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Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missile Sites!!

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posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by TortoiseKweek

What's the confusion? Care to elaborate?


posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:19 PM
Mornin' FOXMULDER147,

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147

Originally posted by Frank Warren
Your final comment is nonsensical (no offense).

Not sure how...

As we've seen already in ufology, the words of a "former" employee rarely amount to anything significant...

... is nonsensical, Frank.

People are often incredulous about the views of former employees, as they are perceived (rightly or wrongly) to have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I'm not saying that's my opinion, but the skeptics tend to think this way. I guess we'll see if this turns out to be the "second barrel of a shotgun", or whatever the analogy was.

(Again no offense) First, labeling "ex" and or retired military men as "former employees" is imprecise to be polite; second, I can't think of any example akin to this situation where anyone would think less of these men (as witnesses) because they are not "currently" in the military (their former employer). Third, these men have "nothing to gain" . . . quite the opposite in fact, given the national security implications.


posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by talklikeapirat

I replied to the OP and their external link. What confuses you?

Me quoting the OP's link, or me asking why the OP linked to a source with a date of 27 Sep 2010?

What EXACTLY confuses You?

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Simple
Never before published. that does not meann it has never been leaked. Any how this thread has been side tracked a bit with most discussing a photo. the real thing about this is that FOX news and other main stream news facilities are begining to cover this topic as if it was real
Until now these topics have been put into scifi or crazy brackets. This however was catagorized as AIR/SPACE. The bigger question is are we being conditioned to accept a role into following a one world Gov. into a space/intergalactic movement or are we slowly waking up to some realities on our lil planet earth.

This thread has definitely been sidetracked and hit with "crosstown buses" more than once, with posts on everything from clouds to worm holes. I think this is very important information about a subject that many in the UFO community have known about for decades, but as usual never seems to make it into the Mainstream Media.

Certainly it has not been for any lack of trying, but nothing ever seems to happen. It never gets any traction for some reason---and we could all probably guess why.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by ASIS.
You need to worry about your own business.

Matter of national security, understand?

Interesting comment. Are you from the DoD or just playing around? Seems like you just created your account to post the same thing in the threads that are discussing this topic. Your other interesting comment was this in a related thread:

The Information Assurance mission confronts the formidable challenge of preventing foreign adversaries from gaining access to sensitive or classified national security information. Thus you don't have to worry about it. It was an exercise, understand?

At this point the cat is out of the bag. Care to elaborate?

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:26 PM
Have the guards on duty who reported the sighting on the surface during the incident ever been located and interviewed to see if they can corroborate the claim of the hovering UFO when the launch equipment shut down?

WF: Then when the first [missile] went down, and I talked to the security [team] out there, they reported this UFO hovering over the site. I said, “Yeah, right. What have you guys been drinking out there?” And we [sent] Strike teams to both of the sites that had been occupied.

RS: Uh-huh

WF: These Strike Teams—I didn’t tell them what we had heard [about the UFO]—you know, via the LF radio, and I told them to go get within a mile of the site there and call back in on the VHF (Very High Frequency telephone). And they both reported that we had two maintenance crews, two security troops on-site, and two Strike Teams all reporting it.

RS: Is that right?

WF: Yep.

RS: Do you remember the names of any of those guys?

WF: Nope...

RS: You don’t? [Laughs]

WF: [Chuckling] Too long ago.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Frank Warren

Frank, I know you are a good guy, and would NEVER fool the ATS community...

But why, oh why, did you not read the article completely? 27 Sep 2010?? Didn't that ring bells in your head??

Frank, you're a good guy, but a silly mistake, makes you look like an amateur, and that, you are not! I know you! Can you explain?

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by ASIS.
You need to worry about your own business.

Matter of national security, understand?


edit on 25-9-2010 by BIONICLE ALEX because: Off topic.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by Kratos40

Don't worry about the poster you replied to! He / She is just trying to act intelligent and CIA / FBI worthy! Seen that many times. Losers like that, live in Mommie's basement, and try scare guys like us.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Frank Warren
Third, these men have "nothing to gain" . . . quite the opposite in fact, given the national security implications.


As I said in my previous post, this lends creditability to the the "dis-info" conspiracy to hide military technology or the what not.. Why didn't they come out before, why now? Why no national security implications now for talking about classified incidents? wouldn't a authorized "dis-info" agent prevent them from any national security implications? I suppose you could say that it would look like the government is trying to hide something by prosecuting them.

However, I'm not trying to say yes or no aliens exists and our government knows about it, All I'm saying is that there are existing valid, realistic and logical scenarios that can't easily be overlooked which haven't been addressed. Therefore, its going to take a lot more than words from non active high ranking officials in order for people to FULLY (without a doubt) accept such and incredible leap of faith.

We need to answer why aren't those military men "dis-info" agents then we can talk about the truth of what they are saying. Note those men appear very convincing and honest but wouldn't a "dis-info" agent do the same if it was to protect the nations security and they were task to do so?

From the presented evidence to date it boils down to two possibility IMO:
A..True, an alien government cover up exists and our government is aware of it.
B. False, alien technology is a military cover up of exotic technologies.

Note: this is an improvement from a decade ago, where option "C" would have been included to list the UFO topic as a joke. I think the military men that have step forward have done away with option "C".

I don't think this press conference or book is going to prove (A) without a doubt.. Like it or not it appears that the government has done an outstanding job in covering this up with all the information and dis-information that exists out there. Therefore, like it or not its going to take concrete proof and not words unless the words themselves come from the president of which ever country you are from, but even then it would require concrete proof. Once again like it or not the president of a country with tangible proof will be the official disclosure not an author.

I would not be surprised if the "UFO" topic would not be included as material for the CIA/FBI to study as a form of intelligence handling. ,

edit on 25-9-2010 by nonanonymous because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by TortoiseKweek
reply to post by Kratos40

Don't worry about the poster you replied to! He / She is just trying to act intelligent and CIA / FBI worthy! Seen that many times. Losers like that, live in Mommie's basement, and try scare guys like us.

LOL! I know, I have seen these characters just appear out of nowhere to post and then disappear. Interestingly he decided to post in every thread that deals with this upcoming press club conference. What caught my attention is that he cleverly chose"ASIS." as a screen name. ASIS is a industrial security organization based out of Alexandria, Virginia.
But anyways, I wonder what new information might be presented at this event. It will be interesting to see what appears here on ATS.


posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by TortoiseKweek

The article, linked in the OP dated from 22.Sept. and is referring to a press conference, that will apparently take place on the 27.Sept. Timeline seems to be in order.

Mondays can be a drag.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Kratos40

Originally posted by ASIS.
You need to worry about your own business.

Matter of national security, understand?

Interesting comment. Are you from the DoD or just playing around? Seems like you just created your account to post the same thing in the threads that are discussing this topic. Your other interesting comment was this in a related thread:

At this point the cat is out of the bag. Care to elaborate?

ASIS could stand for Australian Secret Intelligence Service, Army Surveillence Information System, American Society for Information Science, American Society for Industrial Security, Auxiliary Ships' Information or Anti-Submarine Information System.

There's also a massage school named ASIS but I don't think they care about UFOs.

The Australian Secret Intelligence Service has always been interested in UFOs and investigated them in secret, just like many of it's Sister Agencies in the Intelligenence Community.

Well, like Assistant Director Skinner of X-Files fame once said when threatened by members of the Intelligence Community, "Remind me never to move there".

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 03:23 PM
Good Day, nonanonymous

Originally posted by nonanonymous
reply to post by skeptic_al

Exactly what I was thinking as well, Just another interview which collaborates the other interviews but still no smoking gun proof. I was expecting actual military audio transmission reporting the incident. Oh well, back to reality as another UFO book comes out that I won't buy.

If you're speaking of Hastings' book it's been out for a couple of years. The publication of the taped interviews of some of the principals that were in the LFs (Launch Facilities) during an unprecedented malfunction/shutdown of nuclear missiles, while UFOs were reported over and or near-by (the LF's), were in response to the ad hominem attacks and distortions of the facts by James Carlson.

Given the importance of the duties of these men, i. e., literally having their fingers on the proverbial button; and that they are confirming UFO activity during an unprecedented missile/mals); to call the declarations "just another interview" is akin to calling the Titanic a rowboat!

Lets see, ask yourself "I have concrete evidence of aliens and or that the government is aware of them" what would you do?
As the single most important event in history that could change our way of life and even our monetary values, Do I first go and publish a book about it. A couple reasons to answer yes?

A. Yes, if money is the only thing that you are after.
B. Yes, if you really don't have any concrete evidence, but have connected all the dots like has been done for the millionth time.
C. Yes, If you need funding to continue your research for the smoking gun.

First, the argument is that "UFOs were in close proximity" to the named LFs during an unprecedented malfunction/shutdown of nuclear missiles"--no where in the article or the taped interviews does anyone mention "aliens."

Second, Hastings has spent two-thirds of his life researching UFO/Nuke related incidents, if "profit" was his motivation he would have left it behind about 36 years ago. Moreover, to cover his "losses" for that time period a very large multiplier would have to be applied to the minuscule stipends realized for UFO book sales.

IMO and In this case I think B & C are the correct reason for this press release. Therefore, i expect no whoppers will be dropped.

I guess it brings the issue to the limelight but I do find it strange that so many military men have come out about a subject that they were never allowed to talk about. You have to admit it does give some credibility to a dis-info effort to cover military technology.

Maybe we need to come out with a "UFO prize" like the "X prize" to discourage this silliness? "Here is the most important/shocking event in human history" , but first buy my book?

WTF, Paris Hilton has made millions in interviews,pictures,news,etc for doing an amateur porn? I have a hard time thinking that someone who exposes Alien contact could not do the same, unless the truth is less exciting than amateur porn. Just my $.03

The notion that "profit" is the primary motive for the upcoming press conference, and that that the thesis, i.e., the malfunctioning of nuclear weapons on American soil (or any where) is "silliness," is indicative to nescience re the facts of the matter and quite frankly just plain "sad."


posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 03:23 PM
WTF is happening?? All the same Avatars? Am I missing something?

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 03:26 PM
Either ATS has been hacked, or some one is playing games! It's not funny!! F*** off!!!

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 03:29 PM
Good Day, TortoiseKweek,

Originally posted by TortoiseKweek
Whoa, I have a problem with this...

The article says:

". . . On September 27, 2010,"

It's September 25 today! Am I missing something?

You may want to check out your sources and references first.

That's the date of the upcoming press conference.


posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Frank Warren

Thanks Frank,

I always love your posts! Most informative! Keep it up!

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by witness63

I think I will go with the Australian one. It sounds more interesting. You know, they have Pine Gap and all that stuff.
But I digress. On a related note, it seems that the Russians also experienced similar events. Apologies if this has been discussed before:

Multiple Witness Case at Russian Missle Base

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by TortoiseKweek
reply to post by Frank Warren

Frank, I know you are a good guy, and would NEVER fool the ATS community...

But why, oh why, did you not read the article completely? 27 Sep 2010?? Didn't that ring bells in your head??

Frank, you're a good guy, but a silly mistake, makes you look like an amateur, and that, you are not! I know you! Can you explain?

On September 27, 2010, six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man will participate in a press conference I am co-hosting at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. , at which time they will present their dramatic accounts. It is hoped that their testimony will draw worldwide media attention to the crucial topic of UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites. If ever there was a front page story, this is it.

The Upcoming UFO-Nukes Connection Press Conference


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