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Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missile Sites!!

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posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:42 PM
You tube version of the Press conference now out

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:17 PM
Hi freelance_zenarchist,

Originally posted by freelance_zenarchist

Originally posted by Frank Warren
Appreciate the heads-up; however, I have been carefully monitoring the audio excerpts for problems (as there have been in the past with the host); this includes having a multitude of various readers in different geographic parts of the globe using different browsers (that I've asked to check) and no one is reporting problems (in general). Moreover, I just re-checked myself, in both I.E. and FF and everything is functioning fine (here).

Additionally, given the amount of traffic we're receiving to that specific article, if it were a site problem--we would be bombarded with e-mail (which has happened in the past).

Try "updating your 'flash' plug-in" and see if that helps.


Sorry about that Frank, I tried it with Internet Explorer now and it is working. I'm not sure why Google Chrome won't play them, they're the only videos I'm not able to play in Chrome.

Admittedly, I didn't check it in GC . . . this is good to know--thank you. I'll look into that see what's up.


posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:34 PM
Thanks Frank for the Thread and links

This is great news that the Msm is all over this.

Thanks to CNN for taking on this worthy news coverage

Oh by the way I thoroughly enjoyed the comical replies from
Tortoiseweek had me in stitches and he ended on a good note LOL

Originally posted by TortoiseKweek
In reply to Frank

Whoa, I have a problem with this...
The article says:
". . . On September 27, 2010,"
It's September 25 today! Am I missing something?
You may want to check out your sources and references first

quoted it, so nobody thinks I'm a qwack. September 27 2010?? Did Nobody pick this up? Shame on you ATS'ers! This was an external link, and the OP missed it? Gives no credence to the story at all! They can't even get the date right, sad sad sad , REALLY - don't post External links before checking! Makes you look like a fool. Verify first, THEN Post here. This has 37 Flags, and no one picked this up???

I replied to the OP and their external link. What confuses you?
Me quoting the OP's link, or me asking why the OP linked to a source with a date of 27 Sep 2010?
What EXACTLY confuses You?
Frank, I know you are a good guy, and would NEVER fool the ATS community...

But why, oh why, did you not read the article completely? 27 Sep 2010?? Didn't that ring bells in your head??

Frank, you're a good guy, but a silly mistake, makes you look like an amateur, and that, you are not! I know you! Can you explain?

Don't worry about the poster you replied to! He / She is just trying to act intelligent and CIA / FBI worthy! Seen that many times. Losers like that, live in Mommie's basement, and try scare guys like us

WTF is happening?? All the same Avatars? Am I missing something?

Either ATS has been hacked, or some one is playing games! It's not funny!! F*** off!!!

Thanks Frank,
I always love your posts! Most informative! Keep it up!


edit on 28/9/2010 by ocker because: to add a extra laugh

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by ocker

Thing about that is... we talk about the world being ready for disclosure..
yet we see panic over an Avatar mixup

Problem I see is this won't make a lot of difference as all these reports are old and are already around the net. Carried by CNN means at least main stream is covering it without the added jokes ala Fox News. At least it will make some people say "Hmmmm..."

I personally think the 'Nuke Threat" is a red herring, because at the same time the objects were seen around power plants, transmission lines etc... I remember at the time that the talk was that they were simply looking for power sources to 'refuel'... in fact the blackout over the eastern seaboard was thought to be just that... a UFO leaching to much power

One thing that stood out in their reports was that their superiors told them not to worry their was no threat, so.. how did those higher ups know this? Considering no Nukes were actually attacked or destroyed and we see the same 'curiosity' of UFO's even today... it seems likely that their interest has nothing to do with man kinds nuke program.

Now I COULD say it's 'critters' attracted by the EM associated with nuclear sites and power lines... like they are attracted to thunder storms and space tethers, but heck who crazy is that eh?

But if it were, then we have critters looking for a free meal, that have always been here, considering they were first named way back in 1954

CRITTERS Harmless really... Maybe that is why the Military can say "They pose no threat to National Security"

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
reply to post by ocker

Thing about that is... we talk about the world being ready for disclosure..
yet we see panic over an Avatar mixup

Problem I see is this won't make a lot of difference as all these reports are old and are already around the net. Carried by CNN means at least main stream is covering it without the added jokes ala Fox News. At least it will make some people say "Hmmmm..."

I personally think the 'Nuke Threat" is a red herring, because at the same time the objects were seen around power plants, transmission lines etc... I remember at the time that the talk was that they were simply looking for power sources to 'refuel'... in fact the blackout over the eastern seaboard was thought to be just that... a UFO leaching to much power

One thing that stood out in their reports was that their superiors told them not to worry their was no threat, so.. how did those higher ups know this? Considering no Nukes were actually attacked or destroyed and we see the same 'curiosity' of UFO's even today... it seems likely that their interest has nothing to do with man kinds nuke program.

Now I COULD say it's 'critters' attracted by the EM associated with nuclear sites and power lines... like they are attracted to thunder storms and space tethers, but heck who crazy is that eh?

But if it were, then we have critters looking for a free meal, that have always been here, considering they were first named way back in 1954

CRITTERS Harmless really... Maybe that is why the Military can say "They pose no threat to National Security"

Disclosure is a word that has different takes ie it can come in many forms.

It is documented that from witness accounts that the power went down on various installations at certain times in the past with the occurrence of the above said.

There are numerous videos showing the unknown to us creatures.. heading to huge electrical storms in our atmosphere from Space.

I posted a video the other day on another forum from a Australian UFO researcher with some good footage of unknown crafts. ( I believe were military ) The presenter thought he was funny joking about interviewing a wacko
UFO chaser. Yet no explanation what was seen on film was presented.

At least this conferences is getting the recognition it deserves.

Their stories and hundred of others are out there people all you have to do is research, and follow links on forum sites and read and LEARN. It is just the sheeple who are blind to the obvious conditioned to the conformity of their safety blanket they call news.



posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:22 PM
umm I dunno, I do think there are 'critters' as you put it ,and THEY are harmless

but the disclosures referred specifically to CRAFT,which to my mind are Piloted by umm..Pilots?

and lots of us on ATS have seen them ,the Craft I mean

I call the plasma ethereal kind 'crtitters' (that's just me) not to be confused

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by MrsBlonde

Hi hope you are well
There is craft as well don't get us wrong.. The topic of critters were bought up due to the fact they are talked about by the second speaker in the video Zorgon posted at the top of the page

The speakers name is Charles I. Halt


edit on 28/9/2010 by ocker because: make corrections LOL

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 10:48 AM
I think the focus should be on Carlson and Figels motives. Why did Carlson make this his personal crusade (i.e. discrediting Hastings and Salas)? Why did Figel lie about something he clearly said the exact opposite about... on tape? Why did Figel and Carlson seem to 'team up'?

Figel clearly says on tape that UFO's were reported during the incident and that Carlson was sitting right next to him. Not only did they discuss it, according to Figel, but he was debriefed at command where he relayed the same information.

The only conclusion I can come to is Carlson and Figel are paid disinformation agents. The government knew some of these guys were talking so they bought off who they could. Too bad they got to Figel after he already talked on tape.

P.S. I do understand the difference between Eric and James Carlson, even if I am not using first names. Which makes the sons crusade even weirder.

edit on 30-9-2010 by Crimelab because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-9-2010 by Crimelab because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Frank Warren

This is old news. Earth is not the most advanced human planet in the galaxy, and at this point in history there will be no allowance for military idiocy to bring about a mass extinction. One big reason this Iran business isn't very concerning to me.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by ASIS.
You need to worry about your own business.

Matter of national security, understand?

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin


posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by skeptic_al
reply to post by Frank Warren

But it's just a recording of an Interview, and there's not of a sample of audio recording.

Guess I'll have to buy the Book to find out what was on the Audio Tape. And it "sounds"
like it's more proof of Nothing.

Exactly. People seem to think this somehow validates their personal view that UFO's are alien craft visiting us. Fact is the U in UFO stands for Unidentified. An Unknown. People need to stop making their knee jerk reaction to this stuff being looking out there for answers when there are plenty of more plausible answers with more terrestrial origins.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Syrus Magistus
reply to post by Frank Warren

This is old news. Earth is not the most advanced human planet in the galaxy, and at this point in history there will be no allowance for military idiocy to bring about a mass extinction. One big reason this Iran business isn't very concerning to me.

LOL!!! You know this based on what facts? Please share.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 04:08 PM
So, apparently we have a jargon gap ..we have a term UFO unindentified flying object which is to broad to includes all categories of 'things in the sky'
so lets agree we need more terminology to be specific how about

for a flying machine CBW -craft but whose?
plasma organisms UAO- unidentified aerial organism
HARP and such UAP- unexplained atmospheric phenomenon

just so we don't have to argue about something being unexplained, meaning it can't be explained

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