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They Are Coming - Are You Ready For Disclosure?

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posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by franspeakfree

how do you expect to have a war between us and a species that can traverse interstellar distances? do you really think we have any weapons that would be effective against such a technologically advanced species? if they're here, their technology is basically magic to us. that's not gonna be a war, more like a slaughter.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by optimus primal
reply to post by franspeakfree

how do you expect to have a war between us and a species that can traverse interstellar distances? do you really think we have any weapons that would be effective against such a technologically advanced species? if they're here, their technology is basically magic to us. that's not gonna be a war, more like a slaughter.

not so much a slaughter as an extermination.

the argument, for that very reason you just stated, is completely invalid. the world will end in a split second with a bright light and the vaporization of all humans if they wanted.

or just drop a airborne supervirus into the atmosphere and let people cough to death...all it would take is a single ship getting close enough...and since the theory is they have been coming here a very long, long time...well, the fact that I am typing this completely disproves the alien war nonsense.

btw, check my sig deals with this subject of warring alien nonsense theory.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by optimus primal do you really think we have any weapons that would be effective against such a technologically advanced species?

Yes we do actually... but errr just HOW technologically advanced are these species your talking about?

Don't you think it ironic your saying nothing is going on, yet you presume to know that these species would be vastly superior to us and that we couldn't fight them off?

Typical Hypocrisy

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by zorgon

i didn't say nothing was going on. merely that if alien species are visiting us, they surely aren't here to have a war with us. so far as the world knows we can't travel interstellar distances and i think we're pretty advanced compared to 200 years ago. so logically a species that can travel interstellar distances would have correspondingly more advance technology than we do as well as weapons.

what weapons do we have that would be effective against such an enemy? nukes? hardly advanced weaponry, we just slam two pieces of uranium together. railguns....yeah i guess they'd be pretty effective, unless the aliens have any form of shielding technology.

i don't see how it's hypocrisy to think that any civilization capable of traveling to different star systems would be more advanced than us, who've yet to travel past our own moon(officially) in more than a tin can with rockets strapped to the bottom. nor to think that their weaponry would be equally as advanced as their starships.

i'm not saying extraterrestrials don't exist, nor that they aren't visiting us. i'm pretty sure they exist...somewhere, not so sure they're visiting us but maybe they are, all i'm saying is we'd hardly be a match for that.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
just my theory here

I think the Rapture of the Church will come before
disclosure. Once the rapture occurs, there will be
mass hysteria what's gonna happen next. That is
when the populace will be most susceptible to
believe Project Bluebeam. There is an order
of events that makes this all work.

Rapture occurred two weeks ago........well it was predicted to right here on ATS......hmmmm I bet the "disclosure" prediction will be just as accurate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by optimus primal do you really think we have any weapons that would be effective against such a technologically advanced species?

Yes we do actually... but errr just HOW technologically advanced are these species your talking about?

Don't you think it ironic your saying nothing is going on, yet you presume to know that these species would be vastly superior to us and that we couldn't fight them off?

Typical Hypocrisy

if they can fly through space...

they can push a bloody meteor at us and wipe us out.

even if they are cavemen in spaceships, and the only thing they got going for them is warp drive on their space tins...they can still nudge and thrust a rock at us from a few million miles away and watch the world go bye bye.

what tech do we have to stop a massive asteroid from coming in and smashing us back to dino-memorys?

I respect many of your posts...this mindset however is one I am finding you demanding people keep ignorant about. do not champion simple mindedness in this subject, else you are exactly what you are fighting...which would be ignorance.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Leave some room for yourself to be wrong if factual evidence finally comes forward, or you just look like a madman screaming stuff that even science can't prove as of yet.

So are we to assume you're including the billions of people worldwide, who claim the existence of a God entity when you say the above?

Seems to me, humans will believe anything, so long as there are enough others backing them up, telling them it's really the way it is for long proof , zero hard evidence required.

Virtually none of those billions have ever personally witnessed their god, or interacted with it on any level of common everyday reality, other than in their fantasies or imaginations. Those that claim otherwise, never offer any kind of proof or hard evidence for their claims of dealing and interacting personally with their god.

Short of the odd piece of pareidolia inducing burnt toast here and there.

These same people would stake their lives on their belief in the existence of their god, as described by their particular doctrine, being fact..on what they are being taught by their parents, their peers and in school about their religion being factual, and they in turn live their lives based on their belief being completely factual, zero proof, zero hard evidence required.

As we know, millions have died, for one reason or another throughout history, and continue to die today, for reasons directly connected to their belief in a particular God figure, stories of which were taught to them as absolute fact. No proof or hard evidence is required.

They call this faith, i call it unfathomable gullibility. Yet, there are thousands of millions of them, all believing their God is as real as you or i, all without a shred of evidence.

On the other hand...

There are millions of videos showing UFO's, many in the public domain, many in secret government archives.

There are millions of documents, photographs or other files, again many in the public domain, many top secret, pertaining to witnesses who either observed or interacted with one or more UFOs and / or ET's.

There are many, many testimonies containing recounted knowledge and sightings of or interactions with UFO's and/or ET's, ranging from ordinary everyday people to high profile people.

These testimonies hail from all time periods of Earth's recorded history, from virtually all of Earth's continents, from all sectors and positions of society, some of them from very high profile people occupying important and responsible positions, and commanding much respect from others.

We have religious leaders claiming UFO's and ET's are real and exist, and we should love them as brothers and sisters, which would be hard to do, should they not be here or coming here.

We have world renowned scientists, from diverse disciplines claiming they are real and exist.

There are historic (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic - present day) artworks, that if common sense and unbiased logic were even briefly employed, clearly prove that ancient peoples down throughout the millenia, have interacted with, or at least observed UFO's and or ET's, and were left suitably impressed enough to leave depictions and records of what they saw for us to see today.

There is also the not so minor fact that our average little planet, in a remote arm of our average galaxy, one among untold billions of other equally average galaxies, is literally teeming with life of all descriptions, living in all parts of our planet.

Soaring to the highest extremes in our atmosphere and plummeting to the lowest depths of our crust and oceans and beyond. Life that requires Oxygen and water to survive and thrive, and life that requires neither.

Life is everywhere here.

And all of this life, in as many myriad forms as can be imagined, living and surviving in and on this nondescript, unremarkable little world we all call home.

And of course that includes us rational, intelligent, sophisticated human beings.

Technologically we're still in our late infancy, yet despite our naivety, we still have managed to devise, construct and send robotic space probes, to other worlds.

Alien world's, where we humans are the aliens and our space craft are the alien probes sent to investigate and collect samples.

And this we accomplished in mere decades of effort, a little more than a century or two into our young technological age.

And with our ever evolving technology, we are now finding not just extra Solar worlds, we are finding extra Solar Earth like worlds.

The discovery of which gives rise to the obvious and inescapable conclusion that if we're finding Earth type worlds on our galactic doorstep, there must surely be countless life bearing worlds in our immediate neighbourhood, all situated within our unremarkable galaxy which in turn is just one among billions of other unremarkable observable galaxies.

There is a wealth of historical and contemporary proof of UFO and ET life and it's visitation to Earth, both in antiquity and in modern times. Any open minded, reasonable person in possession of his or her faculties must knows this.

They're sending probes to investigate and collect samples, just as we do now and just as we will continue to do in the future.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by CynicalM
reply to post by Phage

No. We can't.
It produces no where near enough energy to produce a wormhole (if there even really is such a thing) and even less to keep one "open".

You don't believe they even exist but state as fact we don't have enough power to open one or keep it open??

IMO, if aliens are visiting, it was the nuclear age that attracted them..

Similar to Star Trek where it was humans inventing warp drives, or whatever they are called...

Thank you.

What we don't realize is the figures they( they being high brow peer scientists with legit credentials and the arm chair scientists and retired here) give (to the public) isn't necessarily the whole truth. Besides there is plenty of energy within the planet I am sure that can be harnessed and when combined with the technology well..I dont see why not. (Thats how many discoveries start>>> "I dont see why not lets try it".

Ley lines seem to be a big deal amongst the esoteric folks (Freemasons, Secret Orders, Pagans, Wiccans etc)

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Ok Zargon. I accept that the UFO's could be hyperspatial, and/or interdimensional. But not space-warp drive vehicles - no evidence of that to my knowledge.

BTW, here is a July 2010 update paper to your 2006 Extended Heim Theory link.

Here's a question for you, as I think you believe there is a space war occurring. Is the war in 'our' universe (dimension), or in another (parallel) universe?

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Mr Mask

Originally posted by CynicalM
reply to post by Mr Mask

I get it...

Its like I think no one has proven gravity, but we accept it and teach it in schools...

Its even set at 9.8..

Hmmm, actually that goes against your theory.....

Gravity has NEVER been proven but we accept it as fact, wierd huh ?

See? this is where you get in trouble...acting like you know stuff and then proving you are guessing or talking from the hip.

Gravity exists, that is fact...How it actually works and why is theory.

here's a good theory -


posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by Larryman

As I understand it, according to this it is entirely possible to be happening in both, depending upon "the specific multiverse hypothesis considered".

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

What if the rapture and disclosure are one in the same? What if when aliens come and disclose themselves they rapture up who ever to be raptured?

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by franspeakfree

Three years plus on ATS and it seems that I see a "Disclosure Imminent!" thread once a week.

I am afraid to actually run a search for "Disclosure" in the thread title.

If Robert Gibbs, the white-house press advisor came out and said to the press core "By the way, next week we will be making an announcement regarding alien life visiting earth"...then maybe I will open one of these threads again...maybe.

edit on 23-9-2010 by maybereal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by CHA0S
Fran, I would give you are star and flag...but this was quite a baseless rant when you get down to it. Not trying to sound like an a-hole, as I believe our "gods" (i.e. Aliens) will be returning, probably around 2012 for one reason or another...but as I'm saying, we need to show people the truth, not proclaim it with no proof. I do believe the public media is showing a hell of a lot more to do with Aliens and disclosure these days, you have to be blind not to see, and their attitude towards the subject has shifted vastly in the last year or so, they treat the subject much more seriously at present. Let me run this by you though...I'm thinking of making a thread which connects Aliens to our ancient past, I'm thinking I need to cover these things:

Ancient Structures
Ancient Devices
Ancient Texts
Ancient Maps
Ancient Art

Can you think of anything else I should cover?

Many legends of Documented Greek& Roman Ancient Europe, Frankish , Germanic & Britannia Literature Talks about Fiery Shields in the sky following them

Well The Bible has a mess load if you have a Open Mind

Example is
The Book of Genesis Hybrids
The Pillar of Light Light Beam Tracker
God Looking down into the Pillar of Light
Eve's Talking Serpent Reptilian ?
Elyon Alien ? Angels are Aliens ?

Personally I think the Hebrew Bible is Just as Mythological as the Norse , Egyptian , Roman Greek &
Babylonian/Sumerian Myths


Well The Oldest Mammal ever Found was among the Dinosaurs According to HARVARD UNIVERSITY
a paperclip size Shew like Creature that is 195 MIllion Years OLD! ? And Harvard Thinks Mammal's are from Reptiles I guess we have reptilian brain after all

From the Harvard Gazette

From 195 million to 150 million years ago, dinosaurs ruled the land. Scampering around their feet were platoons of diminutive insect-eating animals, part reptile, part something new. When a meteor strike or some other unknown calamity wiped out the giant reptiles and many other animals some 65 million years ago, the shrewlike newcomers prospered. They began evolving into different types of mammals and eventually gave rise to everything from field mice to elephants, whales, and humans.

Part Reptile Part Something New ? Yeah Way New!!!!! Alien Manipulation ? or Is it the Cause of a Ice Ball Comet /Meteor that had Frozen Life

IS Harvard Lying ?

Ohh Zorgon & ATS by the Way the Does this Picture you Have Posted Looks like the Headgear on the Sumerian Angel i have posted above ? It looks similar to me

edit on 23-9-2010 by Wolfenz because: Missing letters spelling etc..

edit on 23-9-2010 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-9-2010 by Wolfenz because: ahh Spelling again

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by optimus primal do you really think we have any weapons that would be effective against such a technologically advanced species?

Yes we do actually... but errr just HOW technologically advanced are these species your talking about?

Don't you think it ironic your saying nothing is going on, yet you presume to know that these species would be vastly superior to us and that we couldn't fight them off?

Typical Hypocrisy

I agree with Zorgon here...I always thought people's (even science's) factual statements on aliens being advanced was as "faith based" as anything else non-science types could invent and sell.

I can think of many reasons alines could be seen at a disadvantage or even insignificant compared to us.

1) They are worker bees, preprogramed and absent minded, junkies on a tech that does the thinking for them. IPODs from space...I fear the "IPOD kind".

2) There is less then a handful left, and they are very frail and/or outnumbered- while not wanting to destroy humans, just leech off them. Say its a crew of six aliens all stranded and waiting for help/tech/others...Cocoon the movie...those alines were screwed in that old folk's pool... until the ships arrived.

3) They are shy...and/or frightful "biological to a fault" so shy that they may be killed by a loud noise, alien-heart attack at the clap of a those crazy goats that lock up.

I mean... seriously...they can be bioengineered versions (very advanced of course) of our moon rovers!

Heck...we may already know how to defeat them...


Just saying...if aliens are here or real...then they will probably be advanced in many ways...but that is just a theory and nowhere near a fact.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:29 PM
Please do not mix legitimate science with prophetic mumbo jumbo.

You either go one way or the other.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:29 PM
a good example is this
I believe there are ghosts. I have experienced this and have actively sought for years to debunk my was not a dream or a sixth sense but actually something that if I had tools handy, could have been measured...sadly I didn't. now, for me...that was my own proof, but in a public forum, I can only say I believe it because all I have to go on are my perceptions of the event....and although I am pretty sure what I experienced is real, I could have had a temporary lapse in sanity, or something I overlooked could have happeened...I wouldn't expect anyone else to come to my conclusion either considering they don't have all the, for now, it is offically just my belief.

same with anyone whom has experienced a UFO first hand...unless they can produce proof...then to them they may simply understand the reality of UFOs, but offically, they must be satisfied with just believing in UFOs based on personal experiences...and shouldn't expect anyone else to believe in the phenomona simply based on someone elses accounts that cannot be backed up with significant evidence or proof.

You probably aren't going to like this but, this is the same argument I would use to say that people have had a direct experiance of God. Many have experiances daily that confirm their belief, keep yourself in a state of love for a while and see what happens.

Aliens are not going to tell us something, nor show us something which is going to disprove the existance of a God creator. Any material being is part of the bubble of created existance, they will have more questions answered, (probably show that black holes form new universes and prove that our universe was itself formed by a black hole from another universe) but a proof that a creator doesn't exist. I don't think so - being looking for one for decades I can't imagine an event that is capable of proving this - can you?

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Phage

The LHC is capabale of creating wormholes can we all agree on this?

No. We can't.
It produces no where near enough energy to produce a wormhole (if there even really is such a thing) and even less to keep one "open".

edit on 9/22/2010 by Phage because: (no reason given)

You can't prove that though. so your point doesn't really do anything.

You don't know how things work on levels smaller than we ever know about.......if things can be infinitely big, then they can be infinitely small.

So yea don't know

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:42 PM
Still, Phage's point (I feel) is that we can't all agree that the LHC can create wormholes, because this hasn't been conclusively shown.

However, technologies such as the LHC do show the other poster's (perceived) point that our own advancement shouldn't be dismissed out of hand, when comparing to the idea of it versus alien technology.

There have been rumors of disclosure for decades though, so I doubt it will be anytime soon, unless something changes. There must be a REASON both parties agree to keep the secret (or there is no secret to keep). One way or the other. Personally, I think there is more evidence for the we have to ask ourselves why keep the secret? There are many, many possibilities, but the vast majority are reasons we won't in asking for disclosure, we must consider that we may be very, very sorry for our curiosity.

edit on 23-9-2010 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by LucidDreamer85

You shouldn't take his post so literally.. Try reading between the lines. Check out his reply to Zorgon's post that comes after that.

I think he wanted to say something with that.. But maybe it's just me..

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