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They Are Coming - Are You Ready For Disclosure?

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posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 01:32 AM
Disclosure is when the Gov comes clean.

It will be a little to late for disclosure if they are already coming
on the Gov

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by zorgon


Then bring it to ATS so the debunkers can rip it apart and if you get paid, well you get to join the Charlatan Hall of Fame for charging for the truth

So true..Now a HD vid is more suss than a fuzzy one, as it's called CGI..

I'm not even sure that if I captured an ET and offered up blood samples that they would believe it...

I wonder what it would take,,,

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 01:42 AM
WHAT ARE U TALKING ABOUT. why do we need to focus? that makes no sense because if you would do your research you would know that there has been contact between government officals at area 51 and aliens forever. look at all the abduction videos there are.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter
absolutely! you have summed up what I have been "speculating" (as mr mask puts it) for a long time.... Question is will we ever be free of them? They may be few but it seems like their supporters are many!

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 02:36 AM
The problem that we have with this site is the growing amount of members who are trying to explain something that doesn't carry any logic in our terms of 'logic' because we simply do not have the science/knowledge to accompany it. Basically because something doesn't fit nicely in a box with a pretty bow on it, it simeply doesn't exist. How is that logical?

Those member who analyze these things through their own scientific knowledge are going to be a complete loss when they start to experience their life outside of the norm. I can assure you that once you 'experience' something that science says doesn't exist for the reasons above, you begin a rollercoaster of a journey, but through the ups and downs you will begin to see exactly what I am talking about.

It is such a shame that people jump on OPs purely because they have not shared in the same experiences as others and therefore, believe that there ways of the world are right and everyone elses is wrong. I personally am starting to research everything that I thought was complete nonsense and I am amazed at what I am finding. I have always had an open mind due to my experiences, however, life for me has certainly taken a change in a different direction in the last month or so.

In regards to people saying that disclosure is always announced on this thread and they grow weary of it. I can empathise with yourselves, however, life is changing, the whole world is changing, there are more and more discoveries that are being talked about in the public arena, this would not have happened a few years back, something is changing and as one member said, in order to keep a secret both parties must agree, well what happens if they don't agree? we are the pawns in an enormous game of chess and when it comes to finally understanding this many people are going to be literally shell shocked, they will not know where to go or what to do, life will change overnight. People who say that life will not change for them, I am sorry to say you are mistaken.

I am not trying to form a cult or any type of religious belief, its simple. Sit yourself in a quiet place on a regular basis and look at your thoughts if you continue doing this on a regular basis you will see that life for you will change. As you build up your continued sittings of mind clearing. The first thing you will notice is the coincedences everywhere you look you will see things just dropping in to place, it will be novel and fun at first but after a while the the novelty will change in to something much deeper.

We need to get past all this bickering and ridiculing, for those members who automatically use science and 'reasoning' to explain the paranormal, put your money where your mouth is and meditate daily for 15minutes for a week, see if anything happens to you that can't be explained by your reasoning?

In episode 1 of stargate the female scientist when shown a map of the transprtation system categorically denies it exists because her team had used every single resource on earth to work it out and because it didn't fit in to their equations of knowledge it simply was not possible. However, Daniel shows her the key to understanding it (which is knowledge that comes from off our planet) and suddenly she becomes all excited and realised that she is wrong.

In order to see things clearer you must forget about anything you have been taught from others and look for yourself, look within. I cannot stress this enough! Forget science, forget physics, forget religion. look within and go what feels right for you. This is not new age mumbo jumbo this is real anyone can experience it, you just have to clear your mind and the rest will follow I promise you.

Once your mind is clear, you will see that you be interested in new things totally out of your remit its as if you are being guided, keep an eye out on who is guiding you
once you experience this you will realise that science and reasoning don't play a part in the bigger picture.

Thanks to the trolls on this thread I have digressed as the OT was, are you ready for disclosure? things have changed and for some reason the information that is being given to us around the world is quickening, I am not saying grab a gun or quit your job and live in the mountains I am talking about being prepared mentally for change. Everything we have been talking about for years and years is about to change and when it does life will never be the same.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

Refreshing to my heart and mind is all can say for right now

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

The problem that we have with this site is the growing amount of members who are trying to explain something that doesn't carry any logic in our terms of 'logic' because we simply do not have the science/knowledge to accompany it.

Isn't that exactly what you were doing here?

The LHC is capabale of creating wormholes can we all agree on this? what are wormholes?

You appealed to that very science which you disdain. Never mind that you did so badly. To make matters worse, you appeal to a movie, not even a science fiction movie, a fantasy, as if it were reality and claim that those who ask for evidence are on the wrong track? Do actually believe that movie was real? Do you believe that Star Wars is real? Do you believe that Independence Day is real? Do you believe that Contact is real? If so you are truly lucky that there are people who can separate fantasy from reality because otherwise you would not survive.

Sure, forget everything that man has done. Rely on "instincts". We all knew everything about everything the day we were born. Physical science doesn't count for anything. By the way, where did that computer you're using come from? Inate "knowledge"?

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by Phage

Phage, you are twisting (as you always do) text to suit your bias.

I am not saying that science is not needed and does not play a role in our evolution. I am saying that science and earth laws cannot be used to explain the paranormal/supernatural i.e experiences outside of our scientfic earth knowledge. Of course, you knew that already, but choose to ignore this for your own personal agenda(s)

edit on 24-9-2010 by franspeakfree because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

That is not what you said. You were not talking about parapsychology when you said this:

The more I look in to this the more I join the dots. The LHC is capabale of creating wormholes can we all agree on this?

has anyone seen the film and tv series stargate?

We do have the capabilities of harnessing huge amounts of power to create some form of weapon that can be used to shoot down craft, we are spending more time on 'secret' missions in space.

You were talking about science. Granted, you may not have the "science/knowledge". But to simply say that because you think something is true it must be, is not reality, it is nonsense. Experience is fine. But experience lies. Our eyes play tricks on us, our senses cannot be trusted, our emotions... If you haven't learned that then you haven't been paying attention.

You started with an appeal to science to back up your notion which is based on nothing but "feelings". You then do a 180º turn and say that science doesn't count. I'm not twisting anything. The problem is that your thoughts have no coherence.

My "agenda"? Would you care to elaborate on what you "feel" my agenda is?

edit on 9/24/2010 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:33 AM
Phage your agenda as it has always been is to shoot down OP's with logic and science that pertain to this earth. As you are well read on certain topics you believe that the knowledge you have can indeed be used to end any argument.

You seemed to have skimmed over my post about OBE's in fact I believe that only one member mentioned it. I will say it again and break it down for cliarification.

What scientific knowledge do you or anyone have that can explain viewing your body from a perspective other than through your eyes? are you saying that anybody who has had this experience is lying or indeed misinterpretting their own experiences i.e the mind playing tricks on them

I happen to be in the circles of nurses and doctors and OBE's and NDE's are a normal conversational piece with them as in their profession they encounter this type of anomaly regualrly.

To reiterate I am not saying that science has no place in our evolution and everything on this earth should be governed by personal spiritual understandings. I am saying science has no place in the supernatural world at this moment in time.

edit on 24-9-2010 by franspeakfree because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:36 AM

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by up up and away

Oh man, you gotta show me that article.....processor of PS3 is discovered/ invented sixty years ago.....this pretty intriguing.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 06:56 AM
I've seen two UFOs in my life and possibly one E.T.B.I.E (extra-terrestrial biological intelligent entity), so not surprisingly, I have a strong interest in Ufology and matters surrounding it. I'm also a pragmatist. My belief in E.T.B.I.Es and UFOs manned by E.T.B.I.Es visiting our planet is based on my own experiences, mathematical probability and the experiences of others that appear to be backed up by evidence.
I think a part of the reason that there has been no disclosure from governments in the know, is that Ufology still has a stigma attached to it, and this can only be removed by investigating the subject with logic and science.

Originally posted by franspeakfree
we are the pawns in an enormous game of chess and when it comes to finally understanding this many people are going to be literally shell shocked, they will not know where to go or what to do, life will change overnight. People who say that life will not change for them, I am sorry to say you are mistaken.

Who exactly are these weak-minded, easily shell shocked and unable-to-adapt-to-change types that you refer to? I can assure you that I do not fit into that catagory and I find it absurd of you to suggest that because I prefer claims regarding knowledge of the future of human civilisation to have evidence supporting them, rather than imagination, that somehow I am less prepared than yourself. Your message, as is usual with people claiming to possess knowledge of 'secret' future events, appears narcissistic, judgemental and somewhat sanctimonious.

As you build up your continued sittings of mind clearing. The first thing you will notice is the coincedences everywhere you look you will see things just dropping in to place

What if these are actually coincedences?

In episode 1 of stargate the female scientist when shown a map of the transprtation system categorically denies it exists because her team had used every single resource on earth to work it out and because it didn't fit in to their equations of knowledge it simply was not possible. However, Daniel shows her the key to understanding it (which is knowledge that comes from off our planet) and suddenly she becomes all excited and realised that she is wrong.

Why are you discussing a fictional television show now?

In order to see things clearer you must forget about anything you have been taught from others and look for yourself, look within. I cannot stress this enough! Forget science, forget physics, forget religion. look within and go what feels right for you. This is not new age mumbo jumbo this is real anyone can experience it, you just have to clear your mind and the rest will follow I promise you.

You have no idea what I've been taught by others, so how can you know it's not useful? What you've written may not be "new age mumbo jumbo", but it's definitely mumbo jumbo.

Phage your agenda as it has always been is to shoot down OP's with logic and science that pertain to this earth.

As opposed to what exactly? Logic and science that pertain to a fantasy world? It's the logic and science of this Earth that creates technology and life saving medicines ( unless of course your PS3 originates from Roswell ).

What scientific knowledge do you or anyone have that can explain viewing your body from a perspective other than through your eyes? are you saying that anybody who has had this experience is lying or indeed misinterpretting their own experiences i.e the mind playing tricks on them

Yes, I would have to say that it's their mind playing tricks on them.

I happen to be in the circles of nurses and doctors and OBE's and NDE's are a normal conversational piece with them as in their profession they encounter this type of anomaly regualrly.

I happen to be a registered nurse and have been for many years and I can say unequivocally that I have never, ever heard anyone discuss OBE's or NDE's as fact or otherwise.


posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Phage

Actually phage , you know at the start of star wars , A long time ago in a galaxy far away , one bit of that is true , A long time ago , but in this galaxy

the moon is actually the giant death star held in orbit around earth , and the empire long since died off !

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by sapien82

Which moon? Not ours.

Try Mimas, one of Saturn's moons.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by sapien82
reply to post by Phage

Actually phage , you know at the start of star wars , A long time ago in a galaxy far away , one bit of that is true , A long time ago , but in this galaxy

the moon is actually the giant death star held in orbit around earth , and the empire long since died off !

Phage will prolly just try to say you have no proof of that and that science hasn't proven your theory.

Imagine the nerve of that guy...


posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:38 AM
The title of this thread is misleading. I was expecting another disclosure but all I see is "Phage and science are bad!"

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Finally, someone with a true big brain with common sense included. Great response! "I don't know", is a very appropriate answer to things we know nothing about. But some of these brains come on here claiming they know things in which they don't. They use there limited understanding the universe to mock those who think outside the box.

And that's just wrong and ATS should do something about that. People like, you know who, pretty much scares off hundreds of people a day on this site. All because he's been around here for a few years. There is nothing wrong with honest debate. If the response is well grounded in science or pseudo-science for that matter, then it's an honest debate. But the Member of No Alternative Theories refuses to admit his science doesn't explain the universe.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by sapien82

Which moon? Not ours.

Try Mimas, one of Saturn's moons.

You have no scientific proof against ALL moons in the universe being death-star-like ships.

And if you are looking for hard evidence that our moon is actually a technological base for inteligent observers who control our world...well HOW DO YOU explain "The Truman Show" with Jim Carrey!!!?

I didn't THINK SO!!!

Yeah...who's big brain now Mr Chad?

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Wrong galaxy my masked friend!

The moon you speak of is in the Burbank Galaxy, orbiting the planet Trumania.

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