posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 04:11 PM
I'd say get over yourself and come down off your own planet you might see more of the people that contribute to society in ways different than your
tax dollars and chortle if you think your taxation solely goes to funding other people.
No denying we have the "leechers" but you almost make it sound like you feel your funding the whole social security system all by yourself and
people are coming to your house going in to your safe and taking money and walking out, whilst that anology is perfectly apt of course
Yes people do make some poor choices in youth but to be honest I don't solely blame them because in this day and age finding your path in life is
more difficult for anyone in youth than it was even 30 years ago and unless they sense their individuality from an early age or know who they are then
society will play its hand in shaping their future, if you live in a social security is the thing society then going through that without getting your
clothes tainted will be difficult
We even have TV programs in the UK showing people either living off benefits or ma and pa as nice reality tv shows, the system is a joke
People who say it's ALL the parents fault are delluded and I'm not a parent, people who say it's the teachers fault are also delluded since the
teacher came from the society in which it teaches and doesn't teach about whats right just facts and figures, and since the tests slowly become
easier so they meet their quota on the people that pass through them, then it just perpetuates further
Change the system and the people who created it, don't hate the ones within it most people don't have a choice and maybe then you'll will get a
thanks, you will from me
And no I'm not claiming anything if when you get back on your proverbial high horse and reflect on this reply and come to some basic psychology.
Sorry this reply is clouded by a plain rant but what the hey
P.s thank you and bless you