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Twisted Girl Throws Puppies in River

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posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by earthdude
I didn't see her laughing.

Hrmm, the smug grin and the expression of joy appears to prove otherwise..

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by Aquarius1

Originally posted by PurpleDog UK
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler


It says on your sidebar...

Location: Floating in an endless sea of light and darkness

I think someone has turned off the light !!

I hardly think so PurpleDog, Proto is one of the leading lights on ATS, no one could ever turn it off, that light is lighting up the sea of darkness one step at a time.

[edit on 31-8-2010 by Aquarius1]

Who just happens to enjoy a wee bit of cruelty to animal videos in order to maintain that glowing spark!

Next, swinging cats in a small room - the experts method by Proto.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 11:52 PM
Ya this is incredibly sad, I myself have two dogs (One from my sister and the other a puppy I bought, and despite his chewing of damn near everything hes still an awesome dog!)... However you have to realize that most people have grown up and been taught that only humans are worthy of laws. What is different about a puppy compared to a infant rat or mouse? Nothing they both are living breathing animals.

However Rats and Mice have been long considered to harbor disease and germs and therefor their destruction is not only applauded but encouraged. As for puppies I do not care to watch the video footage but I highly suspect its not only from lack of caring but more to the girls upbringing.

You swat an annoying insect like a mosquito and bam its dead. An annoying puppy cannot talk or etc, just chew on things so bam you throw it in the river.

I honestly hope this girl gets some severe punishment however its her upbringing thats the crime, and not herself, providing she has no metal issues or etc. Im anti war also but despite this, we see people going off to kill other people just because 'they the enemy and need to die, no questions asked'.

Now come on, if from the moment you were schooled you were told you can kill this or that, or this race but not that one, you will believe its right. However no one should even need to think when it comes to killing defenseless puppies, or people.. Yet it happens.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 11:55 PM
Absolutely heartbreaking. Those poor pups are so innocent. After watching that video and looking at my own precious dog sleeping soundly next to me, I can't imagine how someone can do this then go home and feel as if nothing happened (I assume from her face in the video). She probably has a mental issue because throwing puppies in a river and drowning them is just...evil.

Then the other video of that guy dropping the dog from the bridge!?!? What is wrong with these people? They even laughed about it while the dog is whimpering!!

Maybe the fema camps should go to work and put these idiots in them...

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 12:24 AM
people are getting so worked up because a lady has killed some puppies. now i could like to know how many of you are vegetarians. whats the difference between killing a chicken for dinner in kitchen and killing a puppy as the girl does here. both are innocent and cannot defend themselves.

On a side Note. I am a Vegetarian for religious purpose

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 12:30 AM
i am born and raised country folk's...
and what she is doing isn't that cruel.

they either drown in the river now before there eyes open..
or you let em live and give to humane society and they shoot them with a drug to kill them...which is illegal to use on humans in some states for a death penalty.

Btw our dog catcher...
is not part of the humane society ..he keeps em for as long as he can..
then puts a bullet in there head.

So please explain how what she is doing is so bad?
it's not it's part of life that some people have a hard time grasping with.

have you seen them ever slaughter a cow?
they get a Sledge hammer and hit it right between the eye's!!!!
till it dies...
but that hamburger tastes mighty good doesn't it?

not to mention how do you know the mother of that litter of pup's didn't die giving birth?

But what she did is still humane as taking them to the humane society letting there yes get open to see the world...then put a needle in them to take it all away then.
sorry but its how i feel.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 12:32 AM
This video is disturbing and smells of parental neglect/abuse on some level.
Particularly if a parent is filming this.

I just want to point out three things after reading through this thread:


This was a common way to get rid of unwanted puppies and kittens for a long time even if it weren't common knowledge to most people. I've met a few people from Romania and Yugoslavia that have told me how their family did this too. Even though they tried to hide the fact from them when they were kids. It really wasn't about intentional animal cruelty just a lack of access to better options, but it was a cruel way to go.

People still do these sorts of things in more rural areas of America even with the option not to.

Still...chances are VERY high that even if they did give them to a shelter they would have still ended up dead.


How can you claim the girl is evil? Any child for that matter? Consider the possibility that the child was raised in a dysfunctional and possibly abusive household where witnessing or committing such callous acts were forced upon her at an early age and thus continued to warp her mind.

When I was young I knew of a girl that cut the heads off kittens and threw them down a storm drain. Everyone said she was a monster. When she was questioned about it, we all eventually found out that she was being sexually abused by her mothers boyfriend and with that anger and lack of power to stop it, she of course vented her pain onto something she had power over.



PETA, the SPCA and many other animal rights or shelter organizations collectively euthanize 3-4 million animals per year (HSUS estimate) and have done so for many years because of irresponsible pet owners. People have pets that give birth to animals they can't manage or at times even give way and thus they eventually end up on the streets.

They continue to breed uncontrolled, spread diseases to other pet owners animals, and live a miserably sickening life.

Now that I said those things:
I want to point out that if this camera-person is the parent of this child they need to seriously be brought up on charges and she needs therapy not a lynch mob.

- Lee

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 12:35 AM
i own two dogs and to do that to something with the most admiral trait on earth is just hell worthy. may those puppies rest in peace and let there be a doggy heaven.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by Accountant
people are getting so worked up because a lady has killed some puppies. now i could like to know how many of you are vegetarians. whats the difference between killing a chicken for dinner in kitchen and killing a puppy as the girl does here. both are innocent and cannot defend themselves.

There is a difference, even if you cannot see it.

You can respect an animal that you use as a source of food, indigenous peoples have been doing it for centuries. It is a strong part of our hunter/gatherer human history. Some companies in "modernized societies" tend to subject the aspect of cruelty into the harvesting of meat products. It doesn't have to be that way.

My problem with this isn't that the puppies are innocent (is an animal other than human ever guilty?), my problem is with the action itself and what harm if could represent to the young lady.

Animals eaten by omnivores aren't chosen based on innocence or guilt and thus justified. Plants too I guess are innocent then, and studious show they react and warn other plants of impending danger. The harvesters of vegetables for most modern societies are from third world countries, paid very little if anything, and have even been found kept as abused slave labor.

It's easy to point the finger at omnivores when they react to blatant acts of disgusting animal cruelty in a proper way, but by that logic if you are living a modern lifestyle then you too are guilty by extension of many things most you may not even be aware of.

- Lee

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by DrJay1975

I agree with most of what you say DrJ, you are most often a wise voice. I to grew up in a hunting family, and on farms etc. We were taught to respect all animals. If one was sick and couldn't be cured it was put down as humanely as possible. But I do disagree with you on not involving the authority's when blatant animal cruelty is shown. There are too many studies out there showing the direct link between animal cruelty in childhood developing into extreme mental illness in adult life if not delta with at an early age.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 12:58 AM
its all well and good to see something like this and feel emotional to help get the idea of what caring is all about, but we need to evolve. acts of cruelty and murder happen on a daily basis on many different levels and its time we started seeing the bigger picture

just say that there was a creator, he would be looking down on us with a tear in his/her eye. we cant hug his creation but we can certainly hurt it.. and that includes ourselves all of it

do you think he would be mad at us?

we all know this we just let things like this distract us from dealing with more complex issues.. we need to grow up

no one will remember this soon and be focusing on some other trivial topic that pulls at our heartstrings and nothing will ever change

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by TheAmused

I think the real difference here between what is done on a farm to what happened here is that all famers I know (my parents etc) would kill an unwanted or sick animal as fast as possible, either by shooting it or drowning it ( by holding it under water until dead) not letting it flail about terrified in a river where it might take a lot longer to die. And they never smiled about it...ever.
That is the main difference, almost all famers respect and care for the animals, not torture them.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by TheAmused
have you seen them ever slaughter a cow?
they get a Sledge hammer and hit it right between the eye's!!!!
till it dies...
but that hamburger tastes mighty good doesn't it?

Is that the standard or some cruel exception committed by lunatics?

I ask because this doesn't seem in keeping with the outlined methods of Cow slaughtering at all and seems like heavy agenda-driven disinformation.

Usually the cow is rendered unconscious by a massive electric shock or captive bolt pistol before being killed.

I've never heard of anyone just going ape with a sledgehammer as this would not only extremely disturb the animal but ruin the meat itself.

You do NOT want the animal traumatized from torture at the point of death so either you are incorrect or the people doing what you describe are committing illegal acts in violation of the Humane Slaughter Act of 1958 and don't even care at all about their final product apparently.

- Lee

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by k0mbination
That is the main difference, almost all famers respect and care for the animals, not torture them.

Same here.

I grew up around and on farms, and my family routinely slaughtered animals for food back then. They didn't torture or abuse any of the animals, as they were respected sources of food.

I love animals, personally.

I think would should all respect the animal kingdom and love our awesome pet companions.


WARNING: Love some of them from a distance though.

- Lee

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by Accountant

Are you really that dumb..?

You can not class a chicken being processed into food into the same category with some lunatic girl throwing puppies into a river!

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by donttrust
Raising and killing animals for food and laughing as you toss live puppies in a river are no where near the same..

Yes, it is. You just don't want to admit your own sociopathy to yourself because it would inconvenience your lifestyle. Heaven forbid that you couldn't have your cheese burgers and steaks. Killing animals is wrong. Period. I DON'T CARE what neurotic self-serving justifications society has given you. They do not matter. They are irrelevant. They are irrational. There's little need to project you anger on me by lashing out and asking me if I'm 'retarded'. If what I'm saying is making you uncomfortable or defensive then you need to seriously start asking yourself why. Everyone is intelligent enough to know that it's wrong but not everyone is evolved enough to admit it.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by rexusdiablos

Well, I have to somewhat agree. It has been proven that the human body does not need meat to survive, so technically speaking, people take animals for granted.

To me however, the big difference is meat keeps employment up. Without the meat business a lot of people would be Jobless.

This girl is just a twisted, sick little freak that should get the Saudi "Eye for an Eye" treatment!

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 01:20 AM
I already know I can't handle this video. AW man this stuff really hurts on a different level.. it creeps me out for some reason. Ugh makes me want to puke. Anyone see the one of that solider throwing a pup off a cliff like with no disregard for its little life aw man

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by NeutronAvenger
reply to post by Accountant

Are you really that dumb..?

You can not class a chicken being processed into food into the same category with some lunatic girl throwing puppies into a river!

Are you really that dumb? They're the exact same thing!

Both are acts that put the rights of fellow species as secondary to our own. Both are acts of murder. Both are acts of regressive cruelty. Both are unnecessary. You know it and that's exactly why you're exhibiting your anger in shape of passive aggressive ad hominem attacks.

The best thing that could happen to the likes of you would be for an omnivorous extraterrestrial species to arrive to our planet that are as intellectually beyond us as we are beyond cattle and they begin slaughtering and vacuum packing the dismembered body parts of everyone you know as foodstuffs.

Imagine that you have one chance to petition on behalf of our species to a committee of the superior extraterrestrial civilization. What rational fall-back would you have? They're above you in the food chain so they deserve to exploit us as a foodstuff, right?

Your self-serving selective ignorance is flawed.

[edit on 1-9-2010 by rexusdiablos]

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by NeutronAvenger
reply to post by rexusdiablos

To me however, the big difference is meat keeps employment up. Without the meat business a lot of people would be Jobless.

That's the dumbest thing I've heard all year (the statement, not you).

Whether we eat meat or not, our requirement for food still exists ergo the requirement for employment for food cultivation still exists.

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