posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:04 AM
I've been watching documents and reading about the Roswell case since I was just a kid. I even wrote a report about it in middleschool. At first I
was a hardcore believer in it all, but over the years, I guess I've become wiser, or more skeptical, or maybe the government's 'disinfo' got to
me. I used to be amazed by the sensational claims of paper-thin metal that can't be dented with a sledgehammer or burned, metal no thicker than the
foil wrapping around a Hershey's bar that will 'magically' unfold and can't be burned, and of course the (in)famous i-beams with
'hieroglyphics". But eventually I heard the skeptic's side. I heard the claims of project Mogul and the claims of exaggerations on the parts of the
witnesses (I remember one document I watched said that Mac's initial description of the debris did support a Mogul balloon. It was said that the
rancher initially described finding sticks, a shiny foil and dark plastic/rubber material. Whether this is true or not, I'm not sure. I've never
seen the source). In some documents I've seen Jesse Marcel Jr. talk about the debris as if it were really something totally out of this world, and in
others I've seen him say that he didn't see any of the alleged amazing properties of the debris and say that it didn't really look like anything
that amazing, apart from the i-beams.
The Roswell Incident is right up there with Bigfoot and the moon landing hoax for me. Half the time I believe in it, the rest of the time I don't. It
all comes down to those original claims about the debris. I have a hard time believing that an alien craft capable of traversing the galaxy would so
easily crash and be blown to pieces (especially one that was supposed to be made of such indestructible material). I find it even more unlikely that
two UFOs would actually collide (as some claim). At the same time, I would like to believe that our military officers weren't that oblivious or prone
to overreaction.Announcing that the US military had recovered a crashed Flying Saucer, which was assumed to be an alien spacecraft, would have
strategical advantages. Not only would it allow for a coverup of whatever real project crashed, but it would also be an amazing source of
intimidation. If every other country in the world thinks you just got your hands on super-advanced alien tech, they're probably going to be reluctant
to mess with you.
So I guess that, personally, I believe the Roswell incident may have been a mixture of both sides. I like to think that maybe, just maybe, an alien
craft did come down. Perhaps an explosion occurred on board, blowing out part of the craft, raining some debris down on the ranch. The injured craft
eventually makes a crash landing near San Augustine.It was reported that a large storm had blown through the previous night. Perhaps this storm blew
the wreckage of a previously-downed Mogul balloon onto the ranch, so the debris field was actually a mixture of Mogul scrap and some pieces of an
actual UFO. That's what I like to believe, anyway. Whether it's true or not, I don't know and probably never will. If Mogul isn't the real
explanation, the government will never come out and say what it really was. They already lied once, but they were able to use the "Well, it was in
the past and it was really necessary to cover it up" excuse, but now that they've come out in more recent times with a "final" explanation, they
won't be able to admit that they lied again.