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Katy Perry's breasts get Sesame Street ban...

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posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 01:57 PM
First of all let me start by saying Katy Perry is not the most attractive piece in the gallery and neither is her body, Why is she so keen on showing it all the time? Beats me but we don't wanna see it, I pitty the poor little children that have to go through this visual torture.

On a serious note, it's completely inappropriate for children. Disgusts me...........the kind of BS they put on kids programs these days. Katy Perry is a damn tool, her head is empty, shes sex crazy.....and that exactly what they want kids to become like. These are the people they want kids to look up to.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Serizawa
First of all let me start by saying Katy Perry is not the most attractive piece in the gallery and neither is her body, Why is she so keen on showing it all the time? Beats me but we don't wanna see it, I pitty the poor little children that have to go through this visual torture.

On a serious note, it's completely inappropriate for children. Disgusts me...........the kind of BS they put on kids programs these days. Katy Perry is a damn tool, her head is empty, shes sex crazy.....and that exactly what they want kids to become like. These are the people they want kids to look up to.

So, you say she is not attractive(but she is), that she doesn't have a nice body(but she does) and wonder why she is showing it all the time? Because she is in the SHOW business. From those observations, I will take a wild guess and say you are a woman. I'm a guy. I agree Katy Perry is not the MOST attractive, but she is cute, she has a nice figure and you forget that by being popular adds extra sexiness to someone.

As for her being empty headed, that's just gratuitous insult from your part, since you don't know her at all. And if she is sex crazy, well, that never stopped someone from becoming president of the United States, so why should that play against someone who's in the show business.

And you ignore the fact that what made Katy Perry famous was her songs. She is addressing an audience and saying things people want to hear. She is connecting with an audience. If people didn't want to hear her in the first place, she wouldn't become famous. So, Katy Perry is not shaping the mind of anyone. Those minds were already shaped before she got into the scene. Otherwise, they wouldn't identify themselves with her music.

Now, if you want to discuss WHO is shapping the minds of our kids and teenagers, that's another topic. 'Cause it ain't Katy Perry who's doing it. Afteral, as you said, she is just a tool.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:37 PM
I'm a guy, that doesn't mean i find every female out there attractive (Girls that try too hard don't seem to impress me). Record labels may promote your sales by purchasing your first 150k copies or more in the first week pushing you into the top 10. Once your on the top 10 billboard chart, you've made it. She must be empty headed for selling herself out like that. And yes she is just a tool. And yes this does affect children......yes it does.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by henriquefd

You're exactly right. If they had Rosie O'Donnel in stretch pants singing the same song there would be no problem, other than a ton of upset stomachs.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Serizawa

Its bad parenting that causes kids to become messed up. My mother made sure I was dressed appropriately. I wanted a tube top and bought one once and she took it away and said you'll get this back when you are older. Stop blaming TV. Parents its your own damn fault. Also we are talking about 3-7 year olds, they don't know what sex is and they don't care about boobs. When I was a Kid I watched sailor moon and I don't remember breasts and mini skirts I remember Sailor moon she had blond hair and was a super hero and had a bunch of super hero friend, and a cat and then there was romeo dude with roses.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by Demetre

I don't think it was inappropriate, just in bad taste.

What I do find shocking is that folks still watch Sesame Street. I honestly thought that rubbish was taken off the air a few decades ago

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by badw0lf

Haha, Mr Funny Man... Look at my pics, do I look prudish to you? I've enjoyed nude beaches. Being bi I adore women and def appreciate beauty, which Katy Perry is. I think she couldve gotten her point across dressed in a top a little higher just as well.


posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

Maybe that is bad taste... Either way, it's strikes me as not kosher

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Djdoubt03

You're joking, right? Have you read any of my other posts? I'm betting no. I've been a member of ATS for over 5 yrs and never once have I 'trolled'. From your comment if anyone is a troll it may be you.


WTFever...womens lib?? You are daft, arent you. If anything this video sets womens lib back 100 yrs. Are you aware of what the womens lib movement really means? Me thinks not.

edit on 9/23/10 by Demetre because: posted last sentence

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Serizawa

and that exactly what they want kids to become like. These are the people they want kids to look up to.

Who the hell are you talking about..? The producers..?
Tthe mystery men behind the curtains, that only you and a handful of others are able to see in your awakened state..?

Why is she so keen on showing it all the time? Beats me but we don't wanna see

Oh but we do! She's a real looker and I don't understand how you fail to see that.. You seem to downright hate her. Or is that just your depression talking?

Sex sells and sesame street is a big f****** business (is that too profane SuperDuperModerators?), that doesn't get it's $'s just from the kids watching it.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 05:06 PM
Kids don't think about breasts the way an adult would.
If they ask, then just say the breasts are used to feed babies.
Some people just take it way too far...
I feel like I'm in high school again.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by dolphinfan
reply to post by Demetre

I don't think it was inappropriate, just in bad taste.

What I do find shocking is that folks still watch Sesame Street. I honestly thought that rubbish was taken off the air a few decades ago

Whats wrong with Sesame Steet?

My 10 month old little girl loves the show and we sit in the rocking chair every morning watching it while I feed her the first bottle of the morning. After that we watch the wiggles. She absolutely loves Elmos world and the wiggles song about waking up Jeff.

Its a wonderful way for a Dad to enjoy something with his daughter before momma wakes up.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 05:58 PM

Hello??? Teens watch it too.

Really? Why? I find that hard to believe, do they need to learn to count to 13? I think most kids stop watching the show by the time they're 10 at the latest. I am quite sure that 99.9% of teens would be watching something else, out with friends or playing video games.

I would be quite surprised if you were able to find a single teen who watches the show on a regular basis.

It seems pretty hipocritical to walk around naked in front of a 9-year-old boy but then be upset that some cleavage is on television. Maybe thats just me.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 06:34 PM
The question is are suggestive themes appropriate for sesame street?

The debate isn't really yes or no to the above (I would guess no) but whether what is shown is suggestive enough to cross the line.

This is the crux of the debate, everyone has a different opinion on what is appropriate.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Pimpish

Did u read my post? Or even the one I was responding too? Take the time, read it and then ask me if you still have any questions.


posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by Demetre

Yes, I read your post and the post you were responding to. I don't have any questions, and I didn't in the first place. However, my statement still stands that it seems very hypocritical to let an 8-9 yo boy see your live nude breasts but then be upset that there is cleavage on television, regardless of which show it is on.

edit on 23-9-2010 by Pimpish because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 07:26 PM
After watching the video, and having no clue as to who this Katy Perry is, I think I would have to nix it if I were one of the corporate guys at CTW. Katy did quite possibly the worst lip sync I have ever seen. And the part with Elmo running around her legs in that short dress is not something I would want to encourage children to emulate. Children already do that enough without Elmo doing it to say "it is alright". Because quite frankly, kids doing that annoy the crap out of adults.

As for the sexuality of video, I am not seeing it. And frankly, it was only because of the slight jiggle when she was "running" that I could see that she had breast worth a notice.

Outside of that, I am guessing that the song was one of her pop tunes and has zero to do with playing hide and seek/tag, so much as it does with the ups and downs of starting a relationship. And in that context, the segment just doesn't translate to the kids game of hide and seek/tag that Elmo turned it into. It still retained the more adult themes of the original.

Sheena Easton is a pretty big star, but I don't think that her singing of Strut nor Sugar Walls would fly on Sesame Street either, no matter how they tried to disguise the song's adult themes.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by 2weird2live2rare2die
reply to post by crazydaisy

yeah shows like hannah montana teach little girls to be hoes.
when i was young girls dressed like little kids are supposed to..
but now they run around looking trashy and the parents don't seem to care...
where are the partents?

just like i keep saying over and over when people keep asking where are the parents......the parents have been subjected to the same thing when they were children...just not as intense as it is now....its called desensitizing. the parents are under the spell so they do not know that its bad...because over decades and decades of this programming the perverted seems normal now. just watch the movie Idiocracy and you will understand.

in 100 years from now when a childrens restaurant is called something like ButtFu**ers and everybody goes and eats there and think nothing of it.....then you might understand the word desensitizing. its almost like this now. look at the profanity on family shows like the discovery channel....all you hear is beep beep beep.....when grown adult cant say one sentence with out using 30 curse words on a family channel there is some sort of problem. and discovery channel knows that children watch thats the reason for the constant if thats going to make it alright....completely amazing the direction we are heading and that some people have not a clue.

edit on 23-9-2010 by Funkydung because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Funkydung

in 100 years from now when a childrens restaurant is called something like ButtFu**ers

Nice Idiocracy reference. I personally never understood the whole "curse word" thing...they're just words like any other word. I'm certain I can say something extremely hurtful without using a single curse word, its all in how you use the word.

I guess I'm with George Carlin on that one.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Xiamara
I don't support using your body to get what you want, though I am guilty of it. So she's showing a little cleavage, I think nearly every child has seen breasts. They know what they are and it's sad that this is happening but if it isn't tv, its commercials if it isn't commercials, it's billboard ads. That's just life in the west, women are treated as sexual objects and get little respect, or they have to work twice as hard as a man does to get to where he is. Sexism still exists and to quote my psych proff " Every April women get the pay that men had the year previous" (referring to the raising of minimum wage). That's just the way it is.

Not so sure that that's just the way it is... for much longer....

Cities Where Women Outearn Male Counterparts

The article defines the counterparts as being single and childless. As in, a single childless woman earns MORE than a single childless man of the same age group. Seems that the true cause of the statistical anomaly of gender-biased pay inequity is largely due to the fact that women often exit the job market to have/raise children.

We should also note that 142 women enrolled in grad school per 100 men, and women outnumber men in 7 out of 11 fields.

And perhaps it is worth considering the BLS annual report on "Fatal Occupational Injuries in 2009" (Bureau of Labor Statistics) which found that of the 4,340 occupational fatalities in 2009, male deaths represented 92.9% of the total (4,021) and female deaths represented 7.1% (309) of the total. Expressed as a ratio, there were more than 13 job-related deaths for men in 2009 for each woman who died in a job-related accident. WHEN WILL SOCIETY END THIS HORRIBLE INJUSTICE?!?!?! (all-caps for sarcastic emphasis)

My point is the future belongs to women.

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