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"Now, out of the General Government (part of occupied Poland - Nichirasu), starting with Lublin - the Jews are being deportet east. Here a rather barbaric method is used, and not much will remain of the Jews. All in all one can note that about 60 percent of them must be liquidated."
Joseph Goebbels, Diaries, 3/27/1942
The question came to us: What about women and children? I have decided to seek a very clear solution here. I did not see myself as authorized to exterminate the men - to kill them, or have them killed and have their deaths revenged by their kids and grandkids. The hard choice had to be made to let this populace disappear from the earth (...)
Heinrich Himmler,10/06/1943 to Reichs-and Gauleiters in Posen
cited in H. Graml, Reichskristallnacht(...)
Für die Niederlegung des Ghettos ist mir ein Gesamtplan vorzulegen. Auf jeden Fall muß erreicht werden, daß der für 500 000 Untermenschen bisher vorhandene Wohnraum, der für Deutsche niemals geeignet ist, von der Bildfläche verschwindet und die Millionenstadt Warschau, die immer ein Herd der Zersetzung und des Aufstandes ist, verkleinert wird.
Heinrich Himmler, 16. Februar 1943
zit. n. L. Poliakov
Das Dritte Reich und die Juden
For the putting down of the Ghetto a general plan shall be submitted to me. In any case we have to achieve that the living space of the 500.000 subhumans that currently reside there and is not fit for germans will disappear from the screen and that the million-people city of Warschau - that was always a hotbed of "zersetzung" (dissolution) and of revolt - shall become smaller.
Heinrich Himmler, 03/16/1943
cited after L. Poliakov, the third Reich and(...)
... I firmly believe that there is a purpose behind the lies projected from the things that happened during WW2, there was a reason for making the world hate the Nazi's and the creation of Israel, thats where we need to concentrate our thinking towards what was the real agenda behind all this not to bicker about the amount of people killed or the means by which they met their makers.
Originally posted by HomerinNC
So I guess the elderly jewish people I took care of in the late 1990s as a paramedic in florida had numbers tattooed to their inner arms was just bogus and the stories my grandfather told me of helping liberate a concentration camp (dont remember which one) where ther dead were still mixed in with the barely living and those films of bodies, DOZENS if not HUNDREDS of them stacked like cordwood were all fake too. None of it happened, right?
Originally posted by Ningishzida
reply to post by duality90
"Does it not occur to you that ALL OF THEM may have been lying?
and if not outright lying then stretching the truth to gain more support for their agenda?
All too easy in my mind, doesnt have to be the case yet some seem unable to even begin to consider it.
What if people wanted more proof for the earth being round or that the earth rotates around the sun? Would you suggest that it has already been done?
Sorry OP.
I am not offended by this post, I do not wish to DEBUNK THIS, was not trying to hijack it just saw a entry for some points I hoped to discuss yet found little or no takers.
Please forgive me.
Originally posted by filosophia
Originally posted by HomerinNC
So I guess the elderly jewish people I took care of in the late 1990s as a paramedic in florida had numbers tattooed to their inner arms was just bogus and the stories my grandfather told me of helping liberate a concentration camp (dont remember which one) where ther dead were still mixed in with the barely living and those films of bodies, DOZENS if not HUNDREDS of them stacked like cordwood were all fake too. None of it happened, right?
1. no one denies prison camps
2. no one denies tattoos
3. those elderly jewish people survived, meaning it wasn't much of an efficient death camp
4. people only deny gas chambers were used
5. since you mentioned the pictures, did you notice how they are all emaciated, how could that be if they were executed right away? The answer is, they were starved through sickness, not gassed
try and stick to what is being denied and what isn't, otherwise you belittle the serious investigations into the holocaust by claiming that people deny 100 percent of the holocaust.
Originally posted by ::.mika.::
the zionist and nazi collaboration was started 6 month after hitler was put into power by some bankers.
this "51 Documents : Zionist collaboration with the Nazis " by lenni Brenner -a Jewish historian- is a good starting point to revise history of holocaust especially considering the role of zionism in it.
As a matter of fact the majority of german jews were feeling german before all and had no intention, nor will whatsoever to go to settle in Palestine; they were indeed a huge obstacle to Zionist agenda.
I'm sorry for those who think with their emotions and that are going to be mad at reading this but it is very factual : it was in the interest of zionism to get rid of those Jews...
There have been some kind of holocaust, and it was made possible by zionists to serve their agenda
since after ww2 it is being used as a propaganda tool to serve... yes indeed, zionist agenda
if one state can be judged by its laws and acts then israel is a nazi state anyway.
[edit on 8-8-2010 by ::.mika.::]
Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), the founder of modern Zionism, recognized that anti-Semitism would further his cause, the creation of a separate state for Jews. To solve the Jewish Question, he maintained “we must, above all, make it an international political issue.”[1]
Herzl wrote that Zionism offered the world a welcome “final solution of the Jewish question.”[2]
In his “Diaries”, page 19, Herzl stated “Anti-Semites will become our surest friends, anti-Semitic countries our allies.” 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis Zionism was supported by the German SS and Gestapo.[3] [4] [5] [6]
Hitler himself personally supported Zionism.[7] [8] During the 1930’s, in cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some 40 camps throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. As late as 1942 Zionists operated at least one of these officially authorized “Kibbutz” training camps[9] over which flew the blue and white banner which would one day be adopted as the national flag of “Israel”.[10]
Zionists Do Not Represent Jews
From ancient times, the relations between the Jewish and Islamic peoples have always been those of peace and brotherhood, and friendship always reigned between them. The proof of this is the fact that for centuries, in all the Arab lands, hundreds of thousands of Jews lived in honor and amidst mutual esteem.
...They[the zionist] have no right to speak in the name of the Jewish people. Therefore, their words, declarations and actions are not in any way representative of the Jewish people. This is because the Zionists' seizing of power over the Holy Land is antithetical to Jewish law, and also because the Zionists do not behave like Jews at all rather, they desecrate the sanctity of the land.
Israel's political policies are not in any way along the lines of those championed by the NSDAP; Israel is not 'National-Socialist'; it's society is largely free, and it certainly does not have the authoritarianism that characterised the Nazi regime (it is not a police-state, in other words)
That's hilarious. The people talking about it WITNESSED IT. You should go ahead and "debunk" every single incident to occur in the history of mankind since people talk about it.
Originally posted by King Loki
there is almost nothing to support the holocaust theory except for people just talking about it ...
Originally posted by Kram09
reply to post by King Loki
It's not like they had windows installed in the gas chambers so everyone could gather round and look through as they were murdered.
They didn't have big signs saying this way to the gas chambers.
Honestly, do you really think they were that open about what they were doing?
Also I'm pretty sure not all camps had gas chambers, so when asking camp inmates did they witness any gassings, which camps exactly were they from?
[edit on 7/8/10 by Kram09]
Originally posted by NichirasuKenshin
Originally posted by hinky
I've read the thread, laughed at some of the responses from the Holocaust deniers. You guys really are cheap entertainment.
This was touched on, but I really hoped it was carried further.
Hair, clothing, personal property collected in bulk has been mentioned.
Anyone here have a clue why Swiss coins contain mercury? Yeah, this is a fact, even the Swiss now admit it. Germany doesn't strike me as a huge gold producer. Now, I wonder....
I like your post but as someone currently residing in Switzerland I'd have to strongly disagree with the coin claim. Basically because I'm pretty sure that Switzerland did not produce any Gold Coins ( certainly not between 38 and 47). The physical gold issued by that state, the so called "Vreneli" was high-grade (99.something) and couldn't have mercury in it. The way I remember the Nazis smelted it themselves (part of Bernhard program? not sure anymore...) and then sold it to the Swiss (in order for the Swiss to sell it on the world market)...
The bulk of the assets held in Switzerland in connection with the Holocaust were those of the people who died or couldn't produce documents to reclaim them. I would be highly surprised to find any legitimate source detailing the Swiss smelting concentration camp teeth... But do surprise me if that's the case....
Originally posted by SeaWind
reply to post by NichirasuKenshin
NichirasuKenshin, thank you for your excellent, level-headed post!
I just don't have the time to fight this fight right now -- so many other things going on.
What dropped my jaw to the floor was the sheer number of "Holocaust Deniers" on ATS. So are these people Neo-Nazis, Muslims, Jew-haters or just %*?