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Hidden Hand Message - Law Of One - Discussion!

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posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:58 PM
My ultimate philosophical questions:
So, is life on this planet is like a DVD (out of many) being played? Are there really multiple versions of us in different dimensions living life simultaneously? Is this life a dream?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by sphinx551

No, not in this cosmos. There can only be one of us, in any given clip of "time" where there is no "time" in reality. But we exist in endless clips backward and forward, outside of this multiverse.

In No Time, all events, past, present and future are occurring simultaneously, though we still organize in our minds, sequence, its for logic and to sort things, just like in this multiverse school, which isnt solid and is just streams of energy, gravity is also a sorting program, its how the objects are placed on the screen at the back of your mind. If you're using a program like blender, it could be seen as equivalent to the grid for placement.

In No Time, the infinite runs of this DVD, or recording (this is a metaphor, its a little more complex on when we have bigger cpu's we'll be able to grasp this concept or technology better, or the universe combines organic, and simulated holographic, the way our bodies are organic bots), so all the different "time line" runs of earth are happening at once, though there is no "time" in reality This means, back to back, past to future runs.

Those other you's on earth, and the souls stepping into various body suits, they aren't us. They're new souls coming in for lessons. These bodies are recorded software on loans. We are not our bodies. We're the drivers of this vehicle, its like a toyoto, standard issue. There are other software suits out there too. Biobot software, something living and something holographic all at the same time. Its simpler to say, hologram, and software suit though.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by sphinx551

Its simpler to say, hologram, and software suit though.

Then what is dreaming in the hologram? Can a person really dream 3-4 layers (dream within a dream within a dream...) deep within a dream?
What are ghosts in the hologram?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by sphinx551

Well our life is like a dream though. We use more of our brain in cat scans while we sleep than awake. If we could only learn to lucid dream while awake, though we are still dreaming, we might be able to create eden or eutopia, planet, advanced and free. Kind of law of attraction or affinity manifesting.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Be a lucid gamer. Are you sure you are awake when you are not dreaming?

Many are awakening from their slumber you will see it greatly within the next year at an exponential rate.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by 11118

Dear 11118

When you talking about the mass awakening of many next year, are you referring to the 2012 decision that the Council will be making. On how much time before the big finally or are you talking about the end harvest and Earth splitting into two dimensional versions one old and one new??

It is debatable for the things to be playing out in the future dates of the escalation to the near finally. But we shall not be discussing that situation right now for there is no need of such things.

Kind Regards


posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by 11118

This would be very good news. I've been told its happening, and take this along with positive changes into meditation.

On the other hand, since we don't really understand what is being said, there are many theories, there is at least 2 ways to wake up, one in body and one out, if you understand what I'm saying, as there are 2 ways for ascension, basically the same.

Our astral bodies are so real as well, that I was told if an accident happened in the night for many, that was swift, and could be put down to a bad dream, many people wouldn't know they had crossed over.

So I keep holding the most positive image of people waking up, being safe and protected, sidestepping all dangers, becoming more telepathic and compassionate, really feeling for each other, with the positves assisting and humanity advanced.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by 11118

Our astral bodies are so real as well, that I was told if an accident happened in the night for many, that was swift, and could be put down to a bad dream, many people wouldn't know they had crossed over.

So I keep holding the most positive image of people waking up, being safe and protected, sidestepping all dangers, becoming more telepathic and compassionate, really feeling for each other, with the positves assisting and humanity advanced.

So, a person cannot differentiate between "physical" body and astral body? Does the astral body "feel and look" as the "physical" body?

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by Annee

Dear Annee

The Apocalypse is now because you will see for yourself soon anyway ^_^.
What is the reason of spoiling the surprise when people should find it on their own eventually.

Kind Regards


posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by sphinx551

When we progress we are transformed but many don't realize they've passed on in the channels very close to earth. Also for those who are under the thumbs of negatives, due to law of consequence and behaviors that hurt others without attempts to deal with this "in time" they have been sold out in contracts by the black ops and bloodlines to negative ETs and will be going through horrible experiences, experiements and feel a great deal of pain in the channels in innner earth, underground bases.

ET_MAN's message of getting our lives in order, making up for past mishaps and mistakes, trying to work through our problems here and now is important. Not just for 2012, but any century, any time.

We'll always feel physical, we always experience the sense of being and can touch, hold, hug and relate to others.

I had a conversation with someone recently who thought we had no feelings in the Beyond, and that these were just biochemicals.

Well, there is coding here in our body suits, but........who put the program in???

This is not random!

The love and joy, and sense of beauty, of positive yearnings, the need for a world/playground, for colors and site, sound, touch, taste, is all programmed by those who most certainly understand this, for they feel these very much themselves. And when we can see the full spectrum, there will be colors we cant even imagine here, and we all have soul mates as well.

edit on 10-9-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by The Magicians Apprentice
reply to post by Annee

Dear Annee

The Apocalypse is now because you will see for yourself soon anyway ^_^.
What is the reason of spoiling the surprise when people should find it on their own eventually.

Kind Regards


Not an acceptable answer.

"Real" physical change or dimensional/energy shift/transformation? Or both.

Again - how do you know the Apocalypse is this generation when past generations had their Doomsday fears.

Some say "look at the world today and all the disasters happening". Is that really true - - or are we just more aware due to Global Internet communication?

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by Annee

Apocalypse is now

So true

Wiki defines it

An Apocalypse (Greek: Ἀποκάλυψις Apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted.

We're in an apocalypse alright, this website is part of removing the domination of falsehood, lifting of the veil of truth and secrecy.

edit on 10-9-2010 by polarwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 09:54 PM
For those that have a hard time grasping "no time", just remember that time does not move, we move through time which is only one eternal moment. Our concept of time in 3D is our movement of watches, the sun, etc. 3D manifestations use the illusion of time moving when time doesn't really move. Picture time being vertical instead of horizontal. Everything that has ever happened and will happen is all on a vertical pole of infinite levels all happening in the same one moment, because time doesn't move...there is only this one moment and everything in this moment is eternally moving and changing.

Your Higher Self is just a different dimensional aspect of the 3D you that maybe in the 9D level on the vertical pole. All aspects are you, but all the "yous" are happening at the same moment. If you have watched any of the science channel specials on quantum physics, string theory, and the theory of 11+ dimensions by physicists, you can get an idea that 3D is an illusion. Much like you think your body is solid but it isn't. If you look at what your body is made of atoms/particles and expand an atom to be the size of a football field then the nucleus is the size of an orange. We are made mostly of space and we are not solid...the atom proves it. However, the illusion is pretty neat.

Why does a part of us incarnate into 3D form? To experience what we know. If you have all the book wisdom in the universe of what it is like to be an astronaut...there is nothing you don't know about being an astronaut...but yet you have never EXPERIENCED being an astronaut then you don't truly know what its like. We incarnate to experience our infinite "book knowledge" of what we know. Being in 3D form allows to experience BEING an astronaut and being put into infinite amount of variables, thereby we gain MORE knowledge through the experience than just having "book knowledge" of it. Incarnation allows us to "forget" who we are and experience, which affords us a much larger education than not incarnating.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

Your wasting your time here polarwarrior, some people are just too full to learn anything they even deny the most important lessons of 3rd density such as karma.

You are correct when said maybe there is possibilitys where the higherself does not become manifest into existence, you are correct about the concept of the 'quantum moment' you are correct that in each moment choices manifest the timelines directions within the cycles and the possibilitys of future cycles.

Your speaking to uninformed people on this forum mostly which really dont have much knowledge on things just read stuff and pass it on and change it to suit themselfs 'own truth, my truth, my perspective' gotta love the self service examples in this thread, alot of them have been abducted programmed to act as disinformation agents and arnt even aware it happens.

When you said within infinity all is possible including the possibility of no higherself, is entirely correct once one says a impossibility it not longer is a infinite possibility but a finite, the possibilitys are only finite within the realms laws to create the limitations to generate specific possible experiences but in the higher cosmic truth within infinity intelligence all that can be imagined is possible, it just so happens that people have to urn themslef a future through work and some are lazy and want to have everything handed to them those lazy souls just keep repeating the cycles until stop being so lazy.

Adonia Christ bless

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 03:11 AM
Originally posted by AdonaiChristBless
reply to post by polarwarrior

Your speaking to uninformed people on this forum mostly which really dont have much knowledge on things just read stuff and pass it on and change it to suit themselfs 'own truth, my truth, my perspective' gotta love the self service examples in this thread, alot of them have been abducted programmed to act as disinformation agents and arnt even aware it happens.

I kind of gatherd that a few months back shortly after I joined this site, why I stay and talk seems to be a curiosity about the people who have these programs and dont even know it, I dont really learn from what they are trying to teach as ive heard it all before but learn a little from spotting their distortions. Maybe these cases are of interest to me because I myself could have been abducted and programmed and just not know it, I try to discern my own thoughts as much as I can to see what programs I have. But could there be a program that stops one from realizing they are programmed, like distorts your ability to discern yourself or critically examine your own mind? The negatives seem very very clever at this game, it would appear they would use a tactic just a bit to clever for the victim to figure out to easily, and they would know their target. I think maybe the programs that are easy to place and do much damage arent that difficult to figure out but the more subtle ones would be a bit more clever.

When someone in the medical field like a radiologist is learning how to scan they use images of blatently obvious large tumers or whatever to become familiar about how to spot the problem in the person then work their way to less subtle cases where the problem may be very small and faint as they become more experienced.

I suppose im just a beginner when it comes to discerning what a persons words mean about the person talking and choose the easier cases to learn some basic sts stratergies and observe how it manifests in the persons speach.

So my ever hungry curiosity means I still drop by here often to see whats going on.

But there has been so much else to do lately, as well as a mountain of work to be done on this self

While ya here, What do you think of this channelling? its a 100-page ebook about 2012 by cosmic awareness.

Although its a bit slow to get going, its easily headed so one can skip to the parts they want to know about.... I found their words about the ascended ones who leave (not the ones who leave through death) but just dissapear ..... they say the memory others have of them will just dissapear so its like they were never here and nobody even notices they are gone, unless they understand what has happened like if they are on the ascension path themselves.

I found some of those finer points like the above one interesting cuz I was curious about how people would react if some folk just started dissapearing, how confusing that would be for people, and how devestating to realize they are being left behind etc.

If ya dont wanna answer here, Once ive finished reading your thread (its taking ages cuz you say really deep stuff that I need to contemplate for a while, its seems a double/deeper meaning wording or something) .... I'll jump in there and have a chat to ya.

edit on 11-9-2010 by polarwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 04:30 AM
What will happen to most of you "knowledgeable" people if 2012 goes by and nothing like ascension or harvest happens?

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by 547000

Well Im not really knowledgable so im not sure if your question is directed at me but anyhoo...

Nothing, cuz the future is not set in stone, nobody knows the date or the hour. So the only ones dissapointed would be the ones crazy enough to think they know the exact date.

Nobody knows when exactly it will happen, besides the 2012 date, id give it by about 2015, no later than 2017. One will know closer to the time, I can not percieve/sense precisely when it this far out but you'll "feel" it coming, and the signs will give it away. It wont just catch you by surprise if your aware, there will there already is an elephant in the room. Even the technology im using to type this which exploded in last 100 years is hint the cycle is closing.

If it never happens? thats cool with me, but the problem with that question is its already happening, it is all well and truely underway.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

So far it is good only read first two pages, they call it the seven gates you could call that densitys if wanted too, the wave does indeed travel down the spiral before it goes back up. I will read the entire thing and tell you my view but so far I am in agreement with it.

The website I am working on brother will give people all tools they need to deprogram their minds and understand the situation at it deepest levels.

Thou ill point out one distortion for you in spirit form you do not have full access to freewill either your choices are within the limits of two things , a destiny profile and a karma profile, destiny profile is different and can only be writen once karma profile is completed apon writing it the soul will incarnate to perform its destiny, not all souls are on paths of destiny some are still working of karma

So once the wave arrives souls will be placed to appropiate learning positions of their chosing within the limitations of their profiles, so for some their limitations will make them have to repeat 3rd density again but also to experience 1st density again. refer to the book of enoch prophercy of the 10million years in lake of fire.

Adonia Christ bless

edit on 11-9-2010 by AdonaiChristBless because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-9-2010 by AdonaiChristBless because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by The Magicians Apprentice
reply to post by 11118

Dear 11118

When you talking about the mass awakening of many next year, are you referring to the 2012 decision that the Council will be making. On how much time before the big finally or are you talking about the end harvest and Earth splitting into two dimensional versions one old and one new??

It is debatable for the things to be playing out in the future dates of the escalation to the near finally. But we shall not be discussing that situation right now for there is no need of such things.

Kind Regards


The decision is not up to the council but is up the the Creator. The awakening has been taking place for decades. 2012 is only a speculation - the climax of awakening may occur near or around this year but ascension can occur to any one person at any one moment depending solely on the individual entity.

Many think it will be instantaneous but I believe whole-heartedly that it is occurring right now.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 10:27 AM
Is not Law of One just another guilt based system that people loathe so much about traditional religions? Do STS, get negative density. Do STO, get positive density. Is it not just another way to get people off their butts to do good or suffer?

edit on 11-9-2010 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

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