our own middle class, suffering right now? All you want to provide is more and more entitlements to the lowest income people on the ladder????"

Yes. We do.

edit on 30-9-2010 by rusethorcain because: enemy of spellcheck

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by gift0fpr0phecy

You see posters calling him/ or her as the case may be...crazy.

They will call him a quack for a number of reasons....As if this type of thinking is plain crazy.

Shows you just how CRAZY we all are if you ask me.

And BTW, do you have a "gift of prophecy?"

I think we all do. It is called intuition.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

your OP put out this statement.

"Our divine purpose is to exist in a state of love. "

when i read that, i immediately typed you as another self-deluded wishful thinker...

Humanity has a purpose and perrogative...and it is living as a "Social being" ... 'love' is just one aspect
of our cultural playground,,, there needs to be the whole spectrum of behaviors for humanity to function
and fluorish... a robotic, zombie state of gushing 'Love' will not process the food stuffs, dig the tunnels,
build the highways, staff the banks, fly the jets, or 99% of what allows a society or culture to function....

pie-in-the-sky...Pollyannish worldviews are refreshing and entertaining at times,
And it can uplift one's spirit & morale for a time.... and all that is well-&-good...until its crunch time !

too bad that the Pacific, Island cultures suffered their demise from a more or less idyllic, loving tradition=>
when the European sailers & explorers brought "them s-a-v-a-g-e-s" the Christianity tradition.

20 de-stars for the thread

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by The Djin

The OP said this:

Originally posted by IAMIAM
This planet was a gift given to Man to live, love, and walk with God. He is ALL of it.

Maybe he is talking about "The ALL". Which contends that all that is, is God. All that we experience, the universe, exists within God, and is parts of God. God is the whole, and beyond. Everything, the singularity, is God. There is nothing greater or lesser, because all extremes are God.

This is the view of God which actually has a lot of supporting logic. Many religions hint at this view point, including Christianity. Jesus claimed to be One with God, which many people claim "All is One", and THE ALL is One.

If God is "omnipresent", than this would mean God is "The All". The universe would technically be "the kingdom of God".

edit on 30-9-2010 by gift0fpr0phecy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

I have never even heard of the Author you mentioned. I have read many books, many religious texts, practiced many different belief systems. In the end, I found the words of Christ rang true above all others. However, they are my own personal understanding of his words, which puts me at odds with even Christians.

I see where you are now, it is clear. See, I too have read many religious texts and books on the subject, and the history involved with religions of the world, and guess what? There is no "words of Christ." Not one thing was written about "Christ" until well over 70 years after he supposedly died, and then it was the Piso Family of Rome that wrote the words in the New Testament.

Forget everything you may have learned in Sunday School. The New Testament was written by Roman patricians, among them The Calpurnius Piso family that was descended from one of the generals in the army of Alexander the Great. The family included such famous people as Cleopatra, the Ptolemys, Pythagoras, Flavius Josephus, and the Roman Emperor Titus Flavius Vespasiani.

Sure, it is a good message, but it did not come from a man who went by the name of "Jesus," or was known as "the Christ." Unless you are a time traveler, friend, I doubt that you know what he said way back then, I know I do not. The New Testament was written to appease the Christian population of Rome at the time, and it worked really well too. People are still to this very day brainwashed into thinking that the red letters in the book are the actual words spoken by Christ. Illogical thinking if you ask me. Sounds to me like you wish to scare us all, but you cannot, for I too have come to call myself "I AM," and I am certain many others have also come to this.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by St Udio

"Our divine purpose is to exist in a state of love. " when i read that, i immediately typed you as another self-deluded wishful thinker...

If you have ever wallowed in pure non-judgmental, unconditional love you would know he is exactly right.

You would know how right he is.

Every other condition or state of existence here on earth pales in comparison.

edit on 30-9-2010 by rusethorcain because: add quote

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by purseldave65
I want to start by saying that I've been a member for quite a while, but rarely ever post here. The reason for this is basically self control. My questions, or comments are usually always asked, or made by someone else before the time I reach the end of a thread, so there is really no need for me to mirror something someone else already said. My habit is to read a whole thread before commenting, if at all. In this instance, I really feel the need to stand up and say something.

Ya know, this really saddens me. This guy creates this thread to give a simple message and instead of focusing on his message, a great deal of you decide to try to "debunk" the man. Really?? What the hell is that all about?? The man stated that who he is was not the issue. Yet you have so many people on here try to nit pick the guy about who he is, where he's from, what religion he is, whether he's from this frickin' planet or not. Really?? Come on guys, are you so used to this frickin' role of debunking and nit picking someone that you can't just take a simple message that will help you and leave it at that?

There are a great deal of you on here that believe something is coming our way, and not necessarily something good. We live in an age where everything is progressing exponentially, EVERYTHING. Science, technology, religious upsurges, violence around the world, natural disasters, social and political upheaval, all are progressing exponentially. At the rate we are going, the 2012 date seems as good as any for the pimple on the ass of the world, which I call Human Civilization, as a whole to come to a head and POP! Everyone feels SOMETHING is close to happening.

So, when a message comes down like this, a message of love, why is it so hard for you to embrace it, especially at a time like this? I have never been so disappointed and disgusted with so many ATSrs at one time. Is it sleep deprivation? What? I have never seen so many I.Q.'s drop in one thread. What happened??

Sure, the message is delivered in a unique and intriguing fashion, if somewhat theatrical. Isn't that how you get a message to stick into someone's head? Were it a bad message, I would disregard it out of hand, but it's not. Christ used parables to get his messages to stick into peoples heads. It's thought that Hitler used rhythym and intonation to put people into a semi hypnotic state. My point being, the delivery is everything. The messenger is not important. It wouldn't make a difference if it came from some 13 y/o kid in Idaho, playing around on his parents computer, if it were the Pope, The Second Coming of Christ, or even ET. The simple fact of the matter is that it is a message we all need to think about introspectively. Basically, "How do you want to leave this world, with fear, or love in your hearts?", isn't that what we all should be thinking about these days?

Just the rambling thoughts of a disappointed and slightly disgusted member of ATS.

I couldn't agree with you more

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:05 AM

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by The Djin
reply to post by IAMIAM

I am a child of God, just as you, and them, are a child of God.

Which god would that be then ?

People divided God up into more attractive and usable bits.

God stayed the same. The one God is the same for all.

The beginning. The creator.

The mind behind the mask.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by rusethorcain
reply to post by St Udio

"Our divine purpose is to exist in a state of love. " when i read that, i immediately typed you as another self-deluded wishful thinker...

If you have ever wallowed in pure non-judgmental, unconditional love you would know he is exactly right.

You would know how right he is.

Every other condition or state of existence here on earth pales in comparison.

edit on 30-9-2010 by rusethorcain because: add quote

Ok, so your delusion should be everyone's love right?

Stop projecting your shortcomings on all humanity.

Know who else did that? They were called Nazis.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:09 AM
Thank you for the reminder. It's funny that a thread like this should be posted at this time. I've been contemplating committing to a life of unselfishness and love for the past couple weeks. This gave me enough push to fully commit.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by AProphet1233

Really now, you shouldn't.
Especially with a name like yours.

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