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Revealing Self-Test!! (Fun, too.)

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posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 08:58 PM
Interesting little quiz, I liked it.

A - He was trying to work to save himself and everyone else. He saw the bigger picture in the situation and rejected helping the woman that was blinded to the reality of the situation due to love.
D - I support his actions. And plus, a woman that would disrespect herself simply to be next to me is kind of creepy. I would not choose to love such a monster.
C - Her intentions and emotions which influenced her actions I do respect. However, what she did was disgusting and greedy. It says a lot about her character. Someone who is willing to hurt others (D) in a contradictory attempt to 'love them' is not great in my books.
E - He did help C, but after judging C, I know that she doesn't deserve this treatment. Also, E seems to be selfless. I don't like selfless people, they arn't anybody. I'd rather someone who knows who they are, is selfish, but not greedy.
B - Disgusting. Abuses C and D and E in the long run due to greedy desires. (Now if it were just regular prostitution, that would be fine, but this resulted in hurt people.)

edit on 27-9-2010 by BlubberyConspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 09:06 PM
Here's my view of things.

1) D - While he was foolish for not going to her, he obviously believed in some higher ideals of love than C did. Someone close to him violated the trust that was between them, so of course he was devastated.

2) A - While he had the right idea of getting the radio fixed, he dropped the ball in a major way. Instead of behaving as a leader or visionary should, and rally the other behind the goal of fixing the radio, he behaved as an ivory tower scholar, secluding himself away from the other with his project. Sure, the project will help them, but not before the diplomatic relations are strained between the others.

3) B - This guy is a cad and a scoundrel, yet he acted with the intentions that you would expect him to act with. He would be the devil you know. He's a survivor, but he has the least humanity of the lot.

4) C - She was much to eager to give her body up to B in order for him to build a raft. She gave into her personal temptations. She sacrificed the standards she claimed to have to achieve the ends she wanted. Her means obviously did not justify her ends.

5) E - "Evil shall only triumph only when good men stand by and do nothing." Instead of acting as a mediator between C and D, he stayed on the sidelines. His later altruism does not make up for his lack of earlier actions.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 09:13 PM
Most liked to least liked

E- He helped C without asking any questions or having any conditions
A- He was trying to fix the radio...I'm assuming to help everyone get off of the islands, not just to listen to music or only help himself.
D- He shoulda swam over to the other island and not just sat there crying over C
B- He is an opportunistic jerk.
C- She very well could have made her own raft....or swam....or told B "No". She's an idiot.

If any of them were smart they would have gotten together on one island....and brainstormed ways to get back to wherever they came from.

This was a fun little quiz though.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

I didn't post my results or anything because I found the test too simplistic & I flatly refuse to pass judgment or speculate without both sides of a story unless my hand is forced, and only then in real-world situations, which tests like this can never replicate.

All that aside when I finally saw the key & reflected on the test again I see that the information this test could provide was JUST as simplistic as the test & it wouldn't have gone against my principles to have just done the test...anyway, intelligence or love, then love or sex, think that was my top 2, I'm pretty indecisive at


posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 09:25 PM
how did D see C if they were on two differnt islands?
C is a slue, for giving up her body so fast, esspecilly if D could see C, that makes no sence.

Either D has super vision, or they were on the same island and she was dumb and slept with one guy unrealizing they were on the same island.

What kind of story is this?

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Anthony1138

Lol. It's a story that you apparently need to re-read! I think you might have missed some of the details.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 09:54 PM
I dont have enough information to like or dislike any of them very much. But the whiny chick unable to build her own raft was a bit annoying.

maybe the guy building the radio (A) was helping everybody. Maybe he was an idiot tying some coconuts together.

Obviously B got a good deal out of the bargain, but i hardly think hes all that bad of a guy. i mean, he did build the raft.

and who cant understand D's perspective? He just saw his girl get doinked. That aint a great surprise when your on a deserted island, i imagine.

I guess E is the 'best\ because he seems to offer selflessly. but we have no idea what happens tomorrow night when he gets lonely or whatever.

wait, what was the question again?

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 10:30 PM
I haven't read the thread yet. Here are my answers from reading the OP:

A) Because he was trying to do something useful.

E) Because he helped the woman out with food and shelter.

D) Because he didnt take the time to understand why she did was she did before shunning her.

C) Because she sold out her own integrity and virtue for something that she could have done herself.

B) Because he took advantage of someone in need.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

E - Selflessly acting in the aid of another
A - Trying to find help for all stranded, whether selfless or not
C - She could have found another way, but she did what she could to try to reunite with D
B - Sure, he's a douche, but at least now they have a raft!
D - Lazy, and not noticeably contributing to efforts. He also doesn't listen.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:44 PM
A- Regardless of his intentions he was getting a radio to work. This would bring help that would inevitably save everyone.

E- He was kind and nurturing and was not predatory.

D- He was a victim. He showed no heroics but no obvious flaws.

B- A man stranded on an island seeks to take advantage of the hopeless lover.

C- She contradicts her love for D. Why does she need to be with him? If D could see B in the moonlight it would seem they could swim and see fine in the daylight.

B and C should both be on the lowest but B showed some honor in actually building the raft and C proved to be nothing but a burden on everyone.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:29 AM
its an interesting "test"

I would like to differ w/ the Key on the point of C. Instead of "sex" I saw it as passion. She wanted to go to her mate, not for his phalus (she had two readily available), but for a passion inside of her for him.

My results I think of as building blocks for the next level (at least in my own head).

Intel: reasoning and critical thinking to make good judgments
Passion: purpose/direction/engine to motivate critical thinking
Morality: for value base "checking" of direction and speed
Opportunity (Power): to exploit vulnerabilities to satisfy needs
Love: Existing and sharing the wealth of all I've assembled when once I am logical, motivated, moral and utilizing resources best to satisfy my needs.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:45 AM
I'm certain it has already been said in the 14 pages; although, in an anthropological sense E has been out-bred by all the others.

I am both amazed and ashamed to see E listed so high in others' lists. E contributed nothing, did not expend any calories to seek out the aid of C, did not build a raft himself... In my view, he was a bump on a log busy playing XBOX and noticed some crying chick sobbing outside of his shack.

While so many will wave his banner as being a hero, I'm find shame within me that I am in some way kin to those folks. Which normal person would spurn some sobbing female from the edge of his fire? Has he done some great feat in being human? Is merely allowing someone some of your charity a form of love?

Myself, I chose E last because he was a non-contributor the whole story. He made no actions in any which way, and reacted to a female in a normal manner I expect most would do.... Of course the story stops with her entering his place. Who knows what would happen if the story continued and he was tipsy on some fermented coconut potion...

If B was as terrible of an exploiter as he has been made out to be, why didn't he just dig a pit, throw C into it, and rent her out to A,D and if he ever separated the umbilical w/ the Xbox, E? Heck, he could have built a raft, sent A on it over to D & E, and started his own Empire. Fair trade for services rendered, and not diabolical or predatory (she consented!).

I don't feel D deserves any great kudos- and it has nothing to do with him spurning the female (that's his one plus)... other than that, he has no aim nor direction, contribution or vision.

I believe the moral of the story is: if there's just 1 woman to 4 men, you're going to have to work harder than you normally would want to.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

A: He was working to get them all rescued.
E: He took her in and gave her food and water ( I have to wonder why he waas further down the beach though and
not with D)
D: Reasonable reaction to what he saw but is not communcative.
C: contributes nothing of value, not co operating in building shelter, fire, gathering water and food. Is dependant.Could have given D time to build a raft.
E: Takes advantage of others.Probably has cannabilistic tendencies LOL!

edit on 28-9-2010 by missvicky because: spelling

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by sakokrap
its an interesting "test"

I would like to differ w/ the Key on the point of C. Instead of "sex" I saw it as passion. She wanted to go to her mate, not for his phalus (she had two readily available), but for a passion inside of her for him.

My results I think of as building blocks for the next level (at least in my own head).

Passion: purpose/direction/engine to motivate critical thinking

It clearly was not passion, otherwise she would never have gone sobbing to E, would she? She would have kept on fighting to regain D's trust and love. On that basis I think you are lying to yourself to justify your results. Remember it only took one day for her to sleep around, that's not a lonely lover that's a selfish and lazy slut.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by Damezthe2nd
B - he used a vulnerable woman to get sex
c - if she was loyal to her man she would never have done it knowing the pain she would cause
a - he could have offered some other kind of solution
e - he took in someone elses woman even though she done wrong, and their is always an ulterior motive
d - he was innocent and felt the pain of watching his woman with another man

did you think that with A refusing to help because he was fixing the radio system was another solution? he'd have gotten rescue and then they would have all been taken home together, happily.

A. for the win because he didnt get involved his only task was gaining rescue for everyone.
E. for just being a nice person. took the woman in with seemingly no gain for himself.
D. he was possibly doing what the woman should have done...calmed down, thought carefuly of the situation and realised nobody was going anywhere theyd have got back together when rescued.
C. she did a stupid thing to get reunited with her boyfriend. and seemingly didnt attempt to build her own raft
E. hes a creep.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:51 AM
Here's a new take on the situation. I was discussing this with a friend and his suggestion was that C should have killed B and used his body as a raft

I've thought a bit more about this and think that B represented corrupted power rather than just power. He might have been higher up my list if he'd offered C a different bargain.

He could have suggested that she went to collect food while he built the raft, for instance. But for the sake of this exercise he had to ask for sex in exchange for his labour to enable D to show his moral outrage.

edit on 28-9-2010 by berenike because: spelling ):

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 08:55 AM
A - Because he's accomplishing what he feels he needs to do. It doesn't matter if he's only trying to save himself. The rest can refuse or take the chance afforded by him. He isn't forcing anything upon anyone. No other was really doing anything that could directly result in rescue, so it seemed from the story.


E - Seems to have some compassion. Knows at least a little about surviving which could be useful to all if the stay is extended. Shares what he has.


B - Knows what he wants. Has some nerve. Didn't do anything against C's will. Kept his word.


C - Just another crazy chick with borderline personality disorder and separation anxiety. I dated one like that. Anyway, at least B got something worthwhile from C...I guess. On the plus side, a daring soul.


D - Did not seem willing to listen. Totally useless. Why didn't he build a bloody raft? Maybe E could have helped. A pansy that didn't even stand up to what he was witnessing at the time (so I gathered). Was at least willing after the untoward event to stick up for himself but that might be because he cannot deal too well with things in general (difficult to say). Just seems cowardly.



ETA: After looking at the "official" keys, I suppose I'm in some disagreement about the metaphors. The farther down the list, the more they diverge.

edit on 9/28/2010 by EnlightenUp because: it must be filled out.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting

To: Beast of Gevaudan"

How in the world can D be considered the worst"?

I certainly don't mind sharing my thoughts about this. Everybody is all about his poor hurt feelings. Well, what about her feelings? She did what she did, and based on what little information we have, she did this to be with him. And then he sends her away? And into what? He didn't know E would take her in. For all he knew he was sending her to be eaten by a bear. Or a shark. Or be killed by E. He didn't know. If he were half-way decent, he would have told her maybe the relationship was over, but still would have tried to extend help as a normal human being. Told her at least she could eat and rest before he sent her on her way. Can you imagine how she must have felt? I think this would have caused more emotional pain for her, than what he had.

I'm sorry, but she lost her right to sympathy when she had sex with another man. What if it was the guy who had sex with another woman to be with her, would he be entitled to the same sympathy? And really this woman needs to grow up and learn how to look after herself, she's not a child. Why does she have to rely on the men to do everything?

I just don't see how D can be considered the bad guy in this story.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Beast Of Gevaudan

I didn't like the way she made herself a victim of the universe, and I certainly disliked her inability to use any kind of power, other than a sexual power.

But.... I bet if the shoe was on the other foot, and D had been the one to strike such a deal, she would have listened to him, disapproved but understood, and put it behind them. In the long run, she would have been happy to have him back because she loved him.

They would have had a nice dinner of flounder and crab claws, and then make-up sex.

edit on 9/28/2010 by ladyinwaiting because: Because women don't expect men to be perfect. We know better.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

When do the results come? The suspense is killing me now..

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