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Hidden Hand Message - Law Of One - Discussion!

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posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo

I think there are some here that come here just to hold a certain vibration of being here, of love for others. I think these beings have offered themselves already, before even being born here. I think some of these beings are the ones that offer themselves as a role of victim, for they are strong enough to hold the love while teaching a part of themselves a very hard lesson. To think that a victim and the harmer of the victim can be seen after leaving the body complex, and that the victim, after the harmer has learned that it only harmed its own self, will only show the harmer very powerful. I think these types of beings have always been here and there will always be a balance of them here.

Yes - I understand that. Some believe 100% is planned. I think it is a mix of planned and free will.

But what I think its the scale of the amount of those types of beings tipping, to where more of these vibration holders will be able to incarnate here....causing mountains to move. I think this is what we see happening.

I agree - - I do think there is a vibration/energy change happening.

As I think in both the "game" and "spirit" separately. I see the "characters" in the "game" - advancing toward an intergalactic level. I think there needs to be a vibration/energy shift of consciousness before this level of the "game" is allowed.

It can boggle the mind if you're not used to thinking this way. I am ME - - the conscious energy - - being a character in an interactive game. I am always aware of the separation.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Annee
I think there needs to be a vibration/energy shift of consciousness before this level of the "game" is allowed.

Have you seen this vision of 2012?:

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by sphinx551

Originally posted by Annee
I think there needs to be a vibration/energy shift of consciousness before this level of the "game" is allowed.

Have you seen this vision of 2012?:

NO. My guides are very diligent about warning me against False Prophets. They feel it is very important that my thoughts are my own (or there's) Only.

When I do read - its more like scanning through their filter.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:16 PM
I am very confused and yet somewhat lost in the case of what is going on

Any who hi WoodyWitch and thank you for such an odd yet somewhat confusing post

Kind Regards


posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by Annee

Scanning can be very dangerous if an individual does not ok the session. Their soul can be damaged if it is scanned without permission
so please be careful yet somewhat of gentle when you do the scans.

Not meant to tell you off just a small tip towards your understanding

We will call it food for thought.

Kind Regards


posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Just wanted to note Unity that I did not call the higher self a 'false' ego....but it is connected to the ego, the self identity...and it will not always offer full truth for every being while in the body complex is only ready for so much.

There is really no such thing as false ego...ego is identity of self...we all have it and we can not be without it while in the body complex. There is such a think as unhealthy ego and healthy ego.

The difference you and I still use is you connect to a 'family' and you identify ONENESS with the idea of family being a unit.

That family, shares something amongst them that truly, makes them ONE. Out side of being a family.....they....and every single other family, form of energy, form of life....every sphere, every cosmic Sun....shares ONE thing...which is the Holy Spirit. The family is a unit of its own yes....but ALL life is a unit, of Spirit.

You sometimes say you realize that someone was a brother in your family of light....this is still a separation and to me at least, this shows you are getting ready for a positive density of self, that will be fully blissful. My own thoughts on that wont be eternity for you...but there is no reason to go there, for your on the path you should be right now. Each family of self...each family of light, each higher self....will one day join each other. This is beyond what we can begin to think on.

There is no one that is not a brother or sister to you in Spirit.

A bit the same, a bit different...still the same

[edit on 6-9-2010 by LeoVirgo]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

Obviously some people in the thread have some senses about you.

I do not however and am not going to jump conclusions without conversion.

I think you brought up a great point and it was one of the reasons I joined this thread. We can not just trust everyone to think they are receiving a truth. It is psychological issues alot of the time that cause people to have these deep visions and experiences. Im not trying to say anyone here is having that issue, but there are tons of threads that have been started here at ATS that are just absolutely full of BS.

That was why one of my first questions on this thread was to the ones posting here....why give such details in your experience, why tell people what is happening in another galaxy, why tell people what is happening in dimensions that cant be shown or proven, why use things that could lead someone to understand something farther then their own understanding on their own.

Course the more I talked with the people here, I found a nice little group of loving souls that I enjoy sharing with and receiving from.

I will honestly say I dont take everything everyone says here as a full truth. Higher selves can offer us things we NEED.....if we are in need of comfort, it can be given to us in a number of ways. That comfort that is given to one person can be meaningless and irrelevant for another.

Staying simple, with purpose of the sphere, our species....I think is best. Now and then I share something very personal, but only if I feel it needs to be shared particularly to explain a difference in how seeking can lead us all in different ways and purpose.

I have no problem with saying that what I offer, should not just be excepted as a truth. I encourage people to seek the path that I did, the ways I remember doing it, the practices of the mind and heart I had to work on, and the nature that I sought for that led me to my personal experiences.

The experiences I had with my Higher Self, I dont share so much, for it was for the self, for my self evolving, the comfort I personally needed. What good would it do anyone to tell them my Higher Self consisted of a family of 9 beings that seem connected to Saturn.....right?????


There is no need in that...

But the Holy Spirit that I experienced, was not offering things of the 'self' but for the planet, for our species, for our this is what I share and tell others....dont take my word for it. Seek it yourself. Truth should not be just should be sought on a personal path. Somethings just resonate with others, and for them that is enough for them to continue sharing with particular people, more of a trust relation they build, a vibration that is strong in heart they feel with certain people.

But you are very right, when other people tell other people of things, we should not just accept it, especially if we ourselves have had no experience of such things. Many of us here have been able to share with our difrferences, and not pick too many details apart, letting eachother have a outlet here wiht some feedback here and there...but mostly the feedback is loving and open.

I for one am against naming dates, naming any future events, saying what is going to happen to anyone in the future. I dont hound people that do this, but I will make a voice and say I dont think its wise to say things of such.

People should not focus on dates in the future...they should focus on the now and encourage others to focus on the present as well.

I will be the first to admit that I do not believe all the stories that people share and say its from their higher self. Most of the time, I dont believe most of the story. Alot of it I do think is their higher ego, which is connected to their higher self....but can be distorted by their body complex.

I dont think all information passed on is complete without distortion. And I think alot of personal information people what they are in need of. A higher self is not going to brake a heart with information that would through the being into depression and the inability to live in this life.

Example, for some people, to know they chose to come here, and chose this life...would be enough to send them to the psych doctor. To know they will have to come back here again....well, could send them completely overboard. A higher self is not going to offer the self things that would make them uncomfortable. Ive seen this first hand....through my mother. If she is not ready to work on something she is in need of working on in this life...there is no nudging or pushing from her higher self to do so.

If one is still stuck on the self....I dont think they can really reach the Holy Spirit as in learning from it, understanding the purposes of this world, understanding the need that is of us all as a unit, which is offering of self.

So sharing a bit with you....maybe even to pull a bit out of read you a bit better....for there are already some members jumping right on you.

Each to their own....


posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

Deleted post...sorry, sometimes I try to speak for others...and I just need to not do that so much.

[edit on 6-9-2010 by LeoVirgo]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I've experienced it, and from a perspective of Higher Self welling up inside and then suddenly so isolated and lonely, and instantly plugged into the Family and remembered this was what Heaven was and how incredibly wonderful and missed this the most. I know, and so happy, its wonderful.

Also, ID, we never lose that in infinity, we are always uniquely ourselves, but in unity. Its incredible.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Dear LeoVirgo

first and foremost is a great big thank you for sharing the part of the experience that you felt most comfortable to share. Which is a great thing to hear and also know about through out the time of our interaction. I am a man of few words and some big actions in the light of the situation I would just say a simple hello!.

However, sense we are on the page of sharing I am merely be giving you a few things about me. I have had contacts with both spiritual beings and extraterrestrial beings as well in some situation even both simultaneously. Sometimes I know things and can do things that even surprise me at specific moments in my life. Even though I am very hard to surprise so it is a bit of a small shock, I would love to talk about them but I would rather not. They are more of a private matter then something to talk to people about which are complete strangers.

I too know some dates but why share them with people that will only cause panic and a much of what will be like chaos soon in general. Whatever happens for it happens for a reason and so there is no reason behind rushing also spoiling the surprise. It would be cheating I think due to the fact people would know the answer to the test that they will be introduced to soon. So I guess 1 person knowing it is enough and is a big responsibility but many knowing it can turn it into a disaster. The so called Divine plan is kept hidden from many for a reason and the reason is it can cause a ripple effect through the fabric of human knowledge and understanding. Which can then result in things happening that are rather not meant to be happening.

As you see I am a man of few words and all I can say is somethings are better left alone also unanswered for a reason.

Good luck to you also it was very intriguing to discuss somethings with you.

Kind Regards


posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

With out most respect dear Unity there is a little bug in the understanding, ID can be actually lost for many went through a several lifetime road. Which resulted in many identities, races and existence so it is at times hard to find the original ID. Our Higher Self existing persona is quite changeable and also adaptable, the mere facts of how many lifetimes we lived can confuse many. So at times ID can be lost but it should not be hard to find, because all you have to do is look in the mirror to see the identity.

Kind Regards


posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 05:41 AM
I think personally from observation that people have taken over ET_MAN's thread. So we need to take it back on course please guys for it is becoming way off the original route.

Kind Regards


posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by Annee
Yes - I understand that. Some believe 100% is planned. I think it is a mix of planned and free will.

I agree with this. Certain points along the road are fixed but the journey to them are changeable.

- Phoenix

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

ID has nothing to do with being your current self, its the sense of who you are. For example, I felt the same in the past recall, you know that feeling when your meditating and clearing your mind of everything. And on the other side you recall your past lives as well. Not the identity written on your birth certificate, the identity inside you.

[edit on 7-9-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

Not really, all the things being discussed relate to variations in one, and the discussion of free will, which I don't concur with very much. If you took a loving wondeful soul and subjected them to abuse and truama you would turn one dysfunctional fearful teenager, and a possibly a sociopath. Conversely, if Hitler was born in a wonderful loving intelligent family, middle class, on a farm, picked berries, laughed a lot, hugs, scrabble games, camping trips, and spent time helping others in the community and sending money oversees, he would grow up loving. In ongoing psychological studies there are percentatges. 60/40 I believe for abuse where 60% is a various degrees of non-abusive, but still contains quite a bit of dysfunction and 40 range from abuse to psychopaths. Huge stats. Almost 50/50.

Wouldnt matter on the souls either. Input Love, Output Love, Input Abuse/Rape/Murder Trauma/Disyfunction, Output a messed up person.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
We can not just trust everyone to think they are receiving a truth.


Its only after 64 years - I've relaxed and go with the flow.

I fought for my independence - - to be in charge of my decisions. Even though I always knew when I went "off center". Mistakes are part of learning.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by The Magicians Apprentice
reply to post by Annee

Scanning can be very dangerous if an individual does not ok the session. Their soul can be damaged if it is scanned without permission
so please be careful yet somewhat of gentle when you do the scans.

Not meant to tell you off just a small tip towards your understanding

We will call it food for thought.

Kind Regards


I do not scan other people - - - although as an Energy Empath some impulses automatically come through.

The scanning I mentioned was strictly related only to me in communication with my own guides.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

You sometimes say you realize that someone was a brother in your family of light....this is still a separation and to me at least, this shows you are getting ready for a positive density of self, that will be fully blissful. My own thoughts on that wont be eternity for you...but there is no reason to go there, for your on the path you should be right now. Each family of self...each family of light, each higher self....will one day join each other. This is beyond what we can begin to think on.

We are separate individuals for infinity, in unity with each other in a profound way. The Universal Understanding is like being plugged into other, but we still carry about business, progression, our journey and functions. We're people always.

And every single one of the infinite souls are our Family. But we also have our Family, our own individual group of souls, that are like Father/Mother/Husband/Wife, and Children, and many close Friends and Relatives. I've been aware of my Close Family watching over for over 2 years now, and been told they want me home.

The experience of my Father caused me to sag with complete relief as if, thank goodness its over. And my soul knew him. I was told my son watches over many times. I have been called mother in some of the sightings. The difference between knowing and having you soul absolutely know someone is not something you can explain, you have to experience it.

[edit on 7-9-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Good day Unity!

We are separate individuals for infinity, in unity with each other in a profound way. The Universal Understanding is like being plugged into other, but we still carry about business, progression, our journey and functions. We're people always.

I very much kindly...disagree. I dont claim it as a truth, just that I have a different understanding and I dont claim that to be right either.

My mother see's it like you do...always being individuals. I see an existence outside of individuality, outside of being in separate forms.

This may be why some hold on to the path of self...and some reach for a path of ONE that includes all.

I think your idea above explains why your path is what it is. I sure dont think we are always people, and I dont think we are always in separate forms.

Just sharing what I think.

What purpose would there be, to just always exist as individuals....doing what? Just existing?

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:33 AM
There is nothing about my experiences I feel special or sacred about - - in expressing them to like minded people. Maybe I did when I was younger.

Maybe because this has always been my normal.

As an Energy Empath - most of my experiences are impulses - - although I have had a few more real experiences and premonitions that came true.

I would never give specifics on future events and especially would NEVER give dates - - - as life is not Absolute - - there are too many variables.

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